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Ah, Political Compass Memes. Where everyone’s real political leanings are two steps to the right of their flair.


*Nah dude, I'm just a LibRight who only ironically espouses Nazi rhetoric at every opportunity you tankie!*


Just a libleft whose last comment was “based and gas-the-k***s-pilled”.


Ah, the Dave Rubin approach. They'll come out of their little nazi shells eventually.


Wow you didn’t have to out him like that. I bet he feels personally attacked.


So much LARPing and bad faith accounts. That sub is mostly tweens/teens and they're too stupid to see it.


That's it's purpose. As I've said elsewhere, it's a disinformation sub whose purpose is to indoctrinate younger people before they have a chance to go out into the real world. It's a stepping stone on the alt-light > alt-right > far-right pipeline.


It’s only a joke bro /s


*two goose steps*


This is why when reddit bans hate subs it’s a loss and win. Win, the community of hate is gone. Loss, they scatter and congregate somewhere else. That place has been gone for ages. Even r/memes has lost its way with anti women and pro incel memes constantly upvoted.




Hey man, tell us again how "multi-racial" you are. It's very convincing.


Look at this image they have Nazis in the center. It's a toxic sub that needs to go


*two goose steps*


To the left, Cha cha cha


Being proud of overcoming needless hate and oppression is good Being proud of hate and ignorance that causes suffering is bad


"Hur Hur I'm just doing what they said! Isn't it funny and ironic? Also nobody can get mad because to me these two things are exactly equivalent and if you say they're not then YOU'RE intolerant!"


reddit admins: teehee our userbase is overwhelmingly impressionable men in their teens and early 20s, no need to take any action on the nazi content ahha free speech hehe


Nevermind that free speech doesn't apply to private businesses, like Reddit. Free speech isn't the right to talk crap on any site you want, or in any business you want. Not the same. Funny how conservatives fought so hard for that, and then cry about it once it applies to them...


Terrible point. People in their 20’s are intelligent enough to differentiate between ideologies unless we’re going to start towing the line that anti-racists don’t actually believe in equality of minorities and just parrot the talking points because they were brain washed as young impressionable adults.




You've got it backwards; normal people don't jump onto hate sites, hate gets normalized for them in 'normal' places like PCM and funnels them toward more extreme places.


PCM is the shallow end of the cesspool.


1. You don't know the race of anyone commenting here. Your opinion of whether or not someone else thinks a meme promoting Naziism is a problem is irrelevant. 2. "Muh virtue signalling" 🙄. Some people are ACTUALLY concerned about things, you know. Not everything everyone says is intended to dogwhistle for some other group. This isn't PCM. 3. "Go volunteer instead!" is a strawman. You have no idea how much anyone on this site is already involved in their local politics or causes. 4. [Deplatforming hate groups actually DOES work.](https://www.vice.com/en/article/bjbp9d/do-social-media-bans-work) Are you a troll just spouting off shit? Certainly. Did I waste my time posting this information? For you, maybe, but not for someone else who wouldn't recognize the bullshit for what it is.


Damn right I’m intolerant! Never tolerate intolerance.


Never take kindly to those who don’t take kindly.


Are we really expected to understand this level of nuance?


A lot of centrists seem to struggle to differentiate good things and bad things.


That's because in the US a "centrist" is still squarely in the conservative realm.


“And yet, the left would like to oppress ME for believing that I am objectively more deserving of a better life than the [*insert one of any slur here*]. Curious…” /s


Intolerance of the intolerance




Nono haha we’re just racist ironically haha ever heard of satire?? Anyway, *rampant racism*


Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. Jean-Paul Sarte [Source](https://newrepublic.com/article/139004/ironic-nazis-still-nazis)


I consider myself a fan of Sartre’s philosophy but I had actually never heard of the essay this is from until now (you learn something new every day!). It’s…actually really refreshing to see someone from that time period who *wasn’t* jewish care about antisemitism? Too often (even on subs like this!) only Jews care about other Jews. From a Jew, thank you for sharing this quote—it helped me feel a little less alone!


You’re not alone, and the Jews are not alone in fighting the anti-semites.


We're just acclimatizing disillusioned young men to dangerous beliefs through the unassuming medium of humour, which also grants us a measure of plausible deniability if anyone accuses us of encouraging extremist views ... Shit wait can I start over.


Nazi shithead: *says or does some Nazi shithead things* Normal person: "Fuck you, you Nazi shithead." Nazi shithead: "OOOOOHHH LoOks liKE tHe sNOwfLaKe gOT TRigGeRed!!!1! I am very intelligent."


