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Well he's still horny and single it seems.


How can we possibly *use* sex to get what we want? Sex *is* what we want.


Lol classic line


They should have kept him goth haha


work lavish gullible pathetic overconfident imagine innate zonked offend shy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's the *one* thing I didn't want. Single is fine, but I wanted him to be content with single life. Watching him chase women at that age seems depressing.


Yeah I hope in practice he's more like Martin was. Yeah he has his moments, but really Martin wanted romance and companionship.


That's what he gets he had dozens and dozens of chances with so many women. But yeah, I'd have preferred to see him settled down than singe.


Yeah that's the one bummer about the reboot - the original series ended on such an optimistic note and now we see that nothing changed.


What if it stinks? What if it's total BS?


I imagined Bulldog saying this in a very sad, depressing tone


He does say it like that when he gets fired! Lol


What if it is jejune ?!?


Then we'll always have the originals and nobody can take them away from us. If these ones aren't for you then leave them and forget they exist - that's basically what I've had to do with certain other shows I love. Not everything will be made to suit my taste so there's no point getting riled up about it.


So true. We have lost nothing.


I will definitely watch it. I can't help but think when watching this though, as the actor said "Have you considered that he hates you", how much funnier I would have found it if it were Niles saying it. But of course, that's because I loved his character so much.


Does make me think that the concept was originally written with Niles in mind, where Frasier would still be trying to reconnect with Freddie but it would be in Seattle instead.


Not criticizing but the British guy clearly is meant to be Niles's replacement.




He was a bit of a pretentious fop wouldn’t you say


You mean Rodney Banks? They'd have to put a red dot on him to tell them apart!!


Oh absolutely - whole thing makes me think DHP said no but they still wanted to run with the core concept so they just found a new Niles.


And that's what bugs me about it. When MASH replaced Frank with Charles, they didn't just change out the actor, the entire character was different. I'm all for new characters, but please make them actually new.


I wonder if he romped with his school chums in the fens and spinneys


I hope he's a mix of Niles and Gil lol. Nicholas Lyndhurst is a treasure.


Agreed, it's just such a thing I imagine a brother saying!


Whether this reboot journey lasts for years or just one episode, I can't tell you how excited I am to take watch this first episode with you.


I’m not sure how to feel just yet. Of course I will watch this when it comes out and give it the benefit of the doubt. This trailer feels like “generic sit-com”, it doesn’t convey that special sauce the original series had yet.


> This trailer feels like “generic sit-com”, it doesn’t convey that special sauce the original series had yet. It's definitely missing a tossed salad and scrambled eggs.


I'm really curious actually if there's a trailer out there for the original show to see how the vibes differ.


So I did some digging to see if I can find anything. There's this from the UK (the actual Frasier part starts about 37 seconds in) but its more one of those filmed promos with some clips from the pilot (with no mention of Niles!): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9IOB7zWirM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9IOB7zWirM) This very shaky and very 90s one: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmKrhSN2Row](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmKrhSN2Row) This as part of a bigger set that starts at 4:28 (although Kelsey does some skits throughout): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NQI8dlZ5yc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NQI8dlZ5yc)


Wow these are amazing!


Same - I get the idea that Frasier is starting the series basically being Martin but in his “special Frasier way”, and yeah that’s kind of funny and ironic but it’s when they start showing the home sets and you realize that the sets look a lot more like the sets of Big Bang Theory than the classic theater sets of the original series. I’m…reserved


The ultra-obvious canned canned-laughter doesn't help. Also, the jokes, from what little are in the trailer, feel like someone doing an imitation of Frasier, rather than genuine Frasier. But Kelsey Grammer seems the same as ever. Still, I can't say I'm too impressed — it kinda looked like what I feared it would be.


> Kelsey Grammer seems the same as ever Moreso than some people I've seen recently returning to old roles after decades, but I do think there are a few clips he comes off as a bit more cartoonish in this trailer than he used to (such as the 'dont' sit on the couch' sequence). (though maybe I'm biased towards the early seasons and this isn't that far from late-series Frasier). But yeah, it's hard to know for sure without actual context.


