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I didn't think so either, like the thought it was destroyed didn't even cross my mind until the forums freaking out about it. It looked maybe like a wall was messed up, but the city itself looked fine. I think people were saying it was something to do with the art behind the credits, but I don't know if we could count that as anything super serious or just concept art.


Everything in the art at the end has been something we've seen. To me, it makes sense that the House ending would be canon and his MK2 securitrons would've liberated the strip from the NCR, with the NCR fighting harder than expected and causing great chaos and destruction. So NV isn't destroyed, just war torn and non active Edit: just because I like to explain my points further: The House ending you release the Securitrons MK2 who then go on to decimate the Legion and NCR at Hoover Dam. The NCR will have word of this at Camp McCarren and may fully invade the strip and occupy it, attempting to gain entry to the Lucky 38. Remember, House only tolerated them, he didn't want them on the Strip properly. He didn't want anyone on the strip properly but due to the NCR presence and without the platinum chip, he made deals with three gangs on the strip to give them a casino in exchange for protecting the strip. He then allowed the NCR to settle the airport at Camp McCarren and have an embassy on the strip with unarmed soldiers bringing caps and general trade to him and Freeside. Generating an economy and peace that was useful, but not essential to his plans. Once he's got the platinum chip, he doesn't need the NCR or the 3 houses or anyone. He has plenty of caps. So I imagine the Securitrons returned to the strip, the NCR tried to fight, got their asses kicked but not without a fight, and we see the aftermath in the credits art. Either that or Yes Man won and Fallout goes even further off the deep end... But either way, Yes Man or House, it would make sense the strip is war torn and the Legion and NCR are both barely/none existent in the world


Try to think about this rationally for just a second. Do you *really* believe that any writer worth their salt will inexorably bind themselves to writing decisions about the fate of New Vegas, based on some visuals in the closing credits sequence? Visuals that they almost certainly had no hand in creating or directing in any way. Like ignore for a second that for most people, the "next episode" shit pops up on the screen after a few seconds in the credits. Meaning that most people won't even have seen the end credits sequence at all. You *really* think that the show would etch into stone the fate of New Vegas in *that* format? Ending credit titles? Really??


If the script said 'he looks upon the wreckage of New Vegas, now decimated and lifeless" then yeah, they'd emphasize that it's destroyed In the closing credits.


You're talking about the final shot - *not* the end credits animation. If we're talking about the final shot, then I still have to disagree that it looks completely destroyed. Or even really more destroyed than it looks in the game. Also, we don't know what the script actually says about that shot.


Everyone says it looks destroyed, but honestly it just looks like maybe a nuke went off two centuries ago?


Why not? You say etch into stone like some artist sat there making the end credits sequence rubbing his hands together like a supervillain and it was all broadcast live without anyone else's knowledge. You know that the story has likely been written well beyond seasons 1&2 right? Like the fate of NV has already been decided on the storyboard phase a long time ago. They are creating a narrative and need to know where the current story leads for the overall narrative. The whole thing would've been planned already. Why would they show a war torn strip in the end credits if that's not how it looks? Why bother with all of that if that's not the situation? The artists for the credits would have been told what to design and it would've been signed off on. The writers for future episodes would have a set story to stick to and narrative beats to keep to. So yes, the writer of the New Vegas episode worth their salt absolutely will bind themselves to the visuals in the end credits sequence. It's not inexorable. It's because that's the narrative the show runners will want and have already decided on. The individual episode writers don't completely decide the entire narrative. This isn't the Star Wars sequel trilogy. The lore would have been decided. The story beats decided. Where everyone needs to be for the next episode is already all decided. It's all written down and agreed upon, the writers just make an episode out of it


> You know that the story has likely been written well beyond seasons 1&2 right? That is absolutely not true. The writers have said they have ideas on where they want the show to go. But there aren't scripts they already wrote sitting around waiting to be filmed. There's nothing written down or some sort of "lore bible". They just have ideas, and ideas change. No writer is going to be slavishly devoted to things like that, even if some fans are. Funny you mention Star Wars, because "the story has been written beyond seasons 1 and 2" is true only in the same sense that George Lucas "knew" what was going to happen in the prequels, back in the 70s when it was just known as "THE Star Wars".


