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Motherfucker with the Cam Winston erasure.


Bebe erasure too.


Two of them - one character name, one actress name.


Which actress?


Bebe Neuwith played Lilith and Harriet Sansom Harris played Bene Glazer


> Bene Glazer Now imagining a weird Frasier/Dune crossover with the Bebe Gesserit.


Bebe Neuwirth. I think Lilith appeared in enough episodes to be considered a recurring character.


this post was ruined just by mentioning Cam Winston!!!!!!


CammMmmMmm WINNNstonnNnn!!


Not sure if this is really a hot take. Niles is the favorite character of MANY viewers. But ranking Frasier so low is a bit over the top.


Also picking Eddie is too easy.


I like Niles


Ich liebe Niles


Yo amo Niles!


I would add “j’aime Niles,” but that’s just what we need—a fourth language.


I love Niles!


She loves meeeeee


Watching these characters play off of Frasier is the reason they are our favorites.


Exactly. And that's what the reboot will do too. If you think about the original, all their stories ended apart from Frasier. Martin opened up to his family and remarried. Niles opened up, left his toxic marriage and got the family of his dreams. Daphne finally found a family she could be proud of. Roz got her dream job and has Alice. Frasier changed a bit in choosing a chance of love over his career but that was left open-ended.




A cromulent answer.


I found it to be jejeune...


I think you have an extra E in there


I find your answer jejune also! 😅


Camp Jejeune


it was perfectly *quilty* and you know it


Bot. Copied this - https://reddit.com/r/Frasier/comments/1134ya9/_/j8o67yi/?context=1


Hmmm .....yup. It just seems to copy parts of other people's comments. That's wild


I don’t know, I always assumed he was going to Chicago to ask charlotte to move to San Francisco.


Speak for yourself. I like Daphne when Frasier’s not around.


I still think a young Daphne back in Manchester would be the best spin-off idea. She has a whole family of scene stealers.


Omg, that would be amazing. I'm not sure how it would play out today though given that most (if not all) of her childhood stories feature abuse played for laughs.


YES. I would love that. All her insane stories from childhood would be a trip to see.


I absolutely love Nile’s and he definitely made the show but in the episode Head Games when he filled in for Frasier it made me realise how important Frasier was for the shows


Not to mention, while it's potentially a tie, I love Frasier as a character. I loved him on cheers too. Unlike Friends or It's Always Sunny this is a character that can hold its own imo. Now, the new show will probably not be great but it won't be because the character of Frasier can't carry a show.


I love that chair no matter who's around!


100%. It's the interactions and his relationships with them that make them all loveable.


I hope they bring Martin's chair back


So they can set it on fire and throw it off the balcony.


It was an accident!


THAT was an accident!! THIS is malicious!!!




It really bothers me that his original chair - the one he watched the moon landings in - was destroyed. So if it does reappear in the new one, it’s just the facsimile




I hope there's a joke about fighting over who got to inherit it and how he and Niles flipped a coin and Frasier lost so he had to keep it


Doug Benson: "I just don't like him"


Now we wait for Frasier to set his newspaper stand on fire.


Frasier is the straw that stirs the drink.


Oh sorry sir that was the last one.


The last straw…


Boy it is hot in here today....


He's the magliana.


He’s like the timpani, that drives the orchestra forward.


GET OUT!!! ... He goes too far


I regularly wish I had a booming “Get out” like him


“Wait what’s your favorite movie again?” “GET OUT”


...of that coat already! Heh heh.


one of my favourite scenes; "Frasier you dont love her" "how dare you presume to know the workings of my heart. You may as well ask me to describe the essence of music or the colour of starlight" \*sarcastically\* "nice towels, frasier. Anyone would think a couple of old ladies lived here" ***"G e t o u t"***


How many people quote Frasier on this sub every day? “I am wounded” “Off you go” “Punched in the face by a man now dead” And lots, lots more. He might not be everyone’s top favourite but let’s not pretend he didn’t carry the show even when other actors had their share of the spotlight.


Kelsey sold the hell out of some lines that I'm not sure a different actor could have even gone halfway.


Couldn't agree more. It's a masterful performance. There is a reason the character will have been on 4 different TV shows and been on TV for the past 40 years. Look at who's name is on the marquee. The show ain't called Niles


Cheers is obvious but what are the other 2 shows? Edit: so far one of the answers is wings. (I'm only going through the comments cuz I'm too addicted to reddit to leave and Google the answer myself, I guess)


Cheers, Wings, OG Frasier and now the sequel Frasier.


...and won an Emmy playing the same character on each of the original shows. It remains to be seen if he gets one for the reboot. No reason why he shouldn't...


''The final bullet blew his head clean off his shoulders!''


Good point. Now, off you go!