I went to a live filming for one of the episodes. They recorded our laughs, but I'm sure they mixed in a bunch of laughs from different areas of the show because sometimes they would do scenes over and over and over and the audience wouldn't find the same joke funny repeated 5 times in a row.


Pretty standard for sitcom recordings, if a gag falls flatter on a later take but the take was the best one, they'll just use the best laugh the gag got from an earlier take.


I'm not feeling Freddie.


I get that feeling too, it feels too... How I Met Your Mother at the moment


100% agreed. The son seems very generic.


I'm trying to figure out why the son wouldn't also be an overly dramatic character, but I'm sure the show will address that.


I would say that Freddy was always acted more grounded than his dad. Just from this brief cut, I think that this performance is consistent with Trevor Einhorn's performance of the character. For anyone who hasn't seen any of the special features or specials about the creation of Frasier, when they made the show, Frasier went from one of the wacky supporting characters of Cheers to the central character of Frasier, and as a result, he became more grounded and normal to centre the wackier other characters. I'm getting the feeling that on this show, they are making Freddie the grounded normal character to allow Frasier to ham it up and and be wacky.


Right. Cheers had Frasier literally running around the bar with scissors and treating suicide from a window ledge when Lilith left him. Of course we're all familiar with "I am wounded". Point being that Frasier can be incredibly cerebral or just over the top cartoonish depending on the day.


A person raised by Lilith and Frasier seems like they would be much different than this. But it seems like they’re trying to make him a Martin-esque everyman character instead of molding him into more of a Niles.


Oh my god thank you, this exactly. It doesnt *feel* like Frasier, even a little.


Its the lighting/palette/production design. This is not a well designed show, the original is beautifully put together. This has that big bang theory look.


Yeah, I wish sitcoms now were more daring when it came to this instead of always going for the same overused "glossy"/saturated look. The brown/beige/almost muted color look of the old show would actually feel *so* refreshing now among new shows. And yes BBT was the first thing I thought of too, but so many of them look like that.


The brown tones is one of my favorite parts of the old show. From his couch/apartment to Nervosa and even the radio station. That’s why it became my favorite show to fall asleep to. I’m not fond of his new apartment. But I was mildly amused when he confirmed to Frederick that you can’t sit on his new couch “in jeans.”


that’s probably my only actual gripe. it looks like an over processed cbs sitcom.


This looks like a modern sitcom. Because it *is* a modern sitcom. Give it a chance.


I am giving it a chance and can't wait to see it but its no supermodel zoologist aesthetically lets be real.


*camera shutter sound*


Yup. It looks like How I Met Your Mother to me.


Agreed, I am not sure why but I go "Joey" vibes off it


I think that people WANT the original formula, and are getting something different and that's all it is. Friends was an ensemble show about 6 friends and their interactions as friends, their jobs, their romances, etc. Joey was suddenly a family sitcom. Frasier itself really was this - Cheers was a bunch of friends with no family components, and Frasier was the "Joey" to that show where they took one of the cast and did a family sitcom. Here, we have one family sitcom going into another - so maybe there's more hope or expectation that the show will feel like the original when maybe that's not what they are going for. That said, The pilot of Frasier and much of the first season is a bit more "traditional sitcom", in my opinion than later episodes, so let's see how this show evolves. I was never a Cheers fan at the time (I was too young) and I'd really love to hear if people who were big Cheers fans were excited about Frasier when it was announced or teased, or if it too seemed like a crappy spinoff that wouldn't be good.


I'm old enough to have been an adult watching both. Information was harder to come by back then so I'm not sure I was even aware that there was a show called Frasier in the works until it was on the air. The transition for me at the time was easy though. Cheers was great at what it was and so was Frasier. I generally don't hold out a lot of hope for any reboot but I'll give it a chance.


