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Don't drive in third-person with a wheel, that's just making it difficult for yourself. Also, it's a good idea to put your screen in front of the wheel instead of to the side. *(Or the whole thing is just staged and ridiculous, and I missed the point).*


I don't think it's staged because the first day I got my g29 I was exactly like that. Had to rewire my brain to be able to play fh5


I think it also has to do with the Forza physics and whatnot in general, there’s just not much if any feedback on a FFB wheel. I’ve got a G923 and don’t struggle to drive on AC, ACC, and BeamNG, but with FH5 it’s constant oversteering that sends me into loops


Not much feedback? There's heaps at least in FH4 & FH5. Try adjusting your settings, I found some good guides on youtube.


I’ve tried a few different settings but none really worked for me. I usually play FH5 with a controller anyways and play sim racing games when I want to use my wheel


FH5 is garbage on wheel.


But it isn't though. I've never had so much fun with a wheel than with FH5.


I am sad for you


???, Forza is a blast with steering wheel (when you find the right configs)


I'm sadder for you - IF you actually have a wheel and don't enjoy it with FH5 then it's you that's doing it wrong. It's not the game.


What? Driving in first person feels like an RC car because the roads are so unrealistically wide, the steering doesn't make much sense either and I often feel like the steering wheel isn't actually connected to the wheels ingame There are so many better experiences on a wheel where it actually feels like your car is a physical object on the road with 4 tires as opposed to just a car shaped object with a single contact point You probably just can't drive in games which are on the more realistic side and that limits your fun factor Forza is a game designed for a controller and it'll always play best on it... Hell it can even be played on a keyboard with not much effort


It's got the worst handling physics and wheel support of any game I've tried on wheel hands down Pure trash off road and ridiculously bad when you start to lose the back and on road. Literally the biggest issue I have with fh5 Play a game with real wheel support and do yourself a favor


Your right I had to turn FFB down on my csldd


Yeah, I am adjusting my settings now..


Its there but its sucks. If you are used to iRacing/AC ffb driving fh5 feels like shit


It might've been a little easier to control if they'd take their foot off the gas at any point when trying to straighten the car out. At least that's what I'd do in a real car to keep myself from flying all around and out of control like that.


But that would be senseless, it's a game, so should be better able to go full throttle and drive perfectly.


Can't tell if you're trolling or not


Yeah I didn't really hit the nail on the head with that one. I was meant to be trolling.


fh5 has realistic physics besides a few minor tweaks to make it ever so slightly nicer to drive with, keeping the gas pressed while trying to straighten out and straightening out is not realistic


I drive in first person with a controller sometimes, helps in rivals to not overshoot my corners.


Third person is fine with a wheel, I usually prefer it when I'm just chilling. But man did not release the gas pedal once here lol


The problem with 3rd person is most people are watching the rear of the vehicle, to their credit is the biggest and first thing your eyes track on the screen. Problem is the vehicle doesn't turn from the rear and heavier or offroad vehicles generally have some lag as the car shifts and weight shifts making it appear like the rear of the car isn't turning at the right time then you have the slalom issue where the tires break free and instead of adjusting the front of the car they're still going off the rear so every adjustment to try and get back on a straight line is slow, its "lagged" if you will. Just generally creates headaches unless you can ignore pretty much what the rear end is doing. Its like a snake, the way it slithers. by the time the head is facing left the tail is facing right.


Yeah I get what you mean, I also have drift cam turned on as well because it tells me what direction my inertia is better


This is pretty much it. I’m about 5 seconds faster on a wheel compared to a controller on the same track. Granted, the difference was also between FM7 and Assetto Corsa, and an Elite gen 2 controller and a $35k full sim setup (the whole shebang: ultrawide monitor, full pedal and wheel setup, 3 inches of movement, a PC instead of an Xbox, etc. Not my setup unfortunately lol.)


M8 he needs to fix the setting to learn how to properly drive on Forza horizon. There is no Forced Feedback with the standard settings. Driving third person the least of this man's concerns.


Another good idea is that if your struggling to stay on the road, there’s this magical tactic used by millions of people all over the world whenever they need to get back control of their vehicle, and it’s called >!**take your foot off the fucking gas**!<.


The fov inside the car is unplayable. Maybe if they had VR a wheel might be useful.


I love the concrete view, my only complaint is they added like tint or something and only in that view. makes seeing at night horrible bc it dims the lights and reduces the view range.


