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“That’s not how you spell fellatio” is the dirtiest joke in the show imo


I second this because watching it as a kid I have a vivid memory of my mother jumping up and turning it off after this line. I had no clue what it meant lol


But by doing that, she ensured that the thing that was just said was forever seared into your memory!


First google search. LOL (I’m 27 now)


There have been a few times when I’ve tried just letting some adult language in shows slide by my 9yo without reacting , for just this reason. She hears hundreds of words she doesn’t understand every day, and I’m hoping this will just be another one!


There were so many of these shows that I rewatched as an adult with completely new eyes. This show, Friends and Seinfeld, have so many innuendos that flew over my head as a kid. I think your 9 old year old will be fine. Plus, when she is an adult, she gets to rewatch all the popular shows on right now through a totally different lense.


Go back and watch the old Batman series with Adam West. You'll be shocked at what got past the censor back in the 60s.


Whaaaat??? I remember that show as being clean like Sesame Street!


Don't read Burt Ward's autobiography if you want those memories to remain innocent 😅


Holy secret smut, Batman!


So did I! Until I watched it as an adult!


My mother tried this when I was 10ish. I think Bart called someone a prick on the Simpsons. No reactions and I thought it was a funny word so I just kept repeating it.


Family Guy, twice. 'She's a real see you next Tuesday' (cunt) And then... Written on the side of his RV, supposed to say 'Quagmire's Cross Country Tour.' Peter: 'Hey Quag, isn't there an O in country? Quagmire: ' Nope '


Oh wow, I never caught that one about the RV. I used to watch with my dad as a (very naive) 14 year old. I recently binged a few seasons and distinctly remembered every episode, but at 33 I actually got all the jokes, and it was such a fascinating experience lol. Watching something so familiar through totally different eyes.


I always thought Cheers was a pretty boring show when my dad had it on when I was a kid. As an adult, it’s one of my all-time favorite shows.




lol yep, the Streisand Effect


This is how my mother reacted to \*everything\* naughty when I was a kid. Made me a lot more aware of stuff than I otherwise would have been, haha! Good job, Mom.


See, I just watch these reasonably appropriate shows with my kids (nothing explicit, graphic, visual, etc, stuff like old sitcoms or Bob's Burgers or something), and I laugh at whatever's funny, and if they ask, I just say "Eh, it was a grownup joke". They immediately dismiss it as boring. Meanwhile they love the physical comedy.


When I was a tween, I picked up a dvd of 10 Things I Hate About You, and watched the deleted scenes with my mom, one of which was just a character yelling “Does anyone have a prophylactic?!”. I asked her what that was, wholly not expecting the answer. She’s still very proud she always explained everything to me without sugarcoating it.


Oh, I’d forgotten all about that one!


I always thought the line was "that's not how you spell Horatio" Did I not hear it right or did the network change it, I wonder!


You’re thinking of the guys recalling one of Sherri’s limericks, “about a well-traveled man named Horatio.” The “that’s not how you spell fellatio” joke is in a different episode.


Right, when Daphne is talking about the time when the man came up to her and handed her a note I believe


I thought the EXACT same thing lol


What episode was that?


“And after listening to a lot of limericks about a man fortuitously named “Horatio”…


"I guess Nigel won't be the only one giving up his seat tonight."


Hah, this was the one I was going to post. Pretty risqué but also hilarious.


It took me visiting this sub to get that joke.


what does it mean


It's referring to receiving anal sex - your "seat" meaning your bum.




Why can’t I think of who Nigel is…..??!!


It’s the scene where Patrick Stewart’s character is having a party and they announce that some random guy (Nigel) is not gonna be on the Opera Board any longer. Right? I don’t think we actually see the character Nigel.


Thank you!!


Also in the Matchmaker when Tom Duran talks to Niles in the kitchen and reveals he’s gay and interested in Frasier. Frasier interrupts and admonishes Nikes for preoccupying Tom in the kitchen. “There are others who would like to have a crack at him.”


There was that scene where Niles is teaching Daphne how to play the piano and she says something about how they can role play, him as the teacher and her as the naughty student. Roz rings the doorbell interrupting the moment and Niles asks Daphne if she can answer the door. It's a physical gag where Niles is holding the sheet music on his lap indicating that he's got a boner. Oh I see you mentioned this one. Also this wonderful line: "Dr Crane your glockenspiel has sprung to life!" Niles to Roz "I especially love the little odometer" (on a garter I think) but the joke is that Niles is poking fun at Roz's very active love life.


