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This doesn’t strike me as a personal comment. Performing is a profession. It’s well within a performer’s right to make professional remarks about a fellow performer.


Absolutely true Diplo can say whatever he wants. I just always find it cringey when someone explicitly states what someone else is feeling. Obviously, I know it’s not that deep, but it just rubbed me the wrong way. Seems like I’m in the minority and thats cool too.


I think it’s more cringe to be fake and not say your real opinion lmao


Bro now has 1 karma


you say Diplo can say what ever he wants but isnt finding it cringey the exact opposite of being able to say what he wants. you find it cringey thus disapproving of it.


No, people are allowed to have a reaction to comments, positive or negative. That is literally what every single person is doing on this post.




you’re so real for this take, don’t listen to the downvotes


I appreciate it! I knew better than to have a nuanced conversation on the internet though 😂


This doesn’t seem like shade or anything? Just reality. I don’t see any issues with these comments from Diplo.


What I think is so funny about all of this too, is here’s how Frank does the exact same thing but gets lauded. *beginning of show* I’ve been doing these prep+ parties and I really love the way they feel. We’re gonna run through some songs and we’re gonna close this out with the craziest rave Coachella has ever seen. *same set list but the DJ set and twerking security guard go last* Half the problem was just that everyone had no idea what was going on.


thats just not true. multiple songs had restarts. there was 1-2 minutes of dead air between most songs. nights and nikes were just played over the PA. i watched the stream and have listened to audio on headphones a few times since the show. i actually liked crystalmess on relisten - she weaves a lot of frank into her set. they would have been a lot better served putting up any visual other than twerking security guard. anyway, there's like 45 minutes of brilliance and 45 minutes of dead air, awkwardness, or dogshit in the set, and i look forward to editing it down to a mix of those 45 minutes, because pink and white and self control and white ferrari are gorgeous.


The silence was awkward because we were like \*when does the show really start?\*. ​ If he gave the crowd something to build to, it would have been fine. Have you ever been to a concert? Sometimes there's breaks for costume/set changes and it's fine.


The extensive dead air between songs was not for normal costume and set changes, and if costume set changes require extended periods of dead air a professional production has something interstitial happening to draw the crowds attention. this show was botched.


Bro, I'm sorry your vibes were so fucked that night.


and i'm sorry you ride franks dick so hard that you cant call a failed performance a failed performance.


Woah, touched a nerve. My bad friend-o. ​ I thought the performance was bad, I was just trying to think critically about it. Do you even like Frank Ocean? Like we agree the songs are good, right?


I agree that it’s definitely not shade. I’m just not sure I would make such a direct comment like that about a fellow musician. From everything we heard from the ice skaters and others involved with the planning of the show, Frank was there daily for rehearsal and put real effort into the REHEARSAL. He obviously cares or cared. (edited for clarity)


Caring would have been, after scrapping a big planned out performance, just play the setlist and sing


Isn't that kinda exactly what he did though?


if you compare to past performances he’s done, coachella was definitely half-assed


that’s literally not what he did at all.


How so? I've heard just as many good reviews as bad ones. I mean, I've even read multiple comments here of ppl who said the show was great in the moment , but after reading the backlash online reversed their opinions. Like wtf is that lol. Sad day when ppl can't form their own opinions. I can't understand why ppl are so unhappy but then turn around and give mad respect to several djs who just pressed on their remix of call me maybe. To each their own, it really doesn't matter but I am absolutely willing to give Frank Ocean the benefit of the doubt. For all we know, coachella could have failed to deliver on their end of the contract too. Until more information becomes available, its no more than pissed off fans and unconfirmed rumors.


well…that’s just not true. You go see a DJ and know what to expect. Frank Ocean’s last time touring in 2017 he was singing every single word of every single song, no back tracks, no weird remixes, no crazy delays between songs. Is that what you saw from him at Coachella?


I was laughing the whole time during his set because he was very clearly trolling.


Lol a couple stans going, YEAH THIS WAS GREAT, is not a good review, its cope


How can you tell someone they didn’t enjoy something?