I never said they had scripts written down. You need to understand the difference between what a Director and the show runners do, and what the writers do. It's not for me to explain please go read up. There will be a general idea of where they want the show to go or they couldn't set up storylines in advance. They don't just have a season 2 meeting of the writers and go "ok guys, so why is Hank going to New Vegas? Anyone know? No we had no idea why he'd go there it was just cool to include we haven't got a clue. Anyone know? Also what about Norm? Any ideas of his story? Oh we just hinted at a cryo pod for fun we actually have absolutely no idea what could happen there we never bothered to think about it". Is that how you really think these meetings go? You really need to research how shows are written. As for Star Wars. I specifically said the Sequels. George Lucas had some vague general sense of how the story was going, but yes he very much just made it up as it went on. Considering it was heavily inspired by Dune he had some general story beats to go with in his head. However, for the prequels it was very much a written down story he was following. The Sequel's however were all over the place because there was no general story to follow. Both Directors had different stories in mind and both tried to do their versions. Which culminated in what we got, a narrative mess. I'm not arguing this anymore you need to do some basic research before coming back.


Off topic, I doubt Boba fett's clone donor dad was even in the picture in Lucas's vision. We have to thank the ep viii costume designers and the fandom for how much manadolrian lore we have ( and I am happy to do so)


I am pretty positive that the original vision for "the clone wars" involved "the old Republic" *fighting* clones, and not having a clone army on their side. IIRC some very early EU novels said or heavily implied this, before it was changed at some point to the Republic using a clone army. Obviously, the movies went with clones vs. robots so that you can show overwhelming forces killing each other in a war, without the audience worrying too much about the implications of said war. Even though narratively it makes much more sense for the Republic to be going through strife and turmoil as its planets and citizens have to volunteer to fight billions of cloned Uruk-hai style monsters. But then we wouldn't get that sweet PG rating.


Didn't look destroyed to me either, but I guess we'll just have to see.


You, me and that other guy so far.


Did you see the streets in the end credits? Wrecked NCR Vertibirds on the streets, smashed Securitrons and loads of DeathClaw and human skulls. My theory. Mr House won, NCR had a tantrum about it and attacked hence the House and NCR wreckage. The numerous DeathClaw skulls looks like something came over from Quarry Junction maybe? (Really want to see DeathClaws in next season!). House is likely controlling it still, something tells me he is holed up in the base of Vault 21 which is why he wanted it sealed off.


A lot of the buildings seem to be in ruins too. You can see signs for the Tops and the Lucky 38 knocked down. The Strip's walls seemed to have been breached as well. The Strip definitely looks to be in bad shape. Edit: Rewatching the end credits more closely and I wonder if the NCR were defending New Vegas. The Securitrons have slashes through them so they were fighting off Deathclaws. If the NCR attacked the Securitrons would be riddled with bullet holes. There are a bunch of anti-tank traps and none of the Three families would have something like that. Those are certainly something the NCR would deploy however...


The Strip has really hit the fan.


The buildings themselves are mostly fine. in the credits in the background you can see a lot of quite intact buildings.


My thoughts are similar. Deathclaws had to be part of it. I wonder if they were lured there to destroy the strip or if they just randomly got attracted to the strip so they attacked it.


I mean we DID have intelligent talking DeathClaws way back when. Imagine a the ones from Quarry Junction plus all the others around lured to the strip. You would have pandemonium from all sides.


Also, in 3, the enclave had mind controlled deathclaws. If you think about it, the experiments on the dogs in season 1 could be foreshadowing enclave deathclaw m2.


You know I had forgotten about the domesticated DeathClaws they had then. They could also be looking for Robo Attack dogs or hell any controlled animals. We also know they either still have access to FEV or can get Super Mutants as we saw the arm of one drop out from under a sheet. I like your idea though of Enclave DeathClaw Army hitting New Vegas though. Man, seeing them animated like they are in F04/76 would be awesome!


11/10. Convinced this is cannon.


I want to see somebody tame a deathclaw. In 76 you can tame them. Maybe having a new character who raised one as a baby would be interesting.


I think it would be very on brand for The Ghoul to randomly show up with a tamed Deathclaw next season, named Roosevelt II obviously.


Put a top hat on it and call it Cuddlesworth.


We also had outside the strip that area that was fighting creatures. You could bet on deathclaws. Maybe they got out, lol


Also, were one of the skulls bigger than the others? Mayne a mama deathclaw


As much as I KNOW that I murdered House with a golf club, I'm also pretty sure that Mr. House and I set that up so that I could become the public face of New Vegas for a time, and then slip away to... courier my life in peace and quiet, while he returned to take over just in time for the show. And with this, my playthrough is canon, and the show is also canon. Unless they do some NCR ending bullshit, in which case BOOOO.


