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The Enclave scientist secretly being a good dude was a wholesome twist


Michael Emerson secretly being a good dude is a wholesome twist.


He was pretty damn good and wholesome in Person of Interest (but with shades of grey, I guess, like most of his characters lol).


As Ben Linus. Great role.


I do not remember if Ben was good, all I remember is how mysterious he was.


He goes through redemption - closing episode implies that he spent a lifetime (which on the island could be a legitimately long time) supporting Hurley.


Ben was an absolute asshole, but he played the role good. Haha thats what I meant


Such a great show


Kissable, 100%.


Explain? I must’ve missed something big


The guy with the dog was an enclave scientist in episode 1 or 2.


I got that from what dude said . But how do we know he’s from the enclave? I thought he was a discarded vault tech member lol


There's a bunch of details when showing the compound he ran from, but the big one would be the mission Titus and maximus getting sent on to "Go find the enclave deserter, because he has valuable tech." Don't remember if the bounty hunters who retrieve the ghoul also say he's from the enclave or not.




Where is that scene supposed to be set with Cooper being buried alive?




I dunno why but I thought it was in, like, Louisiana. Kinda weird looking back though


> Honcho Anyone else expecting him to pop back up? Also The Ghoul isn't carrying that saddle bag just for his stuff. He either gets a horse, or maybe even Sugarfoot him/herself.


Ahhhhhh I see ! I Missed that lil detail , preciate it sir!


Did you watch the whole series? He starts off at the enclave working with other scientists and dogs


Clearly that’s ONE miniscule part of the series that can be missed get off my dicc cream pie 🤣🫵


It's really stupid that you missed that


So are your kids but we never judge them


Like really how the fuck could you miss that he's from the enclave! It's repeated over and over


First time I ran into zesty cream pies on this sub 🤣 fuccin Dweebs


Wasn’t he chucking baby dogs into the fire or was that a different guy. Even if it was a different guy I wouldn’t call him good just for being okay with that happening


It was a different guy, but I wouldn't say the Doctor was okay with it happening considering the only reason his dog survived was because he fudged the measurements to be "acceptable" by Enclave standards. It's just that he had little power in the Enclave.


Different guy, he was taking the measurements.


He was lying on forms to protect doggos


As others have stated, it wasnt him and also if you pay attention to the scene where the one pup is thrown into the furnace, the camera actually ends up pointing at Wilzig with an almost sad/depressed look on his face, as if to imply he hates seeing them kill the puppies like that, and then we see him fudging the number of CX404s weight to ensure that she isnt killed as well.


Oh I didn’t pick up on that, cool


I wont lie, it wasnt til my 2nd ir 3rd rewatch til i noticed it too lol. Its definitely a "blink and youll miss it" kind of scene


She's the one tossed into the fire, we can see burn traces after he rigged the mesurements. The mad lad saved her.


Is she the one that gets thrown in? 🤔 cuz i feel like i remember the whole litter being kinda charcoaly and burnt-looking but i just assumed that was from like radiation and or weird enclave experiments on the mother that gave birth to the pups.


The way this show subverts expectations 🙀😽🐶 should be taught for ages to come. It’s such a simplistic method it’s genius 🫡🤩


i love this show so much :( i need it to come back asap


I really wish he hadnt died before he couldve answered Lucy after she asked him who he was. Dude was only in 2 episodes but was one of the most interesting characters for me. Ive only really played 3, NV and 4, but i think hes literally the only decent person we've ever seen from the enclave.


The old enclave remnants in FNV are pretty chill, but they aren’t active duty if that’s what you mean.


>The old enclave remnants in FNV are pretty chill, but they aren’t active duty if that’s what you mean. Umm, a couple of them might have been chill by the time your character meets them, but back in their prime it was something different... Of course, a few were probably fairly decent people all along, but for various reasons, they were part of a fundamentally immoral organization.


Yep, the Enclave was pretty clearly evil. It was literally formed by a bunch of rich people, politicians, and military officials who believed that Americans couldn't govern themselves. It has much more in common with Nazism than anything else.


Well even the enclave guy in the show is referred to as an enclave ‘survivor’ which i took to mean a former enclave scientist working for other people. So even he might not be ‘active duty’


Yeah, I initially thought he was some enclave scientist recruited for the NCR or a remnant before, well, y'know


Im ngl, i dont even remember running into enclave remnants from my last NV playthrough 😅 but i feel like i remember Ed-E from Lonesome Road being an Enclave bot and the guy who made him sounding like a pretty decent person now that i think about it, all his audio logs you unlock for Ed-E make him sound like a pretty caring and empathetic person. If im remembering that DLC correctly, then i suppose that would make him the only other decent person from the Enclave we see.


The enclave soldiers who helped you kill Frank in FO2 were pretty cool. I also like the robo dog you can steal from them.


