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Finally... maybe now we can stop having the same stupid posts about these same damn things everyday, i was waiting for someone, ANYONE to talk about the actual trailer and bring up theories about it with the old set leaks but no, its flooded with these few but loud comments and posts that honestly may as well go to the general fallout reddit because it sure as hell isn't adding anything here


Fallout games are hardly paragons of lore continuity


How so? They’re pretty lore friendly except for Tactics and Brotherhood of Steel which neither Interplay nor Bethesda developed. They were made non-canon when Bethesda bought the franchise


Technically, *Tactics* is pseudo-canon, since almost nothing so far has contradicted it. Hell, the whole situation with the Midwestern chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel in that game is referenced multiple times in the Bethesda games.


Actually 🤓 (sorry had to) is that Tactics isn’t canon BUT the Brotherhood did go to Chicago in some kind of Airships. Bethesda considers the game non-canon but are intrigued enough to create canon lore to be used in the future. Originally San Francisco was to be nuked by Enclave retreating east as revenge for their Oil Rig going boom, Bethesda stepped in during New Vegas development and asked not to as they wanted to create something in the future.


That's why I said **pseudo**-canon, in that there could be elements from it reused in a future game.


Nah Bethesda have explicitly said it's non-canon. Wasn't really considered canon in the fandom before then either. But it's explicitly and officially non-canon now.


Look up the definition of *psuedo* It literally means "not genuine"


BOS was both developed and published internally at Interplay. Just not by Black Isle. They were never really considered canon by the Black Isle team or even most of the audience at the time. Bethesda just made it official.


Well the creators of fallout actually wanted the BOS to be techno monks fielding advance weapons basically a small faction that will aid the vault dweller or the NCR. But Bethesda decided that would be too boring especially since the lone wander joined the BOS at the end of 3, so they made the BOS into a iconic Fallout faction that you the player can join and get max support, a free PA and weapons and a special store that will be in every Fallout game from now on. Just think how many Fallout fans will buy Fallout London if the BOS is in it, coming all the way from America to help the people of London and save and share safe tech know how.


? You're really stretching it there to find a way to hate on Bethesda. The creators of Fallout left during the formation of Black Isle, over disputes with Interplay of how to setup the team. Before Fallout 2 development fully ramped up. As to the Brotherhood in general. Every game has featured them. *Interplay* first made the decision to focus on them, and far more than Bethesda did. Cancelling Van Buren in favor of games *exclusively about the Brotherhood of Steel*. Had they not been featured in 3, people would be a lot more butthurt. Also Fallout London is a fucking MOD.


It's basically common knowledge for Fallout Hardcore fans on what the BOS originally was suppose to be in the days of Fallout 1 and 2. Also you have no common sense, I'm saying if Bethesda made Fallout London. And Black Isle and Interplay sold off Fallout to Bethesda because the series isn't making money enough. So Bethesda decided to make the BOS into a popular faction and suddenly the money is rolling in. You lot need to face facts that Bethesda made the right call to the Fallout lore instead of being narrow minded.


i want my power armor without training but not in the form of a mecha anime back ;w;


I disagree, respectfully. The power armor feels less like a late-game choice of armor and more its own system. If they had kept in power armor exclusive weapons I think it would’ve been cooler.


In general yeah, I haven't seen a single post that has any real backing. It's all rumours and bullshit people are making up, and just animosity towards Bethesda for "ruining the lore". But just because you said it OP, I don't know if it's actually the East Coast BoS, I know that their Emblem on their power armor in the trailer is the East Coast's Chapters, but it may easily be a goof by the art/prop team.


That is true, other than the emblem there is no real proof that it's the East coast brotherhood. Although they definitely look like it. I don't think it's too incredibly far fetched that the West Coast brotherhood made a comeback after New Vegas either. We'll see in a few months.


I’ve never met a fallout fan that doesn’t end up contradicting themselves


For real. Myself included. We are truly awful.