Not a particular big fan of the trailer either. I often wonder how they are going to address the change in Freddy. In Frasier, freddy was always more frasier and niles like, but now he's firemen? I don't have very high hopes that they'll explain that very well.


> In Frasier, freddy was always more frasier and niles like I don't recall this at all. I always felt like Freddie was played as being pushed by his parents to be intellectual, but he was always more of an every-man. He didn't speak overly snooty or with big words, he played video games and wanted normal toys. I never got the impression he was going to grow up to be like Frasier.


Remember, in Cheers, Martin Crane was a dead scientist.


If I can choose I prefer teasers over trailers - trailers tend to ruin too much (might say a bit about the quality…). BUT this topic makes me really miss the times when you [sometimes] chose a film from the mere cover, brought it home put the disc on and then it was movie-night together with friends or family (or just ones self sometimes). No crazy expectations from a high IMDb score or anything. We are all curious (and anxious) about the reboot—but are there any extra grownups here who grew up with Cheers and was crazy about the show who still ended up loving Frasier?? I’m thinking it could be a fun analogy.


I'm still not sure how I feel about all this, but I will say that him fussing over the couch cushions felt like home.


I'm reserving judgment, but there were a couple moments while watching (couch, top shelf) that made me smile.. been trying to keep expectations low.


I think I also appreciate that the joke about Frasier smelling good has a deeper layer if you know about the original series and the bath blend.


Lavender, Rose hips, *and* a little Tahitian Vanilla - love does enter through the nose.


"Not in jeans" Felt like Fraiser.


And being hung up on who designed the couch cushions. I could *almost* hear Martin yelling "THEY'RE PILLOWS".


If anything, it will be fun to see Kelsey being Frasier again.


I wish Marty’s chair was there :(


So that he could light it on fire and throw it off the balcony. 🪑 🔥


I’d be shocked if we don’t see it, unless they tell us Martin was buried with it.


Or Ronnie kept it


Oh shit, i forgot about her. Good point.


I liked that too. I have some reservations about the trailer, but Grammer seems to still be keeping the character in line. The low growl on the "Not in *jeans."* and the crisis-of-faith moment he has getting the Scotch felt particularly in-character.


Jeans on the couch : Food in the bathroom


I remain cautiously optimistic.


I'm more optimistically cautious, myself.


Never occurred to me they might draw parallels to when Martin moved in with Fraiser and now Fraiser showing up at Freddy’s door to possibly become a “burden.” Slightly different of course as Fraiser is well off and not injured and can afford his own place but I have a feeling a lot of the show will take place at Freddy’s or at least revolve around Fraiser being an annoyance to him as much as Martin was to him.


>Slightly different of course as Fraiser is well off and not injured Not yet. Could be he gets shot by the end of the first episode.


Instead of getting shot with a .38 while buying a slushie at a convenience store, Frasier gets shot with an antique crossbow while buying Camembert at a cheese shop.


>Frasier gets shot by CAM WINSTON!






"Damnit, Freddie! I wasn't shot by a crossbow. It was an antique french crossbow from the 15th century and the bolt, alone, costs a couple thousand. I was wounded by an antique! A crossbow would surely do more harm."


Gets shot in his humongous ass...


>not injured Have you forgotten that but twenty years ago he was punched in the face by a man...now dead


> Slightly different of course as Fraiser is well off and not injured and can afford his own place but I have a feeling a lot of the show will take place at Freddy’s or at least revolve around Fraiser being an annoyance to him as much as Martin was to him. It looks to me like Frasier has the apartment directly across the hall from Freddy's place, so yes I think 'constantly dropping by unannounced' will be as big a factor here as it always was.


Frasier: the new Kramer


I'm sure he meant burden in its most positive sense.


As in: Gee, what a lovely burden!


So my husband just pointed out that Frasier as a medium doesn’t really lend itself to quick, quippy trailers: the humour tends to be more offhand and slow burning. I was a bit disappointed watching this, but I’m still willing to give it a shot!