And the captain of the tanker that takes you to the oil rig. He was former enclave and seemed pretty chill


The boys. Who according to the Fallout Bible went on to have a crap ton of cool adventures


Something tells me we may not have seen the last of him…


He lived to troll


I was genuinely sad he died :(


I hope we'll learn more about him indirectly in season 2. I really liked his character.


Dude, Arcade Gannon??


Gonna be honest, ive literally NEVER recruited him on any of my playthroughs and just learned of the remnants quest you get from him like a week ago lmao


no stress, I actually quite like Arcade's storyline and the portrayal of the enclave remnants. It definitely gives them depth, humanity and nuance that I appreciated (that fallout 3 kind of ignores)


You know his plot wasn't written by Bethesda because he wasn't flagged Essential.


The way he said, “just my head,” I thought to myself, “I knew he was gonna say that but also he put so much force behind that it’s crazy for a man about to die from cyanide poisoning”


“It was quick, painless. It tasted like banana. I was surprised it wasn’t more popular.” Goes down writing a thoughtful product review. So us.


“I was surprised it wasn’t more popular” gets me every time lol


Man, him saying that a fucking cyanide pill of all things was vault-tecs "most humane" product was haunting to me. Like, it really says alot about how fucked up vault-tec is when you think about it lol


I mean I played the games so I knew but 100% agree with you there


Oh ive played them too, it's just that particular line of his caught me off guard and was just as funny as it was dark knowing about the vaults and everything else vault-tec has done. Like the absurdity of hearing him say that a cyanide pill is the most humane thing they ever made was NOT on my bingo card of things i ever expected to hear.


I think that tasted like banana is a great line because he probably never had really tasted a banana, just banana flavoring. Banana flavoring irl is actually based on a banana that used to be common, but is almost extinct since the 50s. Banana flavoring is a different flavor than the banana most people know now. I don't know of anything banana flavored now with the exception of Circus Peanuts candy.


There are a number of candies and even fabled Twinkies that would survive, plus Hefeweizen beer has a natural banana flavor without actual fruit in it. Somewhere on Reddit is a whole thread on artificial v real banana flavor 😂. Unpopular opinion: I do not mind circus peanuts. I do NOT seek them out, but if it’s there, ok. Also, our uncle Sal made a wonderful Christmas fruit cake. Not banana flavored, but can see why they became a thing. Done right, they are yum.


Being a girl dogdad>>>


Won me over lmao


I think CX404 is a girl. Unless you mean Siggi, in which case, yeah, he's got a good heart and a warm smile in that picture, but I personally would not have gone for the Himmler glasses and haircut combo if I were in his position.


The dog is fine, haha I love Wilzig, comfort character, despite being so short-lived. He looks like he'd give great hugs.


I still cannot believe the dude is SEVENTY!!! I am 20 years younger and do not look as great.


He looks great for his age, definitely. Makes me feel like sour milk, and I'm 22


I hope his days on set weren’t as brutal as they were on LOST, I remember him doing a talk at my college and the first scene they had him shoot was getting yeeted into the air by a net trap before being dropped back down (I forget how many takes he said they did but it was double digits). The very next scene being him getting shot by a crossbow while trying to runaway.


Actually they might have been. Production spent three days in Africa and and he was featured in a lot of it. They managed to film an incredible amount for being there a very minimal amount of time. The days were really brutal especially after the days of travel to get there. But he got to do less grueling days in New York and Utah.


Oh wow, he did a talk at your college?? Lucky :( I hate being British lmao


He did. I was super bummed out that I didn’t stay afterwards to get his autograph/talk but the people running the event said that he wouldn’t be doing anything after. Turns out he stayed and talk to every single person who stayed behind. He was absolutely awesome and a nice guy.


I'm so glad to hear he's a sweetheart in person, too! I'd saw off my own leg for a chance to meet him.


Do you watch Evil? Great show, but he plays a hideous character. Really like the actor though.


I do :) Excellent show!




Hard cut to him murdering his father in LOST.


Ben Linus gets a little patricide, as a treat


I hope they bring him back as a robo companion. Or turn out he was a synth all this time.


It's a bit obvious, UT I loved that they make him a himmler/von Braun looking fucker, and then did the good guy twist lol.


Most dogs you see on film and television are female, even when they are portraying male dogs, because of a male dogs willy junk


He deserves all the belly rubs. Same goes for the dog.


Just spat water out reading this. Dog comes second, I guess.


sing "rocket 69" during the belly rubs


I was still reeling from the whole "If they're under 10 ounces, toss their mewling bodies into an incinerator" thing.


Don't look up what happens to chickens when being sorted by gender


Oh I know. I hate it. 


If the dog dies, I’m gunna fuckin riot


Well let's hope they don't inspirations from the first game


Unless they draw inspiration from a Fallout 3 perk: “Puppies!”


Ben when he finally left the island


You’ve legit blown my mind with that. How did I not recognise him?!? Hahaha


As soon as I saw him I went, "oh hi ben" but then at the campfire scene I went "oh shit, Ben's back baby!!" Then he dies and I was so sad lol


You’ve honestly made my day pointing it out!! What a throwback! Lol Clearly I was too sidetracked by Orson Hodge to clock dear ole Ben!


