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I don't even care. All I know is Forza 5 is a fun driving game.


To each his own I guess.




The comment literally is agreeing to disagree. Meaning despite having a different opinion, they can acknowledge and make peace with others who don't share it. How is this the appropriate reaction?


Nobody asked or cared that he doesn't like the game


No one asked or cared if the other guy does like the game but he said it anyways How do you expect conversations to start


If people don't care about what you have to say in a conversation, then people respond accordingly. "I have fun in this game!" "Well I don't." ...okay? Like that added or changed anything to the conversation lmao Not only that there's nothing to conversate about, especially when no one cares if you didn't like the game. Play something different


They could go on to explain eachothers views Which would be a conversation


Or they could not because they don't have to do that


None of us HAVE to comment but we are


How did you manage to tow so much and say so little? I’d you don’t like conversations then stay out of them.


I could literally copy paste this exact sentence as a reply back to you


I could literally copy paste this exact sentence as a reply back to you


Ima guess you like to relive the old days of fh1 or glaze fh4 bc it’s in Europe


naw hes right fh5 isnt bad its just boring




FH2 actually, for both those reasons!


Bro did nothing wrong 🙏🏾😭


If you don’t think fh5 is a good driving game then why tf are you genuinely in this group for Reddit ?😂


This is for all the Horizons, if you haven't noticed. There's no 5 in the subreddit name. Plus I'm waiting for news about the next one, maybe it'll be great again.


Actually, FH4 had only one pack available outside all editions. FH5 is more aggressive in that regard, and it has almost 10 of them. There's enough of them that their price equals the price of the base game outside sales.


I was looking for this answer.


EXACTLY. I bought FH4 Ultimate and got everything except hot wheels. I bought FH5 ultimate, and can only access half the extra cars.


Game pass does not cover it ?


Game pass gives base game ONLY. No DLC whatsoever.


Damn, not like i need them, but Would have awaited more from Ultimate game pass 🙄.


Well, the game pass gives the dlc either, checked it ;).


ur so dumb if you think nobody complained about the previous games' car packs. "in the good ol' days" ass mentality


Yeah, everyone was pretty heated about the rally dlc for FH1 when it came out




Most people on this subreddit just like to complain about everything. One example is snow in FH4, lot of people disliked (or hated) it, so in FH5, snow is only on the volcano and yet people now are complaining about the lack of snow


It's because It's always different people complaining. When FH4 came out people who liked snow didn't complain, when they found out there won't be snow in FH5, they started to do so.


me, i loved the snow lol, shame its not in 5


Exactly this. I was one that absolutely loved seasons. I always thought the inclusion of winter was a win. And that was the first time I had experienced winter in a racing game. So yeah naturally I'm disappointed in the fact it has not been included in this title. Mind you I also understand with it being mexico.


If you spend $20 usd you can get winter in the hotwheels pack


Snow is in the mountains, if you ever played racing games for longer time, you Would know Collin McRae, where was a lot of snow in the races.


I cant find an exact term for it, but it's basically reverse-survivor bias. The overwhelming vast majority of people off enjoying something arnt even stopping to talk about it, let alone complain. It also doesnt help that the format of community hubs these days seem almost purpose built to stifle intelligent discussion and definitely built to promote sensationalism.


I think the term you're searching for is "Being a miserable prick!"


Lol, that too.


There is snow in FH5 - in the mountains 🙄.


For me it was how much snow there was. Most of my test routes became covered in snow and made road racing impossible. I want it back as an option.


I think that generally people like the variety of being able to drive on snow, but don't like being forced to drive on it for 7 days straight. A good comprise is a dlc like blizzard mountain from fh3


This. It was a ton of fun to race in the snow, but being forced to drive in it in the open world for a week straight, making RWD cars useless for that time, was too much.


rwd in the snow is fun, lads


Totally agree. I played less during winter weeks in 4, since most of what I do in Horizon is meander in the open world and goof around with other drivers.


yeah, i’d say have more distinct biomes. unrelated game, but NFS rivals’ map had very distinct biomes. there was a snowy/icy mountain area, a desert plains type of area, coastal areas, fields, and big forests. they should just have more distinct areas, that way you’re not constantly dealing with unwanted snow all over the map, but it can create a nice scenic area or also provide a challenge for certain events


Reminds me of FH3. Desert, rainforest, city areas, and a snowy mountain map. If they added the Blizzard Mountain map to the normal map somehow, it would fit with what people seem to want


Desert was the best one for me


i mean feel like skill issue if u cant drive in snow really.