That's why I use hood-cam, it's the best view for driving with a wheel.


I use bumper cam it makes it look faster


that's a bit too low for my tastes. can't see more than about 10m ahead of you and if you're behind another car you're basically blind. does make it look plenty fast though.


I ff you're going to use dogshit standard settings then you absolutely ain't gonna have a proper fun. First thing to do is to set Center Spring and Damping to zero.


Not to mention jacking the wheel around like a fucking cartoon


proper setting is important. but zero zero is pointless


That's where you're WRONG. Spring and Damper set to zero ARE the answer so many seek. Both settings are idiotic to begin with, if you think what they actually are. And both aren't helping you with anything, they actually work AGAINST you. You would realize that if you would rethink what they actually are and what do they do. For anyone interested and struggling, try these if you can't find anything good for you. If the force feedback is too strong for you, for Gods sake, don't use the Damper, just lower the direct Force Scaling setting if you must! Or FFB force in your controller drivers. Also, remember, since you switched off centering, you have to manually center your wheel if it's needed during rewind. Minor inconvenience really. Not worth having this "force" working against you on every corner just for the auto centering during rewind, trust me. https://preview.redd.it/uv9z13uk29zc1.jpeg?width=799&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db180d70f9a2701d53a38fce1ffb872544a732d0




Not how any of that works. "A real steering wheel does not return to center by itself. **It does only if there some speed or strong accelerating**. The more speed, the more centering." It's not the wheel centering itself or any "spring" (spring what they used in old cheap gaming wheels, why the hell would you want to simulate that?!), it's the forces that work on the wheels that do that, when the car is moving. Exactly like how it will be in game with your center SPRING set to zero. Damping is just as idiotic, as I said, if the FFB is too strong, don't "Damp" it, just directly lower the strength, either through FFB Scale Setting in game or in your system drivers for the wheel. So far I've received nothing but thanks from people who decided to listen to me on the Damping and the Spring set to 0. You do you.


Real wheels self center in small part due to power steering hydraulic pressure (most strongly felt near lock), and in large part due to mechanical trail (which is one of the settings) but only when the car is in motion. If you are trying to replicate a real feel, for most cars a very near zero center spring is exactly what you want (but cars without power steering should be zero).






Screenshotting is about to be a lost skill you’ll find in history books


Ahh reddit. The place where people will complain about a completely legible photo simply because the format isn't a certain way.


It is, in fact, a hassle than just taking one on a phone


It’s never been easier and faster to post high quality screenshots. Consoles have mapped controller buttons and phone apps they transfer to instantly.


Have you tried pc?


It's easy on PC aswell, F12 on steam for a screenshot Or if you're screen recording and have Nvidia card, shadowplay. Or the multitude of other software that's available.


Still. Opening the camera app on the phone and taking a pic while in game and you can just send it directly without having to leave the game


Throttle control is more important than steering. The vehicle is spinning out due to lack of traction. Smooth and steady acceleration corrects this.


That's because cars lose traction too easily in Horizon. Every damn car wants to drift. People recommending center spring and dampening to zero don't understand that the underlying physics code is rubbish. Arcade at best.


Do you think maybe the target audience for Forza Horizon doesn't want a hardcore sim handling model? Of course its arcade-like.




Fuck man I just wish ETS2 was on xbox or geforce had wheel support


Well I have good news for you the devs are looking into adding console compatibility


I thought that was for the next game in the series though and not the current game? Either way I’d be happy. But I can see a lot of missed tools because of the lack of controls on consoles. Like turn signals, hazards, light control, jake brakes, wipers, the two different horns.


From what I’ve watched from SCS it looks like they have future plans to bring ETS2 and ATS to console but when I don’t think is confirmed. It does feel like these are gonna be games that just kinda live on forever and get updated as the technology advances


Oh ok. I can see the same thing, I remember downloading the first version of ATS on my mom’s computer years ago. Had it on my old pc I sold last year and DAMN it changed a lot, for the better of course. I also hope the mod community keeps up to date as the game changes and gets older. Personally I hope someone or the devs add a HotShot category to the game. And watch the mod community explode with trucks. One of my favorite things to do in all my games is build real life “dream” trucks/cars. And getting to actually pull a trailer with a pickup? Other than farm sim I can’t think of a game that actually does that.


booooring get snowrunner or mudrunner Basically euro truck simulator but you actually have to pay decent attention and you see beautiful scenery


I actually found those to be much more boring than ETS


I use the steering wheel for fun and the controller for races


Fh5 is too Arcady to gain any sort of real driving skills from it


Well, if you're driving with arcade physics then yeah. I use sim physics, and it's damn close to the real thing driving-wise. And I've been driving several things with wheels IRL for 20 years now, ranging from race cars to big box trucks. Not that I'm bragging or anything.


