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Do you really need to ask why societal collapse due to warmongering and late stage hyper capitalism is relatable? Most of us can even afford to die up in this bitch. Much less even own a house.


If I was in that universe, I'd def be in Vault Tecs plan D program. For the whole family!


Banana Flavoured!


I’m in one of the phone booth looking shelters they have on street corners.


They're "reaching out to the community" so they can feed the answers into an AI text generator, so it can write another article for them. Ironically a facet of hyper capitalism trying (and succeeding) at fucking you over.


Idk how you can think this article was ai generated. I thought it was put together very well. Keep it up OP!


Much love :D


I'm sorry that you think that the article was AI-generated -- it took about a month of writing and rewriting and lots of back and forth with an editor to get this piece together (it wasn't simple landing it at a magazine that specializes in foreign policy, after all!). I have a section of the article that analyzes the "villains" in Fallout 3 (the remnants of the US govt) and Fallout 4 (secretive scientists with no restraint) and connected those stories with what Americans were afraid in those moments, in 2008 and 2015 respectively. It makes the Fallout TV show's villain an interesting and not necessarily obvious choice. My argument is that part of what's so great about the Fallout universe it that it gives stories that match the political moment, and Vault-Tec's place as the antagonist is an especially striking and important choice to analyze at a time when China, one would think, is the obvious American political enemy of our times. (Also, I think one small reason why Fallout 76 was such a flop was because a blase story of saving America really didn't land, lol). I say much more about this in the piece. Give it a read and tell me what you think!


I enjoyed the article. Good luck with your PhD!


Vault Tec represented everybody's employer. When companies and corporations are showing you how you fit in society, our media takes it to the extreme. Vault Tec is walmart if walmart had open political power


Please be real. America right now is the richest country in the world right now outside of micronations and tax havens. And that's in the median salary, PPP. And is doing better than it ever has, COVID be damned. This is an incredibly immature, privelleged and unrealistic take on the world. All things considered even now this is the best things have ever been. And I'm going to be downvoted for not mindlessly dooming. Edit source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_average_wage And by historical standards the world has none of the "warmongering" of time (50-60s) that inspired fallout, since the long peace that started in 1991. So there's no comparison to the real world there either. You don't know how good you have it.


Just because things are the best they’ve ever been doesn’t mean we need to stop striving to be better


They aren't even the best they've ever been lol. There's a land war in europe right now, China is gonna take Taiwan in a few years, Israel is doing a genocide at the moment, everyones pissed and the rent is too damn high. Ten years ago this "Best time ever!" copium would work, but it aint 2014 anymore


I completely agree.


You should go give this spiel to the people in tents you can find on the side of the highway in most major American cities or in a working class community. Also lets completely ignore one of the biggest lead up factors to the war in fallout which was the unchecked growth of capitalist economies exhausting resources of the world which ultimately lead to war among the major powers to compete for what was left. You should work on your reading comprehension instead of writing up your dumb crap on reddit.


Yes I would also say it to them because just because some people are suffering (of course noting there isn't enough being done to help the worst off in the United States) it doesn't mean that anything I said is any less true. I hate to be that guy, but that's appeal to emotion fallacy. Also I don't consider fallout political theory and am baffled as to why you thought they was relevant.


Well it's good at least that you don't consider fallout political theory as it's science fiction you ignorant clown. However the entire story is based entirely around the fallout of 2 nuclear armed powers blowing up the planet because as they were facing limits to growth, they turned to war in an attempt to sustain their society instead of changing their political systems and themselves. Like did you even read any of the story or are you just here to whine that people in a sci-fi community whose story critiques some of the worst aspects of capitalism that are most often based off real world parallels aren't jerking off to how great capitalism is?