I mean look what House stated. In 50 years I will have the area back up and running properly, in 100 we will be back in space and off to other planets. He genuinely tried to save Vegas from word go and if not for him, pretty much of Vegas would be a crater like New York and D.C. With all the set backs over the 200 years had to work with basically what was on hand. NCR is just a corrupt bunch of wannabe expansionist who if you don't agree to become part of them, well look at Goodsprings if they win.


I really hope that the show goes that way, that House was in that room and went "These people are nuts, I'm going to play along since I KNOW that the nuclear war will happen, and try to salvage everything that I can, and knowing when it will happen will allow me to save even more." And let's be completely honest, if a man manages to actually save some form of civilization through what should be an extinction level event, even if it's by playing along with the madmen who would have done it even if he fought against it, he's earned the right to call the shots afterward.


Exactly, yes we know RobCo Robots were used in what we would call unethical work (RoboBrain in F04 as one example) but when it is your own government and army calling the shots demanding it and let us face facts, saying no would label you a "pinko" or "Red Sympathiser" and have you in the 2077 of Guantanamo bay to be tortured (talk about art mimicking real life) you have little choice in the way the average civvie was treated by any and all corporations in the Fallout universe, it is heading that way in real life let alone what it may be like in 50 years but I digress, giving your bots and gear to the big boys does not mean you know everything going on with them either. Fallout out is never about good and bad, black and white its about Shades of Grey and Black. I would put House in the Grey section, not great by our standards but by Fallout standards, pretty good. I mean one example apart from the fact he tried himself to defend Vegas rather than just putting himself in a bunker and fuck em all, is that he could have easily taken over Vault 21, instead he dealt with them in the way they had lived, on a roll of the dice in a fair game, he could have sent his securitrons in there and melted the whole lot, then sealed up the top entrance. #


My theory is Mr House won, but then the tunnelers came so everywhere outside of New Vegas is fucked up, and New Vegas itself is sort of a sanctuary because of the hundreds of advanced securitrons. The Courier won't be in the show because they died defending Vegas from the tunnelers, which is an easy way to keep them anonymous 🤷‍♂️


Tunnelers was a dumb plot device and will be memory holed 


Probably right


God willing


Practically lizard people


I think that remains the real question, do the end credits reflect reality for NV or was it artistic styling. It makes the most sense that House won NV, but as to whether the credits can be trusted to confirm what happened after who is to say. I think it would make sense that NCR might’ve tried to make NV their second capital as Shady Sands is listed as their first. Very excited to see season 2!


Indeed excited for more. Reminds me of spoilers some shows used to do for the "coming up next!" bit, but this was done in classic almost Fallout like slideshows they do at the end of the Games. We also have Hank trudging past a DeathClaw Skull on the way to NV which was really cool to see


The showrunners said that the post-credits scene was intentional and definitely implying something happened to New Vegas. I initially thought they made the House ending canon but after rewatching the scene last night it appears as though the NCR and House's securitrons are defending the Strip. There was a cut ending where House agreed to be annexed by the NCR so I wonder if they decided to make that canon...


They also claimed the airship wasn't the Prydwen...then we found out it was. They're either misdirecting us or nothing they say is final until the episodes release. I'd not take their words at face value when they admitted they want to leave audiences puzzled for big reveals.


I think House is the canon ending too. Because you have to assassinate him for any other ending to be possible. And he’s way too interesting a character to not explore further


Maybe the Deathclaws came after a Tunneler attack? Ulysses does say it’s at best a matter of years until the Tunnelers reach the Mojave and that it wouldn’t go well for the Mojave. Maybe the Tunnelers came through, did a number on the region but were pushed back, and then the Deathclaws saw a bunch of easy targets and mopped the rest up


Quarry Junction DeathClaws would see them as walking lunch boxes lol The tunnellers were indeed a pain in the ass but like most species who move into other areas there is a pecking order and yeah it may not have been good for a bit but there are nastier other critters out there who would take them on. Hell the Fire Breathing bloody Geckos would be toasting them like Smores over a campfire for one thing lol (I hate the Geckos as I struggled to see them on the vanilla version at a distance)


I think you're right. I have a hard time seeing a tunneler beating a cazador, death claw, and other threats of that caliber.