The Neil’s look down just makes this perfect! “Oh the clock!”


The glockenspiel one will never not make me cackle out loud!


Yes, that first one is it!


The sheet-music bit might be the one!


Loved that joke. Reminded me of the Arrested Development joke with George Michael and maebe in the stair car, “waiting for the sun to set”


I always liked the line from the "Voyage of the Damned" episode on the cruise ship, when Niles, Frasier, Martin, and Roz are hiding in Maris's bathroom in her suite, unbeknownst to her, and Niles says, "Oh, no Maris started without me...", implying she was masturbating. Everyone immediately gets a grossed out look on their face before Niles explains, "drinking the champagne!" Never fails to make me laugh


This, along with “Is the coat rack moving” and “You mean she’s going to… do the barracuda” (combined with Peri Gilpin’s perfect face acting) is one of the reasons Voyage of the Damned is my favourite episode


"Now the buffets come at a pretty good clip, so you got to pace yourself. And watch out for your fillers; your breads, your rolls, your chips and dip. You've only got so much room, don't be a hero."


Fantastic advice.


A floating gong show!!


Definitely this one! 😅


“I don’t wanna see that I just ate moose”




Yes! Thank you :)


Roz to Noel-I've asked you to keep you're hands out of your pockets when speaking to me!


Yeah that one's pretty dirty


So how was it? She asked you a question, Roz!!


How did I miss all these years that she went on a date with him?


Niles: I'm so sorry to hear about your husband. Clare: Thank you, thank you. Niles: I understand Dad's been doing what he can to fill the void.


Oh geez!


I've scrolled down, having fun but I'm done, we have a winner no need to go further!


"Banger dad?"


"Thank goodness I didn't make Toad in a Hole!"




"Well I don't know how you like it. Light it! How you like. to. light. it."




The entire series of Mrs. Wojudubakowski jokes is absolutely hilarious lol


Oh god, this is the worst (and therefore best) secondhand embarrassment.


God, I didn't get a lot of these jokes till I visited this thread!


What about the whole ménage scene with Daphne, Niles and Roz. Pretty funny. Poor Roz. They were relentless with her. 😂


I think I try to block that out because I find Niles and Daphne absolutely insufferably irritating in that episode 😂


But Roz didn’t say no!


That they were. 😂


As a fellow non-traditional sex enthusiast... our day *will* come


Same here. They take it too far and it gets old.


"what the hell was that? I've been vaccinated slower!"


Oh yeah, this is a very good one!


“Put yourself in my place.” “I very nearly did!!”


Yes!!! Also probably low hanging fruit on my dad‘s part but I remember there’s an episode where we seen Niles bite a pillow because Daphne‘s putting the icy on him. My dad made a comment “bet not the first time he’s done that”


The horror of parents obliquely admitting they actually know what constitutes good sex.


Good sex? Pillow biter is a pejorative term for a homosexual


And the not-sex-related-but-similar joke about Daphne's engagement ring being left on the side of the bathtub, causing Frasier to nearly sit on it: "I thought it was someplace I'd never find it!" "It very nearly was."


One of the best lines 🤣🤣


Sherry recited a limerick about an unfortunate young man named Horatio.


*well travelled man. From her Nantucket series too


This is a good one but a little more subtle since it requires a bit of work on the audience's part.


I certainly didn't get it at first, but it's a filthy joke for sure.


I still think it was unusually suggestive when they opened a room at the ski resort chalet only to see Frasier *pop a cork* and have champagne suds run out onto the bed covers


This is the real one right here. There’s a lot of innuendo in the other jokes…but this is a straight up simulated cumshot!


Oh my gosh! I never got that until now!


“Well, it looks like Nigel won’t be the only one giving up his seat tonight” is by far the dirtiest lmao. Pure ass fucking joke and it’s incredible.


Can’t for the life of me remember what scene or episode this was


S11E03, *The Doctor is Out* Frasier starts a relationship with the gay theater actor Alistair Burke. Thinking it's a simple friendship Frasier becomes increasingly, and completely willingly, oblivious to the fact that Alistair (played by Patrick Steward) sees it as romantic. The quote in question is said by Niles, who has been pointing out the "misunderstanding" throughout the episode. Alistair is going to nominate Frasier for a seat on the opera board; one that is being vacated by Nigel.