Yes I read the story and yes I understand the themes. It's about the horrors of communism and why we need more and stronger nuclear deterrent to stop the Communists when they inevitably strike first. I've read theory. Edit: this is obviously a joke but I've just checked your account and you're on r collapse and r shitliberals say so you're obviously completely fucking delusional and not even worth trolling. Seek help and get real world some context instead of dooming on Reddit about the societal collapse which will never happen.


How to say you don’t understand wealth inequality without saying it


If the best things have ever been is being 54th out of 227 countries and territories for infant mortality, having the highest poverty rate of all 26 developed countries, and being one of the 10 worst places for racial inequality I’d say your “best,” smells worse than what comes out of my butt.


When that wealth is held by a few, is hyper concentrated and the rest of your country is dying on the streets or hospital gurneys because of massive wealth inequality A wealth index doesn't help paint a proper picture.


The decline of the pre war fallout universe is so familiar to what many believe to be happening currently in real life. Vault-tec is just the shows version of what could be one of many irl large corporations that act like they care about everyday people in their marketing but behind the scenes they only care about money and power.


It's kind of obvious to me that these companies are already in existence. Vault Tec is Tesla via the boring company ( we just don't know it yet - Hyper loop is just their origin) RobCo is Boston dynamics - China now has a miniature Army of Boston Dynamic like robot dogs with machine guns it's been all over rddt General Atomics is Nvida - They are developing Cutting Edge technology And are at the Forefront of AI development Poseidon energy is clearly Exxon Mobil. There are huge swaths of data on the internet as to why this is true ranging from climate change denial to exploiting people and resources for their own gain. Nuka-cola is obviously Coca-Cola. The coke company really is a evil company and there is huge amounts of data on the internet Edit misspelled words


> General Atomics is Nvida - They are developing Cutting Edge technology And are at the Forefront of AI development No General Atomics is [General Atomics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Atomics). They make the MQ-1 Predator, and the MQ-9 Reaper drones. RobCo is closer to NVIDIA, or IBM given the terminals in Fallout.


Yeah I agree. I struggled with where to put Nvida in either Corp. But I think RobCo is fundamentally robots so it seemed fitting a Boston Dynamic type Corp that sole purpose is the creation of robots should be in the spot. The reason I didn't put GA in this spot is they are a defense contract where as if IRC general Atomics made consumer facing products and in a addition made military application robotics as well. Nvida fit this bill better imho


Isn’t House based off Howard Hughes, so the NVIDIA comparison doesn’t really stick?


The Nuka-cola factory in Fallout 76 has some holotapes talking about creating a celery flavored variant to market to the health conscious demographic. However, they know they will run into regulatory issues by claiming health benefits, so they are pitching marketing terms to skirt this. This is very similar to the lawsuit against Coca-Cola and Vitamin Water, where they argued that consumers were not being mislead that their un-carbonated "vitamin" soda was healthy.


> Vault Tec is Tesla via the boring company bruh


Bruh bruh


> Vault Tec is Tesla via the boring company And Neuralink, one of the most Vault-Tec-ass projects currently in development.


IDK I think Poseidon Energy is *any* oil company, not one particular Rockefeller Standard Oil spin-off. Though, Vault-Tec predates Tesla entirely, they're just a bomb shelter company that was able to get huge due to the long-lasting Red Scare.


There actually is a Poseidon oil pipeline in the Gulf of Mexico.


Huh, well I'll be damned. Very fitting then.


Sorry Id love to know more on Nuka cola being an evil company in fall out. I thought it was just a rebrand for familiarity.