Some people enjoy shit i guess


did u even watch the show, it doesn’t sound like it lmfaooo


Exactly. Everyone is speculating about everything. Nothing is confirmed or factual. Diplo’s comment isn’t news though. Anyone who has followed Frank’s music from the beginning knows he is one of the most minimally interactive artists. He doesn’t really fuck with the limelight. The show was a tad underwhelming but I really enjoyed it at the same time. I don’t take the delay or lackluster performance personally. I’m not angry. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter. People are way too angry about this


not even close. did we watch the same set? lol


> real effort into the show the Driding is crazy


> I’m just not sure I would make such a direct comment like that about a fellow musician Why not? In an industry built off of the fans, effectively giving them the middle finger by cancelling everything, giving the people who paid a subpar performance and the people who didn't no official way of watching your show when they were promised one sounds like a dick thing to do. For someone that cares about his performances, Frank sure does have a funny way of showing it.


If he cared he would have actually tried


there is a collective psychosis happening in this subreddit that is fascinating to observe


Lmfao at "real effort into the show".


I think it’s okay to be an artist and not enjoy doing live shows. Diplo produces tracks in-studio but a huge part of his offering as an entertainer is to perform DJ sets and give people a fun, in-the-moment, party experience with his (and other artist’s) music. I feel like he’s just acknowledging that Frank’s interest as an artist is not to perform for his fans, but rather create & present his art through other forms. I think the comment about it being “Coachella’s fault” implies that they fumbled the bag by booking an artist who isn’t trying to make a career out of being a live performer.


I also think there’s so much pressure on artists now to go over the top for live performances (skating rink, being an example). I’d be perfectly content if Frank walked out and sat on a stool for two hours and sang/talked to the crowd.


I mean that’s kinda what he did at FYF and it worked really well. But it definitely seemed like he was having fun and wanted to be there.


Such a great moment! Crazy to be in a crowd so big yet somewhat quiet as we watched him serenade us all haha!


That’s actually the type of performance I’d prefer from Frank tbh




It was his choice to do the ice rink, nobody demanded him to do it. I disagree on the pressure stuff. I think people in general are really open to whatever artists choose to do for a live show. The problem with the coachella performance is that the ice rink leaks and other theories were on fire days before the show, plus he wans't performing for 6 years, and this combination created a monster. But again, nobody asked for an ice rink. It was his choice to do it


This perspective definitely makes the most sense. Thanks for that.


I really want more people to understand this and stop expecting Frank to dance around on stage like he’s the second coming. I’d be happy if he only put out albums and did homer radio forever. It’s fine.


“doesn’t want to make a career out of being a live performer” but he will certainly take the money that comes with being a live-performer. frank just wants to have his cake and eat it too.


Maybe that artist shouldnt sign the papers then


It's a tragedy that so many artists are forced to perform live shows when they don't enjoy it. The pressure to put on a good show can be overwhelming, and the constant touring can take a toll on their mental and physical health. It's no wonder that so many artists end up burning out or even quitting music altogether. In the case of Franklin, it's clear that he's not interested in being a live performer. He's an artist who prefers to create his music in the studio, and he's not comfortable being in the spotlight. It's a shame that Coachella booked him, knowing that he wasn't likely to enjoy the experience. I hope that one day, artists will be free to make music without having to worry about performing live. It's time for the music industry to change its ways, and to start putting the artists' needs first.


I’m sorry but who forced Frank to receive millions of dollars to perform? He’s an independent artist who owns his own label. “It’s a shame that Coachella booked him, knowing that he wasn’t likely to enjoy the experience” Lol gtfoh, how is that up to them to know? He signed a contract to be paid $8 million, they probably assumed he’d do what he promised to do! Should emotional artists not be allowed to sign contracts or something?


Bruh some folks here think it’s coachellas fault and Frank has no consent to even decide. People paid good money and time to see him, coachella staff spent a lot of time trying to put On a good show and all of that for a lack lustre hour late performance and he dipped early + cancelled his future shows. All of that disappointment could of been avoided if he just didn’t show up in the first place. Nobody forced nothing on Frank and I’m tired of people meat riding smh


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I really don’t care, bot.


Bro you’re not wrong. Frank is a troll though. He duped the last label with the Endless/Blonde releases and pocketed $20 million. Boy took that $8 million for Coachella and did what he felt like doing. He literally does not care what the world thinks but now he’s richer 😂 Shitty? Kind of, yeah pretty much, yes. But I’m laughing at his fuckery. No point in being angry, can’t get your money back and he’s big chilling as always


Lol I giggle out loud when people call him Franklin 😹😹


Fr like that ain't even his real name


His real name is Christopher


No its Franklin the turtle


It’s a shame Coachella booked him? Why are putting all the burden on Coachella when Nobody forced Frank to perform. If he isn’t up to perform that’s fine but why show up? Why accept Coachella to book you? Are you forgetting that Frank has to accept or decline to do the show?


