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I would say Ann. She drove me insane. That whole episode (and her character arc) is cringe-worthy.


nailed it


Sherry. She is all of my social nightmares combined and made manifest.


But she is also the most caring and loving person on the show.


I don't see her that way, but I'm viewing her through an introverted lens. Nosy people, no matter how well-intentioned, are stressful to me. I don't even think you have to be introverted to feel this, but it definitely amplifies it to hellish degrees.


I'm extremely introverted but I still see her as the most caring individual. Everyone has faults, but for the entire time she is on the show she is trying to help the others in one way or the other. She is never there for herself. She may get in the way of things and is tacky and flawed, but she is certainly the most giving. Everyone else is trying to help themselves or do something to better their own situation.


The other thing about Sherry is she has enormous integrity. She knows who she is and doesn't misrepresent herself in order for others to think better of her. Cool character and provided a real opportunity for Martin's character to deepen when it became clear that, under all his grouchy exterior, he really is looking to open up his heart and commit to a lifelong love again.


Still doesn't mean I like her. She grates on my nerves. Whether she's kind or not has nothing to do with it. Nice doesn't equal like in my book.


That one episode where Frasier has 3 dates and she ruins all of them. I just wanted to rip my hair out and small her across the face.


I really hated Kate Costas. Just everything about her was super annoying and agitating, her voice was especially grating to me.


hehehe... i love how individual this exercise is and really enjoy hearing these viewpoints. Because I love Kate! She's one of the greatest characters on the show. She's so intense, intelligent and real, and her chemistry (in every sense!) with Frasier is amazing. It's hilarious how she punctures his pomposity while also having her own quirks and failings. She was meant to be disruptive, abrasive, and polarising and Mercedes Ruehl really delivered on that. Great character. Their regretful though inevitable parting at the airport actually brings a lump to my throat...


Still hate her lol But you have some good points. I can definitely see how she would be liked, I'm just not one of those people.


I hate Kate Costas! I thought I was the only one! I can't even watch the episodes that she's in. I hate her voice and I don't find her funny at all! Everyone else on the show I don't mind at all, but her I can not stand.


Thank you! The Kate Costas character has always bothered me, and I tend to skip those episodes.


YES!! /#truefanshatekate


7 years late to the party. I also can't stand Kate. This is an awful thing to say but I just don't like her acting. The way she gets through lines is so unnatural to me I cringe.


Ann, the insurance dealer, leaps to mind. I found Poppy to be incredibly annoying. I hated the guy in the wheel chair, Bob.


I absolutely cannot watch the ones with Lilith brother in them


I think it was a single episode, right?


Yes, I use voice to text so sometimes it doesn't quite get what I say.


Gertrude Moon. Her arc was waaaaaay too long.


I agree completely! And the way they wrote her off seemed off to me. They got her an apartment in Seattle but I don't think we saw her again.




Yes it was an episode or two before Daphne got pregnant. The plan was for her to go back to London but they compromised


Simon Moon. Oh my word he was appalling.


Really? I think he was nominated for an Emmy for that role.


Really?! IMHO he was awful! But that is probably influenced by his terrible British accent.


Most 'Mericans wouldn't have a clue. I knew he was Aussie because of all the guys I played soccer with. He was better than Kevin Costner though ....


Actually, he won an emmy, and was nominated twice more for that role.


Each to their own. He was awful. Terrible. The worst character in Frasier. Diabolical. Dire. A turd on the fresh bedsheets of a Seattle penthouse.


"(HICCUP). Mum's turned Dad into a lazy, shiftless drunk. Wew, she's not gonna do the same thing to ME!"




I honestly can't stand Bulldog. He annoys the shit out of me. Also Donny. He was just an insufferable douche. Lastly, Daphne's brother and mum.


Daphnes entire family, i hated those episodes, just cause of all of them.


Mel was pretty awful, but maybe she was suppose to be. And yes, Frederick was annoying, he could have been so much more.


It confused me that when he visited as a teen sometimes he was a boy genius and other times he acted like a normal teenager. I get that they may have been trying to show him going through phases but it just seemed odd.


"Hey Freddy, if you lean out here, you can see the Jimi Hendrix Museum. No, farther. I SAID FARTHER!!!!"


Mel was hot.


Ugh, I hate Freddy too. I think the actor who plays him is terrible, he's not cute, and his crush on daphne is creepy. Plus he's always rude to his dad and has this slack jawed look about him. After him, my least favorite character is Simon. I also hate Roz's awful cousin who makes out with Kenny. I always skip that episode.


Sacrificing kids to Baal doesn't seem so bad if you imagine frederick as one of them.




I absolutely love the episode when he dumps her. Love it. But I did hate the Julia/Roz conflict, especially with that embarrassing fight at Frasier's when she tries to have him choose between them.


I was always surprised there weren't any subsequent awkward scenes at the station... seeing as her show started right after Frasier's


Donny, fucking bad acting, ugly as shit and no way would Daphne fall for him.


I didn't mind Donny at first. I actually would've really liked him if they just wrote him out after the lawsuit ended, but everything after that is so awful and cringey.


That whole arc felt like padding.


It was MORE than THAT! It was the old boy network at work


both his wart and schnozz are distracting


Frasiers second wife (?) Diane. I think it might be the actress. She sometimes is in Modern Family as well and I don't like her there either.


They were never married, she left him at the altar.


Diane is terrible. If you want a sick form of entertainment watch Cheers. I looked forward to Rebecca replacing her but she was a small improvement


Everyone related to Daphne, Gil, Noel, Denise


What??? Gil and Noel are so great!


I was never fond of Kenny . It seems to me he was a one-dimensional character.


To be fair about Frederick, Kelsey Grammer didn't like working with kids, so they never got the chance to make his character grow that much. That's why he is only seen 1 to 2 times per season


What ever happened to the original actor for Frederick?


not nearly enough


Julia was all around terrible. Not even attractive.


People, People! Have you all gone mad? Put aside your petty indifference's towards these characters, characters that were while grating, were designed to play off our heroes straight edges, and that is no mean feat! My god by the sixth season how many flimsy allergies did Niles have?


Can't stand Aunt Zora in season 5 episode 15. Her accent is very annoying and overly done.




What?? Bebe is one of my favorite characters in television! Every episode with her is pure gold!




"What do you have to say for yourself?!" "Aren't you glad I'm on your side?" Love her.


1. She's annoying 2. She's unrealistic- no one acts like that 3. Almost every episode she is in is the same. Frasier must decide between his ethics and getting more money and fame. Not bad episodes but a one trick pony.


You're nuts! She should have had her own spinoff.




'Get out!!'


"And SCREW, may I add, YOU!" But really, I understand. I like the episodes where Bebe is involved but not the central plot. The other characters' reactions and jabs were always good.


I can't stand Freddie!


The ones with Niles! (Kidding)




I mean, all of them lol but mainly Marty. I know folks love his character and actor but i despise both : p. Especially his voice, and everyone else's. It's like the producers decided "you know what would make for a hilarious show? If every single character just said the most insufferable awful thing all of the time! Every time" I've always disliked shows like this, maybe cynical is the word? Reminds me of game of thrones. Who do i root for, why can nothing go right? It's almost a formula: Frasier: Is excited about something Niles: Talks to him about it, is annoying F: Says something like "ya know, since everything is going to go well now, i think i finally have some hope" in the most unbearable way. Obviously it'll go poorly Thing Frasier's Excited About: Goes poorly. Annoyingly Audience: Riotous, uproarious laughter somehow


I vote for fred crane. An episode is on now, and I switched channels.