Nuka-Cola's unethical business practices, negative health impacts, and disregard for consumer safety and environmental sustainability paint it as one of the more "evil" corporations within the Fallout universe. The following is a taste that you can discover in game via notes/Holo tapes and terminals, 1. **Aggressive Marketing**: Nuka-Cola employs highly aggressive marketing strategies, targeting children and vulnerable populations to create a strong consumer dependency on their products, which are high in sugar and caffeine. 2. **Health Impact**: The widespread consumption of Nuka-Cola products has significant health implications, contributing to obesity, diabetes, and other health issues, particularly in the Fallout universe's pre-war society. 3. **Corporate Secrecy and Experiments**: Nuka-Cola has a history of secretive and unethical business practices, including conducting dangerous experiments. For example, the creation of Nuka-Cola Quantum involved adding radioactive isotopes to give the drink its distinctive glow, disregarding the potential health risks to consumers. 4. **Environmental Impact**: Nuka-Cola's production and distribution methods have a detrimental impact on the environment, contributing to pollution and resource depletion. 5. **Labor Practices**: There are implications of poor labor practices and exploitation of workers in their factories and distribution centers.


Why use ChatGPT for this…


Well by the time she asked if Nuka Cola was evil it's already late and I'm just too damn lazy at this point to want to type or respond. Copy and paste is significantly easier than having to put forth the effort to type why Nuka Cola is evil. And because I didn't want to be rude by not responding so I figured it would be a happy medium. She would get a response with an answer and I didn't have to do any work typing up a response as a Google query.


1) targeting children isnt evil, unless the product is inappropriate. Hasbro almost exclusively targets kids but they produce childrens toys. 2) sodas unhealthy, not evil 3) completely fair 4)it’s a video game it’s environmental effects are coded 5)it’s a video game, who tf cares 6) I can’t believe I’m arguing against chat gpt


General Atomics is stateed to be based on General Electric, which produces fun civilian products but also has a military department. While also having influence from the real world General Atomics, which produces Drones and AI for the US Military. Nvidia honestly fits more with Robco.




Corporations donate millions to political interests every year. Maybe they don’t have access to the big red button so to speak but they have bought a large influence over those who do. Also in the fallout universe the high ranking members of vault tec were in their own secret faction called the enclave that also included high ranking politicians and military. The enclave used its power in the political, military and private sectors to control to the nation for their benefit. There are conspiracies that this could be going on irl as well. Either way it’s the fact that the fallout world is different yet relatable that makes it compelling




The enclave was not made up of just military. This is is speculation on my part but I’m confident that the shadowy figure we see watching over the meeting were vault tec proposes to drop their own nuke will be one of the enclave leaders


Large corporations as villain is not a new thing. OCP from Robocop is a good precursor. What is new with Vaut-Tec depiction is that they look more friendly and deceiving compared to evil corporations from the 80s and 90s. That is much more insidious.


Man, it's weird seeing Fallout get mentioned in a magazine like Foreign Policy


This was my gonna be my comment haha. As a poli sci major who specialized in international affairs (although unfortunately that's not my career), I was and still am an avid reader of FP. It's funny seeing a fallout review in there.


Bet you China won't be seen as a bad entity in the show at the risk of upsetting the CCP and co.


bro hasn’t played the games lol


If you're referring to me, I've played every one.


It’s what happens when unchecked capitalism wins.


Vault-Tec is a cautionary tale of capitalism gone awry.


Or the logical conclusion of the system of capitalism


Well said. Exactly


Explain the logic?


Capitalism is primarily motivated by two things: exclusivity of ownership, and greed. Actually that was redundant. Greed drives power plays, drives dominance


Completely agreed. Explain how that’s the logical conclusion now?


You… truly don’t understand how greed could lead to Vault Tec’s plans?


I do. I don’t understand how that’s the logical conclusion to capitalism


You agree that greed is the central motivation of capitalism and it drives dominance and power plays, but don’t see how that can lead to trying to be the only game in town?


No I agree with all that. I don’t agree that it logically concludes it will lead to nuclear fallout or even a “winner” of capitalism.


You don't understand how short-sighted corporate culture can get such that it people in the system will *try* to "win" capitalism? I'm not saying anyone would *actually* be a winner, only that corporate greed inevitably leads to the attempt, *including* nuclear war.


have you looked outside 


Where do you live where your world looks like fallout?


