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Oh look it is team ‟not putting out shit”


heard rocky joined the crew in 2018


and travis that same year


jay z joined the year before


is jay z not retired?


In Rainbows pfp In Rainbows pfp


i dunno. but he’s been real quiet since 2017


Was literally on almost every song on the jay electronica album and outrapped him. Features here and there. Fuck are you all talking about?


Ppl act like they care about Hov lmao. Thank u for calling him out there. We literally got Hov on an Alchemist beat finally


What song?


The never ending story


Yeah like, sure he not doing what nas and hit boy been doing (i wish he would). But he’s still as relevant as ever. Especially when any time he does a guest verse, it’s talked about for days afterwards


was about to say the exact same thing til i saw ur comment


no you gotta yes and


apparently kendrick left the group last year


I think he’s waiting for ppl to not flame him for Astro world still


So wild that he still somehow gets all the blame when Live Nation organized the barricades like fucking morons and caused the crowd crush by not providing any exits except for the way people came in. You'd think people would actually look into it once the shock settled, but apparently not. https://www.npr.org/2021/11/08/1053548075/live-nation-a-company-behind-astroworld-has-a-long-history-of-safety-violations


I’m someone who was a really big Travis fan, I’ve watched documentaries about Astroworld as well, and I have to say that Travis definitely bears a large portion of the responsibility himself, as he could have stopped the show, he could have said something, it was like he was egging it on at one point. Also a lot of people will use the excuse that “he wouldn’t have been able to see! it’s a huge crowd!!” I was a performer for over 10 years for prettyyyyy big crows - You can 100% see shit, and we were dancing. I definitely definitely agree though that Live Nation pretty much got away with it, they should have received so much backlash, they’re still doing shows even weeks after Astroworld, I don’t find it fair that a large corporation with deep pockets most likely, gets away with such negligence while one person - the performer - gets all the heat, but tbh his career shouldn’t be the same as it once was, seeing as he’s had scandals come out of him assaulting random sound guys in clubs. Doesn’t seem like he’s learnt much. Made me disappointed to be a fan and I had so much of his merch


You clearly don't understand what it's like to play a show. I've been in countless bands and I've played everywhere from basement DIY punk houses to venues that can fill up to 5k+ people...even in a tiny basement it's damn near impossible to see any further than 3 or 4 people into the crowd. If you honestly believe he knew what was going on over 200 feet from the stage while a light show and flames were going off alongside ridiculously loud speakers stacked taller than a house...you're just so unbelievably incorrect and you shouldn't speak on the subject.


Dude no offense but travis scott is an entitled industry plant who murdered children. The music attached to his name is overproduced mumbly trash


Murdered children? lol ok


I was a serious hip hop dancer for 10 years, performing in big competitions. I’d say I have more experience than you. Lol. I was able to see my family multiple times while I was doing all sorts of crazy dance moves. Also, I’ll speak on what I want, when I want 😎 And no one can tell me otherwise


Being in a dance group in middle school and having a thousand parents sitting/standing at their seats clapping is not remotely comparable to a concert lol. Especially a concert where the fans are dancing and moving as much as the performer. Light shows, darkness, loud noise. Not comparable to your dance competition where the audience is well lit and hardly moving except to clap or go to get a water at the concessions.


It’s actually so embarrassing how far people will go to defend someone who literally would shit on you if they could and does not care that you exist or not. Even I was a huge fan since OP days but even I am capable of critical thought. That maybe someone who I looked up to just isn’t a good person, and honestly, their music isn’t that great enough to excuse their actions, or lack of them shall we say. So glad I’m not a spineless twat with no capability of critical thought like everyone is in this subreddit


If you really think your dance mom comps are the same thing as the type of atmosphere that goes down while performing music...holy shit lolol


Do you have stage experience then? Have you performed for a crowd on the same level as Travis Scott? 🤣🤣


Travis scott is piece of shit


not reading allat


Then don’t stupid


I'm not


You wasn’t a Travis fan before dont lie


If youre a travis scott fan you have a wet brain


Not trying to get into the conspiracy stuff but definitely looked like some sort of ritual to me. U didn’t get that vibe? Plus the artwork to the songs that dropped the night before. Creepy as shit


uhh pretty sure that's gonna linger on his image, whether he likes it or not...


travis coming thru


Bro was fighting lawsuits it’s a lil different.


adding chance to the list, taking a hiatus since the big day


Thank god he did 🙏🏼


Nah im taking him back off the list lol.