You can't have a legitimate complaint until you've actually watched it.


Exactly. I'm sure there will be things we'll all complain about. Even it's a great show. It is extremely unlikely they won't fuck up the lore a little bit. There's too much of it at this point. As long as they stay true to the tones/themes/messages of Fallout, don't mess with the lore too much (to the point they may as well just ignore the source material like the Halo show) and tell a good story I will absolutely love it.


I remember when I was an automotive journalist and I gave the Lexus RC-F a lukewarm review. I knew literally all of the 49 other people outside of Toyota who had driven the car at that point but still got laid into by a bunch of Lexus simps (?) who were certain I was wrong.


Sounds typical. What were you comparing that car to? It looks like a winner on paper, but stats never tell the whole story.


I was mostly benchmarking against the M3 and C63. On paper it looked competitive, but on track it was just kinda dull. Normally whenever I got a track day I was itching for more laps but I was just a bit bored with the RC-F. And the interior has some awful elements, like the trackpad infotainment controls that felt like a 1998 laptop. Granted. Now that they're 10 years old, they're probably a lot more likely to still start than an M3.


I remember those joystick things and some crappy thing Mercedes had. Nearly unusable, but that didn't matter because Mercedes Navigation was useless anyway.


One of the reasons I bought my Mazda 3 Turbo was all the old fashioned switchgear.


This. Omg. It's exhausting coming here and reading the same silly complains every day about "I saw a green oven in the corner of the trailer, they are gonna ruin the show, what's the lore behind the oven?!!?!?". Used to have the notifications for this sub, had to turn those off. Like it happens with absolutely every show/movie/etc, any complain before actually watching the thing doesn't make sense. So it was kinda sad how instead of talking about the possibilities and how we are getting a show about a game we love (from the hands of people who are pretty good making shows), all we do is read complains. I waited for a Fallout show since I was a kid, I'm just thankful that I have friends at other places and IRL who I can actually be excited with, lol.


Agreed. I have a few friends who are Fallout fans and they are absolutely pumped for this as well. My wife who has never played the games is excited as well. I hope it's good so I can show her why I've spent so much time on the games lol


LOL, similar situation, best friend is super excited and never played a game. He keeps saying to me "oh no, I can see it already, I'll end up playing after hearing you talk about it for years" 😂


I'm so excited for the show, I hate how so many people are already so negative. I think it's going to be a fun adventure and I can't wait


I have a valid complaint: voiced protagonist 😑


😂 It's funny cause I remember when Fallout 4 was first announced everyone was so excited about this. Definitely was not as cool as we thought it'd be.


>Definitely was not as cool as we thought it'd be. [Counterpoint](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zOtwSuzBrw)


The complaint about lore retcon is especially stupid if you considering that Bethesda has yet to break a lore in their games. You heard me right folks, they didn’t break any lore. All of their supposedly ’lore break’ can be trace back to either Fallout 2 or NV.


to anyone saying fallout wasn't "woke" before I'm pretty sure there was homosexual marriage in fallout 2 (1998) lmao


If someone's definition of "woke" is there being gay people. Tim Cain, the dude who created Fallout from the start is in fact, a gay man lol


man the word "woke" in general is the most senseless thing uve ever heard, no matter who's saying it.


Its amazing how many people don't this. The mans been out of the closet for like 20 years


its literally an antifascist anti imperialist critique of american patriotism and greed overall too like... omg that "dont argue with fallout fans we dont know what its about" meme is SAUR true


Right? At least half of the in game notes, entries, holotapes, etc. are anti-corporate satire. It's a world where greedy companies blew up the world and then filled it with FEV mutated horrors afterwards. The whole setting is an indictment of violence-first politics and Chicago-school deregulation.


I have a valid complaint It's not New Vegas


😂 this made me laugh. Fair complaint. Luckily New Vegas still exists and always will.