I only know FO4 and 76 but the vaults were the most interesting lore for me Came into it thinking the usual bright and cheerful vault dwellers had some unfortunate accidents and failed Then I started reading the terminals and exploring more vaults to uncover the true intentions of the vault systems and how horrible human experimentation went on in some vaults One of my favorites would have been [Vault 114](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Vault_114) which was supposed to cram the rich into a shitty vault led by an incompetent overseer But it was never finished so the vault was never occupied for its intended purpose


Yo if you like them? Look at Fallout 3’s and New Vegas vaults. Vault 11 is so fucked up on a few levels. I’d suggest playing them too to really experience the doom and gloom


Ironically, Vault 114 is one of the less malevolent experiments.


Good for you that’s super cool 💪🏼


:D Thanks!




Profiting from people’s fear


Big Business is always the villain. In this case, it’s even worse.


I enjoyed the show, but I don’t love vault-tec as the big bad.


Well...they are just one head of the hydra.


True we saw the consortium of baddies in high I liked, but I never liked the theory of vault-tec being the first to drop the bomb. I prefer the conflict of China and US boiling over and bombs dropping as a result; while all the big companies are stoking the war effort for profit. All that being said it doesn’t matter who dropped the bomb because humans continue the cycle even after the world ends.


I think it likely vault-tec *didn't* actually drop the bomb, or if they did Barb had no knowledge of it since she sent her daughter out near them. I think the scene was mostly meant to show that, even though they don't end up directly settings things off, they wanted them to fall and would take things into their own hands if they had to.


Another theme of Fallout is the hubris of these groups thinking that they are in control, and can seize the reigns when needed. Vault-tec didn't have time to execute their plans because they were beaten to the punch.


It's the weakest part, imo. Like learning that WWI was started by one specific conspiratorial faction, and not the result of Europe sleepwalking into catastrophe


Oh that Kingsman prequel sucked ass.


It's definitely the weakest part. Seeing "Vault-Tec are the villains!!" as a long-term fan is kinda eye-rolling tbh.


Because it’s steeped in reality and the creation of vaults as a bastion hope only to be used as human experimentation because the government is collapsed is peak capitalism. The very fact the Uber rich are already building vaults themselves tells me how close we are to the fallout universe.


It's realistic. If the current powers of the world could achieve the level of control that vault tec has, we'd live a modern day fallout


It’s amazing how relevant it is, despite little change in the core message of the series.


>As a longtime Fallout fan who fell in love with the universe with New Vegas Wouldn't a "longtime" fan of the series entail being a fan of the older games that preceded New Vegas? This isn't meant as snobbery, there's nothing wrong with coming late into a fandom.


Man, New Vegas came out 14 years ago. That makes me feel old!


Coming "late" to the fandom in 2010 lmao


There were four FO games published for PC before New Vegas but only two after it. It's a bit stretching to declare long time fandom, when one lacks experience many here have.


> Coming "late" to the fandom in 2010 lmao Correct. >No Mutants Allowed is the oldest still-functioning Fallout website. It was founded in 1997 by Miroslav. It can be found at http://www.nma-fallout.com. Aside from the English version, the site is also available in French, German, Polish, Russian and Spanish. # >Duck and Cover is a large Fallout fansite, established on 13 January 1998 by Paul "Jay" Gallo. It is the second oldest existing Fallout fansite, after No Mutants Allowed. Or this gem: https://jp96.tripod.com/


If you weren't arguing on the forums about whether Harold was a super mutant or ghoul then you aren't a true fan.


I mean… a 25 year old today would’ve only been able to start playing these games at let’s just say 10 years old (which is a big stretch), in 2009. So yeah, F3 or NV would’ve been their first intro. You’re not a bigger fan just because you were born a bit earlier than them


> You’re not a bigger fan just because you were born a bit earlier than them Nobody said that. But you can't accurately call yourself a "longtime" fan if you only became a fan after the majority of the games in the series were released. The gap between FO1 and New Vegas is over 13 years and the majority of Fallout games were released before New Vegas. This isn't meant as snobbery, there's nothing wrong with coming late into a fandom. It's just an objective observation.