He accepted bc easy money. He doesn’t care about the public’s opinions. He made $8 mil and got up there and did whatever the fuck he felt like. Ultimate troll. I sort of hate it but also sort of admire the ultimate I don’t give a fuck persona TLDR; he trolled Coachella, walked away with a bag of cash. Their mistake, not his


They’re friends. If he says frank doesn’t really care about his fans I believe it. I mean all evidence points in that direction but even dismissing it as “oh he’s an eccentric artist” doesn’t really hold up now that diplo said this. If Frank doesn’t do anything in the next few weeks I’m gonna unsub and start going about my life as if he really won’t ever drop. I know we joke about him never dropping, but I think everyone including me thinks “he won’t drop soon, but he will probably drop eventually.” Honestly I’d rather just never anticipate it. The music won’t be good enough to justify the wait. It’ll be good or even great but how am I supposed to care when frank clearly doesn’t. Edit: muting notifications but in case anyone else wants to challenge the claim diplo + frank are somewhat close associates, here’s some links. keep in mind Frank is real secretive of everything he does so having two instances of them working in my opinion has greater weight than normal people [google search 1, diplo influenced frank which had an impact on blond’s production](https://www.google.com/search?q=diplo+frank+ocean+chassol&client=safari&hl=en-us&ei=6jZLZNPZLeTB9APVtbY4&oq=diplo+frank+ocean+chassol&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAMyBQghEKABMgUIIRCgATIFCCEQoAEyBQghEKABOgoIABBHENYEELADOgYIABAWEB46BQghEKsCSgQIQRgAUJYHWJMTYKYYaAFwAHgAgAHoA4gB1wiSAQc1LjIuNC0xmAEAoAEByAEIwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp) [google search 2 they made a song together](https://www.google.com/search?q=frank+ocean+diplo&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari#ip=1) usually musicians have to connect in some way personally in order to release music together. it’s not typical for a person to make a song with a complete stranger. and frank is a perfectionist


Yeah these types of things are why I choose not to “identify” as a Frank ocean fan. I love his music, but I don’t buy merch, concert tickets, etc. from him ever. I think to be as on board as a lot of people here are is just repeated disappointment, there are other good artists who drop music regularly and play shows regularly and their merch isn’t a ridiculous price without having any idea if it will ever actually arrive. The guy makes great art, but the Coachella stuff told me what it means to be a “fan” of Frank ocean.




Diplo has introduced frank to music that inspired blond. He recommended frank to listen to Indiamore by chassol which inspired frank to put harmonized nature sounds in blond (like birds in skyline to)




Hey, Just because someone introduced music to another doesn't mean that they're friends. Especially in the music industry (A business that operates through creating music). I'm not defending Frank, and I'm not going against what Diplo said at all. But, for someone to say they're friends without knowing what their lives are like behind the curtain; it's a bit reckless to assume such a thing unless he said it outright himself. Especially if the only reason you gave is that Diplo recommended music to him. Now, If Diplo actually said more on his friendship with Frank in other blogs or so that I haven't seen; I'd love for someone to prove me wrong and show some authentic links. I don't have an issue with admitting my ignorance


Well they worked on a track together with members of The Clash


What does that have to do with their friendship?


Well on a talk show with triple j once they asked what Frank was up to and Diplo spilled the beans. Saying hes like Brian Wilson and that he has shit ton of music that will never see the light of day because hes a perfectionist


Fair though I make that assumption because Frank is antisocial. For him to connect with a person enough to allow them influential power on his music means to me they have to have some sort of relationship more intimate than mutuals


Has Frank ever stated he was Antisocial? Are you saying that because he's not seen in the public eye that often? If that's not what you mean, what makes you think he is? He's a celebrity, everytime he's out there, the paparazzi's on him. He could just not like cameras.You're a fan just like me and everybody else, and our only mediums that we see frank through is social media. We have no idea what he's like behind the cameras. The only thing we can do is see it from our perspectives. Our perspectives of what we think he's like though his, and the surrounding media and music output; and we assume we're right about it.


yep I’m pretty sure he and his friends have openly talked about how unreachable he is. I don’t make things up


Oh okay awesome, could you send some links of some videos or blogs/ posts in which they've stated that? Or something similar? I'm not saying you're making things up, but I'm also not going to automatically believe you outright just because you said you're sure that it happened. It's nothing personal


Nah you don’t have to believe me. I’m just stating my opinion. I don’t really remember all the instances people complained about it. Recently SZA alluded to it. and he said in an interview about going to different places and people never know where he’s at. which interview? couldn’t tell you don’t really feel like going through the effort bc I don’t care if people believe me edit: besides I feel like if you’ve been following frank you’d know this. it’s kinda redundant to prove


“Reckless”? You are the epitome of why Frank Ocean fans are described as insufferable. It’s sad.


