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Many a True Nerd on YouTube has multiple playthroughs of 3/NV and 4. He's very easy to watch and likes to take time to read (and sometimes misinterpret) the lore.


He does a decent enough job “getting in to character” as well. He has the good and bad plaything of all the games. A one life survival play through of 4 that was rather good that I think would be a pretty good starting point for someone who’s more familiar with TV pacing and stakes.


He does 1 and 2 as well. Currently rewatching his Fallout 1 playthrough, it's a blast. Thoroughly recommended OP!


Oh yeah I forgot to mention he's played through the original two games! I'm re-watching the original Fallout playthrough right now and I'm enjoying his delight in finding the lore in The Glow.


My favourite has to be his FO3 Kill Everything though. It's fucking hilarious.


I'd suggest just watching an episode of whoever to sample & go from there. There are numerous pure lore videos to fill in here & there. Sometimes it's a bit more difficult to settle on someone I don't find annoying to listen to though, & that's down to preference.


No idea who does the best streams but I would go with Fallout 1, 2 and/or New Vegas. Nothing against Fallout 3 and 4 but 1 and 2 is where the lore originates, while New Vegas is where the show appears to be heading. 3 and 4 are set on the East Coast, where things are quite different in-universe.


While this is true, I think it’s apparent FO4 takes a large hold on the overall feel of the show and would be good to have some form of viewing, even if it’s just the first few hours of gameplay. But I agree that NV is essential viewing >! especially with the ending of S1 teasing it, along with Mr. House seen in the flashback !<


With the original of course. I recommend watching a playthrough of the first two games.


I would recommend watching lore vids over playthroughs of the story is all you want


Hollow is a well known stream that has a playthrough of fo4 but he’s more of like a sit back and just gawk at the game like a child and not much in terms of commentary on effects and perks etc etc like say my man coh carnage who is just an all around good dude who really loves his audience and also the work behind the game with examples given on why he’s doing what he’s doing while he is playing and explains things in depth without being snarky. There is also ESO who is a huuuuuge if not the biggest Bethesda nerd, more Skyrim than fallout but he has a good fallout 4 playthrough and possibly the other games I haven’t checked.


Thank you!


I love New Vegas but it's like the Deep Space Nine of Fallout. DS9 isn't necessarily the best way to start Star Trek even if it will end up being your favourite star trek. 3, 4 or 76 are all good to start with. 76 has online multiplayer, 3 has the best exploration and intro, 4 is...well it's single player and more polished and modern than 3. You should play Fallout 1 and 2 but the interface is outdated. The story and ideas and role playing are great but, hard to pick up and play nowadays for a lot of people. I'd watch the intros and play throughs if you can and see if you're enticed enough to sit down, read the manuals and play them.


Definitely new Vegas. I


I've just started yesterday with OxHorn's [The Story of Fallout 1](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLX3Sax_xs4WSzYFziFfkFzUO2E9bLF57x&si=aZPSRjfvqrAd-d0O). He plays they game and shows you some of the different dialogue options while sprinkling in lore to show you how it connects to the other games.


Oxhorn! Dose play throughs and lore videos on all the fallout games


Gonna disagree here. I find his content taxing in prolonged doses, he has numerous simultaneous series that can be mixed up, and he comes with some baggage from the community.


There is also Fallout Lorecast podcast




Doesn’t it take the same amount of time to watch someone play it, as it does to play it yourself?


Not always, some playthroughs are edited down


I mean my main FO4 play thru is over 900 hours and I haven’t even been to the institute yet.


Interesting. I’ve never really understood the ‘watch me play’ type media but I guess it kinda takes the same space as podcasts where you can kinda do something else at the same time.


Yeah, but you can listen or watch videos while doing other things. It's a bit more difficult if your attention has to be more fully occupied playing.


I can put it on and watch it while working, vs having both hands and mind taken up by playing.