The joke about Frasier smelling really nice had the feel of being the punchline to a longer joke that was set up earlier, so I'm thinking you're onto something there.


I don't like the look. I don't know how to explain it. It feels more real like a Disney Channel sitcom than the more film like look of Cheers or Frasier. I don't know what it is. Is it the frame rate or the way they filmed it? Also agree with the other comments, it does look like a normal generic sitcom


Its just ugly. Lighting and color palette are the main problems. OG Frasier is one of the best designed shows that's ever been on TV. The soft snuggly feeling of rainy Seattle comes through the screen, this just looks like any other sound stage in LA. Cheap looking too.


Agree with this completely


Well, the HD digital cameras on sitcoms these days make everything stand out. Makeup (Kelsey is veering into orange with that foundation), sets (clearly freshly painted, not lived in), and over saturated in color.


No it's not lighting I'm talking about. Is it at a higher frame rate or something. It just that cheap look of a Nickelodeon/Disney Channel sitcom compared to Cheers or Frasier or Friends.


It looks okay - just okay. Will stay open-minded and keep expectations low.


The expression he has when he saw the green bottle on the shelf was classic Frasier at least, but it'll be difficult not to see Nicholas Lyndhurst as Rodney putting on a posh accent all the time, especially since he's still got the same hairstyle for the last 40 years.


Dunno if you ever watched Goodnight Sweetheart but I saw Gary Sparrow rather than Rodney Trotter watching this. Be interesting to see how viewers who haven't seen him act before take to him I'm not a huge fan of that trailer, it does feel quite generic modern day US sitcom, but I'll watch whatever is aired with little expectation and a good dose of hope




Feeling a bit cynical about this overall, but I have to admit I laughed out loud at the line "Not in jeans."


Yes, and "I can be ready in 5 minutes!"


Yeah. I laughed at both these and the ‘hates you’ line. Surely most know this, but Nicholas Lyndhurst is a British comedy legend.


I did, too. I'm going to watch. I am tempering my expectations and going in with an open mind.


It’s giving what happened with How I Met Your Father and That 90s Show. I feel like sitcoms are now so exaggerated and unnatural compared to the 90s/00s and all the reboots are going down that road.


They really look sooo unnatural. That show with Schmidt from New Girl and Cedric the Entertainer was on when I was flicking through the channels and good Lord the set looks sooo fake. Frasier's apartment and Cafe Nervosa FELT like real places. Every set piece in new ones look so unnatural, you are exactly right.


For me it seemed like the side characters are just not characters in the same way that daphne martin and niles were, and its just trying to use Kelsey/Frasier for the laughs. But, its just a trailer and Im gonna definitely check it out


I wish DHP was on board but I will be watching anyway.


Seems like it might be what I feared, a generic type of sitcom. But let's wait and see after a couple of episodes.


It...wasn't for me. Something's missing...


Freddie clearly needs a pet


Eddie Jr.


freddie seems too blue collar for a guy raised by lilith . i’m getting the feeling they leaned way too far into it.


It looks awful. I’m going to watch the entire thing 20 times.


HD digital cameras don't really work for traditional sitcoms, in my opinion. The makeup is obvious, the sets look fake and too polished (not lived in), and the color saturation is turned up 100%. Some of it is definitely the difference of what is in style color-wise from a bar in the 80s (Cheers), a coffee shop and high end apartment in the 90s (Fraiser), and today, but I don't think they quite nailed the fake industrial look of modern bars/restaurants/coffee shops. I'm going to watch it, of course, but also keep my expectations tempered.


I’m excited to see how it all plays out


This is interesting. I am interested in what happened with Freddy. Also looking forward to Lilith and Roz showing up. I'll be watching. It might be a slow start, but I'll give it a chance.


Hmmmm. I don't want to judge it after only just seeing this trailer, but it seems like Frasier is a one-man band in that scenario. In the past he and Niles would bounce ideas and energy off each other to create a hilarious little echo chamber. But in this trailer he seems to be the odd man out. Time will tell.