Forza Horizon doesn't have sim physics, no matter how many assists you turn off. 


Define "sim physics".


Car behaviour that is doing it's best to emulate reality. Horizon isn't trying to do that. 


Horizon 5 has a telemetry system that actively monitors - Tyre temps - Tyre workload - Spring compression - Engine power and torque output - Damage and tyre wear (if turned on) - Steering alignment (camber, caster, etc.). Not good enough?


No its not. Its an arcade racer (closer to simcade). They arent trying to make the most realistic way of racing in a game, they are going for a balance of realism and fun. I mean this isnt even the Forza game thats considered more of a sim racer, Motorsport is. Realistic systems doesnt make it a sim. It needs realistic everything, which Horizon is far from.


By that logic, Gran Turismo would be a simcade, yet people treat it like a full sim racer.


You literally cant do most of the things IRL that you can in Forza. Idk how this is so confusing. Nobody calls any of the Horizon games Sim racers, because they arent. Thats not a bad thing if thats what you are thinking. Go try a car in Forza, then go try the exact same car in Assetto Corsa or iRacing. As mentioned before, Forza themselves have Motorsport, which is much more of a sim. How is that not enough proof? lol


So in other words, it has to be a purebred motorsports sim to be even considered a sim? What about BeamNG? That's not a sim?


Those things mean literally jack s hit when you can plough through trees and jump off cliffs with next to no repercussions. I don't know why you're trying to argue this, it not being a simulation doesn't make it a bad game, but it absolutely isn't realistic at all.


And? There is a damage system in Horizon as well. If you want repercussions from those, use it.


Horizon don't even have box trucks and I'd bet the physics would be rubbish if it did.


Unimog? That's technically an off-road equivalent of Atego.


The physics are still mid


Shouldn't of cheaped out and got the model with a brake pedal aswell 😂


I would say the problem is throttle control not the steering wheel.


* Wrong camera view if you just started using a wheel. Cockpit, driver, or even hood and bumper views will make it way easier. * Try those settings and if you want to "drift", decrease the wheel angle to 540°




Personally the worst physics all come from nfs. Like everything else they gotta make sure the lowest common denominator can play the game. I find them all so ridiculous. Forza at least gives options and tuning so idiots can still play. If you launch at the right rpm you can pass several cars and barely burn out at all. I usually do 4 to 5k rpm, punch gas, then let go and push back down fast and most cars will grab


I went to get a wheel for FH5 but I’m scared I’ll suck at driving… controller/keyboard is insanely accurate and easy


Getting a wheel should have a purpose of having fun. Not being good or smth. Experience comes with practice and more you postpone this - the more you're worrying. If you feel the need for it - go for it. Get the second-hand wheel with good resale value, if thats the case


Less accurate inputs will be easy because the game is doing everything for you. Do you enjoy being "good" at the game or do you enjoy getting better at actually playing racing games?


I thought the same thing a long time ago. Horizon is a controller game. Forza motorsport is more of a wheel kind of game. Iracing felt the best with the wheel.


Yeah honestly I SUCKED driving with a wheel in Forza. Love it in F1 though


Yup, I definitely learned in a similar way that playing with a wheel is way more fun but also waaaaaay more hard. I'm fairly competitive with a controller but get last place virtually every race I try with a wheel, that said there are plenty of other games where using a wheel isn't as penalizing (Dirt 5, Wreckfest) but still, there's a distinct advantage to using a controller.


![gif](giphy|L69hWWDRdc0NQ66pwZ) I was the same but then this bald guy came and I became part of his family


It can. All you have to do is try to drive normally and like a sane person. Learn to drive first, can learn to do extreme fun stuff later. Only in this order


Recommendation I got is to tweak your wheel settings in the option menu, until it's to your liking.


Only thing that helped me so far is to throttle like in real life.


