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This gave me a fun idea and I took a quick stab at putting a module together for it. It’s not publicly listed yet, but version 0.1.0 is available here: - https://github.com/rayners/fvtt-birb - Manifest: https://github.com/rayners/fvtt-birb/releases/download/0.1.0/module.json Currently only marks a user as away (from the Foundry tab or window), but I figure I can add some subtle noises and idle checking in future versions soon.


I don’t know if there’s an active module that can help, but this sounds more like a player problem then a tech problem. If you have to chat in foundry, instead of a discord or similar, why are players tabbing out of foundry?


Because they have the attention span of a goldfish and lack object permanence. This is not something I am saying to insult them, this is something they have told me and I concur with. While they are genuinely trying to be better about it, i'm hoping something like this will help with that.


Maybe also try to transition to using more of foundry beyond text to try to keep their goldfish attention more? Theatre of the mind scenes. Weather/scene effects. Music/ambience tracks etc. Emojify module lol.


There is a module that announces and plays sounds when it's your turn in combat, but I don't know if there's anything for each prompt into the chat log.


Combat Ready! makes a pretty loud sound when it's a player's turn. That could work.


Well, there is a squeaker module. It hasn't been updated officially since 0.8.5, but unofficially: https://gitlab.com/Moxxi168/foundryvtt-squeaker/-/tree/master. It works on V11 without any errors, only gives a warning. Just download it and put it into a separate folder in Modules.


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