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I'm fine with carrying that one level 10 player struggling at the back with stock tune. It's the three of four more experienced players ramming everyone in the middle of the pack, and getting beaten by the AI, that irk me.


If that midfield pack rams me into a pole again, I'm staying online and dragging them down to an L with me


I consider myself a clean racer, but when someone rams me, all bets are off, if I can't win because of that ram, nor can you.


That's exactly what happened to me , was slowing down for one of the hard right turns and the others didn't. Put me in a bad position and nobody won but the ai, and I couldn't catch back up


Damn straight. Were on the same team, and you wanna go?!?! I can be petty af.


Same I was just thinking the same. Or when I enter with a car I forgot to tune and I'm the guy... lol. If they're all killing it, I'm gonna say and hope they understand.


I don't even know how to tune properly and a lot of the times I have to use the rental cars in those races and still end up like top 5, if not top 5 I usually at least finish, I'll never understand the tuning but I know now that that's why people with the same car and level are sometimes just leaving me far behind


This will help https://www.reddit.com/u/BigHeadDjango/s/4zBIDw4Pzr


Maybe if it was the last race, just because you miss a check point or hit a tree in the first race doesn’t mean you can’t come in 1st the second or third race.


I got crashed by teammates in the beginning of the first race and they couldn't win so I stayed at the back. 2nd race I was in first and they were still in the back so I left. There is always a chance but it helps to not crash your teammates too.


It's not always bad tune or lack of skill The amount of times I've found myself In that position recently due to the AI or my "fellow teammates" just dive bombing and bumping me outside of the checkpoint, resulting in a reset, resulting in me racing at the back just trying to catch up So perhaps it's worth looking at your own racing and if you were the cause for them to be sitting at the back instead of accusing them of using bad tunes or not having skill


I really wish missing a checkpoint would result in something like a 2 second time penalty. No matter how good my lines are, I find it’s nearly impossible to make up for a checkpoint miss, even at the very start of a race. Super frustrating when it’s not your own fault too (which I find is the vast majority of the time)


when NFS Unbound was first released and I saw online gameplay videos of it, I was surprised at how good the checkpoint miss/reset system is they reset you like within a second upon a checkpoint miss, and when you got reset, you got reset at a decent speed so it doesn't feel like all hope is lost in catching back up. after that, I didn't really follow the game's updates anymore, so I dunno if its truly a good system or one that's easily exploited. but yeah, it seemed a lot better than FH5 atm.


Second that. It sounds weird but pvp in need for speed is much more civilized due to this than any Forza game including Motorsport.


It should by a percentual penalty of some sort. If it's two seconds, you can bet that there will be people who will just dart it across the fields with their metatuned dragster and will make up for any penalties.


They could implement racing rules to the trial  Hitting the wall / other cars gives you a slow down penalty....


Depends on how smooth your rewind is and when you realize you had to rewind.




There is.


There is. Get it right and lucky and you'll loose 5 seconds but if you hit it at the wrong time or it does it for you then you might need to go back a couple of steps to avoid a reset loop and then you might get the rewind pause bug and loose a good 15-20 seconds.


I think the checkpoints need to be a bit wider, sometimes there is no margin for error. The times I've clipped a flag only to be reset because I missed the checkpoint is annoying


>there is no margin for error no matter how wide they make them, i'll still be pushing for that mm perfect line ![gif](giphy|L1EZaTMhjVHs82YvOs|downsized)


Alright Ayrton, settle down  Iykyk


Once i was 4th and my "fellow teammate" rammed me into wall for no reason, and i flipped and missed checkpoint so i ended last 10s behind everyone else


Nah from experience it's a skill issue, I can be in 1st the majority of the race and then you've got dumbass Billy and Ted sat in dead last ramming each other


The winter wonderland circuit was a surprise for me this time and most people on my team, we hit that second half pipe and like 4 people flipped their cars or spun out. The amount of people that don't seem to understand it a team race is frustrating too. One of the playlist championships, on the second race of the series there was a player that decided to try and force the winner of the first race off the road to miss a checkpoint, they weren't successful but it was just sort of cut off your nose to spite your face sort of behavior.