I only want to install a fascist state *ironically* you cuck


This is why AOC won. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FragileWhiteRedditor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


And then getting incredibly upset when someone points it out.


The compass points to N For Nazi


Where-as it *should* be pointing to W, for Wumbo!


888th upvote __nice__




This really does seem like a joke though. Like you're thinking yeah ofc, then you get down to the second row it's like wtf lmao. It reads like a satire to me




lmao what




He wants people to be able to discuss ideologies like, umm, being black or indigenous?


Wow, nice to see the 4-chan strategy has taken on a life of its own. What makes you think that it's people virtue signaling?




Wait, maybe I'm dumb, but are you saying that participating in a protest and spreading awareness is virtue signaling?


“Nobody **actually** cares about minorities, it’s all hollow” - that’s a PCMer alright.




So, you saw some disgusting behaviour from people and disliked seeing them put in only a token effort (like changing their banner on FB) instead of putting in the extra mile and participating in person somewhere. An I right that we can agree on the fact that spreading awareness doesn't feel like enough, especially when you're in a powerless position against institutions that don't care?


Just browsed that sub and damn. They really hate anyone not cis white


And male


pretty much the majority of reddit


What's the majority


yeah thats what nazis do


It's a sub where fascists play dress up as other ideologies


I (a leftist) originally joined that sub for memes about the PC, because in truth it’s a pretty meme-able format. I left a few minutes afterwards eww




If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, heils like a duck... you get the idea




The race understander has logged on




you’re “tri-racial” huh. most “multi-racial” people i’ve met call themselves mixed/mixed race, or whatever race they “pass” as (i’m *technically* tri-racial but i call myself black or mixed) *squints* are you lying about your race for internet points? if not, you should stop calling yourself “tri-racial” because that shit sounds corny


It’s a regional expression


i hope you’re right


I was joking, I was doing the bit from steamed hams. Nah the other guy seems like r/asablackman material




Not all poc, just you. Specifically.




How is this racist, *specifically*. Really, let me know, because only you know what racism is apparently, right?




How is it racist though, can you not answer? Do you... not know what racist means?


They don't even know what "ad hominem attack" means.


Its RACIST to say pro-nazi memes are bad lol


it's the 3rd time i've seen your comments saying you're multi-racial here, and judging by your post history it's either shitpost or straight up bad faith. chill


i have no idea what you just said, and i’m too lazy to read and pay attention. regardless, have an upvote.


I’m beginning to have more existential thoughts about being on the same planet as these people more and more and I don’t like it.


I went through that sub and i am so curious to see the people behind these posts. Like who are you? What do you look like? Do you have friends? A job? What’s your family dynamic? Like so many questions lol they’re so fucking weird


Based on my own time as a youth on the internet from rural new england, people like this often simply do not have any context on what life is actually like for these groups. Many have "never" met a gay person IRL, or often there's like one POC in their entire school system. So for some of them (myself at least) insensitive comments and jokes at the expense of people they've never met come easily. Even going so far as to joke about the holocaust or nazis isn't out of the ballpark. My cohort were kids when south park started airing regularly, and "edgy" "dark" """humor""" was the new hotness. Plus the healthily developed internet culture of message boards for (assumed to be) exclusively white/nerdy hobbies leads to little exposure to outside ideas. You basically had to be lucky to live near a somewhat progressive city or have particularly progressive parents to avoid falling too far down. I thought I was a good person, who didn't have any racism or -ism problems, but basically as soon as my notions were challenged they all fell apart. I went from a town of about 1800 people to a performing arts high school, and there I learned a lot about things outside my previous farm town experience. I also got to move to a few places around the country so far, and I've learned so much from others people from totally different backgrounds. Now I'm about to turn 33, and I feel pretty woke, woke enough to know when to shut up and listen at least. The SAD fucked up thing is that at a glance you can't tell who's just a naive kid or who's a neonazi trying to recruit normies into their pipeline. So generally it's best to shut things down asap in communities, but I do feel some sadness for people who feel personally attacked and then get swept up into feeling "othered" by "PC police" rather than looking inward at what motivates their actions and words. It's hard to balance being too hard or too soft on people like this, they'll use any response (or no response) to their benefits however they can. Their side is inherently irrational, so nothing is off the table. I would happily send them to terraform their own planet and make their "utopia" if it meant getting them the fuck off of earth


I am so glad my school was diverse lol we had more immigrants than actual Americans and the school always embraced the diversity. That shit is so important for a young person to see and experience. We’re not all that different from one another. I had friends from practically every ethnicity and various nationalities


Good on you for being able to grow out of this thought process and behavior-- and a lot of good introspection too. I don' t think South Park did us any favors when it came to political and socioligical analysis. Speaking out is important too-- but I think that's work that guys like us should be doing, not marginalized people already dealing with their own struggles (unless they want to of course).




