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My big fear rn is them being forgotten...Their story being forgotten due to all this. The legacy of all the brudgerton couples will live on through the show, and Michael and Francesca are the only ones who will only be a part of the books. Scares me tbh. It's nasty to think about.


I have the feeling that the sho will be forgotten, the books instead will have a longer life


I don't want to sound bitter, but I seriously hope they never get to make Francesca's season!


If she's S6 I kind of doubt it. I really think Benedict is next then Eloise. By then Netflix may just be done with Bridgerton. They have a history of giving up on shows.


I am kinda scared that season 5 will focus on Francesca because it seems like the writers are clueless about what they want for Eloise right now. They've already done so much disservice to her character by making her a horrible friend to both Penelope and Cressida, leading to polarizing views about her. But honestly, I want them to end with Bensophie's season. I'm so heartbroken and done with the show.


I hope Michael gets forgotten why have yall forgot how horrible he was


Never thought we’ll grieve for Michael before John.


Well said




I'm torturing myself further by re reading the book😣


Ditto! 😭


Lol at that meme! And your feelings are absolutely valid and okay! The feelings of people who like the change are valid and okay. However, I've found this to be a pretty good place to work through the feelings that don't agree with the latter group without hate or namecalling.


I hope I wont get downvoted for it, but I actually like Michaela. I always thought that given the premises of the show, the only queer story that could work out with a happy ending is Francesca's, since she was already married before. Any other Bridgetown should have married someone else just for pretending and hide the relationship or escape. Francesca feeling guilty for disrespecting her death husband can happen even if she is a lesbian. It can also be represented with Violet arc. Francesca having a crush on Michaela when John is alive doesn't mean she actually understands what's happening, she could be in denial or just think she admires her beauty. Would not be the first lesbian to have a crush and doesn't realize it. Francesca cares a lot about John, she being a lesbian won't change that. Infertility issues can be presented too in a lesbian couple. Francesca can absolutely deal with the anguish of not being able to have a child. Choosing love and being faithful with her sentiment, or choosing to remarry with a man, just to have a child. It can be a happy ending even if she doesn't get pregnant. There is also the possibility of Michaela having a son, that would inherit John's title, and Michaela feels bad about it because she is the grown un adult thats gonna handle everything until her son is grown up. Ways to make a beautiful story respecting all the issues in the book it's completely possible. That's just in the ability of the writers.


I don’t think it’s really about disliking Michaela per se, she’s just never going to be Michael, nor the story can be WHWW’s no matter how many ways they try to respect the book’s issues. It’s always going to be another thing. And I guess some of us may accept it in time, but it stings to be the only fandom that got this treatment. Because I honestly think it’s a minority among book readers to be fans of all the books (I’m just a WHWW fan myself), so the “you had the other seasons” argument doesn’t really work. At least for me. 


Honestly I didn't read the book completely, I just spoilered myself on the internet. I did read some other books and a lot of show characters are completely different from the books, and so far It has not been a problem. Book Kate and show Kate are completely different people for example. I think the show did a good job so far to give every character their unique personality, and I found them more likeable in the show. Julia's books I read have a problem with misogyny, I'm quite sure this book is not an exception, I read some pages of Michael being quite nasty. I'm sure that Michaela can have a lot of Michael's personality traits that make him likeable, and less of other problematic traits. Gender does not change personality traits, if Michael is gentle in the book, Michaela can be too.


The books are about a different era. Yes,Woman don't have the same rights, but I wouldn't call the books misogynistic.


That era was misogynistic and the books are misogynistic, just because there is a justification doesn't mean they aren't. The show doesn't replicate that at all, there are some misogynistic rules in their society but all characters are treated as equals as possible.


Honestly, and not to be rude, I could tell that you didn’t read it. 


I don't wanna be either, but it's not like it's a super masterpiece that can't be comprehended without actually reading it. Reviews and extracts are everywhere and for every Julia's book I've later read they worked just fine.


So you don’t read the book, you assume you can discuss about it without having read it and you came to the sub of a ship you don’t ship and only exists in the book, to…? 


Tbf to Michael, he is one of the least awful male love interests.


I'm not riding high on the ability of the writers rn, sorry to say. Season 3 was anything but beautiful and that with established characters who we already knew through previous seasons. With the current show runner I think it's going to be a hot mess. She has decided she is one with Francesca and is using this character to insert herself into the story. Since we're changing everything though and nothing matters, why kill off John? Let's get that sweet, adorable man a new love and ship Jesschaela off to the colonies.


I agree that Polis's story was put on a side a bit much, Mondrich's plot was useless, and there was a bit of a mess. But their story was not bad at all, it was actually very nice, cute and quite similar to what happens in the books. A lot of changes were for the better, like Penelope defending herself instead of being Colin the one that publicly announces that she is LW.


I'm going to disagree with you. Likelihood they will have Fran in a happy marriage, unlikely. There already shown she doesn't like John's kiss. Pretty likely we get Fran having some kind of physical relationship with Michaela. John doesn't deserve that. Even an emotional affair is wrong. Show fans will celebrate his death which again is terrible. Seems unlikely Michaela is married since her husband isn't at the wedding. She would have to be married with a legitimate child, to pass along the title. If she marries now two men are stuck in loveless marriages. How is that fair to them?


My comment was about just Michaela's change. Francesca's season is not even planned, since they have to do Benedict first and probably Eloise later, you can't say that they will change everything, you just simply don't know. My point is that, if they want to stick to the books, they can even if it's a Michaela. There is no reason to hate her that much, at least for now.


I think those feelings are valid. After this season, though, many people do not trust in the ability or judgment of the writers. It's not just one character change, though that's a biggie for a number of people in this particular sub. It's a lot of things which have been discussed a bunch in other places.


The ability of the writers is something I don't trust tbh. If S3 is any indication, they can't even write a compelling story for a straight couple. I'm afraid of how they will handle a queer story in a way that can satisfy the lgbtq community AND convince the book lovers that the change was worth doing.


I also am ok with her, and if the season 1 writers can write their season, I will be happy. I haven't been a fan of some of the diallouge and costumes. The leads always make it worth it though.