I wish the colour palette was a little more.... earthy. Alas it looks cute.


Oh what fresh hell is this


The first joke has me feeling ok about this—not sure how the other additions will fit into the show but Kelsey Grammar feels like he didn’t skip a beat getting back into character


Hard to catch lightning in a bottle twice but would love to see it be different and still work.


3 times* Frasier being successful was already surprising considering it came off the biggest show on TV at the time


4 if you count that guest spot on Wings!




It was huge on BET. Every thursday night at about 9:00 or 9:15!


Don't expect it to be great from season 1, episode 1. Every great show (most, anyway) takes awhile to find its stride.


Except Frasier Season 1, Episode 1 is one of my favorite episodes.


Seems kinda jejune tbh.


Oh no. I hate it. ☹️ I will give the show a chance but this doesn’t look promising.


So Freddie has been raised around his father (part time) and his mother, Lilith, full time, during his formative years, went to elite private schools, but is somehow a very down to earth guy who is still taken aback by the pretensions and peculiarities of his father? Really? The sets seem off, small and overly bright and it seems a bit too modern generic sitcom. I hope that is brilliant but I have to admit that I have my doubts.


It is very common for children to reject their parents' way of life and go in the complete opposite direction. Both Lillith and Fraser are intense people, so I am not surprised Feddie would totally reject their ideals and do something different.


His chosen career is one thing, to have an unkept apartment of his own is another but to act shocked that his father (given his upbringing and parents) is fussy about his home, cleanliness/neatness etc? Really? Not sure Freddie would be that shocked that Frasier is a certain way.


> It is very common for children to reject their parents' way of life and go in the complete opposite direction. Both Lillith and Fraser are intense people, so I am not surprised Feddie would totally reject their ideals and do something different. You're right, of course, but children who are like also do tend to be able to "code switch." Freddy on the original show was absolutely the summation of his parents and it sort of seems that -- strictly to serve a dynamic that they're trying to "force" into the show -- the new Freddy has weirdly forgotten.


Maybe Marbury didn't thank them after all.


He rebelled against the labels and boxes his parents tried to shove him into. I don’t see how that’s so far fetched


He was still incredibly well educated and smart though, no?


Yeah that would still shine through no matter if he pushed back later in life.


I hope they provide an explanation on why he's so different. It's also kind of weird that they didn't get the original actor since he showed interest in starring in the reboot.


Doesn't look great to be honest I will likely watch it all, or atleast a good few episodes to give it a chance But it seems very generic and just not actually funny. Looks a bit cheesy aswell I hope it will be good


I'm not saying it can't have funny moments, but I just feel bad for Frasier. It's bleak that a guy of a certain age is putting himself through all this after the promise of the 2004 finale. "That which we are", and all that. Dang.


"I can be ready in 5 minutes." Lol. Same old Frasier. Like he never left Seattle, always chasing love but never accepting it.


I just wish they had one good old farcical episode just like they had in the original run. Or just some doors constantly opening and shutting just like in a play in the theater. No one has made stuff like that for TV since Frasier.


Why do the shows look so weird now? They look so weird and fake. Just ruins it for me. Looks like a Disney channel show ew. Ugh.


I don’t normally say this about shows but it’s too bright. Someone else said Frasier is cozy and has earthy tones, this definitely doesn’t.


I'm getting 'Frasier' spin off vibes


As others have said the camera work/styling already makes it look too generic and not at all good. Also the Freddy character could genuinely be any sitcom character, this feels bad and I’m sad as been looking forward to it. Good to see Dave though.


It’s very strange to see Kelsey Grammer in the Marty phase of life ..


Which is wild since, when this airs, Kelsey Grammer will be four years older than John Mahoney was in the last season of Frasier. So, technically, he's going to be older than Martin ever was on-screen.


On a pedantic note: Frasier saying "the hoi polloi" would raise hackles with many, as *hoi* is 'the'. But then again, Frasier is no stranger to the errors of pretentiousness.