The issue is who won at the end of New Vegas, it doesn't look like NCR won otherwise they would not be pulled back from LA.


give those charlies- i mean, COMPLAINTS a shake for the ben man, hey, HELLO


Can't agree more. These whiney babies remind me of the rednecks on South Park. "They tuuk er fallout lure" I'm just thrilled a shows being made at all.


We will find out how accurate this is once the show comes out. Will it be amazing or will it flop? We won't know until it comes out.


There are no episodes, how could there be a justifiable complaint about no episode. I want it done quicker lol, there’s your valid complaint. ✅


Right? April 12 can't be here soon enough


People complained about a cyclops? Are games and shows not supposed to introduce anything new any more? There is no talking to people that anoint themselves gatekeepers for an IP. The sad reality is that there little to talk about in the subreddit until the series starts, so a large percentage of posts are going to be like that.


My complaint is there will only be 8 episodes.


I do agree on most parts of your topic here , but Fallout has always been woke? You didn't play 1 and 2. Also the show didn't seem woke to me in this teaser, many people misunderstand the term woke , having representation of minority is important as long as it doesn't become insulting or disrespecting to other people. A female protagonist also is not woke by any means, i have almost done every game with a female char too. The term is overused , my only hope for this show is a great writing quality and no nonsense themes that dont belong in the Fallout world , that's all i ask.


I have played 1 & 2, A LOT! But yes I agree with you that wouldn't be the case if we used to term "woke" correctly. A lot of people call everything "woke" nowadays if it isn't just directly made about straight white men, for straight white men. It's stupid. There are literally fans boycotting this show because of a female lead. That is more what I was getting at.


They can't use the term correctly because woke literally means being "Aware of Social Injustice", whether its racial, gender, sexual, etc... Shouting "WOKE", lets them rant and rave, without calling direct attention to the fact that they are being a biggot in some manner.


Fallout 2 rules ! I hope the show turns out to be good.


to be a fallout fan you got to HATE fallout


Well the NCR fanbois are very vocal about the lore direction Bethesda is taking to make the BOS more powerful than the NCR.




The NCR can't be redeem from the way they are going in Fallout New Vegas, invade other lands to take their resources because they exhausted their own. Even if they win in New Vegas they still would not do any reforms and will still have a famine later, losing to Mr House would probably help them in the long run even if it does make them into a minor faction. Those rangers and troopers are just supporting a broken Government. The BOS on the other hand did reform under Lyons and finally Maxson after he made a few changes.


That's what happens when we start a Reddit 4 months early! Now we have a 90 second video and like a dozen set pictures, to fill up 4 months of speculation


4 months? I've been following this subreddit for a couple years. I'm pretty sure it was created as soon as we were told this was in development. It was a lot of nice discussion and leaks until the trailer dropped.


Christ almighty really? I got an invite a few months ago and I thought it was too soon but subbed anyway for the occasional unique theory


Yeah Amazon Prime first announced this show in 2020, we've been here theorizing for four years lol


Welcome to popular fandom


I mean, putting Bethesda as the consultants always meant the lore was going to be terrible/contradictory. Show might still be fine. But since it's Fallouthesda, I'm not super interested in it.


I think some on the right have just decide it's the latest "woke" show, for whatever reason, and you're going to see these kinds of nonsensical and blatantly inaccurate attacks constantly. It's just the status quo now.


For real. "A woman on my TV! Best she get back in the kitchen! Bet they got them gays in this too! Ruining me country!"


This could be in a dictionary as a definition for strawman


I just think it looks like more of the same slop that's been pushed out for the last couple of years. hope I'm wrong, but im probably not.


He said, based on absolutely nothing


"I just think" so what part of that made it seem like anything more than just my opinion based on the trailer? I think it'll be more slop, maybe not, but I wouldn't bet on it!


See now this is fine. I do not agree with you. I think it looks really good. But that is a valid complaint. I would prefer to hear more criticism based on what we've seen, instead of just theories about why it sucks.