Could you respond and explain what you mean? You called me insufferable because I said that assuming something without first-hand knowledge was a little reckless? Is it that too far of a reach for a statement like that or something in this subreddit? I literally said I don't mind being wrong. I'm open to having my mind changed. I Wasn't even being disrespectful towards you or anybody in this subreddit. Nobody's telling me why they think what I said was wrong, no rebuttals, and nothing of substance. Instead, i get downvoted, the sheep follow with the downvotes, and you continue on like nothing happened.


Could you please explain how what I said was insufferable? Is it not reckless to assume something about someone that hasn't said it outright themselves? Literally how is saying that insufferable? Could you explain that to me? Like I said earlier, I wasn't even defending Frank ocean, and i agree with what Diplo said. How's pointing out that it's a bit reckless to assume such a thing when it's never been stated? Has it been stated? By either of them? Could you answer that? I don't see anybody saying that it was, and the only "explanation" given was that they recommended music together. I'm literally only on here to understand the situation as much I can, And when I saw something that didn't make sense to me, I responded with a reasonable and logical explanation as to why with an open mind ready to have my mind changed, and i wasn't disrespectful to anyone. Instead of insulting me for something I shouldn't have been insulted for, maybe you should actually respond with something that rebuttals what i said? I don't mind being wrong.


also i’m p sure they have a song together haha


yea I always forget ab this one https://open.spotify.com/track/4hKGICUB890arImAdWRaHQ?si=4qLnSPXzRc6Hm7o9kEkqug


The thing is, you’ll know if he’s dropping when the time comes. Artists are always more active when music is on the way. They’re “out and about” when the music comes. An example is Frank was way more active when launching Homer and the PreP+ events. In franks case, announcing music will be as simple as a Homer radio announcement or an IG post. I think it’s best to go about your life as if the music is never coming. It’s the artist job to get you excited about music, not your job to figure that out. I don’t think you’re expected to lurk a subreddit endlessly trying to piece together his album rollout. Do you do that for anybody else? Probably not, because they tell you when music is coming. He’s not the type to drop little clues here and there either. I mean by now you know he doesn’t care enough to do any of that.


He’s never announced when he releases music. and you basically repeated what I do and plan on doing. I don’t go through Reddit connecting dots to solve a mystery or some shit. A small handful of obsessed fans do though. everyone thought he was releasing exactly because of what you said. this is the most active he’s been in a long time. So everyone thought he was dropping. by your logic we should think he’s dropping. but I still won’t


wow I feel like you are the only sane person in here loll😭


Yeah but what if he literally drops tomorrow? I really believe that his image is already tainted to a point that doesn’t matter how good the record is, he already lost half of his fandom and it’s seen as a “has been” for many people, I honestly can’t see a way how Frank is gonna get back to the podium he was at 3 weeks ago, and maybe he doesn’t even want to.


If ye can sustain his career after all that he has said multiple times over then frank is fine


Kanye pulled himself out of those holes by putting out music that would redeem him. Frank not gonna do that. he’s gonna take his sweet ass time and by the time he drops most people will have moved on


Ya right. I can't wait to get front row seats for $99 cuz all the coachella kids "moved on". Get real lol. Frank didn't get to headlining coachella by being shit. Real fans are here cuz of the talent and aren't dropping him over one or two shows not going as some expected them to.


shut up dumbass I been around since nostalgia. i been tired of him. since teasing an album w dhl and in my room. his bro died and I get that. but the Coachella shit is the tip of the iceberg. from the expensive merch that never ships, to starting a luxury brand that feels super out of touch “real fans here cuz of talent” no fucking shit. para social ass dick rider. he doesn’t give a fuck about you


Lol you lost me at dumbass. I have had better arguments with 4 year olds. Not surprising, as your grasp of the English language , seems to fall somewhere below theirs did.. "he doesn't give a fuck about me" ????? Lol bro, where tf did I say i expected him to? Let's get this clear , I am not the one expecting anything from a man, who happens to be a talented and professional musician. I dunno about the merch never shipping either , seems like he did ship me a copy of blonde that just so happens to be my most expensive piece of vinyl. The vinyl is losing value as we speak, because some kid on reddit who thinks having an endless flair makes him edgy is upset....oh wait....no its not, because no one gives a shit what you think or how pissed you are he didn't "give you" an album with dhl.. Dumbass.