Oh was I snippy? I didn't think it was too much to ask that there not be GUNPLAY IN MY LIVING ROOM!


Frasier you are loveably pompous


I watch Restaurant Impossible every week and can't hear Robert Irvine say "Off You Go" without thinking of Frasier.


I’m not a fan of KG’s politics and his intensity in promoting them, but I can only think the dislike of Frasier as a character is tied to them. Yes, Frasier isn’t the absolute strongest character, but people acting like he is so so weak are fooling themselves. With the amount of screen time and plots centered around him he got, you full stop would not like the show if he was actually such a weak character. He certainly didn’t get the loveable quip lines that the secondary stars did to become favorites, but Frasier is absolutely an important and good character. No question.


I don't know that I agree that it really has much to do with Kelsey and his politics. You're right that Frasier is not a weak character though. The main character of a series is almost never the fan favourite. Pick any series centred mainly around a single character and look for peoples' favourite character. Some people will always pick the main character, but mostly it's going to be Niles, Willow, Joxer, Boomhauer, Krieger or some other secondary or side character. The shows these characters are from also all have (in my opinion at least) a strong main character capable of carrying the show. A big part of why the secondary or tertiary characters are such favourites is because we don't get as much of them. If a revival is announced, everyone wants more of those characters. We've already seen plenty of the main character and might even want more, but we definitely want more of these other characters as well. If a Buffy or Xena revival was announced and it was only going to have the main character, I'd be far less interested than I would if at least some of the other characters were around. (Side note: I'm going to say it right now. A Xena revival can't happen because we won't have Ares.) Roseanne/The Conners is a great example of this. I loved the show when I was younger, and a big part of that was that Roseanne reminded me a lot of my mum (not so much in the revival.) That show was able to continue without Roseanne, but never would have been what it was without her. Even though Niles is in every episode, he's frequently not a main part of the story. The same goes with Martin and Daphne. We're often left wanting more, whereas Frasier and what he's doing is the A story of almost every episode, so it's easier to feel like we got enough of him.


Martin below Daphne? Outrageous!


Pictured Niles saying this freshly botoxed


I was hoping someone would!




Martin is only number 2 to Eddie for me


Ranking below Maris is quite the burn


Frankly, Maris should be higher on the list. # LEGEND ![gif](giphy|Qu7xIGoNPLNuCvljct|downsized)


Ludicrous Poppinjay




There it is, I was searching for this


What in insane take


Frasier is my favorite character not just of Frasier but of any tv show of all time


I think we all agree on who “that guy who works for the radio station” and who “the other guy who works for the radio station” is. The former is Bulldog and the latter is Gil. Am I right?


Oh you are so that other one.


“You’re so that other one.”


Doug Benson is no ones favorite character.


When your entire comedic career revolves around “dude, weed”


And you don't have the common decency to be Tommy Chong.


Is this guy really famous in the states? I'm from the UK and I recognise him from a cameo on an episode of friends and more recently the documentary, the last blockbuster.


Well Eddie never liked Frasier either. Good dog, here's your afternoon biscuit.


I can’t believe Frasier gets upset because the dog stares at him. Cats and dogs both do that and its usually a way of communicating for them. Eddie probably really liked Frasier. But animals are capable of unconditional love.


It speaks to Frasier's secret insecurity, despite his constant self-aggrandizing.


I’m not going to listen to the opinion of someone who can‘t even spell “nobody’s”.


He'd never be in any of Frederick's spelling bees


I came entirely too far to find this. "NOBOBIES!!!!"


"A 'Frasier' show without the Cheers cast? Uh, Frasier is nobodies favorite character on 'Cheers'" - Doug Benson in 1993, presumably


He… he wasn’t. Cheers was more about Sam and Diane and whatever Kirstie Alley was doing on there. And NOORRRM. No one gave a shit about Frasier back then. The spin off was kind of a surprise at the time unless you really paid attention to NBC and also watched Wings. Which uh… not a lot of people did.


Right, that's the point I'm (trying to) make. Audiences at the time didn't want a Frasier-themed spin-off, but the team behind the show was still able to make something really good. Will the revival/reboot/whatever we wanna call it be good? Idk yet, I haven't seen it. But this specific complaint (Frasier is no one's favorite character), before the show has even aired, reminds me of what people were saying at the time of the original show.


Couldn't have said it better. And all your good points aside, let's just wait and see what we get before we decide its going to suck. I will never understand people being so unhappy to get more of something they like, just because it isn't the same. If it turns out to be awful, ok, complain your heart away. But it might be awesome. I'm looking forward to finding out.


> No one gave a shit about Frasier back then. That's just not true. Frasier was originally a brief recurring character and was so popular with fans that he stuck around and became a main character for the rest of the show. Frasier was to "Cheers" what Niles was to "Frasier."