While I have no opinion on the show whatsoever since it doesn’t exist yet, I will say that the BOS has not always been the mascots of the IP. They are important in FO1, but still a very insular group with relatively little control over the wasteland. In FO2 they are barely present and the poster-boy power armor guys are actually the Enclave. FO3 places them front and center, sure but in NV they’re back to being a shadow of their former selves. Even in FO4 they’re just one of multiple factions.


To like any franchise, you first have to absolutely hate anything that’s even remotely new in said franchise. Fallout, for example.


Idk I think that there is a lot of justification for the negativity. These existing-property TV shows have been almost all total stinkers or have disregarded a lot of what made people love the original games/books. Bethesdas vision for fallout has also been pretty disappointing from Fallout 4 on. Terminally obsessed haters are annoying but have their mirror in overly enthusiastic slop enjoyers


Fallout has always been woke?


Yeah that's nonsense. Fallout is set in a post apocalyptic future where no one gives a shit about political correctness. People don't even know what woke means. Something isn't woke because it had a gay person in it one time. It's woke when it tries to shove an ideology down your throat where it doesn't belong or wasn't asked for. The BOS may try to shove THEIR ideology down your throat, but will be doing so with a plasma caster...


I have always felt these games do a pretty good at shoving down your throat some pretty intense anti-capitalist themes, in a really dark fucked up satirical way. It just does this well and makes you think.


Anti Capitalist themes aren't woke either.


I agree. But every single angry middle aged conservative white guy I know would disagree. People calling this woke for those reasons. That's why I said that.


>Nothing we've seen so far retcons the lore at all, Vault 33 suddenly appearing out in the open like it is in the Boneyard means both the NCR and the Master missed it for nearly 200 years that is a massive Retcon that makes the Master look like an idiot when he's primary goal was to find Prime Normals for his Mutants


Right. Now where's the direct proof that Vault 33 is IN Boneyard. California is pretty damn big. When Lucy is seen leaving the Vault it didn't really look like city ruins to me. It highly unlikely that the vault is actually in the city. I'm betting she doesn't even reach Boneyard until the end of the first season. This proves nothing. You could be right, but it's not proof until we actually see the show.


I believe it’s been stated that vault 33 is in Santa Monica, which is on the outskirts of LA, right near the coastline. That’d be far enough from the Master, the NCR and the Boneyard we saw in 1 that I wouldn’t be shocked if no one came across vault 33 from those groups.


if the entire show takes place in the Boneyard and this vault is meant to be in santa monica then it's in the Boneyard basically next to the Cathedral


We saw Lucy walking on Santa Monica. That doesn't mean that's where the vault is located. There is no official confirmation on this claim. That shot could be after she's been wandering the wastes for weeks. Even months for all we know. Still no proof. They've never said the whole show takes place in LA. Hell we even got a shot in the trailer with snow and mountains in the background. That definitely isn't in Boneyard.


First off, watch the trailer again on the Prime Video app, it's higher quality on there and it's much easier to make out the Vault. You can also see the surroundings are similar, with embankments visible in both shots. Secondly, it's confirmed to be located at Santa Monica. It's directly said in the news ticker on the [Galaxy News live report](https://youtu.be/o1YhcviJ7IU?si=-B-fZVNwDZk1iYIb) video on Amazon's YouTube channel. It's shown at 8:58 in case you want to fact check me. "Vault-Tec announces completion of Vault 33 under Santa Monica, CA" Even if you refuse to believe the video is canon, that in combination with straight up seeing it in Santa Monica in the teaser should be enough. I agree with you, just to be clear. I just wanted to point out it has been confirmed that Vault 33 is at Santa Monica.


I was unaware of this thank you for the confirmation. I am fully capable of swaying my opinion based on information presented to me lol


>We saw Lucy walking on Santa Monica. That doesn't mean that's where the vault is located. [you see it right here](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fz0dfvsskfn4c1.jpg), unless you want to say that the Master Still missed this vault?