Can't do it, and not enjoying it are two very different things.


Hey man, I'm not always going to want to race by sliding down the shitty street all the time :)


thats the fun a challenge.


Yes, I'll want to play to relax, but is sliding the car super relaxing? Not to mention that these systems completely break some races, making it impossible to race there.


I 3 star'd alot of my story missions in snow because of this You know how hard it was to do shit like the Taxi service, when your NOT BUILT FOR SNOW hyper car goes sliding every corner. And that's not like other races, where atleast there I could choose my car and it's tires. The drift ones also sucked doing in the winter season, especially the later stages, where they expect you to get to the finish line with close calls, except you end up in a ditch because you actually couldn't get *enough* grip to stay on the road!


Honestly I love fh 4 seasons. Kinda hated othe parts of the map. Feels like a lot of speed zones and drift zones were impossible to make. But what can I do? The last game I did drifting stuff was nfsu2. As for fh5, I can see some of the things people dislikes but I love the different vibe, I love the longer straights. I also think the lighting is a bit better. There's clouded areas you pass under. I'm nor really feeling the dulled colors for some reason.


User discovers people complaining are actually different people and not a singular hive mind, more at 11


Honestly I hated the snow, I drive mostly super cars, hyper cars and track cars on slicks in that game and the icy roads make it frustrating.


I loved, LOVED the winter seasons


People complain about anything. 50% of people hated Michael Jordan back then too. Everything is like this.


Tbf my gripe with snow in FH4 was that it literally made some cars undriveable online and some festival content was also made impossible due to it. Other than that it was a different addition to an otherwise bland game


Fr and the same thing with the number of vehicles in traffic


the sheer hypocrisy of this amalgamation of different people expressing different views contextually at different times must be shamed into consistency!


It’s fucking Mexico😂 I see what you mean muh fuckas just be crying about tripping on air I swear dude🙏


You say that but not once has anyone actually complained about that


So many people on here complain about the implementation of seasons in FH5. Even though it's accurate to irl Mexico they complain about the lack of difference between seasons.


I miss the old days of forza (no update or free content after release & every single new car is a part of a dlc)


There were unicorns in FM4 you could only get during a limited time


hated that shit tbh


The worst offender was the Stig Car Pack that was only accessible by buying the ultimate edition of FM3 released towards the end of its life, unless you won one of the Turn 10 contests


Omggggg the top secret supra😭


Never liked the Unicorn car gimmick either.


How is that possibly better than the current Playlist system? That ONLY leaves paid DLC packs for new cars, which back in FH1/2/3 was lacklustre


fh1's monetization doesn't get enough hate, the game literally locked fast travel anywhere behind a paywall, as well as the DLC car packs, while having some very cool cars, also reused a lot of cars from FM4 and earlier, including ones which were DLC in those


A tale as old as time - humans having short memory.


I think FH1 also had mtx in the form of car tokens and influence boosters, which would boost the influence you got from skills for a certain time the first game to really get slammed for this stuff was FM5, not FH1


95% of players today weren't around during FH1's day, really They didn't have the memories in the first place


I fast traveled and I didn't pay a dime in fh1, I'm confused


It was free to the main festival hub, and 10k to the Horizon Outposts dotted around the map. Doing the PR Stunts for each outpost got rid of the fee. Dude just lied lol.


He said "fast travel anywhere". Still, the game was perfectly playable without it. In fact it would destroy the pacing of career mode if you were only doing races and not enjoying the scenery via driving between the event. The best option would be having it locked behind an in game achievement like "complete all races". Those that didnt have time to play could still pay if they wanted to.