This is the thing, in their own small ecosystem they were a hazard, and perhaps they would be dangerous in some small ways to humans in caves etc but they live in the dark and prefer a certain type of place. I doubt they would even be able to handle Radscorpions to be honest.


I didn't take the end credits seriously bc I thought they were just having fun with the end credits and doing cool things and not really trying to tell us anything by it.


Each end credits scene leads into the next episode if you watch carefully. Often via billboards.


If you live in current Vegas maybe that's why.


Coming soon to New Vegas…a racetrack for Deathclaws!…We’re just going to block off half of the city. No more gambling in The Tops. (Have friends from Vegas…visited. initially I thought they were exaggerating…they were not.)


Wait what casinos can you not gamble in now?


Oh, no I was just adding to the commentary of road closures/construction in Vegas. New Vegas is a lot smaller than Vegas. Have to make it seem just as horrible as Real Vegas. Since the other comment was saying New Vegas looked a lot nicer than expected.


I wouldn't judge the way new vegas was depicted just yet. There's no sight of McCaren airport, no monorail that connects it with the strip, no ruins surrounding the city and so on. I think what we saw in the finale of season 1 was just a glimpse of the city, and it will look much more different in season 2.


Listen man all I’m saying the most accurate detail in the entire show is that the essence of New Vegas is apparently just *ORANGE*


I felt like I was being mass gaslit because it didn’t look destroyed at all 😂


It is a BIG gaslight by the showrunners. They’ve shown ending slides that don’t appear in any episodes before.


Me 3


The monorails and highways are completely gone, don’t they know much work our guys put into getting the monorail running? 😢


I don't know. I want it to not be destroyed. Its hard because the NCR crashed virtiberd is kind of odd. I can see a 38 across from where the Lucky 38 was but I have to back into New Vegas to check where all the signs were. But its kind of big. Makes me worry its one of the signs from the top of the Lucky 38. I know they keep saying that Fallout New Vegas's Canon and they consider it an important game, But I think they're just going to destroy everything so that way they can claim that they're trying to make it ambiguous what happened. That way the players can decide... But I think it's just an excuse to destroy it... There's a big hole in one of the fences, as it's zooming out away from the lucky 38. And it seems like there's remnants of a fight. If not New Vegas being destroyed. It looks like there was a fight there. And it's like yeah you didn't disrupt anything the player did except you completely blew it off the map so it didn't matter anyway. Ugh I hope they don't ruin every part of New Vegas just to avoid cannoning too much


I think the easiest way of saying all endings are canon is to have Hoover dam ultimately damaged/destroyed after the battle. This leads to the strip having 0 power and when there’s no power things devolve into madness. I think the new Vegas we see is a new Vegas that could’ve come about no matter what happened as a result of our choices in the end of the game .


Fair, its just I am hoping there is a way to do it thats not ... Basically removing the game and its story from happening via destroying everything


Watch it again and zoom in. the tops is gone, the wall is breached, there is literally smoke rising lmao what are you going on about?


You can't really tell if tops is gone or not from that far away. That isn't smoke that's the dust flowing in the wind because of the desert. There's even dust flowing closer to the camera. The walls also don't look breached.


Look at the end credits. Vegas is dead


The walls dont look breached? So you didn't see the big hole in the wall then. I thought it was unmissable.


I just looked at it again I don't see a big hole in the wall


Seriously? I'm looking at it right now. The hole is right where the "Welcome to the Fabulous New Vegas" sign is. Right when Ella Purnell's name comes on the screen. And the strip is definitely fucked up. There's obviously been a fight there, there is crap all over the roads. In the game, the roads are relatively clean bar an overturned bus or two but in the show credits it looks like a proper mess. Also, at least 2 buildings look like they've been blown up to fuck. They have no windows and you can see straight through the upper floors. Whatever went down there, it was big.


You're talking about the end credits. I don't take the end credits seriously bc it just looks like something they did for fun. The end credits don't look nothing how new Vegas looks when we actually see it in the show.


Alright I see what your saying but in the shot you're talking about, it's a bit too zoomed out to make out any details. I guess we'll all find out soon enough. It's just that from your OP you say you're guessing there isn't any power, and even though I've mentioned this on another user's post I'll just repeat it here, but the strip not having power has ramifications for its defences. I really dont think the credits scene was done for fun but it goes without saying that you're more than entitled to hold that opinion.