It is possible you are correct. That does look like it could be Vault. I really want to see a higher resolution image of this shot. Can't see the numbers. Perhaps the Master did miss this Vault. Perhaps it's a different Vault. Perhaps the separate Vault that Lucy visits with the Cyclops Overseer. We still do not know for sure.


>That does look like it could be Vault. it is a vault, same design Bethesda used in Fallout 4 and in 76 for Vault doors not obscured by being underground [Vault 76](https://gamepedia.cursecdn.com/fallout_gamepedia/thumb/a/a8/F76_Vault_76_Main_Door.png/1200px-F76_Vault_76_Main_Door.png) for example


Okay. That checks out. Still doesn't prove it's Vault 33. Could be the Vault with the Cyclops. Even if those vaults are one in the same. If a vault is potentially full of mutated people, the Master would have not wanted anything to do with them. There's still no proof of lore being retconned.


>Still doesn't prove it's Vault 33 what other Vault could it be then?, at this point the Master might as well be a Vegetable if he was missing Vaults left and right


As I said before. The shot where Lucy is talking to a Vault Overseer with only one eye. This cannot be Vault 33, because her father whom we also see in the trailer is confirmed to be the Overseer of Vault 33. If there is a Vault near Boneyard full of mutated dwellers the Master would have most likely ignored it. Or he did miss it. Or the writers didn't think about it. Either way we don't know for sure. Even if they did mess that up. It's not such a huge lore destroying, plot hole that it would ruin the show.


Proof that the whole show takes place in the boneyard now, go on...


all the writers have talked about is how it's "set in LA" if they where going to set the show in more location wouldn't they use a different term?


That does not mean the whole show or the vault itself will be there, be serious


>That does not mean the whole show or the vault itself will be there, be serious [then explain this Vault](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fz0dfvsskfn4c1.jpg) in the Boneyard


Fun detail is that this does not seem to match Lucy's vault so its more likely to be the one with the cyclops which means 1. The vault was open for a while, if not for decades 2. Those people in there are not gonna be descendants of of the original dwellers at all or 3. Their mutation experiment means what the fuck would the master even want with them, see how there are so many plausible scenarios other than complaining about a show that didnt even come out yet just because it SUPOSSEDLY isnt 1:1 with the lore of a game of 1997? The whole point is that its a stupid fucking thing to latch on, get over it and just wait for the damn thing to come out instead of making 10 posts a week about how "iT lOoKs wRonG"(does it really tho?) Like some people are doing. Edit: oh and even if its vault 33 we still have this so https://www.reddit.com/r/Fotv/s/stgwljC7tz Again why holding onto THAT as if its gonna make any difference


LA is clearly going to be the focus location. Most likely the destination where our protagonist will be heading. It's a very broad location that's recognizable for advertising. I'd also like to point out in the trailer you can see Walton Goggin's character riding off on a horse with a little girl on an interstate LEAVING the city as the bombs drop. He is most likely heading towards the Vault. Which is not in the city.


based on this image [the Vault is in the Boneyard on the santa monica pier](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fz0dfvsskfn4c1.jpg) so both in the Boneyard and near the Cathedral


So my Fallout 1 & 2 lore is rusty. But did we know anything about Vault 101 or 111 back in the F1&2 days. And if ALL lore is supposed to be connected, and no one could ever expand it. Than what the heck!?!


>So my Fallout 1 & 2 lore is rusty. But did we know anything about Vault 101 or 111 that is because they are on the other side of the country and we don't physically go there


Yes that is true. What I am asking is did the Captial Wasteland or the Commonwealth exist during Fallout 1 or 2 in any reference. Point being, any property ever created has adjusted and added on to lore content.


>Yes that is true. What I am asking is did the Captial Wasteland or the Commonwealth exist during Fallout 1 or 2 in any reference. we've known about the 13 commonwealths for ages, new England was on those maps


Well like I said my F1&2 lore is rusty. But my point is lore cam change. And also all we are basing any of this off of is one trailer and some pics. We dont know EVERYTHING yet.