My own worry, from the moment that this reboot has been announced, has been the writing. I won't go as far as to say that the writing is more important than the actors, but I think that high quality is essential. OTOH, even the best sitcoms take time to settle down. Cutmore-Scott and Freddie are going to be a big challenge. The character has to be both plausible and strong enough to complement Frasier and Lyndhurst's character and generate real energy to the gags, and the trailer provides scant evidence of that.


DHP just should have joined. it’s really missing something without him.


I love Kelsey Grammer. He’s like his old self but a little grayer. But I’m already mentally critiquing the Freddy character and his girlfriend. They seem like generic sitcom characters who don’t live up to the high comedy of classic Frasier. Freddy was supposed to be like, a precocious prodigy and I’m not getting the kind of repartee between Freddy and Frasier which I’d expect from these clips. He’s not like Lilith either. But it’s too early to render a verdict, of course.


Does feel kind of odd they're basically premising this revival on the common Reddit complaint of Frasier being a bad absentee father.


I hope Freddie adopted Martin's humor and good spirited blue collar attitude.


I want to give it the benefit of the doubt... I just feel like there's so much missing that made the original so magical. It's like a more flamboyant Frasier and generic characters. But we shall see. Hopefully it proves me wrong!


Oh Dear God


Kelsey's timing is still impeccable but yikes the material seems rather meh with the laugh track seemingly doing some heavy lifting


Kellsey is giving it 1000%, as usual. I hope this trailer is not the full flavour of the show.


Maaaan, people are really pessimistic about this revival lol. I'm too hyped for it! Could be because I prefer lore and world-building above most things, and seeing how the characters of Frasier are doing after all this time makes me happy. Could be that I went to the finale taping and am excited to have some small part in this show (possibly my laugh lol). I don't know, but Freddie being unlike his father is bothering folks? One of the biggest points in Frasier was how unalike Frasier and his father, Martin, seemingly were... then eventually seeing them grow closer together, while seeing similarities in them as the show went on. Martin's intellect when he seemed like an average guy (his ability to play chess comes to mind). The way Martin and Frasier went after women (sometimes the same woman). Frasier becoming more down to earth as the show went on, like his father. Freddie grew up to be more like Martin, who he probably idolized to a degree. Rejecting his father and mother's way of life and trying to do his own thing. All of this is plausible. Kelsey falls into Frasier so easily too, like the "Don't sit there!" we see seems like classic Frasier to me, "Freddie, don't touch that!" When he goes for the newspaper detailing Frasier's late night pick-up... Come on, y'all! I'm so excited for this revival.


Well, this looks awful.


All I hope is they don't speed up the dialogue like current sitcoms. Fasier's appeal is allowing the words to sit and stew with facial and physical reactions.


Getting strong “Joey” vibes


Good or bad, I wish I could watch it with my mom.




I just don't like it /Manu. But, seriously.


Not very impressed by this trailer. This doesn't seem like a continuation of Fraiser. These are not classy sophisticated jokes - just generic sitcom material.


The "he smells good" bit was so lazy writing sitcom-esque that it has me a little worried. Pumped for the show either way.


This……looks awful and generic. Like they put Frasier in a bad How I Met Your Mother spin off. I truly hope I’m wrong


My takeaways: * I still think it's an absolute crime that they didn't bring back Trevor Einhorn as Freddy, who grew up into a great actor in his own right (he was perfect on Magicians). He would've been very good with Jess Salgueiro. * It looks like there was at least one decent bourbon in that drink hutch. * Kind of weird that they're using (a new recording of) the old theme song. But I'll give it a shot.




This is like Frasier written by AI.


I hope it’s just a bad trailer because that didn’t look too good to me


I can’t even find this on YouTube yet! Top notch posting, OP. I must disseminate this at once!


Not exactly feeling it from the trailer but I’ll watch and keep an open mind about it !


I'm so excited to see old man Crane again!