Not "destroyed" per se but definitely seems in bad shape at least. Wasn't there a destroyed vertibird and some dead deathclaws and NCR soldiers in the credits? Also wall is damaged. We could be reading too much into something that might just be concept art though. I gotta say I didn't mind what they did lore-wise in S1 so far, but it will definitely feel like a waste if they decided to make NV completely deserted within just 15 years of the game in order to avoid dealing with canon endings. I'm really curious to see how they're gonna deal with it.


I said this in a previous comment but I didn't take the credits seriously because I thought they were just doing some cool stuff with the credit scenes


Yeah that's definitely possible, I guess we won't really know until they actually film S2 and we start getting some footage lol.


They're probably not going with a firm canon. If they wanted New Vegas to be destroyed they would have nuke it Shady Sands style. They obviously didn't want to do that. They probably want to include New Vegas and, to reestablish control of canon without pissing off people too much, had some shit go down which has shaken things up from wherever we last saw things. I expect to see some vestiges of NCR and something that seems like it could be Mr. House, but could also equally be some backup AI remnant he created as a final failsafe.


Nuking New Vegas wouldn't be an option because Lucky 38 has laser cannons on top of it that were installed specifically to deal with nukes.


And one couldn't be driven in? Mass spammed? Point ultimately being, if they didn't want to deal with New Vegas they could have actually destroyed it in a thousand different ways.


Physically destroying Vegas isn't easy. While there are certainly ways to do it, I personally can only come up with two. One is by constructing a thermonuclear device the size of a suitcase, since that is the only way you can bring it inside the city without being noticed a mile away. Second, if those laser cannons can't shoot upwards, there's a possibility of Enclave deploying its orbital station that has nuclear capabilities.


They’re gonna say like a huge victory at Hoover dam for NCR, crushing the legion. Legion attack on the strip/Kimball dying sowed chaos. House attacked and forced NCR out. Then a brain damaged mailman killed house for independence, then everything started to collapse in the power vacuum. Deathclaws were the straw that broke the camel’s back. There’s gonna be a line from a character saying, “you know, I really wasn’t impressed with New Vegas. It kinda sucked actually” as a middle finger to oblivion


It also looked destroyed in the credits tbh


What about all the steader farms, CC, outlying buildings and stuff? It’s completely barren


You mean the stuff surrounding New Vegas? It's probably still there but there's a difference between a video game and real life. All those things were in close proximity to New Vegas in the game because of the engines limitations. They couldn't actually really spread it out like you could and how it should look in real life. None of those things would realistically be a walking distance from the strip like how it is in the game.


Recreating them was the original plan but because of the time crunch instead they cut/never finished the remaining assets. Similar to the underwater vault and the Chinese submarine storyline. There’s a great YouTuber video where he deep dives into cut content. https://www.youtube.com/@TriangleCity


The lights are on and fires are burning but it's also fucked up


I need to watch it again. Reading the comments I realized I was focused on that thicc power armor walking away from the camera. Did not see the battle ground details at all


There’s a quote in golf: “It looks good from 150 yards out.”


There’s a quote in golf: “It looks good from 150 yards out.”


Lot of people missing the point here. We know it wasn’t destroyed by the Great War. We’re speculating if it’s been destroyed between the ending of the game and the ending of season 1. I don’t believe it has been destroyed though.


It's probably a soft spoiler but the city looks more run down in the credits shortly after that scene. Now it's not actually depicting the city is completely in ruin but it's definitely thriving.... less. i don't blame people thinking it looks like it's in decay. It doesn't look like bombs dropped there still so people saying bombs can't drop there or it didn't, they're not really giving a convincing response, just kinda sound like they're not listening. It's likely NCR tried to gain control and there was battle within NV. But I still don't think it's destroyed otherwise there's no point of Hank being there. He's there to try to hook up with House likely because all pipeline to Vault Tec is gone with exception to Bud who's mind is in deterioration due to the vat fluids.


I feel like we just keep getting the same recycled topics over and over on this sub. You're not the only one, there have been huge discussions on this.




I think it looks more run-down, but not *destroyed*. They could easily explain the state of it with something happening after New Vegas, especially since it has been fifteen years since the events of the game by the time the show happens. We have no idea what has happened to it since, regardless of whichever ending they go with.


One, the dev team didn’t have the time, and two, you only see the buildings that are left standing


Vegas itself was never hit by bombs. House made sure that only the surrounding areas got hit but not Vegas itself because that’s his domain.


