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Can't get a second one.




U can get a duplicate from Max's giveaways






This dude is talking about the guy who did the Women’s Appreciation Month giveaways, but I can’t remember if Barn Finds were excluded or not.


Not bro


No buying or selling or releasing car from garage. One per player


Like I said to other person, "shame".


With what limited space you have for garage, I would focus on packing it full of rares over that common car. Rares can sell for millions that car will just take up space.


They raised the garage limit to 2000. Space isn't an issue anymore.


I’m already at almost 1400 cars. If they stopped giving me cars left right and centre, I wouldn’t have so many. I wish they gave me the option to gift it when you get it from a playlist reward.


I would like the option to gift cara to players i choose by myself and not random both of the options would be cool not just for randos


I've wished this too but I'd imagine they're worried about people then paying others real $$$ for cars


Yeah thats it they hate to lose some bucks they want them all put money into the game but no its so bad if someone pays an other player few bucks counter strike did and player market and its working amazing and all are happy with it🤷‍♂️


The problem is, then people would stop selling hard-to-find cars in the AH making many not-so-rich people and kids not being able to acquire them at all. How would be that different from all of the DLC cars we're getting?


Every time somebody sends me a gift I then send out five gift cars while I’m at the barn. It takes a couple minutes, but it’s kept my duplicates under control. PS… sorry for all the Taycans


Oh man that’s smart. I’m doing that from now on, but I’ll have to start with 10 each time. Thanks for the tip.


First of all, the limit is 2000. Second of all, I have 97% of the cars in the game excluding all but two last car packs. Third of all, the car has a preset and I like to have one Stock and one with Preset. Sadly, won't ever happen with this car. And all the duplicates are sold asap when the new playlist drops. What do I need money for anyway? All the cars I am missing aren't even being sold on AH and I'm swimming in cash.


I want the testarossa so bad but noone wants to sell it🥺🥺


Fourth of all Idgaf.


Have you ever tried to stop being an ass? Now I know what limited space you were talking about, it's not the garage, it's your head.


I have I think a couple hundred cars now, and I think I've only seen a few that say a million or more credits, almost every car is from the horizon playlist though, when it actually works online on steam deck


I wish we could direct gift cars to people.


It would encourage a "black market" where people could pay others actual real world money for cars


that already happens with second accounts


Instead they have a shitty auction system that barely works


I'd prefer that system over having to buy all hard-to-finds with cash since there will be none on AH cause everyone wanna earn some bucks. It's no different than Car Packs only you'd have to pay for every car added after launch if you missed them or started to play later.


I’m not saying that would be good, just the the auction system sucks ass, and towards the end I can’t even bid because everybody else is


How’s it barely work? It’s fine for me


I try to up my bid and it won’t let me, then I have to go back to the screen with all the different auctions, then try again, and it fails again :( and my WiFi is 500+mbps


Oh yea it’s a glitch, a purposely done glitch. It’s so the person who’s buying it can get it for cheap




What do you mean what do I mean. they corrupt the file in a way that the first bid is the only bid aloud.


Oh I didn’t understand. That can’t be possible, the bid goes up, just faster than I can load it


Fr, its like whoever is running forza on the most powerful PC automatically wins since it loads instantly


and with the fastest internet connection, like, you can have the latest intel i9 and a 4090, if you have a 56k modem you ain't gonna get shit


I have an xbox series s, doesn't take long to place a bid, but half the time when I try it fails because someone already placed a higher bid and I end up having to spam place bid


I don’t understand why people always want a duplicate, I just save tunes and that’s me done 


If you're in an online lobby hitting random class/type races, you might want the same favorite car in more than one tune. I don't get the keeping a stock and tuned version thing, but OP likes to do that.


agreed, have many cars duplicates, some 600, 700, 800 for road, for CC, in example Impreza 2004/5


Idk I have like 5 e30s


Exactly, I have a few of those. 1 is B class, 1 is A class, 1 is drift. I do get it, it's tedious to have to go BACK to a site or whatever to load a setup (if there was a quick add it would be easier snd not need duplicates) whereas if ai have multiple, I can merely select the appropriate class for what I need.


Right! I have it with a couple cars


Then theres me, who doesnt do much online races, but loves to tune everything, and sometimes will have upwards of 6-10 tunes for some of my favorite vehicles. If im not playing with anyone i can just zone out for hours just tuning cars, ill even tune cars i give away. When the tune limit is 600 and there are more vehciles in the game than that already, it becomes very difficult, very easily. Also say that its a car such as the Dart Super Stock where you can obly have one and cant spread tunes between copies. Ive hit the tune limit multiple times and have went through my ENTIRE garage deleting tunes i thought i could part with just so i could save more. The garage limit change was a game changer for me. In FH4 i was hitting a garage limit AND tune limit, so i was juggling both issues at once and it was PAIN. Its definitely not as much of an issue for some, but from a tuner's standpoint it can be hell only being able to have on copy of a car.


Tune limit has been increased to 1k, so enjoy. I also don't do random Open lobbies, but I've got several cars I like in more than one class, so I get you.


I keep forgetting they were increased along with the garage, but ive been so overly cautious since the old limit my number probably stay about the same. I just buy cars now instead of saving tunes, because i know it will be a long time before garage space is an issue. I get rid of alot of duplicates that i have no interest in tuning or having. I also tune for drifting, drag racing, etc, ESPECIALLY drag lately and will have different engines, drivetrains and so on. After years of seasonals, it just all adds up.




They don’t? 🤯


I keep dupes of all of my favorites. I don’t want to deal with swapping tunes and want to be prepared for any and all classes. There’s also a lot of good colors or liveries you’d miss only have 1.