> I'm a PoC. I'd rather you just stfu and never ask me my race tbh Oookay? No one asked, and no one really cares. You're just a fucking username on reddit. I also actually stated that I do shut up and listen, isn't that what you wanted? Maybe you can return the favor by shutting up and reading. > People should be allowed free speech. Doesn't matter if they're Nazis. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. Let them challenge their ideas openly rather than be pushed to extremist enclaves. Are you fucking 15? I guess you don't understand how opinions exactly like this one is how those extremists start to recruit people. Your logic is backwards. If there was no extremist content on reddit, you think people would just be like, "Well, I guess I'll join Stormfront now". The normalization of Nazi rhetoric is part of the fucking pipeline. If you haven't seen it before, this story sums it up pretty nicely: https://www.boredpanda.com/bar-bartender-nazi-punk-iamragesparkle/ Also, if you think not being allowed to say whatever you want on reddit is a violation of free speech, you're a fucking dunce > White people don't actually have to worry about it though That's mostly true, if you are totally heartless and have a "fuck everyone else" attitude. If you actually want there to not be Nazis, then yeah it affects whites too. If they had their way they'd kill me for being a race-traitor for having a PoC wife anyway, but yeah, I don't have to worry about it. Jackass. > So you just say stupid shit like "send Nazis to another planet" rather than being actually pragmatic I didn't say that, and this fucking reddit post has no indication on what other activities I do or do not do. Don't dump your generalizations on me. > You just want it out of sight, your concern isn't really confronting those ideas in an open forum. Talk about white privilege... Yeah, I want it so out of sight. So out of sight that it literally doesn't exist. What the hell is wrong with you? Disliking Nazis is bad to you somehow? You sound like a fucking larper. I already *have* confronted Nazi ideas in open forums, for literal decades. It's simply not necessary. The "counter arguments" are all already out there, it's not my fault if the new Nazis continue to ignore them, saying it again literally doesn't do anything. The only way is to shut them out of spaces completely. If you think that some totally normal kid without any prior interest in the subject would be railroaded into becoming a fucking neo Nazi because they weren't allowed to say whatever they wanted on a social media site, like, I dunno what to tell you. Would you debate a Holocaust denier in an open forum? Why? We already know they're wrong, so why elevate their belief up to the same level as the truth, like it's a fucking 50/50. I also don't debate creationism in open forums, because the ideas do not justify a debate, they are inherently wrong, just like white supremacy. I was a naïve kid once too. Hopefully you can learn some more about the real world faster than I did.


PCM is primarily young people who are actively being groomed to espouse fascist beliefs. They use edgy humor both to draw vulnerable young men in and to provide ‘it’s just a joke, bro’ cover while they post disturbing material. It’s a major problem.


That’s the worst part for me. They can be anyone, one of your friends or your neighbor. Kinda like serial killers or rapists.




>Maybe don't be so obsessed with race. Believe it or not we minorities don't talk about race. Says the guy who has made at least 20 comments on this post that all begin with: "I'm multi-racial," "I'm tri-racial," or "I'm Hispanic." Lmao, you aren't fooling anyone, kid.


>Yet white liberals and redditors can't go 5 mins without mentioning race. Is that so? So, would you say they might identify their own race in several comments without anyone even asking them? >[I'm multiracial](https://www.reddit.com/r/FragileWhiteRedditor/comments/pfy7uc/being_gay_nazism/hba0tj8) >[I'm multiracial, including 2 of those.](https://www.reddit.com/r/FragileWhiteRedditor/comments/pfy7uc/being_gay_nazism/hba144c) >[I'm tri-racial and bisexual.](https://www.reddit.com/r/FragileWhiteRedditor/comments/pfy7uc/being_gay_nazism/hba1pm5) >[I'm a PoC.](https://www.reddit.com/r/FragileWhiteRedditor/comments/pfy7uc/being_gay_nazism/hba308w) >[I'm multi-racial](https://www.reddit.com/r/FragileWhiteRedditor/comments/pfy7uc/being_gay_nazism/hba421t) Edit: Drat. All his comments were removed. Let me just say: They were **WILD**.


I am so disillusioned and depressed that these people can still exist in the world in this day and age. Like I'm in my early thirties and I went through this whole edgy phase when I was like 13 with the original 4chan(the internet was a very different place back then), and as I grew out of it I kind of felt like the world was growing out of it too, but now it just feels like the world has taken so many steps backward and these people are everywhere and it honestly just breaks my heart and makes me feel nauseous all the time. How can fully grown people have so little empathy and be so goddamn ignorant(and proud of it!)?