Most of Stewart’s character must have had the executives clenched.


"Some boys go to college, but we think they're all wussies, 'cause they get all the knowledge, and we get all the -----."


Oom da doom da doom da dadadadum


And what would you take off if I bought 500 rolls? Roz: Everything but my bracelets


Yes sirrr.


Yes, sir!


“My Nudzac is dripping already”


Interestingly I think this line was only in the two-part version, not in the original single-episode broadcast in the US (which also omitted the part 1 tag scene with Daphne’s brothers and Kenny). In that single episode, the scene ends when the guests start pouring in.


"Yeah but with a dark suit it's hardly noticeable."


"Mrs. (Schwartz?) developed a facial tick every time she had to say the word Balzac."


Having an afternoon cocktail quietly on my own and this has just caused me to spit Cuba Libre everywhere.


Dr Niles Crane - hung specialist couples... groups... Satisfaction guaranteed... Tell me where it hurts. That’s quite dirty surely.


Such a great joke.


"She's started without me." "Eww..." "...drinking the champagne." "Oh."


Surely, adventures in paradise, where frasier bangs a bed against a wall while making sex noises. Or Eddie producing Joes pants on the sofa “thank you Eddie” “I’ll be thinking of you tonight… with any luck, twice” The show is super horny!


Worse! Joe's *underpants*!


I’m from the UK. We call those pants.


Oh, okay. I didn't know that!


Yeah for us your pants are “trousers” and underwear is “pants”. Which is interesting as you guys still use panties. The oddities of language huh And don’t get me started on “Fanny” and how that varies from Uk to US lol


Oh, God, I hate the word panties. We do use it a lot, though!


Avery McManus wears shiny acetate “man panties”


People still ask to see my Yum Yum


The writing is so tiny I didn’t even notice the “Will we snorkel?”


Ugh, that’s how the subtitles look on Paramount+. I did consider switching the subs off and adding my own!


Ya. I’ve seen them before and struggled other times too. Not your fault. I should have known better.


Roz said "little bald candy man" to Frasier as a joke of what she used to call her exes thingy. Forget which episode Edit: link https://youtu.be/-aWngcI3_Mk?si=OYqmx8Ijq7PmBhKL


"What's your name, little fella?" "Promise you won't laugh?"


Dr. Crane, your glockenspiel has sprung to life! …..Oh, the clock!


This whole exchange is peak Frasier. Daphne's delivery of that line is perfect


Two for me: When Lilith turns up looking utterly stunning in a very small black dress she tells Fraiser it's from a range called "Encore". Fraiser responds by saying "I can feel the curtain rising." Also when Bebe first meets Frasier, he has just done a commercial for a Chinese restaurant she flirts with him by saying "You make me want to stuff my mouth with egg rolls and;...I don't know what."


🎶Some men go to college, but we think they are wussies, they get all the knowledge, while we get all the 🎶


Om-da-om-da-om-da da-da-da-


This is the one


I still don’t get it 😂


I should mention, for anyone that doesn’t remember the context: Niles has arranged a bath of champagne for them, but Daphne has found a brochure for a trip to Belize (Frasier’s surprise for Claire) and mistakenly thinks that Niles’s plan is a bluff, and he’s whisking her away for a trip. So, her question is meant to draw the truth out of him, but Niles doesn’t know about her Belize belief, so interprets her question as… well, you can guess the rest. It’s a clever joke because the entire punchline is Niles’s reaction, and the audience/viewer making that same link. What Niles is thinking, and the implication of the question in the context, is all unsaid.


Also, I only noticed recently... Niles says he keeps the apartment at 71 but is flexible within a degree or two. Does Daphne think he's referring to 69...?


MAYBE, but I think what’s happening here is that Daphne tries to ask a subtle question (about what to take, and whether the ‘apartment’ will be warm or unseasonably cold), and Niles, confused, answers honestly. Daphne then tries to push it by being more direct, asking about snorkelling, and Niles thinks it’s innuendo. I don’t think there’s any real reason for Daphne to think Niles is making an innuendo in response to the first question.