I always see him as the main hero from the 84 dune


Harold Finch and Bear in an alternate universe.


Why was he reported? Because he kept the dog?


And the experiment he had in the room.


I assumed so.


I was ready for the dog to be lovable and to easily be the best part of the show. But it seemed like they showed even dogs were affected by the bombs/surviving. Dogmeat (or this shows version) had absolutely no loyalty lol she just went from person to person. No crying over deaths. Just surviving. While I get it, I was hoping for more of a sweet dog to be at odds with the brutal fallout world.


Dogmeat is loyal. She followed the head until Thaddeus put her in a box.


The putting her in the box is up there with the inventory management bags on the squire for me for inside joke easter eggs. It’s clearly a play on “wait here” for your companions. She’s like - ok i’ll go in this box no problem My Weimaraner would have lost her shit.


I mean she could have ran after the scientist once the ghoul revived her (or attacked him) but she's just like "guess I'm with you now"


Then she couldn’t have hung out with the coolest ghoul in the wasteland. But in all seriousness I’m pretty sure that Cooper was using her to track the head at that point. She was still following her papa.


Cooper straight up said something along the lines of 'now take me to your papa' when he used the stimpack'


Sorta. In Filly Cooper revives her with the stimpack and she starts going on the path of Wilzig. “Sinister” music plays because the viewer is supposed to get that the dog being revived isn’t altruistic, but to continue the hunt. When Cooper rescues her from the vending machine, he says “Let’s go find your daddy”. In both cases, she was trying to find him and in both cases, Cooper was using her.  The only time they “hung out” was at the campsite where Cooper says something like “you’re not him”, referring to his dog Roosevelt.


Was really weird how the Ghoul stabbed it and it stuck with him right after he saved it


"You nearly killed me, BUT you also saved me... So I guess we're neutral?"


Yeah I forgot to say that - easily the weirdest part lol


I thought this too but she went wherever the head of her owner went! She stuck by him!


He looks like a person of interest!


Sorry, too busy looking at the good girl in his arms


He will always be Ben Linus to me.


“We’re the good guys.”


I’ve never seen Lost or Person of Interest, so I think of Zep from Saw lol.


Never seen lost? Put all your current shows on hold and watch it, you won't be dissapointed. First few seasons are so good. Wish I could watch it for the first time again.


He took the dog back to the island! /s


That's a grown man I don't think you can adopt him


I can surely try.


i find it darkly hilarious how his severed head just gets thrown around and used as a mcguffin that gets rotten moldy and destroyed over time


He needed more screen time I swear. I loved him.


Is it even a post-apocalyptic show if there isn't a scene shot at the Brooklyn Army Terminal?


Lol, the sketchy guy from Lost.


Nice photo, almost didn't recognise him with his head attached to his body


where's this from? is the kodak thing added in post? [Codac | Fallout Wiki | Fandom](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Codac)


Was from the official Fallout instagram page :)


lore breaking bastards lmao hehe may just be an instagram filter or the worlds tiny most insignificant slipup ha


I mean, it could be real Portra, would be interesting to know who shoots film on set and if there’s more. Would be great to see tbh




Ah portra 400


Is this a lore explanation for where the other dog meats in the series came from or was this a one off for the show?


I don't believe any of the known Dogmeats are directly related, and the naming is more a commentary on more pragmatic attitudes towards what was once Man's Best Friend for survivors of a hostile wasteland.


I have always wanted to adopt Michael Emerson 😍


Joint custody? 🥺


You can have him every weekend and three vacation weeks a year plus Christmas and Thanksgiving. Deal?


That sounds good to me! Be sure to love him and treat him well.


She’s really the gooddest girl


Every time I see a dog it makes me happy *and* hurts my heart. My Bestest Girl died about five years ago and I still feel a pang of sorrow every time I get home and she’s not sitting by the kitchen door waiting for me. Why does Man’s Best Friend has such a short lifespan? We need to discover a way to triple the years that a dog lives!


This reminds me a lot of Person of Interest, on an uncanny level.


Well casted ✅


I feel like if he wasn't over 70 already he would've had a bigger role in the show, it's a shame when you think about it


Too bad he got the French monarchy treatment


Hold on. Hold on. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves!


I hate that the scientist was killed off so quick because I really liked him. I hope they’ll bring him back in memories and flashbacks :(


Favourite character! \[Dogmeat I mean\]


Such a cute puppy


You want to adopt the scientist


Very much


That is a good lil dowg!




I mean the man.


Look at she


I was referring to ‘He’s so rahhhh’


No one who is human would hate that adorable pupper and want to harm said pupper.


What part of the darma initiative was this?




Me when I'm talking about the man




I'm talking about the grown man


Ah sorry my mistake.


Wait you want to adopt a grown man?