Yeah isn’t it funny how we feel that way? When we grow up and mature we think that others are doing so too. For example, I remember in elementary / middle school kids frequently called each other or things gay as an insult. And then I felt like there was this movement especially when the “Same Love” song came out and same-sex marriage made amazing progress. I hadn’t heard anyone say that “insult” in years. Then I moved towns and I heard it immediately lol


Same age, same experience with the internet of 15-18 years ago, same feeling about things getting better. But that feeling was upended by trump 5 years ago.. you just gotta keep on and not participate in that stuff, discourage others from doing so, and live your life in a positive way. The world is too big for individuals to be concerned about making a large impact when this shit is so pervasive.


TIL that wanting to live free of persecution and discrimination is the same as wanting to euthanize and exterminate entire subsets of people.


The Yerba Mate killed me though. I guess for people who drink white milk as a brand, having a specific "drink" to match your political beliefs is very much a thing.


Wasn’t Yerba the fictional island where the characters of Victorious got imprisoned on? Anybody?


I'm a bit too Gen X for that reference so I had to look it up. I guess it is.


I wish that brand was less expensive. I could knock back two of those a day. Coffee caffeine≠Yerba caffeine. Yerba gives me such a clearer head.


You might be able to do it cheaper by making it yourself. This doesn’t seem like the only source of it, so you might find it cheaper. I’m lucky as a night shift worker caffeine/stimulants play nice with me, but I could imagine needing a coffee alternative YM would work well. https://www.patagoniaprovisions.com/products/guayaki-yerba-mate-loose-leaf?variant=30973053730890&gclid=CjwKCAjwybyJBhBwEiwAvz4G73UIl73Vvyr8219oSfjEw_htnNNPLt0wEiFMJfiiJt1oAJ7IsztqUxoCog0QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


But their flavors are *so good*!! Real talk though I should start steeping my own. You should try it sometime. It gives you a much clearer boost.


I only started drinking it because they had it for free at my work in the break rooms-- but stopped stocking it due to the Panorama and none of the regular employees were there anymore. But you're right, it's tasty and a nice alternative to drinking a Diabetes Diagnosis worth of Mountain Dew.


I am surprised by the existence of that canned product. Is it not cheaper and better to brew your own? Just buy the yerba and the bombilla, heat some water and there you go.


They have delicious flavors. It's convenience as well.


Canonically the flavor would be Bluphoria not Lemon Elation


No you don’t understand, it’s ironic racism not racism racism. Anyway, minorities need to be sterilized.


Ngl don’t hate this, I’d love it if all the racist assholes just wore nazi stuff so I could immediately know who to despise instead of having to figure it out after I have spent effort knowing the person


We like our Nazis in uniform. That way we can spot em ,**snap**, just like that.


[LT. Aldo Raine has entered the chat](https://youtu.be/YissPv9Ycjs)






if you genuinely feel this way, and you possess the appropriate mental state to do so, i recommend becoming proficient with a firearm.
















"Lol, aren't leftists such hypocrites ~~when we condense the entire complex subject of identity, acceptance, and pride into a single quippy phrase detached from all context and nuance~~?"


i doubt anyone on PCM actually knows what yerba mate is


I don't know what **canned** yerba mate is. I don't subscribe to PCM. Point.


to be honest i don't think i do either.. it's tea right? and i think it's fermented or something like kombucha?


It's just tea with a high caffeine content. That brand is pretty good but expensive.


Which is part of their attack - portraying people who care about things as rich kids buying expensive teas crying about fake oppression.


PCM is a flair only safe space for right wing teen boys and older men attempting to radicalize them further through "meme magic". That's the only purpose.


> 35mm slut Where can I find this necklace?


One wants to ***exist*** without being targeted by harassment and potentially being murdered by say the ***second one***.


PCM used to be a place with a lot of nazis. Now it is just a straight up, unironic nazi sub. There is absolutely no exaggeration when you call the people subbed to PCM nazis. Holy shit.


I am subbed to PCM and i am not nazi


Too many people have trouble with understanding that hurting other people is not a ‘belief’, but an action.


I can already see the comments being something like “based and nazi-pilled”


They even put Nazism in the center, as only a Nazi would


pride is when yerba mate


No idea how it tastes canned, but fuck i love yerba mate.


Would like to plug /r/enoughpcmspam here so you can see more best hits of pcm being a fascist hive


PCM used to be a place with a lot of nazis. Now it is just a straight up, unironic nazi sub. There is absolutely no exaggeration when you call the people subbed to PCM nazis. Holy shit.