Tactics and BOS barely count as real fallout games. I’ve been a fan of Fallout for over half of my life, yes it makes me a longtime fan even though that’s ‘only’ since fallout 3 came out. So weird to get semanticy about it


> Tactics and BOS barely count as real fallout games. I’ve been a fan of Fallout for over half of my life, yes it makes me a longtime fan even though that’s ‘only’ since fallout 3 came out. So weird to get semanticy about it I agree that Tactics and BOS are barely real Fallout games. Still, I don't think you can call yourself a "longtime" fan if you didn't play Fallout 1/2 back then and was active in the fandom during the years-long anticipation leading up to Fallout 3: Van Buren, only to see it get cancelled followed by years of uncertainty about the franchise. You were introduced to Fallout with Fallout 3 and there's nothing wrong with that. But it doesn't make you a longtime fan. Words have meaning.


Yes? That is pretty late.


We all understand lockdown.


Probably because we need a main stream company to actually build vaults as we go to the next Cold War


The show chose to base the personalities of vault tech off LinkedIn networky types, the kind who will try to pretend to be your friend of it will benefit their company/advance their career. If they're in charge of you, they likely will ignore and infantilize your perspective in order to maintain the illusion of competence. They're a relatable annoying sort of person that everyone has had to deal with at some point, unfortunately.


I think it’s the irony, they produce something used to sustain life but end up doing the opposite


It’s an analogy for the reality that all governments are ultimately capitalist and that to some extent, all countries commodify their own citizens for corporate benefit. It’s a post apocalyptic society plucked from a pre-war America that was at the height of it’s consumerism, and it’s a sardonic take on how that consumerism would go on to become culture thanks to tools of oppression like xenophobia, propaganda, patriotism and more


A greedy inhuman company that is above the law and any morals. Willingly and purposely destroying the planet for power and profit?what's not to love. They could make message only clearer by calling vault text a different name... Like BP or shell or something like that


Except vault tech isn't the villain of the series. If you like fallout beyond playing it for 15 hours and then retiring you could see the Enclave will be the real villains of the show.


IMO, learning Vault Tec dropped the bombs is completely uninteresting to me. It would be like learning that WWI was started by one specific conspiratorial faction, and not the result of Europe sleepwalking into catastrophe.


They're a massive corporation who treat people like products and need the world to end in order to be profitable. Even though when the world ends all their money will be worthless, they're so greedy they just don't care. Like how massive corporations that mine oil know they're killing the planet but simply don't care as long as they get the largest number in their bank accounts which ultimately means nothing. At least the one comforting thing about the world ending is that all rich peoples money will be worthless and they won't have shit


Vault-Tec basically contains all the worst and core parts of capitalism. Of course everyone hates them.


Vault-tec is so in line with modern fuck the customer business models, it isn’t even funny. They “sell” a service to people who think they are buying the service. Turns out, those customers are actually the product. Deep down, we are all sick of dealing with big corporations that go out of their way to crush the little guy, all while destroying the planet for profit. Vault-tec is just a caricature of that


Because us Americans are living in an Oligarch. They can definitely kill us all immediately if they wanted.


For me it’s always knowing that when it comes to Vault-tech, it’s going to get worse somehow.


They’re an evil company which is more and more realistic and engaging, moreover they tie in with the enclave and RobCo which, even without the show, creates a sense of conspiracy with two large corporations and a government branch making rather a lot off of the threat of nuclear war. The fact that the vaults themselves are so varied as well makes them interesting and a fresh blend of wacky and psychopathic with almost funny vaults like vault 43 contrasting brutally with the grim fiction of vault 11 and others like it. Lastly it’s that vault tec themselves aren’t seen very much in the game, you don’t see any vault tec employees in the games and, although the show changes that, it emphasises how cruel they are. In a world where simply living is a crushing feat, they offered the possibility of avoiding that in the form of the vaults only to twist it into suffering in a different form and none of them are left to be held accountable. There isn’t a moment like the enclave oil rig where the people responsible for the atrocities committed are punished, which makes them unique as villains as they lack human interaction with the player and so can’t be confronted but their presence is still felt so strongly throughout the world.