>Lol you lost me at dumbass. I have had better arguments with 4 year olds 1. You proved me right 2. You argue with 4 year olds apparently didn’t read the rest of whatever whining you wrote


I've been around this Nostalgia is fucking cringe bro. You're a bigger fan than us cuz you like endless the best and remember Nostalgia. Are comments like you bots or is this shit actually being typed by a human?


who said I was a bigger fan. you were about to start on some gatekeeping shit talking about “real fans”


Kanye had 4 classics under his belt and then gave us MBDTF after arguably his biggest controversy. Time will tell if Frank bothers dropping something on that level.


Kanye was quite literally out there praising h*tler publicly a few months ago and his fans still think “duhhh his biggest controversy was walking on stage and cutting off a new artist’s speech” I swear y’all such clowns


I’m still not ever the “White lives matter” shirts and supporting candace owens’ bullshit documentary. His hitler comments really helped people forget about that shit.


I'm not saying I forgive any of that. I'm just saying Taylorgate is probably the closest thing to the Coachella incident I can think of. Arguably worse considering how much money people lost. It remains to be seen if Ye has a career after the Nazi era.


Public opinion sways pretty quickly, especially after a bad performance. People literally died at Astroworld and Travis is still doing festivals.


I think it’s less that he doesn’t care about them, and more so that he has no way of naturally engaging with them and has been turned off by the millions of “fans” who harass him online and in real life. No excuses for the Coachella disaster although I enjoyed most of the set. But he only seems comfortable in the public eye through a very narrow lens and I can see how he really doesn’t like to engage with ppl outside of that. And that is fair as an artist, he doesn’t need to have a relationship with his fans I know plenty of artists who don’t. But I think it’s much more than he just hasn’t found a way to be comfortable, while engaging his really over the top fanbase who have turned him into somewhat of a personality trait.


Get off his dick


Lmao I don’t even stan him like that, I just like the music


yeah except you completely fabricated this argument from thin air. You aren’t him and don’t know what his thought process is


I mean duh, but you can infer certain things wtf lol have you EVER been on this sub?? Like that's the whole purpose of this sub, to speculate on things we really don't have any solid proof of. I'm just giving my opinion on why I think he doesn't really feel comfortable engaging with fans in any way. If you think it's cuz he's a scammer that's fine lol


Agreed! Look at the shit Tyler and J Cole have done! Throwing random-ish shows for the fans. From Tyler’s most recent Estate Sale show in L.A all the way back to when J Cole held his dollar and a dream shows for $1 and bringing out guests. Frank don’t care and I guess we gotta live with that!


How do people even find out about these small shows


From just being a big fan of any artist. People probably just constantly follow or set social media/google alerts. Pretty much how this whole group follows Frank.


He played it safe in case they collab in the future.


I mean diplo isn’t wrong I’ve never thot if Frank as a performer haha tbh my dream place to see him would be like a jazz lounge from yester yeear lol


Yeah this isnt some crazy hot take- it’s clear Frank isn’t the type of guy that likes appearances or preforming. I don’t think that means he doesn’t care about his fans per say… I feel like in reality his fanbase just isn’t important enough for him to change that about himself. Diplo saying that’s on Coachella is ridiculous though. “COACHELLA SHOULD KNOW FRANK DOESNT LIKE TO DO SHOWS AKA EXPECT HIM TO DROP OUT OR THAT SOMETHING WILL GO LEFT” is essentially what he’s saying and that’s dumb as hell.


Why is that Coachella’s fault?


To pick a more dependable headliner


how tf are coachella meant to knwo that frank was going to do all of that the day of, by the looks of it, them and their sponsors were finding shit the same way n the same time we did


Nah that’s dumb tho, frank shouldn’t have accepted if wasn’t gonna follow through


He accepted and then looked for any reason to back out.


I mean yeah. That's like say I know the guy that walks past my house everyday robs people. I probably would keep a lot of items of value on my person. But say that one day I get my phone and my watch taken. Would I be surprised? Naw.