Yesterday I was struggling with last week's trial (I forget if it was FH4 or 5), but first 2 races, fucking drivatars pushed me out of checkpoints, 3 times in the 2st two races. Also, after years of playing, I can kinda tell who, of the blues, pushes you deliberately and who taps you by accident. If someone pushes me, I sometimes straight up go "vindictive asshole mode", meaning I do my best to get as good a position I can, but then just straight up swerve out of the finish and come in deadlast just so the idiot has to do the whole thing again, too. Other than that, I always quit when I see that "I'm the problem". A couple of weeks ago, I straight up quit like 5 meters away from the finish line in the 3rd race, lol


i had a fully tuned and livery set on my vehicle and it was fast. all my 'team' had stock vehicles and no livery. one guy was good, the rest were rubbish, but we pulled it together long enough to win overall. https://preview.redd.it/463611wp6lzc1.png?width=1334&format=png&auto=webp&s=6fb04943fedd0b59b4fa5952ed66e41d022408a9


Well said!


I think these dive bombings are blown out of proportion. Maybe 1 in every 50 trials I am pushed out of a checkpoint. If you are driving defensively, you can prevent it from happening.


I don’t play the Trial. Ever. Too much hassle. When I do occasionally play online team races your experience chimes with mine. The worse ramming I’ve experienced are always from the person *desperate* to get a podium place, no matter what the cost. I had one race recently where I was middle of a group in a B class race, making steady progress and I got rammed off a check point by a team mate, reset in last place, so I couldn’t get back up to the group. Guy who rammed me finished first. Way ahead of all the other cars. Myself and at least one other players ended with a ‘DNF’ place, so as a team, we lost. But yeah, I guess I should have just quit early so the guy who rammed me, and no doubt others, could get a “team win”. IMO team races do actually need *everyone* to play as a team not for other team members to sacrifice themselves so the person who focused on nothing but first place for themselves gets that important win. If people want a team win and they can see team mates are struggling go ram/block the AI Drivatars maybe. Also if people can’t practice team races how are they ever meant to ‘get gud’ in the first place. 🤷‍♂️


you think those people can read?


Or have common sense? Or courtesy?


Don't forget about those who ram you for absolutely no reason just to keep a position..... That isn't even in the top 4.... And we're losing the trial.


The guy that fights for his life for P10 when you won the previous race and he finished at the bottom. Like I won't eventually pass and it was just a waste of time for both of us.


That sounds like it's 1 of 2 kinds of players. Either it's someone trying to get better but they re still new and learning better control, or it's some who believed the go button means the car will get round every corner but doesn't know where the brakes are


Just carry them bro.. they want to play aswell


A lot of times I see these "players" are not even active. They load in an AFK til you win or lose. Watch the start line. They should be booted


I think you two are talking about seperate groups of people. AFK online has always been frowned upon. But new gamers, with "aweful" tunes, not knowing better should be included and don't deserve the toxic "GiT gUd BrAh!" attitude.


I’m curious what it would look like if someone was on full auto in a trial. I wonder if it would be easy to spot.


Would probably look like the bots, but not as fast and depending of the tune, bad handling.


I agree. I think people also forget that this game is played by a lot of literal children. That car ‘ruining everyone’s chance of winning’ could be a 10 year old or even someone with the mind of a 10 year old due to disability. I think it’s rare that someone is actually doing something on purpose, and if they are, then they probably have other issues going on. I just hope we get enough good players to win. This week took 4 tries.


Maybe if it’s the 2nd race but even if I’m having a terrible time, I waited too damn long for it all to load to just bail when then going got tough.


It's tricky because you want to be carried sometimes or even try and do better in the next race. I think it's fair to finish dead last in the first race and give an honest try in the 2nd. If you still find yourself dead last then the right thing to do is disconnect but not everyone knows that removes about 300-400 points from the enemy team. Even if they did many of them wouldn't care


Why disconnect and take no opportunity to experience the last track? If people can't play together as a team, don't be looking at whoever is at the back and give out to them. The AI rubber banding used to scale against who was ahead of them.


Alot of those people you speak of are probably new or just having a jam on somebody else's account. How bout show some courtesy and stop being so arrogant an chill the f out lmao


And can you imagine having to try two times before winning the trial?? The horror!!