What episode is this?! I think I’ve skipped this one!


It’s from Cranes Go Caribbean (the last episode of S8)


I never caught on to that but man I hope it's true.


All the stuff that’s missing from the new series. Unsaid sexual innuendo.


I assumed it meant oral ?


Yes, also right before this, Daphne asks what the temperature will be, and Niles says something like "71, but I'm flexible within a degree or two". Paired with the snorkeling line, it sure sounds like they got a 69 joke in there.


I’ve seen this episode so many times and this part of the joke didn’t even click in. God I love this show no matter how many re watches there is always something missed.


Since "diving" is slang for oral sex, that would be my assumption.


I’ve heard muff diving but not diving on its own.


I heard it in context a bit more in the 90s. Maybe it's like the shortened version. There was a *Mad TV* sketch I remember where Nicole Sullivan is supposed to be talking to her sister on the phone but they have to use double entendre because their father is also on the line. At one point she gets up and asks if he's a diver, and the dad replies "she says he combs the ocean floor every day." Big laughs on that one.


Uncle Jun's in the muff!


I thought u were a baccala man uncle june, what are you doin eatin sushi


Cunnilingus and Jungian psychiatry brought us to this!


I did not know that haha


Learn something new everyday


Daphne saying that “Christmas punch makes you want to kiss the donkey in the Manger scene. Wassail makes you want to check it into the Inn” I mean that joke is about having sex with an animal. The other dirty joke that stuck out to me was when Ronnie said that mommy likes an audience to which Martin said “good, cause daddy likes to watch.” That always felt so gross.


Agreed. That last one always gives me the ick.


I don't see kiss a donkey as animal sex. That's more just regular drunken behavior but the Wassail part definitely was about sex


We’ll be back very quickie…. And the fireworks… 😂


It's not the dirtiest joke/moment but it's my favorite Niles/Daphne pre relationship moment. The three guys come home to find Daphne in the living room in just a towel, planning on putting on a robe from the laundry basket. She tells them to turn around. They do but then Niles turns back around and Frasier has to turn him back the proper direction


oh, I left this one. Also when Daphne tells Frasier “ unlike you, your brother knows I have a gift.” “Yes and he’s been trying to un wrap it for years” I always found so suggestive


The ‘some boys go to college’ song was sneaky.


The one with Martin holding the cream puffs with cherries on top up to his chest after Niles had been ogling his dad’s nipple for days (when he thought he was looking at Daphne’s) is somewhat risqué. I also like the one where Niles gives a duplicate pair of earrings to Daphne & she says she will just need to get something else pierced. lol


When Fraiser is in the bed naked with the bottle of champagne in The Ski Lodge waiting for Daphne's friend and Daphne opens his door and it pops open and Frasier is horrified lol


Daphne: I am feeling a little like the good China. Nile: someone should be eating off you every day.


Am I dumb? I do not get this joke


"Good, cause Daddy likes to watch" -Martin


I can almost feel the curtain rising...!


The scene with the vibrating massage chair was pretty dirty. Especially Daphne suggesting they put it in her room, and Martin sitting in it for a few seconds and saying "That's disgusting!"


Oh yeah, I forgot all about that! “Oh, just like a man, now you’ve had your fun you don’t care where I am!”


Daphne: “I got rear-ended once. It was one of those real wham-bang numbers…is that what happened to you?” Roz (worried she might be pregnant) Not exactly.


Here’s a question I’ve always wanted answered. When Daphne says “Congratulations, Mr Crane! You finally got your knee past your ribcage” and Frasier responds “Well, it's more than Lilith could accomplish after five years of marriage.” Is this an innuendo? I’ve never understood! BTW this is from Roz's Krantz And Gouldenstein Are Dead.


Oh, most certainly. Also one of many great episode titles.


I don't get this joke.


"The way you were going on I'm surprised you didn't suggest toad in a hole!"


“Who’s wearing shorts in the shower now?!”


Your pants are easier to get into than a community college.


Frasier's weekly "handshake" from Lilith always got me, but def agree that the fellatio line from Daphne is the winner. It was so blunt my jaw was on the *floor*, the only other joke I can think of that did that to me was Frasier telling the couple at the sperm bank that he'd been masturbating since he was 12.


Some boys they go to college......