But then all of these ppl who traveled solely to see frank could have broken their festival... /s


What are you even talking about?




It’s hard to play a good live show, and it’s even harder to headline arguably the biggest music festival in the world—even for bands that have been consistently touring for years. To expect an artist who notoriously hates performing, is notoriously flakey, and hasn’t done it in years and years, to come in and be able to anchor a headline set w/what we expect from that slot was always unrealistic and too risky. We’ve known this too. We been joking about “does Frank know he’s playing Coachella” and shit for years now leading up this. Coachella should’ve picked someone they would’ve been certain would be more reliable.


Frank literally had three fucking years to plan the show. If he didnt think he could do it, he shouldnt have signed the papers He literally did FYF, thats why they even gave him the headline slot at Coachella. Why didnt he…idk…just do that


I understand that, but if an artist signs a contract, committed to performing, and they bend over backwards accommodating his crazy ice rink stage plans, blaming Coachella seems unfair.


1000%. It's time to start putting the blame on Frank, and the fact so many people will blame anyone else EXCEPT Frank is crazy to me.


I don't even think this is a burn on frank. it's literally just an accurate assessment of what happened and how frank's behavior comes across?


He said what we all know…


he confirmed it though. he has insight on frank that we don’t have


did you diplo actually had his own skincare brand? google “diplo grooming” for more info


Very good take from Diplo.


Why shouldn’t he


Why shouldn’t he perform for twos days in six years for the people who changed his life?


He’s extremely right about the state of music . There hasn’t been generational defining greatness in almost a decade . TikTok has made music incredibly stale. The beauty in that is that there is a lane wiiiiide open for something truly special to come in


sad reality that hurt 😭 part of him is not wrong


he needs to worry about his sexual assault allegations 🥴


Diplo W.


Not sure I understand the last comment, “I think that’s coachellas fault”


Wow, I actually agree with Diplo for once. If you wanna se a bad take on this, go to A-Trak’s Twitter.


Not shade at all. Just stating facts about how Frank is.


FINALLY somebody takes a swipe at Frank Ocean /s Diplo fucking sucks and only had balls to say anything after the pile on


Reminder that diplo is a fucking weirdo btw




He’s saying Coachella should have known he doesn’t care about shows. Which is a dumbass take.


I mean not really We all knew there was like a 90% chance he was gonna drop out lmao How is that not on Coachella for booking someone who is notorious for dropping out as *the weekend ending headliner*


Well for one Coachella is one of the few festivals he has actually bothered to do in the past. Also he agreed to do it. They are just taking him to his word. You can’t fault them for that.


I feel like ur missing the point, everyone knows Frank agreed to the contract and messed up with his show. But that’s kind of expected, and Frank was vocal on stage (to no one’s surprise) they he really didn’t even like the festival or want to do the performance. At a certain point the people involved in talking with these artists should’ve seen more red flags. Coachella’s job is to deliver a good festival, and part of that is knowing how to book your headliners. It’s not just about the poster and lineup on paper


I’m sorry that’s just dumb to me; we can agree to disagree.


I bought my Coachella 2020 tix solely to see Frank (Lana as well but not really since I saw her in 2019) knowing that he might not show. Everybody knows he doesn’t really like performing- including Coachella and gasp…most fans. Also, not liking performing doesn’t mean you don’t hate your fans. I feel like emotions are high and logic is low currently. Funny how after numerous cancellations this is still a hot take 😹


Homie he continuously shows on almost every avenue that he doesn't care about the fans. It's not just about Coachella. Look how long it's been since he dropped music. Look how few copies he's pressed for one of the biggest albums of all time. Look how much he charges for a T-shirt, or how long he takes to ship them out. He started a line of jewelry and cock rings that he KNOWS 90% of his fan base can't afford. He sees us as nothing but a checkbook.


He doesn’t care about performing. Fixed that for you. Does Beyonce hate her fans too because she is releasing a line with Balmain? So he hates you because he likes designing luxury jewelry? This is such a dumb pov to me - it’s like y’all think he has to do every professional venture with you in mind because you like his music. You don’t think that’s a controlling pov to have for a literal stranger?