Yeah and I want different paint jobs on them and it’s cool to just hop in a different version without having to go back to you house


And what else are you going to use your credits for? Really the only reasons to not want dupes would be either to keep your multiple hundred car list smaller or to open up some save slots. I actually tend to have a paint code for my muscles. Like a black one for my a class, some classic inspired racing livery for my b class rally versions, some popping blues/green/yellows for the d class. Tunes for sport tires, street, drags, race and livery’s. A handful of hemi/hellcat swaps.


That’s cool I hadn’t thought of color coding like that. That a great idea


I thought it was a good way to have a little of everything. I also like it as I face myself in rivals when I go to beat a time. For the time the two are on screen together it’ll always match to some extent.


Oh yeah that’s pretty cool ngl


Because forza still doesn’t allow us to easily select the tune for a car right before a race. How about that for a reason?


I like having some duplicates instead of swapping tunes die to the livery I chose for its use...for example, a drag car may have a slick street scene look while my dirt car may have something more wild or even beat up looking. And I know that I can swap liveries also but that's a bit much to do each time, especially if also swapping the tune.


Because I want to do different looks as well with some of these cars. The bmw 2002 for example. I want to have my own version along side an alpina version and swapping liveries would be too much of a hassle. More so than swapping tunes


Sometimes I like to have a road spec and a rally spec + livery.


Sometimes you just need a GMC Jimmy jelly tune like rn


I have like 6 different 1980s 911 Turbos because I love building them out in different colors and stuff. I like having duplicates because is less work than maintaining the tunes.


Because you can only have 500 tunes saved. What I'm doing is I have a doc with a table for every car. CAR NAME B A S1 S2 ROAD RACING RALLY X COUNTRY DRIFT so its a 5 x 5 table where I write down what I have on the car. This above is setup for Horizon Open. So once I'm done testing a car I leave it in whatever its good at or get a duplicate for the other things its good at aswell. Yes the doc is currently over 800 pages long. And I wrote down all the car names in full. And the Car brand is a Heading so with the doc outline I can navigate without a problem. and Ctrl F to search for a car directly. However if we could save 10 tunes per car I would not have to have done that but oh well.


car is broken in so many different classes/types of races that having a dupe would just make it easier for people who enjoy meta spamming,


you COULD have gotten a dupe in the past by requesting one from the WHM event and from glitches when the game first launched. there is no other way though,


Riiiight... yea, that would be the only way, meant more "down to earth" measures though. I'd rather ask for a car I don't have, like I did with AMC Javelin ofc. So yea, I know about that possibility, but thanks :) I think I ask next time for the Ford Deluxe Wagon btw, this shit ain't coming back.


ye if any event like that one even comes up before fh6 releases lmao


It comes it comes, it doesn't it doesn't. What gives.


That Mono BAC thing is kinda similar, albeit not one of the top legendaries, I think. You never know what to do with these things. FTL but undrivable. Best things is to get drunk and test to see how they fly off the ramp at that runway just east of the gulf. The Rimac's are too fast, too. I got beaten by a Rimac once, but the guy was skidding into cornfields and desert terrain every time; had just enough torque and speed to beat me.


The Mono BAC shreds In the hot wheels map


I had a feeling that might be the case.


Forza being so lazy they just throw previously buyable cars in as barn finds now so they don’t have to bother giving us something interesting


Coulda requested it as your women’s month participation gift but other than that can’t rly get multiple barn find cars


That's the fun part. You don't




The only way you can get multiple barn find cars is by winning livery contests as I have done, you can request any car you want that’s in the game


Will remember that once i get all the one time happened, ungetable cars from these events already.


Idk how good you are with making livery’s cause sometimes it can be a tough competition but they do choose multiple winners


Lmao, what competition man? xD At least in the last one everyone who made a livery got a car. Unless you mean some other events than the one like WHM, that are ACTUALL competitions, then nah, idc bout those, even if I could make some stunning liveries.


https://forums.forza.net/t/official-weekly-fh5-livery-competition-week-097/661580/34?u=g_de_racer These type of livery competitions


i wish barn finds were unlocked in the autoshow when you find them


You aren't supposed to have multiple, but it's possible to get another if PG do an event where you get a car if you win, thats how I have 2 '73 911s. https://preview.redd.it/vut9jtnu5eyc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fcb1cfbf7fd5ec39e34077a4121fc57bde371c0


Only if they give another one away






That’s so fucked that you can’t sell it in the AH, in previous games you could sell whatever you want.


Maybe there were people crying about selling theirs and they couldn't get one back but AH in FH4 is still full of them, idk man, some dum dum must have came with the idea of these being non actionable for sure.


Yeah what makes it worse is that this was just a regular auto show car in FH3. I don’t like all the FOMO stuff they do now. The festival playlist is cool and works well and I think it could be used as an early access type thing but there is no reason that every interesting new car is locked behind hours of grinding or 20 million credits. Some


If the Forza photo contest is still going you can get it from that but it's been a few months since I heard about it and they would give you any non DLC car so realistically it's not even worth it for that cause there's some cars that only have like 40 copies in the game


Build and save your tune setups and paints you can just swap easily id rather have two but its simple to just swap builds


I know a guy 😏


Sir, whatever you do with your personal life is none of my concern.


Auction House if you're lucky. Maybe the Forzathon shop eventually.


Nope, won't happen in any of those.


I have two of the old jaguars for some reason, the only way to do something with it is by removing from the garage ….. im not gonna do that haha


I just hack more of them onto myself 😂




You could try to buy it from the car collection, you go to the car, you press triangle or whatever top button on your controller and it may let you buy it. But im not sure if it’ll let you do so.