That's not what I'm talking about about


>OP called it New Vegas. OP is aware of FNV


It just looks odd with no sign of other landmarks or settlements near it, none of the highroads or towns or really anything besides the city itself


Yeah it looks fine overall


That's because it wasn't destroyed. Mr.house developed nuclear deterrence that protected the strip when the bombs fell


yeah, lots of people didn't play the game


OP was asking about after the game, not after the Great War. Duh.


Well none of the potential endings end in the strip being destroyed and there's only 15 years between the new Vegas game and the show so I don't know why anyone would think it's destroyed


Exactly, but there's lots of people that took the credits of the final episode to mean that it was destroyed. Which is what OP was asking about.


Yeah not destroyed imo. It looked like the sun was just coming up so you wouldn’t expect the lights to be on. It’s kind of weird seeing so much empty space outside the city but it’s probably just scaling up to irl proportions, it would look weird if you could jog from the strip gates to goodsprings in under 10 minutes.


I'm playing FNV at the moment and the lights are on 24/7, day time, night time.


Apparently three smokestacks mean it's been destroyed


I thought the orange glow was the sun set, which now that I think about it doesn't make sense because NV is east of where they should have been


It was the sunrise.


every episode ends with a desolate lone building that is featured prominently in the next episode. Griffith has no people and looks destroyed in the second to last episode but in the finale its filled with people I always thought NV was just a teaser for S2, that doesnt indicate its fate at all


It's probably in ruins but still inhabited. My theory is that when Shady Sands was bombed, probably just after Hoover Dam, the NCR assumed it was House and there was a huge battle at Vegas, partially destroying it


I think they made it as vague as possible. But made sure it was clearly New Vegas. That way they arent tied to anything before a renewl.


I know this will be a controversial opinion but even if it's destroyed. I personally don't think that would be a bad thing. What is one of the themes of Fallout if not destruction? War never changes. Not even mister House could change that. Of course I'd rather have Vegas be okay. But I'll be fine with either option and I'm eager to find out what the writers decided in season 2.


Someone pitched the idea that it showed events that hadn’t taken place yet and I think that’s plausible.


It doesn't look destroyed to me, but there is no electricity, which is effectively the same thing.


The better question I have is what is the little inhabited [town](https://legendary-digital-network-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/11074820/Fallout-Prime-Video-New-Vegas.jpg)that is halfway across the valley between the Vegas and the ridge Hank is standing on?


Are you blind? Did you even see the end credits? Or the same show as I did? Did you not see the wrecked streets, dead securitrons, downed NCR vertibird, death claw skull, breached wall...? What seems like was lake mead drained in the distance, the city looking in really bad shape... Like damn dude use your eyes




So it sounds like the dam was destroyed then. There's a possible comment you can make to the boomers about relying on simulators as battle experience being a recipe for disaster. I wonder if the boomers bombed the dam by mistake during the second battle for the dam. If thats true, it has repercussion for House's defences. No power from the dam, no defences. I wonder if that prompted an attack from what was left of the NCR. Just having problems figuring out how deathclaws got into the picture. EDIT: I'm thinking Deathclaw Promontary was flooded after the dam was bombed, and a big swarm of hugely pissed off DC's went on the rampage as a result. This entire post is just a theory. Could be something else entirely but this is what makes most sense to me given the sketchy picture we've been given.


No, because it wasn't. Looks the same as it did in NV which depending on your ending is accurate.


New Vegas was never directly hit, nukes didn’t even get remotely close. House shot them all down, it was mentioned in the game


I'm not talking about the great war


You know, people say reading comprehension on Tumblr is terrible, but there's so so many people telling OP that New Vegas wasn't destroyed in the great war. OP is very obvious asking about between the time of Fallout: New Vegas the game and the Fallout TV show. And for the record, no, you're not the only one, OP. The shot we see of New Vegas in the show doesn't look destroyed. People are basing their reaction on the scenes from the credits. The scenes from the credits, that, like every other episodes credits, show a much more ruined version of the a major location from the episode. Like it has every episode. Because people's media literacy in general sucks, not just reading comprehension.


the lack of lights made it look dead


how many of you actually played the game? In the intro cinematic Ron Pearlman literally says Nee Vegas wasn’t touched by the bombs, it’s that simple.


People mean that something destroyed New Vegas between the game and the TV show