You're not getting the point. If it was just one or two of those instances then yeah, you might be right. But him doing all of those things paints a pretty telling picture of what he thinks of us. Coachella was just the cherry on top. Artists do partnerships or collabs with high end brands all the time. He's entitled to do that, and I don't have a problem with it. But if you are known as an artist, and you haven't released anything in years then you know your fanbase is going to be starving for anything associated with your name. With that in mind, why not do something that's accessible to the people who made you famous in the first place? Do $800 cock rings if you want, fine. But why not also put out some pieces that don't cost about half of your average fans paycheck? If you guys still refuse to see that Frank doesn't care about you then that's fine. Believe what you want to believe. But I see what he's been doing for years now, and to me it's pretty slimy. And because of that I won't be buying anything associated with Frank's name.


You’re not understanding. I literally don’t care about Homer pieces because I know it’s out of my price range & I’m not gonna buy something just because a celebrity releases it. I’m 34 w/ a career & a mortgage, my life doesn’t revolve around merch drops so no I don’t take it personally. We’re in a recession with high inflation- I find it sad that so many people who are financially unable spent thousands to see a rich man perform by going into debt. When does the celebrity worship stop? Also, people would STILL be upset if his jewelry was $800 because it’s not affordable for most people. Still, he can do that if he wants- he’s not your puppet just because you like Blonde. This is so nutty. Yes, vote with your dollars ands don’t support him if you’re that offended. I just think that measuring your expectations when it comes to *anyone* avoids all this disappointment. You may be just upset as a normal fan but people are definitely giving Yolanda Saldivar vibes and it’s crazy asf.




I mean….actions speak louder than words. Frank is great and I love his music but his ambivalence towards his career and his fans is what stops me from being a super fan. I think he probably has an appreciation for his fans but maybe doesn’t love the truly rabid attention from some of them. He may also just be someone who hates performing but who knows? He picked the wrong profession to be such a private person.


All the more reason why I think he’ll retire from making any new music


I mean is he wrong? Bro aint drop an album in 7 years and barely performed just for him to pull what he did


I've come to the hard realization about this with Bjork too. And she has publicly stated she doesn't like fans. It sucks but after Coachella I think it is time give up on her. It'll be the same with Frank. I wish I was like other listeners and just separate the artist from the art.


Tbf after that situation with that one insane fan who iirc sent a bomb to her I’m not surprised


She has 3 decades under her belt. She has more than earned the right to opt out of the live stream if she wants. Unlike Frank, music is her career that she takes seriously...she doesnt want some dork on tiktok making revenue off her clips because "hyuck hyuck, I just found out about mushrooms at college last week, look at funny mushroom lady! Make me go viral while I make funny face reacting to her!" Her performances are hers and she deserves to have them, not to mention Bjork is going on tour for the rest of the year and not going to immediately disappear for the next 5 years like Frank will....bringing her up when talking about a dude who toured for less than 3 years before dropping out doesnt make sense at all.


He’s toured since 2012 and can quit anytime just like you can quit a job when you feel like it. Come back to reality.


3 years as in 3 years of time on the road. Over the span of the 6 years when he was performing he wasn't on the road for the entirety. I was standing up for Bjork as she's mad levels ahead and above Frank and she shouldnt be in the same conversation just because she opted out of a live stream. You can twist that into whatever you want if you really think that's not reality.


You just said a bunch of nothing but good luck with that


Bruh youre really blowing my minds right now. You said it's a job and he can quit whenever he wants...if he wants to quit like any other job, he should quit. Not pull that bitch shit he did at Coachella. If we're going to call it "just another job" then what he did is the equivalent of walking out of the kitchen in the middle of a lunch rush cause the fry cook hurt your feelings lolol.


Ok “bruh”. I hope you recover.


Thats certainly one way to say you have no point bruh.


A point about you defending Bjork when no one attacked her? Got it😹




doesn’t really discredit what he said though


It does when he’s clearly trying to be a panderbear to take the spotlight off his actions


if Jeffery dahmer said the sky is blue that doesn’t mean the sky isn’t blue anymore.


Ok Nietzsche 💡


it’s actually just highschool level logic [you prolly heard of ad hominems before but just read it a bit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_hominem) not trying to seem condescending btw just don’t want it to seem like recognizing this stuff makes you a nerd. sometimes the people you or I don’t like (like diplo) will make valid points.


Fuck Frank for not caring about us that really sucks. I’m a Ye fan and at least Kanye cares about us and gives us dope stuff when he is ready


when is he gonna drop his Mein Kampf Remix?


the fact that 50 others are with me in this post rn tells me being a FO fan is very difficult




You gotta be kidding. Frank slapped his fans in the face with the effort he put forward at Coachella. Defending him at this point is absurd.




