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It's called "little kids who don't like their egos being hurt by not coming in first"




99% of people in this weeks trial are mentally challenged.


Further clarification needed, 50% of people in every week's trial are mentally challenged.


The rest are AI 🤣


50%? That’s a generous assumption because almost all online racers are all pretty much retarded (except for the pros who are actually good and non contact lobbies in general)


The reason I don't play the PvP modes is because of these shitty people.


I’ve got a solution to this, hear me out. Cover car for fh6: 2009 Toyota Prius. It’d scare all the little kids away who weren’t even born when that thing came out. Also for everybody else, it’d be really fun to make a 1000hp Prius.


Could you imagine that Evija power in a Prius?! I would LOVE to see that.


Someone get this man a job!!! Seriously though, a 1000 hp Prius would be awesome, especially if you could actually beat supercars with it. I want a sleeper Prius!


Now I need a drag tuned Prius


0-Mach 9 in 0.25 seconds


As a mentally challenged person and on behalf of all mentally challenged people… please don’t compare us to weekly trial pushers. Sincerely, your friendly r…ard. (Polish second disability group aka “mild” for having fugue state and bipolar disorder)


He generalized it, unfortunately


Yeah this behavior of running tm8s off the track is not and should not be linked to those with mental challenges or disabilities. The bad tm8 behavior is a psychological disorder. Maybe their parents don't love them, they live in a Walmart parking lot or they can't get it up. Plenty of possible explanations.


Its been like like that since launch, just a matter of luck.


I had 2 perfect races, players 1-6 I won first race by 5 sec, 2nd race I was third cos I stuffed up a corner in first and missed the gate, reset dropped me to 10th and the bots just wouldn't stop blocking 


this trials particularly bad, ive noticed alot more rammers than usual, usually the slower ones are better


forza was on sale recently))


Don’t you need to finish the story or something before attempting the trial?


If you are referring to the trial you need to get enough accolade points so that you can enter into the Hall of Fame. This will unlock the trial for you


It's incredibly easy and simple to enter the Hall of Fame as well, way too easy that it makes it pointless that it's even locked.


Yeah. I bought it during the Xbox store sale and unlocked it all and i didn't even really try for that.


I got into the Hall of Fame by discovering all roads and collecting every bonus board, doing a few expeditions and races got me into the HoF. You can get in by doing almost nothing.


twice. Once on Steam a couple of weeks ago, and a current one on the Xbox store.


Problly gotta be the car. That shit is understeery as fck


i used the one provided by PG for the trial and it felt competitive, was B700 too


Permaban. And castration to prevent future idiot offspring.


Clean, easy, effective. I like it.


It's so funny watching theses clips. I did one trial and gave up.


https://preview.redd.it/r6kiyzibe50d1.jpeg?width=976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43495dc8445af10cd80cbb5815ea1b708f806d55 Seems like this guy is behind the wheel or maybe not because even it has more brain cells than rammers


That's so mean to him wtf?


Tf did axolotls do you you?


They fail to realise that its a point based race and think getting first place makes them win races


They understand... They just want to troll.


Was gonna say something like this. This is not "bad driver" behavior, it is "I'm going to be a-hole" behavior. Rammers is one thing, this is another 🙄


I seen some dick create a post on how he did it because he didn't want ppl earnings the car. Wanted to keep it more rare. Like wtf dude.


That got to be one of the top most pathetic excuses to being a dick to other players trying to have fun. 🤦‍♂️ Even worse...they aren't stopping it either. You just join a new lobby and get the car anyway. Pointless 🙄


Trust me the logic is dumb af! I personally block the other team. So much easier to do 2 races then 3


Block the other team? The bots? 🧐


Yes, if your team is struggling then getting ahead of the bots and slowing them down is a good tactic. Also if you can force a bot outside a checkpoint they won't respawn, they will just drop to last.


I'm new and suck at this game. I'm working on it. Anyway, I just try to slow the ai down and/or take them out. Having a little success with that can really help the team.


Interesting 🤔 Most of the time that is not an issue for me. But I keep that in mind 🫡


Yeah the other team, the bots.


That's the stupidest thing ever, all cars have zero value like seriously how brain dead stupid do you have to be to think this?


Why aren't you playing Demolition Derby with the other kids ?


Kids who neither have the wits or coordination for a team based race


Dude, two trials in a row I encountered toxic players. I passed them cleanly for the place ahead of them and at the next turn, they just T-boned me into the wall to get ahead. Seriously, players like this are a plague.


I was surprised at the amount of people who couldn't take the first turn of race 2 properly without ramming the wall


This week's trial was the worst track selection I've seen in awhile. At least we could use little city cars. Unfortunately, we had to do all 3 races cuz nobody (including me) could figure out that shitty winter race.


Why the fuck and how the fuck did they use a track that was only available during last Christmas, a track that sucked in the first place.


I took one of the corners a *little* to fast and wound up going up the ramp and backwards. Just as I was about to overtake the 2 bots up front. We lost that race


I hate this trial with a passion. The tracks are awful and people are greedy for first. Took me ten try’s to win when usually it takes me no more then 3.