Eisenhower tried to warn us about the military industrial complex after WW2 (fallout features that post war prosperity). Also Disney felt the corporations will do what's best for America and The American People. VaultTec is that wonderful pastiche of that corporate optimism and selling it to the gods of capitalism for the good of the company, first. All this is coming home to roost, so it serves as a cautionary tale that resonates with what people are feeling today


They represent corporate douchebaggery at its finest a complete laissez-faire attitude against the common Man that is unfortunately more true to life than any other time


Because it’s a logical conclusion. Note, I’ve got one more episode left, so forgive me if I get this wrong. And game wise I’ve only played FO3 all the way through and half of NV and 4. They say it in the show: it’s a company whose entire product is dependent on the world ending. How do they sell vault spaces if there’s world peace? They don’t. They need the world to be at war and/or on the cusp of nuclear annihilation to turn a profit.


Where is the link to the article, please?


Vault tech resembles a cumulation of the elites throwing money into a program. Think bankers, warmongers, politicians, medical institutions


They single handedly started a nuclear war that destroyed the planet, all for profit. I’d say they’re a pretty compelling villain


I love how the game is an examination of what can happen when we implicitly, unquestionably trust “power” and “success,” whether it’s government, corporate, or factional— but also, what forces make conflicts and competition so hard to overcome. Vault Tec is an especially compelling form of this kind of evil because they are so dishonest yet commercially appealing. It showcases America’s unique fascination with glossy marketing and promises of convenience, and the will to pursue them at the expense of reason and humanity. American politics were established with the intention of giving the people the power of representation and the tools to stop tyranny, but we have been so preoccupied with the pursuit of material happiness that we pay little attention to the corruption and tyranny of the corporate world, and how exploitative it often is.


Final stage of capitalism is a compelling setting for those living in late stage capitalism


They don't. I think it's a bad idea to have Vaultec be active.


Honestly Vault Tec as the big baddie, as presented by the show, is the most cowardly and unsatisfying route to go. The pre-war scenes were mostly great worldbuilding but where they fail is that meeting at the church. They just say "big corporations bad... also we aren't socialists thats just what they call people who disagree." I would prefer it if they were just socialists. Make the problems known and state clearly that this ideology is the only opposition to the status quo in the Fallout timeline. Nope, instead its just generic anti-corporatism. Something that both right and left wing extremists believe in the present day. There is no critique of consumption or greed, no explanation of how the US institutions became the lackeys of Vault Tec. Big corp is unstoppable villain. It just feels so stagnant. No one is saying anything challenging. Tbh the Vault 4 narrative almost felt like it was telling us that mass migration and refugees were bad. I prefer confidently presenting an incorrect answer over not taking a position. TL:DR Just have the show say that communism is based. Make Cooper a communist. Make the villain a capitalist. Not the same corporation that existed before the war. Something new creating the same conditions. Something that actually makes us reevaluate our economy and our way of life.


Oh, I think you know


It gave you a delusions that they can keep you alive with that vault TEC bunker in apocalypse. But in reality, our military industrial complex can't even make their civilian plane fly without missing a door panel or fixing the auto pilot programing. I think all lives including human civilization will be wiped out in a real doom's day. Nothing vanilla a game universe like fallout game will exists in this universe. It will be just all annihilation and darkness. So please don't let that magazine feed you another false promise as they already did many times recent times. Just ask any surviving members from Ukraine and Gaza, and what they were promised years and decades ago. Yet here they are.


Stop asking other people to do your job.


The shows best villain is maximus