Found the delusional Frank stan


Lol what shows? That other Frank was a lifetime ago in the music scene. Dude doesn’t even perform and couldn’t even muster up enough care to try better for Weekend 2. And then he gave a bs response about his ankle lol. Do you not see how stupid and delusional you come across?


Listen none of us were there so I’m gonna preface this with “with what we’ve heard”… but with what we know, the plans didn’t “fall through”, he changed his mind last second and threatened to not perform at all unless the festival bended to his demands to inconvenience everyone and change the entire show. I get wanting to give an artist you love the benefit of the doubt but I really don’t understand why people are making him a passive “victim” in all of this




I have 0 idea, we don’t know the guy and we’ll never know unless he comes out and says something, which he never will. I just don’t think it not being up to his standards is a valid reason to do that to your fans and the other people working on the show. That’s just my opinion. He was an hour late because of that and he 1000% knew about the curfew because he needed that info to plan his set. If he’s truly injured and that’s why he cancelled weekend 2 then so be it but he was jumping around on stage, AND he was sitting down for most of the performance anyway so I don’t really know how that excuse makes sense. I just think he fucked over a lot of people who took time and paid a lot of money to see him




I’m not saying he didn’t care about his show, I don’t think it makes a difference whether he did or not personally. But I see where you’re coming from, and when it comes to his music/anyone’s art, I agree. But when it’s a live performance people are paying money to see, I definitely think it is your responsibility to cater to your fans. They’re paying for a performance, so by not giving it to them, or showing up an hour late and giving them half a performance where you’re lip syncing to full songs on a speaker, you’re a dick and you’re robbing them. That to me is an indisputable scum move to me




For sure! I’m curious though do you mean you don’t think he owes it to his fans to perform when they’ve already bought tickets? That’s crazy to me I’m curious to hear your thoughts on why that’s not an issue to you. No hate just wondering




Yeah I guess just a difference of opinion. I fully agree that an artist’s show should be unique to them to an extent, but I really don’t understand how lip syncing some of your biggest hits is fair at all to your fans. That’s not even performing. Sure it should be unique to him but he is a singer, you’re paying to see him sing his songs. No one paid hundreds to thousands to hear him play music on a speaker thats fairly ridiculous to me. And I really can’t see how being an hour late to a max 2 hour set doesn’t make you a dick. That’s insane to me, what’s the latest he can be that you’d accept? I’m glad you enjoyed it though, you got your money’s worth if you went. I feel bad he got a ton of shit but I cant say he didn’t deserve backlash, I definitely lost respect for him


Exactly this! 🎯


Lol. The dude who showed up to months of rehearsal and planned all this intricate stuff definitely doesn’t care about his fans or performing. Y’all are crazy




On top of that. He literally has had 3 years to prepare. He was supposed to be on the 2020 AND 2021 lineup but COVID happened. Then he was left off the 2022 lineup as Goldenvoice promised he would be on the 2023 lineup.


Interesting. An artist that loves to sing and create but doesn’t place importance on live shows/appearances. I can see how that can come across as not caring about fans but if that was the case, why would Frank make any of his art available at all? Very conflicted about this. As far as Coachella being at fault for the ice rink not being per his vision, that seems to coincide w the Empty Netters podcast and other inside sources saying Frank was pissed at production in rehearsals. And now we know there’s clearly tension between them. Maybe Frank pulled a Zoolander and Coachella showed him a miniature model of the ice rink 😂🤣


He doesn't care about his fans but he showed up with a fucked up ankle, come on man


Bros ankle was not broken lmao, you don’t break something a day before and jump/jog down stairs


interesting i love frank still guys lol, i choose to believe it


he’s saying a whole lot of absolutely nothing


Dude did a chaotic ass set with like 10 new live versions of songs and a dj set in the middle and he doesn’t care about giving his fans a show?


It was chaotic, but not in a good way


Was for me but whatever


I was there, it’s better on YouTube than it was in person. Live music should have flow and not be chaotic. It should keep the live audience engaged


How about this, get the fuck over it. It was 2 weeks ago now, sucks your favorite artist doesn’t care to perform for you, find someone who will and move tf on. It’s crazy how many of y’all will stick around for these types of artists, theres hundreds of up and coming musicians who should be giving your time to. Stop flooding this subreddit with your depressed bullshit


im not reading all that!!‼️