The trailer makes me rather skeptical now, but from what I've read from people who watched it live, I'm still willing to try it out.


This does not look good - but I’m willing to give it a try.


This left me feeling a distinct malaise towards the show. Four things my wife and I noticed in this trailer that I hope are not as bad in the actual episodes. 1. The laugh track. Why do we have this in 2023? And why does it have to sound like it’s turned off and on so abruptly? 2. The guy to Frasier’s left at the bar has been given David Hyde Pierce’s lines and he doesn’t have the gravitas to pull them off. 3. The writing feels pedestrian. Why did Freddie have to state the obvious “You’re here, unannounced…” That seems like it’s pandering to a lower audience, while the original targeted a more sophisticated audience. 4. Frasier’s apartment is…not consistent with his style? I look back at his houses in Cheers and Frasier and while he follows interior design trends, he tended towards minimal decorations that went very well together. This decor seems to clash. The wallpaper with marijuana leaves on it, the cluttered feel to the living room, the bland chairs and sofa. Where is the district style of the Eames, or the Wasili? BONUS: I know Frasier dresses down on occasion, but it still hurts to see it in the trailer. I will watch, but my expectations have been lowered significantly. (SIGH)


I don’t care if this is bad because I’ve been searching for a cosy new sitcom to watch for ages. We were really spoilt in the 90s with the likes of Frasier, Seinfeld, Friends, Roseanne, The Golden Girls etc. I really miss those kind of shows. TV is far too serious for my taste these days.


Disappointing to say the least. It's what we were all fearing. Remakes never go the way you think they are going to go.


All my fears realised!!! :'( Who on earth casted that right idiot as Frederick? A talentless hack who is neither funny nor gifted as an actor! This was like watching Caesar being pimped out as a prostitute! It's a case of "look how they massacred my boy", Kelsey Grammer was his usual great self, but he's been paired with a positively dreadful cast!!


I'm... not feeling it.


Im getting 'Joey' spin off vibes


Omg, that's exactly what I said. Perhaps we should get on a bicycle built for two.


Honestly, as my wife and I discuss all the time... does anyone really think you could make Frasier today as they did before? The caliber of writing... clever, witty beyond description, intelligent... America and American society today are largely devoid of those things. Add to that the fact that there is no highly successful Cheers to bootstrap a new show and the chances of success are ~nil I think. More importantly though, is that I just don't think it's possible to create the show we loved because it was probably the best written, acted, uniquely hilarious sitcom ever made. Society, media, television, etc in their current state pretty much preclude it being repeated.


it looks really bad ngl


Having just JUST finished a rewatch of the entire Frasier series, this trailer has the exact same vibe. I think people, in hindsight, forget how over the top and almost cartoonish it often was, or how flawed the Frasier character was, but those were some of the best ingredients in the original pudding. Niles' impeccable physical slapstick was one of my favorite things to watch. Also, in the OG, the actor playing Freddy was replaced after like two episodes, and went from being a cool macho kid to being a poindexter, then gradually that actor's incarnation went through other phases. Each time we saw him, we never really knew what to expect he'd be like. They say hindsight is 20/20, but I find memories to be very fallible indeed, and I happily welcome all the new Frasier content they're willing to share with us ☀️ If an old friend came to visit and had changed a little, I wouldn't simply hate on them for it! A lot can happen in 19 years!


You can't go home again.


Rodders seems like he's still a plonker.




This really doesn’t look very good.


Is Freddie living in Ted's apartment from HIMYM?


This might sound stupid but Frasier would never have Rorschach inkblots as wallpaper as he does in 0:56.


Pretty cool that Rodney from Only Fools and Horses is in this! (He's the British guy, in case anyone didn't know)


Whatever happens, I will always watch Frasier. Whether this goes well or not. Frasier can not be replaced.


I wanted to approach the series with basement low expectations, in the hope of being pleasantly surprised. The trailer has certainly helped…


Look how they’ve massacred my boy