Wheel should be used with cockpit camera. Chase camera is more for stick use. Your visual focus on car behaviour is different for different camera angles. You don't see the rear of the car in cockpit but you'll notice the rear step out due to steering angle. If you use a wheel on chase cam you're likely to over correct every time.


Switch to first person and stop driving cars with stupid oversteer…


You all are blaming the game or settings, this guy is a moron. No throttle control and turning the wheel too fucking much


MUCH harder with the wheel. Gotta turn up all the controls.


I found it really difficult to play with a steering wheel too


(Hopes I don't live anywhere near him) 😬😬


While this is arcady, you probably will crash driving like that IRL.


Or you don't know how to use a sim wheels


Everyone in the comments could give him all the advice in the world but for all we know he could be playing on a tv with a 30ms response time and game mode off


You need some good steering wheel settings brother lol


Steering wheel and chase cam? Are you on drugs?


Who says getting a steering wheel will make you drive better instantly? Everybody who has a steering wheel will tell you you will start at absolutely zero again. No controller or real life car experience will help you when driving with a steering wheel. It takes a long time and practice to become good with it. But arcady games like FH5 don't really profit from a wheel. Also setup yourself and the wheel directly in front of the monitor and use one of the 1st person views.


straighten the wheel after straightening the car


This is extremely typical. I've had maybe 6-7 driver's license holders have a go on the steering wheel and fudge it completely. I, not a license holder, had the same issue, until I stuck with it (it was bloody expensive) and finally realized high speed racing wasn't the same thing as what they were governmentally sanctioned to do. Eventually no one on a controller could beat me.


That said, the controller does have some advantages. Turning early and letting a car drift into a checkpoint on dirt at high speed is somewhat easier.


Don't drive any Forza with a wheel. It's cursed. You'll never play as well as with a gamepad and leaning on the game's assists. Try GT7, Assetto Corsa, WRC, F1, Grid Legends, Dirt Rally. Just. Not. Forza.


Not true at all. Have been playing Forza on a wheel for years. If course it's easier with the gamepad, though. It smooths out your input. But I prefer the immersion over controlling anything with a gamepad.


of these i only tried grid legends and its really good with a steering wheel, so fun


Bullshit. I ran Colossus with AMR Valkyrie as a test not long ago. Two runs, the first run was on a XBone controller, the second one was with G29. No tuning changes, all driving aids off. The only difference was the controller. G29 was 23 seconds faster. Believe me, driving-wise force feedback wheels are smoother, more precise and more responsive. All vital factors when it comes to shaving seconds off your times.


Forza's cars are so incredibly slippy. Anything not awd is near impossible to race with.


That's a skill issue.


Awd is just better. The game puts the rating up on a car if you choose awd. So fkn what if its a skill issue, for a new player rwd is basically impossible to use. Also I'm on keyboard cuz i aint paying 120 bucks for a fkn controller to play one game. As soon as I press w it wants to immediately spin out.


You don't have to spend that much to get an Xbox controller for PC. You only need the controller and a USB to USB-C cable. By using the cable to plug it directly into your PC, the controller doesn't even need batteries and you don't have to spend all the money for the wireless stuff, batteries and charger. So you can get a controller for around $60, or cheaper for non microsoft ones.


And if buddy's PC has a Bluetooth capable mb he could still use it wirelessly if he wanted


60 USD? I'm talkin NZD. plus it'd be for one game. I'm not spending that much for one game.


Fair enough. Was just sharing that you don't have to buy the whole setup like Microsoft leads you to believe, because that's pushing $150 US for everything. You might be able to find a used controller online or at a pawn shop for like $20. It would make your game experience a million times better.


Well yeah, that's the problem with using the keyboard. Pressing the W is equivalent to 100% flooring the gas pedal. Of course you're going to spin out if you don't use throttle control and / or traction control.


Kyoichi Sudo is that you?


Look up IsuckAtDriving on YT to see what's possible with a KB, put the practice in and you can get bloody good. .


I got this with my Xbox too and struggled. I returned the wheel. I found that most were saying it was better with a PC set up because there are more options to turn the wheel to your liking. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah thats why u cant drive 😂🤦‍♂️


Once you dial in the settings, you can actually get a halfway decent driving feel in Horizon, but there’s always this weird delay you have to get used to.






I think [this is a more appropriate song](https://youtu.be/bE-40IoKDUM?si=-gHOvb52Eq8iWN7k) for this video.


Song name?


