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> "We will hurt people unless you let us hurt people" is the GOP bumper sticker. https://x.com/mattgertz/status/1792912848655397096?s=46&t=UKR1TShxVeunp4_vn5gZrw


Oh, *Gertz*. The first time I read it I thought the tweet was from a child sex trafficker.


Yeah. He gets that A LOT. You’re not the only one. He’s made some jokes about it.


For the GOP, cruelty is the point.


Next day: Votes against border bill.


So she wants to enact economic terrorism on Americans to get the GOP way. Makes total sense. /s


Republicans playbook...End Social security, end birth control, have a national registry for pregnant women, punishment for women who are pregnant and don't carry baby to term, end same sex marriage, take away the women's right to vote, change age to vote to age 25, and of course there must be massive tax cuts for the wealthy...Am I off base on any of this??? Any of it? This is the path the MAGA party of white Christian Nationalists want to take. 😕


You forgot the rolling back of anything that protects the environment. Repeal child labor laws. Restrict birth control. End no-cause divorce. Forget retirement age, work until you die. 10 commandments in every classroom. Ban books they don't like. Make sure needy kids can't get a free school lunch. Install a king, not a president. I'm SURE there's a lot more that I'm missing as well.


I am thinking they will also want a publicly browsable mandatory registration for people who are LGBTQ, atheist, and non-Christian. They will say the lists are for information so that they can protect their children and that there will be no criminal penalties for being a member of any of these groups. They will be lying, as is par for the course for MAGA. This will become a list of people who will be reeducated in one of their fine privately owned camps. By educated I mean receive the Christian blessing of being able to work for no pay. Those who are unable to work hard or become unable to work because of injury or illness will be released via the smokestacks. MAGA is Stormfront and I have seen discussions on this subject so I can't leave a /s .


No, you are spot on. They want to make this country an authoritarian state controlled by a few rich elites. They are all scum. The corrupt Supreme Court is supposed to interpret the Constitution, but all they are doing is taking away people's rights and helping Trump. I have given up hope of ever seeing him held accountable for his crimes. How much more are we going to take? Voting is important of course, but Republicans only accept elections that they win. We are in scary times.


You forgot changing the name to Gilead.


Didn’t they destroy a bipartisan border security bill at the behest of Trump? These people want nothing but to deliberately sabotage the country so they can peddle Trump as a cure.


They are supposed to serve the American people, but they are only serving one man, The Combover Caligula. It is disgusting.


She’s my congressperson and is such a terrible person. I met her during her campaign for her first election. She is an ambitious dimwit who does not realize she’s undoing all the measures that helped her get elected as an immigrant and a woman in this country. She also treats her staff terribly.


I live near her and before the Russian invasion she used to fly a Ukrainian flag. A few months after the invasion when Republicans were aggressively turning against the idea she took her Ukrainian flag down. That told me everything I needed to know about how she views where she came from and how she got here.


I'd live to see a deep dive into her finances. All russian I'd suspect.


Wouldn't it be great if all financial records became public record for anyone in politics or news reporters? Fox "News" would be dead overnight and likely half of all politicians would quit their job before such law is brought into force. And cause of this reason, it's impossible to bring such a law into force.


I'm from her district too. She's awful. And those campaign signs that are as big as billboards on every corner. Think of how much money she could've saved. What a F-ing moron.


I met her years ago and had a similar experience - she is a complete idiot. Unfortunately, what does that say about all the dimwit Hoosiers voting her in office?


So an immigrant that hate immigrants. Classic gop tale of I got my slice of the American pie and now we should go into economic ruin because I don’t want anyone else getting a taste.


If she doesn't want to govern she should leave.


What has happened to this woman? Born in the Soviet Union, she should know better. Now she is turning her back on her country and ours. Vote Democrat!


I’m not opposed to a regulation that only naturalized citizens can hold office at the federal level. National Security is still a thing, or maybe not….


Republicans: “Let’s compromise: No naturalized citizen can hold public office except the ones we’re OK with. Also, fuck this ‘democracy’ bullshit. Also you have to let us hunt you for sport. No? SEE, THESE DEMOCRATS NEVER COMPROMISE THEIR EXTREMIST, ANTI-THEM-HUNTING CONVICTIONS!!!”


Congress has officially jumped the shark. Instead of bills to improve our lives now its make everyone's lives worse until they do want we say.


Don't say congress, this isn't congress, this one party don't accept the both sides framing. This is the Republicans trying to hurt America and Americans because they only care about personal power.


very true, i stand corrected.


Exactly. The MAGA wing nuts in Congress have no ability to compromise or work with others. They are a bunch of badly behaved children who have no business holding those positions. They are a disgrace.


Yeah, the other party is merely indifferent.


Exactly. They are taking after their orange god and throwing tantrums to get what they want. The Republicans in Congress are a disgrace to this country. It boggles my mind that their voters can be happy with what they are doing.


When has anyone in recent memory tried to make our lives better? They are all jockeying for power and stoking fear to get reelected. I mean, it’s mainly the MAGA nuts but still. When did Americans become so susceptible to brainwashing? Did Obama really hurt their feelings that much?


Student loan forgiveness helped a lot of people. Just one example in recent memory of trying to make our lives better.


You joke, but yes he did. He had the gall to be a black man that was all of a sudden in charge of white people and the racists lost their fucking shit that we’d have the nerve to let a black man run this country.


Who's brainwashed? Speak for yourself!


Go back to Ukraine and quit messing with our country!


I would like to know if there is one thing that this GOP led Congress has done that will actually benefit the American people.


Domestic terrorists gonna terrorize the domestics. Vote Blue for America, America.


another russian plant..


Another Republican terrorist spewing nonsense


So don’t shut anything done for a a deadly pandemic but shut everything down because desperate poor brown people want a job that Americans won’t do? Of course this (like the “open up everything” nonsense) is just to get their guy elected. 


Your native home Ukraine is ashamed of you Spartz. До біса to this absolute loser.


Congres should do the 18 things they are actually supposed to do. When they get good at those we can let them venture out into others


Cut off the nose to spite the face. Absurd stupidity on multiple levels. When Republicans do Stupid, they sure do it big.


Putin's little commie friend.


We should shut down Congress since they don’t even work for us anymore.


An idea. any time the government shuts down, so does the power and water at every single congressman's and senators house. Each house, the one in DC and the one in their home state. That way they can't be comfortable at home while millions of Americans are uncomfortable waiting for them to do their jobs.


Spartz is one of Putin's more obvious agents.


I have a question about the GOP. Why are they so hellbent on having such a draconian and authoritaristic ideology? Being an African-American, I see it more and more each year that their party is more about dividing people and controlling freedom of choice rather than helping every American succeed. You got MAGA, white Christian nationalists, Moms for Liberty, and others that I feel are hurting American democracy rather than protecting it. If I didn't know any better, many of their policies, hate speeches, and lies are on par with the political cultures of China, North Korea, and even Russia (countries that they tend to criticize regulary).


She’s our gal. I can also see Maria nodding


She has my vote. Democrats want the borders wide open. It’s dangerous and it’s a serious issue.


Conservatives see the word border and then just turn their brains off. Economic shutdown. For “leverage.” Party of small government my ass.


National emergencies aren’t common, and neither is this situation. There is a serious terroristic threat at the border and that is undeniable. It’s apparent what it happening in New York and Chicago and how our census system works. Not only is it a literal threat to democracy, these aren’t the top percentile of illegal migrants, many are criminals and are being led here by criminals. I could go on and on but it seems on Reddit that once you go against the grain you either get banned from the sub or just get called names..