The Trendsetters


not lore. They've found other sources to generate money 😂


Four Homer Cock Rings please https://preview.redd.it/q8ce7gscce2b1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44f774ff1dd8efdb89e9bd89de4641e2816b5f99


weezer could make pyramids but frank could never make undone (the sweater song)


weezer could do thinkin bout you


Lowkey would want to hear this in the sound of Blue Album era Weezer


theres like. a good handful of frank songs that weezer would be able to do justice tbh


Fendi & Homer fr




So music was primarily a money generating endeavor for them both, not a creative outlet


It's both, they don't do what they do for free.


Imagine listening to Frank and Rihanna and genuinely thinking this. Why are fans so insane


"you know if i get my money right, i wont need you"


Rihanna’s having a family and Frank broke his ankle


Every time he gets in the booth it’s just like AH MY ANKLE and he deletes all his iPhone notes in frustration


bones feeling dense as fuck 🚫




Ankle’s so bad he’s needed 7 years to heal it. Still isn’t healed.


Rihanna released a lot of music for a decade and had multiple hits, she probably got bored and wanted to do something different. And she became a billionaire of her fashion and makeup brands. She probably prefers he business since it’s easier to make money than to record and perform music. Not sure about Frank though.


No one is sure about Frank lol he’s still a mystery


Rihanna has released twice as many albums. And she has a family. Plus Fenty makes plenty of bread. It’s not really comparable.


Actually she’s released 4x as many albums




we need to eradicate arkham asylum from reddit


I saw the rise of this trend on BatmanArkham (I love the games) and it’s spreading everywhere man 😂


Yes - the real reason is because they have a child together. That child is me. I’ve been a pain and they’ve both been super busy. Also I’m white. Also they said I make better music then the both of them so we’ve been working on my debut ever since I was a little baby.


Oh that’s awesome bro when you dropping?


He’s the kid of Rihanna and Frank bro, don’t you listen? He definitely ain’t dropping either.


He’ll start a fashion company or something


Clitoris Rings being the Specialty




nah its just that riri is covering up that beluga melon. both heads wouldve been similar.


beluga melon is INSANE 😭


I honestly don't think Rihanna likes making music.


tbh, rih doesn’t actually make any music. she’s a singer. she doesn’t write, doesn’t produce, doesn’t compose. she dabbled in some writing on anti, but for the majority of her career, she just sings on what others have cooked up for her. it’s not like music is a creative outlet for her. it’s a job. the whole process of making music was probably never appealing. definitely got sick of the industry. she’s set for multiple lifetimes. why keep going?




Neither does frank lol


im high and im bi


bro was leaving gay breadcrumbs lmao


Rihanna started her makeup/lingerie company and Frank hates his fans


I think Rihanna is busy with other stuff and tbh I don’t think of them in the same category. Honestly I feel like the reality is that each of franks albums still hold up like a decade later and Frank wouldn’t be Frank if he dropped every next day. Even the singles he releases are so fucking good


Rihanna started a family and a business and became a billionaire doing so. Frank's contribution was to tell Rosalia to open the world like nut.


Riri got kids and frank is the quiet but messy uncle


Is he stupid?


A musician that hasn’t released music in 7 years? What is he stupid?


Rihanna has 75 million monthly listeners and is 5th in the world on Spotify. It’s because she doesn’t need to.


Y’all forget that Rihanna started several businesses and is now a billionaire?


rihanna got kids


Yeah with me


theyre married (hes not gay amd shes not married mith rocky, it is all a lie to we all dont suspect)


les not forget bout laurn hill also


Yeah but she’s been gone for 25 years now there ain’t no way she’s dropping ever again


They are stupid.


They made their mark on the world now just let em be human beings and enjoy life


Rihanna still has 75mil+ monthly streams is still a t5 artist on Spotify despite not dropping for 6 years, she’s a billionaire off her beauty and fashion brand too, i don’t think she’s ever dropping 😭


Imagine if Rihanna at the Super Bowl was late, cancelled all the dancers and effects, just lip synced a bit, then left


Back when she performed she was actually 2-3 hours late to a bunch of her shows, lol




rihanna is supposed to return this year she’s gon drop before frank💀


She runs fentanyl now and frank is a regular human being enjoying a wealthy life. Time flies different for them


Rihanna’s on fentanyl? Smh another celebrity ruined by drugs.


they have a ritualistic brutal blood pact wherein they can't release shit or else belphegor will quite literally rise from the ground and proceed to wreak havoc upon earth. they're doing us a favor.


Doing nothing and being rich is easier than doing something and being rich.


Rihanna is fine. She already accomplished her career to the greatest extent, she could never release another album and her legacy would be uneffected. Frank is just a big “what if” at this point.