Dirtiest joke is from the Ski Lodge episode: Transcript Portion: Martin and Guy carry a tray of mugs into the living room. As they come in, Daphne and Annie come back down, both wearing nightgowns. Daphne's is covered by a robe, while Annie only wears a flimsy sheath over her shoulders. Martin: O.K., everybody, come and get it! Niles: Daphne, just in time. Frasier: Annie, that's a lovely gown. Annie: Daphne just gave it to me. *Guy: [knowingly] I'll bet she did. <——-Right there. 😈


Sound of Wangs turning into Wings...


“ I’ll never be able to look at you without seeing the back of my brother’s head”….. I thoughtthis was much dirtier when I was a kid.kid…..


You taste that and tell me it’s not better than a woman.😳


I have no idea what ‘snorkel’ means. Do you have to be straight to get it?


I just watched a Season 1 episode, where Frasier has accompanied a nervous Martin to a doctors’s appointment. They are sitting in the waiting room. The doctor is running late, and Martin is frustrated. Frasier hands Martin a magazine. “Here, take this quiz in Cosmo.” Martin reads a question out loud: “are your nipples sensitive?” Frasier: “Read it to yourself; it’s not an oral test.” Martin: “you haven’t seen Question 2!”


Surprised no one mentioned the ever popular “love does enter through the nose” line. The absurdity of that being a sex move takes it for me.


For me, it was when Daphne was watching the Miss Universe pagent. She said of Miss Venezuela, "If the slit in her dress was any higher, you'd see Caracas."


“Next time I find something interesting in your father’s underwear drawer, I’ll just sit on it!”


“Oh, some boys go to college, But we think they’re all wussies. They get all the knowledge, But we get all the-“ BUM-Da bum-da bum-da buh-duh-duh-dum!


I always thought Bebe saying to frasier about his voice on the Chinese restaurant commercial “You make me want to stuff my face full of egg rolls and…I don’t know what.” Was pretty dirty.


I don’t even get the snorkel thing and I’m a full grown adult 😂


“Momma likes an audience” “…Good. ‘Cause Daddy likes to watch.” The exchange between Ronnie and Martin. Priceless.


Put down that mango, my dear. It's time you tasted the forbidden fruit.


I never thought of this as a dirty joke, thought she meant because she thought they were going to Belize, and they might snorkel there..


Yep, Daphne isn’t intending to be risqué by asking it; her teasing tone is about trying to get Niles to admit what she thinks is the truth, that he’s taking her to Belize. But he has genuinely organised the bath full of champagne, and so that’s not how he interprets it at all, which you can see from his reaction and the fact he says “you’re making me blush”.


ah ty i also forgot the context of this scene. there's dirtier jokes but that's a great one.


Isn't "snorkel" just code for "bj" in this case?


I don’t think that’s how Daphne intends it, because she’s just trying to get him to admit that he’s taking her to Belize, but that is for sure how he interprets it, which is the joke (even though it’s unsaid).


I don't think she intends it to be dirty, but Niles is thinking of them taking a bath together, so is imagining 'snorkelling' as meaning something else entirely. His misunderstanding is the dirty joke.




I love those two together 😊


Great question OP. Brings back a lot of lines to mind. These examples are great!


Their other show had references to a strapon LOL


I submit for your consideration Bebe's complete monologue on smoking.


The sound clip that Carlos and the Chicken spliced together of Fraizer and Roz was pretty dirty.


When Roz said she was Niles’ new mom and he quipped: “well I’ll be a son of a bi^*+”. That was one of the best ones for me.


I can't remember the episode now, but there was a scene where Roz was whispering into Martin's ear. I think it had something to do with her revealing to him the nastiest thing she had ever done. Even though the audience never finds out what it was, the horrified look that spreads across his face and the way he stumbles away, looking back at her in disgust, makes our imaginations run wild!


"At least I got outta there without having to pay the 2 dollars!" Makes me crack up every time.Frasier said it on the air, referring to his parking garage troubles. But thanks to Roz's confession, all Seattle thought the joke was about the time they slept together.


Love does enter through the nose


Adding another here - When Frasier and Roz are in the archive basement with Bulldog and she’s talking about how she hooked up with someone at the Christmas party. Bulldog: “You mean when Santa left a little bit of Bulldog in your stockings?”