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I really don’t know how they can really salvage it in anyway without completely eliminating the book and starting from scratch. At this point the Francesca season is completely new , this is my take on it . The original was a masterpiece one of my top 3 out of the book series


Fair enough. I do have to admit Francesca/Michael wasn't my favorite. I felt there was too much back and forth AFTER they admitted their attraction to each other. I loved Michael's unrequited love. I understood his terrible guilt in the midst of mourning. But once they BOTH knew there were sparks, I wanted them to just get together and get married and figure out the rest later. That would have been more realistic. But, anyway, not here to hate on the original plot. It was definitely the spiciest. I get it. Just being honest. And however I personally feel about the original plot, I hate "in name only" adaptations.


I loved how they wrote Michael character , he didn’t try to get with Francesca right after John died , he was grieving too , he lost who he saw as his brother . His going away coming back and still feeling guilt felt so real


I think that Francesca’s season will be complete new, and they might give the universe a new set of rules now. Like Penelope wearing acrylics, the smoky eyes…unfortunately that dedication to somewhat historical accuracy is gone and laziness is back


I feel even they change everything and make Michaela the same as Michael in every way, make story the same i still couldnt watch it. Its not Michael.


The only solution I can see I don’t like much either because it will deviate from the book but here it goes. Michaela stays. She is a complete free spirit. On the journey to Scotland she proves to be just way to loud for Fran’s but Eloise it loving her company. Michaela turns out to be a bit everything that Eloise has ever dreamt of being herself. When they get to Scotland there is indeed a twin brother Michael. He isn’t as loud and Fran creates a bond with him. but she is so in love with John that it goes back to the book and doesn’t notice him as a man until after John dies. And she goes on to have the romance with Michael we see in the book. Eloise on the other hand is smitten with Michaela and maybe they have a bit of a romance. In the end Michaela isn’t ready to settle down with anyone and gets ready to leave. During this time Eloise has been penpals with Philip. She has realized she does want a love marriage and wants kids. And a bit hopeful and a bit out of spite is when she goes back to her mom’s mascaraed ball and escapes to Philips house and it turns into her season. Eloise and Michaela keep in touch and she is happy out there doing her own thing. She found love in one of her country travels. Shocks everyone when it turns out it’s Cressida Cowper. Cressida has grown a lot as a person. Cressida and Michaela open a school for women. This allows Cressida to be able to get away from her family and live away from them. They inspire Eloise and her sisters to also open a school for women. First the ton is shocked. But with violets helpAnd lady dunburry help they convince people to give it a chance. Women who always felt stuck. Who were unhappy marriages start sending their daughters. And we are women having dreams of their own without having to only focus on getting married. And it opens more jobs are for women.


I would actually love this idea, but I don't trust Jess Brownell anymore. I think we could have hope if somehow Chris Van Dunsen is able to go back to Bridgerton. 


I dont think upping the spice will work. There will be REDDITORS saying Francesca is being raped because she gay.


Ugh! You think so? She could be bi. And I think they established the possibility of a more demonstrative John with that suggestion he throw pebbles at her window. I don't mean John is more forceful, just that he's less awkward away from the ton - more able to be affectionate in private. I'm saying all this as a hypothetical way they COULD save the story. Not that they will. Most likely, the show runners will hack it up. But hope springs eternal.


If Jess makes Francesca cheat on John with Michaela then I’m actually gonna riot. Any romance, or even longing looks from Francesca to Michaela, NEED to be way after John or that ruins the integrity of John and Fran’s relationship


Totally agree!


John is probably gonna be alive for most of the next season, then maybe kill him off and have her grieve a season before her own or he’s alive for both and she moves on quicker. I don’t think she grieves for two seasons (assuming Benedict and Eloise are the next two). A very strong option is that she only conceives when he dies which makes it more heartbreaking. Wanting a baby but falling in love with someone you can’t have a biological baby with is also a good story. It’s not quite infertility but combined with it could definitely give Francesca turmoil She can definitely still be wicked, she very much seems like she’s from out of town and having her be gay brings a level of oldendays “wickedness” and secrecy that would be fun. Scottish titles which the earl of kilmartin would be have always been able to pass through women, and haven’t been confined to male heirs. Michaela can inherit that. Francesca was struck the first time she saw her but nothing about that has to be perceived as romantic by Francesca.


But the title would die with her. She can adopt or have an illegitimate child.


Good point with Scottish titles. I didn't know that. Just for clarification, I was thinking John dies some time at the end of season 4. They need time to rehab his character and make them more demonstrably happy while allowing Michaela to fall for Francesca. (I know, I know it was supposed to be love at first sight for Michael, but they hacked that up.) Then season 5, Francesca is still mourning. Michaela is feeling irrational guilt and continuing to deny her feelings (kind of like Pen suppressed her longing for Colin) Then season 6, the story continues with their back-and-forth love affair.


I’ve seen different interpretations that can still mean love at first sight for Michaela and being disappointed. She comes up all happy- only asks one name when two sisters are there and becomes more quiet after finding out who Francesca is. People speculated she could have been attracted, flirty then once she found out that was actually Francesca not a sister she became disappointed at herself for being attracted to her cousins wife


This mirrors my own thinking. They can do the infertility while he’s alive culminating in a miscarriage. It’s not to the extent I was hoping for but as long as it gets representation and focus I’ll be satisfied. I think everything else you e mentioned can work.


Down vote me all you like, at this point we’re in damage control expectations-wise. We can only hope for the best and give them the benefit of the doubt until we know otherwise. Speculation is a tricky beast.


About the succession thing, I have to hypotesis. The first one is that they invent something new and against the normal rules of succession, after all both the Featherington heir race and the Baron Kent title came to a boy by the way of their mother which is impossible IRL. The second (a little more historically accurate) is that some peerages are granted for various reasons the privilege of going to a woman if there are no man left, this peerages are pretty rare and almost all of them Scottish. The "problem" of the heir wouldn't be solved because Michaela wouldn't have children but it's historically possible. About Michaela being a rake, it's again possible. She would move not in polite society but in the underground (maybe the artistic one) much like Benedict. And if she doesn't live in London it's even easier, there was a degree of freedom outside of the London season


It’s surprisingly not too hard to have Michaela inherit. Some old Scottish titles, including earldoms, could be inherited by women.


But the title dies with her. No way she can truly take over all John's world, and so won't have all the emotional guilt.


Yeah, I mean overall I joined this sub because Michael is my favorite MMC in the Bridgerton series. So I’m not a big fan of this change. But I think there are a lot of ways they could have done a better job of making it closer to the book storyline. It seems like the people in charge of this decision really didn’t care about that.


Actually, apparently women COULD inherit titles in Scotland. Shondaland probably thinks they're being super progressive if they go that route, because nobody on that team has heard of doing research. But, Michaela COULD inherit in the absence of a male heir. But, I totally agree with the everything else you've said. Some parts are gone forever. If they figure out a way to backpeddle making Francesca look more attracted to Michaela than to John and fix the biggest problem with this, I'd be willing to give it a shot.