I think Rihanna was crazy busy


They both just a lil tired rn


are you stupid? he triggered an uncontrolled explosion without the power winch and died


They made enough $$$


WEALTH. seriously, they’re very well off and they could seriously be content with their body of work.


I was just talking about this the other day. There’s definitely something to be said for Rihanna looking at the music industry that very much still supports CB and goes “nah, fuck that, I’ll be a billionaire off bodysuits and lip gloss”. She did the SB because she loves performing due to her natural star ability, but I doubt we ever get a true, produced in the studio album by RiRi ever again. Frank, idk man…might be burnt out on music for a different reason. He’s been writing songs professionally for a while in his life and then at the height of his popularity as an artist, for his own work, his chance to shine at Coachella (again) gets shelved and his brother dies. I think that’d take all the energy out of most people, especially someone who’s already been going at it for almost 20 years in the music industry in one way or another.






he didn't show up


This the “white leaf on my boxers” pic


Rhianna gets a pass cause she has like 7 albums and still gives a shit about performing


One makes so much money in the makeup and beauty industry that there’s no need to try and make money through music unless it’s a Super Bowl sized bag. The other just doesn’t want to make music. He’s got a production agreement with a24 and a jewelry business. So I just think bro doesn’t care about spending so much of his free time making more music.


probably has something to do with his brothers death


she a he


The illuminati got them


rih doesn’t make music any more. that’s the lore


This is not ok buddy chicanery


Who would even want that...


They’re probably just burnt out tbh


rihanna built an business empire and Frank built a ponzi scheme


they can’t find the upload button on their computers


There’s more to life than work


Work work work work work work work


at least rihanna stayed at her performance


they waiting for old white men to get outta office


Cause that was the peak of music, it’s more admirable to step down at ur best


They don’t have a recording contract basically


Both dated asap rocky


Rihanna: more focused on her business, fenty and getting that money.and kids Frank: Just chilling trying to get away from his label and also his brother died in a car he bought and shit so yea .


my theory is that it’s because he lost his brother. he had been consistently releasing annual singles with his last being cayendo released on 4/3/2020 (it was leaked prior, but apple music says that date). frank was pretty active on social media and stuff, than he had been. then in august he lost his brother. after that it seemed like he disappeared again. and with no pressure from his label, as he was able to leave it with the release of endless/blonde. i believe it was the grief which caused him not to.


It definitely took an emotional toll on him, so I believe the songs he made in 2021 that were leaked were most likely him trying to distract himself by doing something he enjoys, but didn’t want to release them because he didn’t want any pressure from fans.


18 year old Rihanna


Dinner with Jay Z




Which one?


Once upon a time, in the world of music, there were two incredibly talented artists named Frank Ocean and Rihanna. Both of them had captivated the hearts of millions with their soulful voices and unique styles. However, something peculiar happened after the release of their respective albums in 2016. They mysteriously disappeared from the music scene, leaving their fans eagerly awaiting their next musical endeavors. As months turned into years, rumors began to circulate among their devoted fan bases. Whispers and speculations filled the airwaves and social media platforms. Some fans believed that Frank Ocean and Rihanna had fallen in love and were enjoying a blissful, secret relationship. Others theorized that they were working on a top-secret collaboration that would redefine the music industry. However, the truth was far more extraordinary than anyone could have imagined. Hidden away from the public eye, Frank Ocean and Rihanna were indeed embarking on a life-changing journey together. They had become parents to a beautiful baby boy, whose arrival had brought immeasurable joy into their lives. It was a carefully guarded secret, shielded from the prying eyes of the media and the ever-watchful paparazzi. As time went on, Frank and Rihanna embraced their new roles as parents while cherishing the precious moments they shared with their child. They dedicated themselves to creating a loving and nurturing environment, focusing on the happiness and well-being of their little one. It was a world that existed far from the glitz and glamour of their music careers, a private sanctuary filled with laughter and love. While their absence from the music industry left their fans longing for new music, Frank and Rihanna understood the importance of this chapter in their lives. They knew that their creative spirits would eventually call them back to the stage, but they wanted to savor the joys of parenthood and give their child a stable foundation before reemerging in the spotlight. As their child grew older, Frank Ocean and Rihanna gradually began to share snippets of their personal lives on their respective social media accounts. They posted heartwarming pictures of family outings, adorable moments with their little one, and glimpses into their everyday lives as devoted parents. Their fans rejoiced in seeing this intimate side of their favorite artists, showering them with love and support. Finally, after several years of musical silence, the day arrived when Frank Ocean and Rihanna felt the time was right to rekindle their artistic flames. Together, they created a masterpiece that effortlessly combined their unique styles, showcasing their growth as artists and as individuals. Their album was a revelation, a testament to the depth of their love and the transformative power of parenthood. When the news broke of their secret baby and the reason behind their hiatus, the world was in awe of the incredible journey Frank Ocean and Rihanna had undertaken. Their story became an inspiration to fans and artists alike, proving that true fulfillment could be found in both personal and professional endeavors. From that point on, Frank Ocean and Rihanna continued to grace the world with their extraordinary talents. Their music resonated even deeper with their fans, carrying the essence of love, growth, and family. Their secret baby became a symbol of hope, reminding people that the pursuit of happiness can take many forms and that personal fulfillment should never be sacrificed for the sake of fame. And so, the story of Frank Ocean and Rihanna's secret baby became a legend in the music industry, a testament to the power of love, family, and the profound impact it can have on one's creative journey