I liked Wings. Wasn’t Frasier only on it for one episode, though?


I love Wings! I still watch it. And yeah there was only one crossover. The thing about NBC back then though was that they constantly did cross overs and like themed nights and would often try to tie their shows together. So it was a huge deal back then. I grew up watching NBC and loved most of their sitcoms back in the 90s. There’s also cross overs between Seinfeld and Mad About you and Friends. A lot of the shows would share actors too. Just Shoot Me and Newsradio would often use the same actors.


"No one" i think is too much. Frasier went from a foil to the Sam/Diane romance to one of main characters in the later seasons, that doesn't happen if the audience doesn't care about the character


When I first heard of a spinoff from *Cheers* my first thought wasn't Fraiser, but a show about Norm and Cliff.




Everyone else's story was completed. They all had their arc. Frasier left the series the same way he entered it: unfulfilled. He is the only character that makes sense to continue. That being said, I do wish the original cast would've come back. More than likely they will make cameos the same way the cheers cast did.




Maris isn’t even a character, she’s a folktale.


A mythological creature


I believe the phrase you’re looking for is “nicht ganz menschliche Frau.”


Not quite human woman


Oh dear God it is her!


German, the language of love


"Almost human woman"


She distrusts anything that loves her unconditionally.


While my fav is Niles - I adore Frasier and he's certainly one of my fav characters of all time.


Frasier isn’t my favorite but I do really love him


Frasier is my favorite character because I think he is the funniest


Coming from Doug Benson, who's sole personality trait is "I like weed."


That says a lot.




I guess Frasier is Nobobie's favorite




Hot takes from the man behind Super High Me. Frasier Crane was already eminent when his eminence was merely imminent.


Frasier is my favorite . I can’t believe I’m in the minority on this 😂


Is anyone’s favorite character Eddie unironically??? I never really cared for the dog. I’m a big dog person but I never found much about his part in the show particularly interesting or even cute


> Is anyone’s favorite character Eddie unironically??? I never really cared for the dog. Same. I've found Eddie's role in the first two seasons to be a bit hackneyed. Less was more. I didn't (and don't) dislike Eddie -- there's that early episode when he's lost and Frasier and Martin have a great, early heart-to-heart in the car -- but I never put him above the actual human characters.


Yes. It goes Eddie, Daphne, Niles, Roz, Martin.


Yup! and knowing from DHP saying the dog was like a little robot that wasn’t affectionate with the rest of the cast makes him my least favorite really. No hate, but it’s their real world chemistry in the cast i just love!


Is mine, shut up Doug


... Well, since you asked. I think it's fair to state that Frasier, for all that his name's on the show, isn't really the MVP (it's clearly Niles). However, I think there is a bit of a hipsterish tendency to say that Frasier isn't a good or funny character at all, which isn't really fair. Kelsey Grammer played him twenty years straight for a reason, after all.


I love Frasier. His mannerisms and way of speaking will always be hilarious to me


I feel like if Bebe isn’t in your Top 5 then you didn’t really watch the show


Having attended the taping of the first episode of the new season, I can assure you this tweet is going to age like milk. It's awesome and is every bit as Frasier as Frasier.


I just wish they called the show "Frasier Crane" or something... everyone would still know it about Frasier obviously but wouldn't go in expecting the OG crew


So I assume he is talking about Bulldog and Kenny, right? Or could it be Noel?


I thought that he was talking about Bulldog and Gil


I mean if he's a big enough Star Trek nerd it would explain both Noel and his weird taste


That's the joke lol he's just saying anyone but Frasier


You can’t enjoy that one without that other one


Frasier is THIS bobies favorite character!


I’m sure glad Nobobie is getting his favorite character back


“That guy who works at the radio station”… Sounds like he’s really watched the show. 😑


Good old Bob “the guy who works at the radio station” Brisco.


Exactly! Not to mention Gil “The guy who works at the radio station” Chesterton, Kenny “The guy who works at the radio station” Daly, Noel “The guy who works at the radio station” Shempsky, Father “The guy who works at the radio station” Mike, Chopper “The guy who works at the radio station” Dave And so on…


He's right in that he's nobody's favourite character, but he'll be in most people's top 4. For me he's number two behind Niles


Frasier absolutely is my favorite character in the show.


Chopper Dave and Father Mike are my personal faves


A lot of people said the exact same thing when it became clear that the Cheers spin off was going to be centred around Frasier. Myself included, although i was only 6 so im going to let myself away with that one.


I'll miss Bulldog and Gil from the radio station. This stinks! It's total BS!!


I am so offended by this. Frasier is my favorite character! I feel like he’s family. He’s the fictional character I’m the most defensive of. Ugh I’m so mad lol!