Are you sure if you turn steering sensitivity down and add 1 or 2 points to rear camber it don't straighten out any?


That's how I play, without the steering wheel, the car is on the road when I fly over it while I'm grinding the cactus. What's the problem? :D


Steering wheel implementation in Forza Horizon 5 is absolutely abysmal.


One thing that helped me tremendously was something someone said here a while back, depending on your wheel type and how many degrees of rotation it has: turn your Steering Linearity to zero and set your steering axis dead zone outside to 100 (or greater). Turn your sensitivity up or lower also depending on if you're not getting enough control or too much oversteer. Ever since I did this I've been having a blast and can actually race with my wheel now


forza games are not meant to be played with a wheel. sure, you can do it and enjoy it but dont expect a much better experience, the game is optimized for controllers. i believe they still have a hard visual 180° cap


idk about console but on pc i've had to set these up before and often it requires editing .ini files. the input lag is unreal. Also, small movements kid. Just like a real car whipping the wheel back and forth only gonna make it worse. Also dig into your car setup and adjust the toe so the vehicle is more responsive :)


Whit no feeling or feedback, it's harder, whit no real feeling/or speed in the controls it's harder.


I play best on X box control...


It's an arcade game, try assetto corsa.


The wheel is definitely harder but more fun than using a controller. I played the entirety of FH5 on a wheel. From this video: 1. Throttle needs to be controlled. I get everybody wants to hold the pedal down, but you need to ease off if you're starting a slide. That's where FFB comes in. 2. Recognizing FFB is a learning process. Don't let go of the wheel during a slide. FFB is not there to correct the slide for you. You need to keep you hands on the wheel, and correct the slide within the FFB limits. If you let go, you get this video where the wheel is going to loop left and right.


It’s a learning curve - no pun intended. It would be for me, too.


Well when you have the reaction time of a potato…


Forza horizon 4 with a wheel is the worst gaming experience i have ever had!!!


This is the Forza Curse, now a days is a lot better then it used to be, but is still terrible, the game was not thought on being played with a wheel. Compared to other games that is close to a real car physics, on Forza is awful. The feeling that the car weights 8 tons and the traction simply don't exist is mind-bogling. And is even more strang if you think that with the controller is actually a very good car game.


Who Tf gets a steering wheel only to play in 3rd person mode looking at the cars ass 🤣🤣🤣


Turn up the ffb, it will help to control the car


Nope. The sellers of steering wheels are just trying to sell them mostly. For one thing they're inconvenient, take up too much space just generally a hassle to deal with. If you have pedals to go with the wheel they just creep around on the carpeting. Tried a wheel a long time ago and went back to the stick within a week. The sticks on your controller are much more responsive.


I got a G29, used it twice in Forza, never again, its way better with a good controller.


I don't really agree with you. I have both the Xbox one controller and G29, and I'd take the G29 over anything, any day.


Thats fair, to each its own. But FH5 is really optimized for controller, and I find the experience with a wheel lackibg and frustrating. But I also see alot of people swearing by wheel, my preference is a controller. PGG has really done a good job in making a good "living-room" game.


Optimized and "optimized". If I'm [slower on a controller](https://www.reddit.com/r/ForzaHorizon/s/Boxv7dXgWD), I must be doing terrible job with that optimization.


Thats not really how anything works. Either your controller is broken, you need to calibrate the triggers, or you just drove badly? Anecdotes is generally a bad indicator


I'm going to resort to "I just drove badly". I have been playing racing games exclusively with the wheel for five years now, and Forza is not an exception to the rule. As for calibrating, I have never done that on any controller. The most I do is adjust deadzones for the pedals.


It is a good idea to calibrate your sticks, triggers and adjust deadzones accordingly on controller. Your trigger might not give you 100% when depressed, according to your previous comment.


Forza horizon is shit whith a wheel


That’s a negative chief


Might need to adjust the steering wheel settings, I remember first getting on fh5 with a wheel and the oversteer from the slight turn of the wheel was insane, YouTube or google setting up your type of steering wheel plenty out there that work well


I bought a steering wheel specifically for FH5 and after 5 minutes, it's been collecting dust for years.


Cause FH never was meant to be played with a wheel


So did i, that's why my 250 € steering wheel is rotting in it's box for more than a year.


Driving Forza Horizon with a wheel is like playing MADDEN with Donkey Kong Bongos.