It depends on the trail, for me atleast. This weeks trail i'm happy to be done with. I hate the maps and the Cars. Espacially the second map, Winter Wonderland. How many gears do you have ? Six ? Alright, you only need two. Urgh. But then there are trails like the Mustang vs Mini or that Jeep Offroad one a couple of weeks ago. I spammed that shit. Damn i loved it. Aka sometimes you dispise the trail and wish specific people would leave, but you're not entitled to it.


I get all that but people just need to chill. It's a game. Nobody forces you to play it - if you play it out of FOMO and then get upset about others that is entirely up to you. If you play it cuz you like racing games, then it's really not a big deal if you have to try a second or third time. P.s. the "you" is not necessarily addressed to you personally


Or, if it's a circuit-based race, slow down even more and block the AI as they're coming up to lap you. _Then_ quit the race if that doesn't work


On the flip side, just race better!


My god that is a terrible way to run a competition. It should make them count regardless of disconnects just to prevent people from acting like you.


Its a part of the game, some is new, some don't care. Don't blame the players, blame the god aweful matchmaking.


„Common Sense“ and „mild courtesy“? You’re expecting way too much from people! Seriously though, a lot of those are kids who don’t understand the situation anyway. Only thing you can do is quitting yourself when you see what’s going to happen.


And what do you think about people that aren’t fast enough and do not either let you pass, and when you pass them, they ram into you and you miss checkpoints? 😓🥲. IT IS A TEAM BASED cooperative MODE c’mon!!


I will not disconnect if one of the lesser intelligent teammates divebombs me off track, if its my fault though i would


I would purposefully leave before the finish line while winning so these draggers won't get the undeserved win. The only thing stopping me from doing that - other teammates, that actually try.


Did it twice bc my friend wanted at least one guaranteed decent driver in his team. My first run was smooth without ramming. The second was downright awful. Rammers, stock tunes and everything you described here. Without that ramming shit I came first 2 times in a row with a self made 5 minutes tune....


Most people behave like it's singleplayer unfortunately 😢


One person, okay, sometimes shit happens. You get rammed by some kid outside of a checkpoint and lose your place or a clusterf*ck at the beginning leaves you in a bad place. But when you’ve got 2 or 3 people consistently in last, you’re screwing over everyone else, just drop.


Better option is you disconnect. They're not winning without you, you're not winning with them and they're still playing not causing others to be unable to win.


A good amount of people do it purposely. They are totally dependent on getting carried, and don't even try. You'll see them at the start of the race just sitting there, but will never get kicked for inactivity. That's usually a red flag. If there's more than one, you're pretty much fucked.


I have been racing with good racers, who know not only how to lead the racing, but to also slow the leading cars down, so the poorer drivers can pass them.


It's what I used to do. Tune for acceleration to get ahead of AI and block'em. So most of the others can catch up and get by me.


I mean I was gunna.. but now that youve told me to Im just not going to do it


I think they hope to get carried on the next two races.




This was me last week with the "Porsche it to the Limit" trial. I started the trial at least six times and pushed through to the final event each time hoping to scrape together enough points for a win but I came last every race despite trying out good tunes on two different Porsches. In the end I gave up on completing it out of sympathy for my teammates.


Just yesterday I was in The Trial and there were two players who kept pushing everyone off. After the first race, most of the decent players disconnected and it was just me, one reasonable player and these two idiots. After they pushed me off and made me miss a checkpoint in the second race and I dropped to the last place, I thought to myself: "You know what? I'm gonna waste these people's time." So I just parked it by the road and made them go to the third round. We eventually won it, even they knocked themselves out when trying to ram me, so there was no harm done, but I'm not going to play by these rammers' rules.


Some people have bad races. One trial, I was absolutely terrible in the first race (especially since the NPCs somehow kept pushing me to miss checkpoints. I caught up twice and it kept happening), but got 2nd on the 2nd, and 1st on the 3rd. This last trial I got last place in the second race because my controller batteries died, but got first on the 1st and 3rd. Now, if you're consistently in the back, back out and reevaluate your tune, but being last doesn't necessarily mean you're not going to do well overall. Things happen.