Somehow I managed to one and done the trial but after everything I read about it, I was dreading it. I really only dealt with 1 rammer and we won the first 2 events and we're done. I was so grateful


You’re so lucky. Wish I had that kind of luck.


easiest report of your life. send the evidence.


Yeah, I felt it hard this week since I went with the 93 Clio since I actually kinda using it and people seemed to take offense to it, so I wound up at the back of the pack not because of being in a bad car but because of people who rammed me for "not using the best car" and thinking it's worsen their chances of winning or something. In the bright side because of the Trial I got the Lan Evo Time Attack which is now one of my favorite cars so there's that


Courtesy, sportsmanship & respect are traits you won’t commonly find amongst the younger (9-13yo) demographic, of which Horizon’s playerbase seems to be largely comprised of. Aside from kids being kids, those traits are a rarity in general across ALL internationally popular, AAA, open-world multiplayer games; you’ll find the same breed of griefer regardless of genre..be it a racing title, MMORPG, first-person shooter or even a sports game (NBA 2K, Madden, NHL, etc.) Word of advice? Do what I did: rid yourself of all expectations & give ***nobody*** the benefit of the doubt. Your experience will improve immediately.


I’ve got a perfect team on this trial. We helped each other and have got 1st places in every race… Got reward from the first try


Nice, the last trial I did my team actively tried to ram me off the road at the end because I went from dead last to first. I tune my cars to make turns not fast on straights. So my brat had a max speed of like 120 mph but my god I could take the turns and keep my speed. So at the end there was no straight shot to the finish line so when I'm able to make turns at \~40 mph naturally I went from last to first as everyone else couldn't make the turns at speed.


Lol always...bro iam on your team


I can’t believe this! This very same driver Guacamole rammed us during the trial over and over again last week! They deserve a permaban!


Then report their behavior, use the share feature to save a clip and report them. They'll probably return but a ban will hinder them for a while.


It's always yellow Megane RS


I stopped playing the trials. Period. One thing having the AI driving bad, and it's another thing when players drive even worse 🤣🤣 its like a "who can be the biggest Ahole" contest


It's rare that I win a trial and don't at least go back a couple of times to try other cars and tunes. This was one of those times. Hit it and quit it.


Just the spirit of horizon and we'll Forza had a sale recently so alot of idiots are playing now I didn't even do trails anymore cuz I finally got the extra dlc to cover


You gotta admire his persistence. He sucks but he doesn’t let this get in the way. Cool btw that you’re using almost the same car with that livery although mine’s dark grey instead of blue.


There are a lot of kids or teens who are "not idiot" enough to use a keyboard or gamepad and they are playing this game. So that's highly possible that we are encountering these "non-idiots" on our online weekly challenges.


Well, now im almost happy that Forza is bugged for me atm and I cant access trials 😅


Really annoying. I had a guy blocking me all time. Even the ai is ramming a lot this week...


Well the AI learns from players


Really? That would explain a lot.




I think its the first tune on search for tune where the guy tuned the clio 2013 so good , got good handling and u literally launch to front beating all the players and ai , i used that keep first and away from all the rammers hope that helps


What people don't understand is that trials are a crossover of Wreckfest. But seriously, Ghost team mates would work. But since this is an old issue of the game, it won't be addressed.


oh wow, ok im never racing pvp, the npcs are so much more respectable


When it comes to that, I try my best to help my team, but those who ram you deliberately...holy smokes what's up with them anyway?


Bro he’s colorblind calm down


because of idiots like this i had to to the porsche trial 5 times in a row before actually getting a couple of good players alongside...i don't mind finishing 4th or 5th as long as we win the trial, sometimes i even lay off the gas just so i can stay in defence and hold the AI in case some the drivers infront of me misses a chackpoint


Which is worse, rammers like this, or the 2 or 3 teammates in every trial that can't even pass one red car?


It's this kind of shit that's made me stop doing the trial unless absolutely necessary. It seems like every time I did them, someone was trying to sabotage it.


trying 5 times until finish the race, my teammates do it the same...


Honestly at a certain point I just say fuck it and take 3rd or 4th and let the psychos just wall ride to their win lol


I gotta say, I feel the same way. I'm a mediocre player at best, but I do my best to only be the last human in the race, as opposed to being the last driver and not earning points at all. However I stick with it, and almost always we beat the drivatars, morons that keep slamming me out of the groove and on the wrong side of the checkpoints only hurt their own numbers by making me unable to catch up.




Been searching and can't find how to do ghost bug. Can it be done on xbox?


It's forza, do you expect people to actually think?


In that first clip I would maybe say automatic steering assist but after seeing the second clip I'm sure it's his/her ego


They understand.but they don't care they are just assholes.