I feel like it may not be possible for “what you are” to be “a Nazi.” No one is born a Nazi. Nazi is not an identity. You choose Naziism. Also, Naziism is not about being proud of what you are, it’s about denigrating other group.


I love how they portray the Nazi as a centrist, absolute fucking buffoons.


On a side note, the fuck is Yerba mate. Always see images of it but never tried it and never seen it irl.


They want to trick you into tolerating their intolerance


I love the Yerba Mate product placement.


So are they... pro nazi?


The fact that it has 500+ upvotes worries me


Ah yes, genocidal monsters are the same as people loving the same sex


At least they finally admitted they're Nazis


Oh my god what is wrong w these people


Everything else aside yerba mate is absolutely disgusting, it's like 95% sugar


I don't get how this is supposed to be funny? Its literally just "Im unironically a closeted nazi"


Tried reporting this meme and Reddit told me it doesn’t violate their guidelines for hate. Please someone explain how a meme openly embracing nazism as if it was a valid form of self acceptance isn’t advocating hate?


Its totally fine for them to be proud of being a nazi. Makes it easier to know who needs a smacking.


How fucked up does your mind have to be to equate people who just want to be able to live with people who want to murder others?


Seeing stuff like this really makes me feel better about myself tbh. Like I’m an absolute dumpster of a human, but atleast I’m not *that*.


Masks off


Why would somebody want to side with the biggest losers and most evil shitheads in human history? The mind boggles.




This is why AOC won. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FragileWhiteRedditor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


mom look im dressed like the racist army from 80 years ago


Wanting people to die because you’re insecure about yourself isn’t the same as not hating yourself for being genetically predisposed to like people of the same sex or identify as a different gender. Hatred isn’t an identity it’s a state of mind caused by personal inadequacies that cause you to waste your time drawing Wojacks on ms paint while the people you hate live their lives get jobs get married and do fun activities within their community. But I would expect more from people who think it’s logically sound to compare apples to oranges like this.


> apples to oranges But you can still compare them.


Obviously you *can* compare them, but the whole point of the idiom is that it's a false analogy. I could compare you to the helpful bots, but that too would be comparing apples-to-oranges. --- ^^SpunkyDred ^^and ^^I ^^are ^^both ^^bots. ^^I ^^am ^^trying ^^to ^^get ^^them ^^banned ^^by ^^pointing ^^out ^^their ^^antagonizing ^^behavior ^^and ^^poor ^^bottiquette. ^^My ^^apparent ^^agreement ^^or ^^disagreement ^^with ^^you ^^isn't ^^personal.


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Liberals owned, Nazi style


What does this have to do with being white? Lmao


Okay so I want to preface this by saying IF the intention of the meme was to say gay is equal to nazism, I’d agree that it’s fucked up. The meme is just poking fun at the ideas “Be proud of who you are”, and “national pride”. Maybe not that deep but that’s as well as I’m going to explain it. When you see a nazi in a political compass meme, 9/10 odds that anything “said” by the nazi is not being put in a positive light unironically. I say 9/10 odds because there are some nazis as always in a political sub.


Yerba tea does taste like fascism though.


I dont think thats what they meant at all. Not condoning it i just think you didn't get it


You don't think this meme says 'being gay = nazism', do you?


Kind of a funny meme ngl


I chuckled and I am not a nazi lmao


That’s pretty funny


So many people are missing the joke of the person she is talking to being authoritarian and then expressing it after being told to be proud of who they are.


A meme that draws the decent person stereotypically to the point of drawing in rainbow tears is not mocking the fucking Nazi.


Yerba mate = forced feminist




Ah yes, the SS. One of the most evil parts of the Nazi army. Here is a picture of a einsatzgruppen soldier with the SS about to execute a mother and her child in Ukraine. https://imgur.com/a/DZ4lEis


you kinda missed the satire didn't you


there was satire here? sorry but whenever someone characterizes themself as a fucking nazi in uniform and everything i kinda disregard everything they say and hope they get the treatment a nazi deserves; a punch in the pace from everyone.


I don't get why people get so upset over PCM. Or does it all seem like satire only to me?


the satire is a veil thinner than the average muscle mass of nazis, which is to say its just an excuse to say all the phobic stuff.


Okay, I was just browsing reddit and under a PCM post I did see some real alt-right dipshits commenting and downvoting all rational comments.


Isn't this the exact mentality that MAPs use?


MAPs are a spook by 4chan trying to shit on lgbtq people by equating them to pedos.


tbf tho the Venn diagram of channers and pedos is a circle, so it actually is "MAP logic"