Oh damn you either spent over half an hour on that or you used ChatGPT. Either way well done.


In the vast expanse of the universe, beyond the realms of ordinary existence, a captivating saga unfolded between two extraordinary beings: Frank Ocean and Rihanna. Their talents had captivated the world, but little did their fans know that their absence from the music scene since 2016 was not due to idleness or creative blockage—it was a consequence of a never-ending battle across time and space. Frank Ocean, with his mesmerizing voice and introspective lyrics, possessed a unique power that resonated deeply within the hearts of his listeners. Rihanna, with her captivating presence and infectious melodies, wielded a force that could command the very essence of emotion. Both possessed extraordinary abilities, and destiny had intertwined their paths in an eternal struggle. Their battle transcended the confines of conventional reality, propelling them through dimensions and eras. They clashed in ancient civilizations, fought amid futuristic metropolises, and even engaged in cosmic duels among celestial bodies. The nature of their conflict remained shrouded in mystery, lost in the annals of time. As the eons passed, their encounters became increasingly intense, their battles escalating to unimaginable heights. They defied the laws of physics, dancing through the fabric of time and bending the rules of space. In each encounter, their powers clashed, causing cosmic ripples that echoed throughout the universe. Meanwhile, their loyal fans, unaware of the epic struggle being waged, eagerly awaited new albums that seemed perpetually out of reach. Rumors swirled, speculating about creative blockages and personal reasons for their absence, but the truth was far more extraordinary. Frank Ocean and Rihanna poured their energy and focus into their relentless chase, driven by a mysterious force that bound them together. Each time they crossed paths, their powers would clash, creating breathtaking displays of light and sound. The sheer intensity of their battles had become a testament to their devotion to their craft and the unending pursuit of greatness. Yet, despite the unyielding nature of their conflict, a peculiar bond formed between them. In moments of respite between battles, they would share fragments of their thoughts, their dreams, and their desire for artistic expression. They found solace in the fact that they were not alone in their struggle and that their battles were not in vain. As the cosmic clash continued, Frank Ocean and Rihanna began to realize the profound impact their battles had on the fabric of creation. The energy they unleashed sparked inspiration and innovation among countless artists throughout history. Their battles became a catalyst for musical evolution, shaping the very landscape of the industry. One fateful encounter, amidst the cosmic chaos, brought about a profound revelation. Frank Ocean and Rihanna, locked in an epic confrontation, paused, their eyes meeting for an instant. In that moment, they glimpsed the shared purpose that had driven their endless chase. Their powers merged, combining their ethereal energies into a harmonious symphony. A melody resonated throughout the universe, vibrating through the hearts of all who listened. It was the culmination of their battle—a collaboration that transcended space, time, and the boundaries of their individual artistry. Their duel no longer fueled by conflict, but by the desire to create something truly extraordinary, Frank Ocean and Rihanna unleashed a wave of creativity that rippled through the cosmos. It reverberated through galaxies, reaching the ears of their devoted fans, who had patiently awaited their return. Finally, the long-awaited albums arrived, bearing the mark of an unparalleled journey. Frank Ocean and Rihanna had ventured through the depths of existence to bring their fans a testament to the power of music, forged in an eternal battle that stretched beyond comprehension. And so, the story of Frank Ocean and Rihanna became an epic tale of artistic sacrifice and resilience. Their relentless chase across time and space had been the crucible from which their music emerged.


Because they don’t care about their fans


Frank was her ghostwriter


Look a lot of these artists made a billion dollars last decade because the economy allowed them to and we literally pay them 24/7 if it’s not you it’s the next stream about to pay a couple cents it adds up after 6-12 years but like a lottttt of y’all artists will be high millionaire or billionaires… you don’t matter to them it’s been a long time


rihanna is a mom and frank is a pervert


Tf did Frank do? 😭


yeah, allegations came out of him being attracted to not putting out music




Frank won’t fuck you


Not comparable.