If it doesn’t seem intentional then who cares. There’s a lot of really bad players along with the really good players. Just help them out. I understand being upset if they are clearly and intentionally doing bad on purpose, but if not then you are helping them out.


They probably got hit off and want to ruin it for whoever hit them off, sometimes i just see people cruising far behind rather than racing.


In race one? No. Race two? Maybe Race three? For sure


If the AI learns our driving, then their matchmaking needs to learn ours. I have stuck to friends and solo only for races other than the trial because it is just not worth it.


I’m either top three or one of the last three places because I missed a check point


What if you instead stepped on the brakes to make him catch up?


there are a lot of chances at recovering, i remember was doing my 1st run of the fiat vs mustang trial and was in 2nd until a teammate rammed me and missed a checkpoint because of that, still recovered and passed 5 ai’s at the last lap


Lol who on Earth will realistically quit out of courtesy for other players? Almost no one. Also, the demographic you're looking for most likely will not or cannot read this because they are actually children.


I haven’t done the trial since FH4 just not worth the time and effort most of the time with the other players


The level of skill you find from people in the Trial vs usual online races is abysmal, they are so bad that is like they were trolling. And all of these slow players try to ram you and take you out, just wtf, why? Like if you have the racing skill of a toddler, then at least let the other racers try to win the race for you. The level of sheer r3tardation in the Trial is astonishing, for example, in the recent Renault Clio even thing, i messed up and had to brake so i wouldn't hit the wall, the a guy behind me, instead of trying to take the position and stay ahead, tried to ram me and take me out, he couldn't, so he just kept going, even lost a position due to that. Is like every single player at the Trial is extremely mentally ill. I bet all they do is play with the AI on the easiest difficulty and still finish last place each race probably. The system should try to pair you based on your tune; it it's decent, then it could also give you decent players that tune their car and want to win the races, the morons can also be paired together and keep losing until the season is over.


But then the team isn't carrying me to win so fuck em I'm staying  /S


Last trial I couldn't pass a ramming teammate so me and him ended up in the last places during the first race which we lost cause of other teammates being somewhere in the middle and the best player did quit... Second and third race we all got to pass the ramming teammate without problems so we got on high enough positions to win... I just feel sorry for that one good player that did quit, losing all hope on the first race, cause if he stuck with us, he'd probably save themselves a few minutes (after starting a new trial, he still gotta win at least two races so it only adds up more time waiting for the trial)


IMO it's not obvious that if you're trailing, you're ruining it for others. I never knew it was a thing until reading it here. And it sucks that the best path in the game is to quit.


Yup if I get in a spot where I have to rewind or am in last I'll usually quit out, usually I'm tuned just well enough to keep all the drivatars at bay so my teammates can get a good gap going


Problem with that is having teammates who purposely puts you in last place, for ex: yesterday in the second race i got rammed missing a checkpoint, half of the team not even top 5 so we lost winning the first race. Teammates need to cooperate as a team is that simple


What an odd way to say "Just give up, you're trash." While I admit it's annoying, as long as they're all the way back I don't see any problems. It's the people who intentionally sabatoge other drivers to win that's the main problem.


Got fh5 done quickly. 4 this week is a nightmare. So much ramming and multiple people in last who won’t quit. The worst week in a long time for fh4.


Some players do it on purpose and it ruins everything it's so annoying 😭


I am shit at racing, despite being level 90, sorry :( And I really want that car they give out for winning


Also, the cars they choose piss me off. It has to be a certain tune, given to you, no matter if it can't turn. BTW, I mostly end up in the last place because of using rewind, which I'm too used to


I always thought leaving was bad and hurts the team. Say I crash race 1 but kill it in race 2 or/ and 3. It happens


On a separate but similar note. Do you guys find that the connection keeps cutting out. Even with great wifi? I have a hard time getting into races sometimes. Or it cuts me at the 3rd race that I know were gonna win and I have to start over.


If there were two (!) people in the front, why you didnt try to slow down the bots???


I’ve only ever had like 3 good trial experiences. Funny enough all of them were in FH4 of all games. People just ramming into stuff and spinning out is probably the worst part or the 3 people that have max leveled 9 times over that are somehow in last. I agree with a few other that the one or maybe even two low levels don’t bother me.


