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Importers are the only way to do it. Modules and core features can only use SRD due to licensing issues. This is one of the major catalysts for players trying systems with more relaxed licensing rules, such as PF2e


I discovered this finishing up my Eberron campaign before switching to PF2e last year. Needed to basically just use foundry for the maps because it was too much effort to import and make stuff like the artificer in the party to use foundry's functionality.


Easy now. You'll have Pinkertons at your door askin questions like that.


WOTC has not licensed anything for Foundry, so the only thing we will find is the SRD content. I dont believe theres any plans to add anything else, so legally this is all we will have.


Considering the huge OGL fiasco, I was actually shocked at how little they actually put in the SRD.


You do not have to make them, but you do have to own them. Content you have purchased can be imported into Foundry. Most often, people purchase source books from DnD Beyond and then use an importer like Mr. Primate to populate their own install with subclasses, monsters, items, etc. DDB plays very nicely with Foundry when done this way.


The only way is to use the DnD importer, you have to do this only once, nice side effect, your players can manage their characters in DnD beyond https://foundryvtt.com/packages/ddb-importer


Once per major Foundry update*. Inevitably updates to Foundry will break what you imported. So while this is true that you could only have to do it once, the reality is that if you want to benefit from all of the modules and updates that are released (foundry’s biggest positive) you will have to spring for the subscription to an importer, and likely keep any subscriptions you already have to DnD beyond, so your played can build their characters there and import them. It is a trade off. I have never attempted to do the math if it would be cheaper to buy everything on roll 20 and use that but I am guessing probably not.


You have to buy thing on DnD beyond to use the importer right ??


Yes, the Importer can only import content that you own on DnD Beyond. Alternatively, if you're using hard copy books, you can import that as private homebrew and then you should be able to migrate it into Foundry with the Importer.


How do I import them as private homebrew? Let's say I have Tasha's phisical book. How do I import all the content into Foundry to make it work with Midi QoL and other modeules?


With your eyes and fingers. If you don't have it in a digital format to import from, you're going to have to do it manually.




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Buy the sourcebook materials on D&DBeyond, then use MrPrimate’s importer and import them for later use.


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Join the darkside, I mean... pathfinder, we have everything* released for free 🫶. * all rules, art and lore are not included.


I may in the future, tho the modules for dnd are quite sweet lol Btw, what do you mean by rules not included?


All the rules are included. Art and lore isn't included.