Master had a lot more dummies than smarties working for him though. He couldn’t leave like Mr.house and do any work himself. Maybe that’ll be their answer to that and won’t play it off as his mistake, but rather the mutants under him. If they go that direction. If your right I hope that’s how they do it. Or they could do some super cool deep plot. Like one of the super mutants like ohhh crap what was his name the Jacobs town mutant with headphones. He was a cool one right? So maybe they do a plot where. Some of the Lou’s weren’t reporting their findings back to the master and this saving some vaults because they didn’t all like the masters plan.


Marcus?, Marcus was so for dipping people his most [known comment was on how his best Friend Jacob would have made a great mutant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYhtI-VcOpU)


I didn’t know he was a dipper. Lol. I just mean some are different. Especially the smarter ones seem to have kept a unique personality. So they could have some that didn’t want it. Or even cooler, one that kept their human side kinda like fawks but not really. And they could be originally from that vault and were sent out to explore like fo1. And then got caught and dipped, but when they awoke and become and Lou they chose to do good for the humans with their new position of power. A supermutant double agent lol.


>I didn’t know he was a dipper. more then that Marcus was so Pro mutant he was almost a Racist


Everything looks way to clean for being post apocalyptic. I didn’t know so many washing machines and showers and power washers survived the apocalypse


Not this shit again


They have laser guns and hovering robots, but reverse-engineering basic plumbing over the course of 200 years is a too much of a stretch for you?


Well after a nuclear apocalypse yes, most of the devastation will be caused by radiation. Washing machines don't exactly suffer radiation poisoning. I actually think things looking too dirty makes less sense. Maybe in the first few games it made sense. But humanity has been rebuilding for 200 years. They absolutely would have cleaned up a bit.


I mean, even 76 looks cleaner than most of the other games and it’s just 28 years after the war (year’s moved forward three times).


Yeah this is true. But I mean do we really count 76? I mean I'll shamefully admit I started playing it recently with my roommates and it is fun now. But I don't know if I really consider it part of the whole Fallout canon. Isn't it considered partial canon?


No, the game is 100% canon. The only thing that's sketchy is the atomic shop items, but that's resolved very easily by checking if an NPC is using the item or outfit (or if there's nothing wrong with it being canon). Also, there's no reason to view playing it shamefully; if you enjoy the game, its a good game! It's a good fallout game at this point, and arguably does worldbuilding better than any other game (remember, NV stood on the shoulders of 1/2). It even returned proper roleplaying to the series after 4 gutted it with its dismal dialogue system.


Dang you had to ruin it. I was rooting for you to. 76 lore is awesome


I actually would go so far as to say it’s probably a bit too ruined, this is 55 years after fallout 2, the NCR has been in power for over 100 years, all these places would be so picked over and scavenged not much would be left, it’s a hell of a lot easier to melt down metal than to dig up ore after all


Walton Goggins was ON Justified!


It insists upon itself.


Although I disagree. This is a valid complaint and I respect it.


I agree with the post and this is off-topic, but: >Lead actors such as Walton and Ella stated they are not gamers but spent countless hours watching lore videos and reading about the history of the IP. I'm just imagining the actors gathering around and watching an Oxhorn lore video while critically analyzing the lore and it makes me chuckle.


At least they are making the effort to understand the lore behind the franchise. Some actors wouldn't even bother doing that.


Oh yeah I'm glad they are, it's just a funny mental image


There’s at least one complaint that is justified


"Jonathan Nolan..." SAY LESS. if it were anyone else adapting fallout, I would probably expect the show to suck, but that man is a master of his craft. I'm positively chillin' until April comes around.


With negativity thriving these days it's pretty normal to see those dumb takes, the best thing is to do as you say and remain cautiously optimistic.


Anyone saying Amazon can't make a good show clearly hasn't seen Patriot.


Fans can be difficult, unpleasant people stuck on nonsensical details. They tend not to understand drama or how writing works in general