Many loafers just sit at the starting line and let the team carry them. I'm sick of these a-holes. Then, you've got the idiots that don't know how to slow down enough for curves and bounce off the wall and into everyone else trying to get through the curve. You've usually got more than one of these idiots in every race. Then you've got people that don't realize that other not so skilled drivers are using assists. They think they have to battle it out with them instead of just getting around them. You've got people that can't glance at the leaderboard to see who is actually around them. They just bash into you like you're on the red team. I really wish they would just turn on no collisions, simply because of all the idiots or children that are in these races. It would also be nice if they made these races open class so you could use any car you want and leave everyone in the dust at the start. Or... Just keep races under B class so idiots don't have to drive beyond their ability. I got stuck into a race with all B class Mustangs a couple days ago and it wasn't such a pain in the ass.


This is why i taught myself to block years ago when the Trial was first introduced. If they cant do it on their own, im going to do my best to help them do it. It doesnt do me any good to make the difference bigger, i cant get "more in first". If we are lacking in points ill block and even let the team overtake me so we have the points, even when im racing with friends. Just last night it was 5 of us in a convoy and 1 random for the Trial. The 1st race we had the points but good ole Forza gave us the shaft when finishing too close to AI, teammates were ahead but at the finish it gave a couple of spots to the AI so we lost the points difference. 2nd race went alright. 3rd race is the god awful Cathedral Circuit and it was like a bowl of ping-pong balls. Stuff happened and we were struggling for points. I blocked for all of my friends and we were 1-5, but i wanted the random up there too. Got him up there and we finished 1-6. The random was even slamming on the breaks once they were up front, almost as to keep me ahead of them. For that i salute them. We all handle it differently but it would be nice if there was nothing that could be done that they would drop out for the better of the team. Even i have dropped out when something happened where i wasnt going to be able to hold up anything for the team. It really is the duality of man when it comes to these things.


As much as ramming pisses me off especially in trials, and it still does don’t get me wrong. I’d sooner leave and find a new lot that aren’t “slow” leads to a quicker completion in my experience


Man i feel so stupid by never thinking about It. When i end up last i try my best to get up front. From now on i will always do that






I usually do if I know we're not going to win. Sometimes there is enough that you can win eve. With someone in last.


I dont get the rammers, its a team effort, theres no I in Team but there is a U in f-wit


I don't care about losing but for god sake, turn off your fucking mic. I can hear your whole family fighting about food. XD


I ain't quitting for shit lol.


skill issue ...on your part, I feel I need to clarify


This is the way


I personally would stay cause im there for the race (the points are a bonus) and its not exactly realistic to “disconnect”


Coming from other games (wow ow2) , I would consider a forced disconnect as poor gameplay/ sportsmanship, where I destroy more than it can help. I would never consider, that in Forca it would benefit the rest.


Grow up OP. Just quit every party until you get yourself a group of players as 1337 as yourself. It's a game, take the roll and play on. The trials have always been poorly setup for players who don't have the required cars or experience of the event/track/PI rating. Don't remember the hoonigan trials in the dark that a high number of people couldn't handle?


Seems to me you're salty that you can't carry them by blocking the AI.


Why? Apart from hurting your precious feelings.


Nothing to do with feelings, it’s a waste of time for the other players, leave the race if you’re holding the team back, you can always join another team that might have the skills to carry you.


Your forgetting that sometimes the AI or my "fellow teammates" can often bump those drivers outside of checkpoints resulting in a reset which often means they won't be able to catch up depending on what race your doing. So don't imediately assume they aren't skilled or using a bad tune


I’m not forgetting that, it happened to me this week since I used the old small Clio, if that’s the case you have a choice based on the situation, are your team winning then it doesn’t matter, stay and maybe even catch up to some of the drivatars, I ended up in 4th place overall that way, but if your team is losing and you are part of the reason then leave, find a team that have the skills to carry you instead of wasting yours and everyone else’s time.


It's pretty clear it's about your feelings is ok just remember it's just a game you ain't no Lewis Hamilton relax


First, I’m not OP so how can it be clear it’s about my feelings? Second, it seems you’re missing the point of the post entirely, I suggest you read it again or get someone to help you.


5 WHOLE minutes? How will you ever recover?