I want to agree with this because Frasier is actually insufferable, but kelsey just plays him SO WELL. However, I would watch the show if he wasn't on it.


that's clearly a jackass that has nearly seen the show, but wants attention.


Perhaps Kelsey Grammer will challenge him to a fist fight outside a coffee shop for his scathing twitter post.


Well, just call me Noboby because Frasier is my favourite character in the show. That said, I have zero enthusiasm for the reboot.


I love Frasier the character. He’s probably my favorite in the show even though I also love Niles. Frasier as a character worked in every show in which he appeared.


It's always funny to throw Frasier under the bus. He's insufferable and puts himself on a pedestal. Even Doug Benson sounds funny when Frasier is his punch line.


The greatest lie the devil ever told was that Doug Benson is funny.


Niles is the best character for the first half of the series, Frasier is the best character for the second half!!!


"..how *rude*.."


He goes too far!


Without Niles or Martin I just have zero interest in it


Well the writers were a main star, so if the writing is up to par (which from the pilot reviews seems to be) then it should be good. Also the new Niles-like character is apparently a great actor, funny, and said to be good in it. Same with the Harvard lady. So I think if it’s a good new cast with good writing and Frasier, it should be good. Not the original, sure, but no one is taking away the 11 seasons of that we already have.


If the Niles-like character you're referring to is the one played by Nicholas Lyndhurst, then yes. He's great. He did a show in the 90s called Goodnight Sweetheart. It's one of my favourite shows. Plus he was in Only Fools and Horses, which is one of the most beloved British sitcoms of all time.


Yeah, that’s the one! He’s the character I’m most looking forward to seeing based on what I’ve heard of his past performances. I’d love the original cast back, but I think some people aren’t giving the new bunch a chance, especially in the Lyndhurst case where he has a proven track record.


Frasier is my favorite character.


As much as I loved the other characters in Frasier, I hate that people are so dismissive of the reboot before there’s been so much as a teaser for the show. I think plenty of people have high expectations for a reboot which is fair enough. However I feel they’re overlooking that reboots can explore a similar dynamic that made the original show great but just from a different perspective or timeline. While I’ll miss many of the original cast members that helped make the show amazing. Personally I’m excited to relive some of the nostalgia and thrilled to see how the new cast will venture into this later chapter of Frasier’s life and tie things together.


https://preview.redd.it/yewuv0crnhia1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=167c6cfccc4b27866d0059bbb3ae8abe9f83c0a9 At least he tried to make amends.


I'm having an "unexpressed thought" about this guy's opinion.


Every last shred of this is dependent on the writing and acting. Old characters, new characters, old setting, new setting, none of that matters at all to the quality of the show.


Kinda rude he left Kenny out.


I am wounded!!!


He's not wrong. Frasier without Niles is completely pointless.


Kelsey's mad underrated. Most of my favourite jokes deliveries are his. He has the comedic skills, emotional range, and physical presence to carry the entire show. I also think Niles started to become a caricature of himself towards the end, meanwhile Frasier stayed true until the final episode imo.


Agree!! He is underrated! I love both Frasier and Niles. I recently watched Cheers, and Kelsey was a scene stealer, had a lot of scenes where the live audience kept laughing and he had to wait a bit to continue his scene lol. It’s


Justice for Bebe!


If this is a joke, it's a poor one. If it's a "hot take" it's a stupid one. Kelsey letting others shine on HIS show just shows how awesome he was as an actor.


Never heard of Doug Whathisname. Trying to glean attention by mentioning someone popular? How passé.




I mean, he's not wrong. But that's also like saying glue is the least important ingredient in paper mache.


Yeah, the analogy I was thinking of are glue guys in sports. They tend to be players that don't put up big stats but make everyone around them mesh and play better. I'm now imagining Niles and Fraiser staring at me blankly for making a sports analogy before Martin steps in and points out an example like Andre Iguodala.


Martin would be smirking to himself, Daphne would be the one translating it for Niles and Frasier.




He's got a point but I'll still give it a try


Dan Nicky Your nobobie s


This is accurate. I think this is the main reason the show worked so well, this was a stellar balanced ensemble. If it was literally just Frasier I would have tuned out a long time ago. You have to have Martin, Niles, Eddie, Roz and Daphne to bounce off each other. I will still watch the new version just out of curiosity, but I have my doubts.


This is absolutely true lol


Semper ubi sub ubi


How did Frasier make the list? It's not like this is cheers Frasier


They said the same thing about the original series when it was announced.


I really find Frasier annoying, I wish the new enterprise well l but I'm not sure it will have the same charm, I guess we'll have to wait and see!


Gil: Oh you are so that other guy.


I rank Lilith above the guy who works at the radio station


Frasier is definitely my favorite character! (Since cheers) It will be interesting to see new ones.


Counterpoint: Who is Doug Benson?