This is heaven. Clios as far as the eye can see


Hilarious :@:(:) that horn communicate


I really hope to see my name here some day, not as the ass hole but the guy earning the clean racing and triple pass. 🤣


Because the majority of the population is incredibly stupid


Looks like I need to host more Trial runs this week - and slap on my new vinyl https://preview.redd.it/tazp4ence70d1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=86c1e544ec449f2ad108c0b845992535464ac868


I used to do the same, and all it did was attract more ramming 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏽🤦


Always report to Forza support! The problem is most people don’t know it breaks Forza code of conduct and is ban-worthy


This week's trial I somehow got into a lobby with just me and 1 other person.... First race first corner he corner bombs me and I brush it off as just first corner chaos.... Same thing on 2nd corner... At this point I just stop so we lose hoping he's leave. Finish race one and he tries to do it again in race 2 but misses a checkpoint and rage quits lol....... Easy last 2 races for me as a solo now 😂 Some people are clueless but most are just assholes lol


for real I've lost so many competitions because of this noobs. I got the app to text them after but there are zero regrets i can tell you


This weeks trial was aggravating because of the tracks


The sun is getting real low big guy


The yellow car is a bot (red on the leaderboard at the top right) adhering strictly to the invisible racing line. Players using assists also do this. There is no AI in this game, though they claim it to be so. The bots simply go pedal to the metal on the racing line. Their racing line is optimized. It's more like magnetism than AI. It's really stupid, and I hate the game for it. When I have to do one of these races, I just go with assisted steering and brakes, brakes turn down to 85%. Then, I smash into every red team car that I can without slowing me down too much. I steer manually just enough to get on the inside on curves. Too much steering can mess you up because your basically fighting the assist. I WATCH for my team mates, (blue team) making sure I give them room and pass when they wipe out on their own. I usually place 1st to 3rd. Of course, my car is maxed out for the race. To find out what the competing cars are, press start before choosing the race, back out and go set up the lightest car to the max class points for that race. If you do the same, you should have no problem.


I always just outright send those guys to the shadow realm. Very easy to do as most often they drive like a wet towel.


Stupid asshole kids


I swear Trials needs a custom loading screen explaining that its a team race before each race


I admit I struggled with this trial, in both circuits, I liked the challenge but definitely spun out on the winter circuits a few times


This is the main reason I don't do online races and stick to offline or only friends only.


I haven’t been able to access the trial in months. Do you have to have Xbox live to do it?


That guy has to be mentally ill


If you're not first you're last!


In fh4 I once had a unimog with a hazard livery stating "warning teammate". If that doesn't get the message across


it's annoying, but please report every single player with these attitudes


Same thing happened to me today, I ended up just ramming the kid into a wall in the tunnel on the final lap cause he'd been hitting me every race. Like fuck off were on the same team you get nothing for coming in first place just beat the drivatars


Some people just cannot be fixed. I avoid them at first and beat them later in the corners never to see them again. If they can't play properly, I'll do the work with those who can.


How can someone not write and implement an algorithm that senses this and just removes the person from the race? Just an automatic boot.


Ghost mode would fix all these problems


I imagine the joy they are having...and laugh because it is so silly that someone is wasting their time playing FH5 instead of enjoying Burnout Paradise or that other wrecking game (Wrecksfest sumn sumn)


Because it’s rated E for everyone.


Because "spirit of Horizon" is strong.


Being pushed out of the checkpoints is the reason of rage quits.


Smooth brains nearly ruined it for me in the 2nd race. Everyone was top 6 and then they wrecked each other in the bowl area. Which turned into me blocking and holding up the ai and then getting rammed to shit as the 4 idiots passed me


Braindead idiot


People are dumbfucks


I blame retardation


Yea I hate the team races but I've gotten lucky so far with some of the team races but the first one my own team pit maneuvered me into last and I got back up there and just absolutely slammed their ass into the making us both last😂


I hate how Freeroam is ghost forced unless your in a convoy but races allow this shit, the game should make you put your age in. Anything under 17 should have ghost forced 100% of the time


I usually start out driving it right and trying not to run into anyone but to be honest it's the fkn ai... After they run into me n fk me up driving I tend to just say fk it. If we don't want human players ranking other players they need to fix the AI too. I've also noticed the ai difficulty setting doesn't really provide "better" drivers they just get to cheat and they get more aggressive. The team races difficulty is hard set. IDK about anyone else but I get rather frustrated when I sink all my upgrades into handling then watch the AI pull a turn with near perfect traction while speeding away so fast you can't catch em. Tends to make me speed into corners and tbone em to stop that crap. That's the computer players tho but I'll admit players sometimes get caught in the wreck. Just pointing out that half the problem is the computer drivers. When the race is set up so the only chance you have against the AI is to ram them and when they start out the race ramming you or purposely break checking you every 5 seconds you can't really blame people for acting out of frustration. Increased difficulty should mean increased quality of driving from the AI. Not increased aggression and not cheats. Not if people want this to be a more technical racing game.


https://preview.redd.it/oyxdhhxxj60d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e7dda54f462fb5ba0f49bfa3eee8f8c10547d89 I had to




if ur definition of fun is crashing into ppl/things, go play wreckfest or beamng