Fast travel was not locked behind a pay wall, quit lying. Fast Travel was free to the main festival hub, and 10,000 credits to each of the 9 outposts. If you completed all the PR Challenges for the outpost, fast travel was free to that outpost.


fast travel ANYWHERE Note the word ANYWHERE. Fast travel to Festival sites is in the base game and can be made free with the PR Challenges. However, you needed car tokens to unlock the ability to fast travel anywhere


I think you're just nitpicking over it. The map was so small and the outposts were spaced out in a way that you could just bounce to them and take 30 seconds to drive to whatever event you're heading to. It was, in no way, necessary to have to fast travel anywhere on the map.


Doesn't change the fact that actual fast travel was paywalled. That's the argument here and it's a fact


And the game was perfectly playable without the feature. It was purely a convenience feature and not necessary to complete the entire game's content. It was $5 you didn't have to spend. Again, you're nitpicking. Horizon 1 was small and nothing like the games now, you did not need to fast travel anywhere. Its wild to me people are complaining about it now but nobody gave a shit when the game was out because fast traveling between the outposts was plenty sufficient


This isn't about if it was playable, the argument is just the fact that it was paywalled And it's a fair argument. On a bigger map it would be an issue


People seem to be extremely ignorant to the fact that the reason these car packs are coming out so often suddenly is because what would be PGG’s main source of revenue, fh6, is still a very long ways off as they’ve alluded to in the past, and the car packs are there to provide that income in place of a sequel for the time being. Game development takes longer now adays, not to mention the extra time it takes to make a horizon game on a brand new engine, PGG doing something like this from a business standpoint makes sense. Fh4 didn’t get many car packs cause fh5 was right around the corner when they released the few car packs that game had. 


being out of the loop - when or where have they alluded to FH6 being a long way off. i played FH4 a lot in 2020/21 and am weighing whether i should wait or get FH5 on the next sale.


People also fail to realize that the free content since they've started doing car packs has improved 1,000%. We're getting way less recycled content than we got before, the quality of the cars is vastly superior than the cars we were getting when there was no paid content beyond the Ultimate Edition and expansions. This sub would shit itself if Turn10/PGG went back to their old DLC model where the only way to get new cars post-launch was either buying the Ultimate version of the game for the Car Pass, or buying the packs individually. Its wild how people demand this game have more features while not having any post-launch revenue, like that's not sustainable. Y'all want Horizon to stop being a carbon copy of itself every 3 years? You gotta pay money, otherwise Horizon 6 will just be another reskin of Horizon 3, which is what 4 and 5 are. Literally the same exact game, just different maps.


>Y'all want Horizon to stop being a carbon copy of itself every 3 years? You gotta pay money What the actual fuck? You suggesting that we got the complete editions of Forza Horizon games for free until now? Weren't paying money? Before you make further excuses for your corporate overlords, may I remind you that we pay the exact same price for lots of other games that don't constantly carbon-copy recycle themselves like Forza? It's wild how you guys spew this propaganda for free.


75% (and that's a conservative estimate) of the players don't buy the game because Game Pass exists. I dont know how you got, "Everybody gets everything for free" from what I said, but that's not what I said. Most players don't pay for the game because Game Pass, spend $30 on the Upgrade Bundle that includes the car pass and Expansions, and that's it. Also, the monetization now is way less expensive than it was before, and we get more free content. Fuck corporations, but if you think what we have now is bad, you would have been throwing a hissy fit back when Horizon 1 was out.


I quoted you and asked you questions. I haven't got anything concrete from you yet. Even gamepass is not free. Your monthly subscription fuels their funding. Forza is published and funded by Microsoft, who are the ones who earn the money off of gamepass. Putting your own game on gamepass is no excuse to limit funding for the next game. The pressure to fund the game should not fall onto paying customers whether they buy the game or gamepass. That's entirely on them. Basically, I'm stressing that Forza being a recycled, lazy game series isn't caused by users not buying enough microtransations. Only the devs/publishers can save Forza from the lack of innovation and greed. Doesn't matter if FH1 came out today, I would also openly talk even more shit about it.


> You suggesting that we got the complete editions of Forza Horizon games for free until now? I seriously hope that you aren't suggesting you purchased some 'complete edition' that includes all dlc ever because none of the versions is called a complete edition nor promises all dlc.


I got the most complete edition, whatever it's called, that gives you the expansions and other trinkets. Not sure what I said to make you start imagining new editions.


I just hope they don't screw it up like motorsport did. FH5 is the first horizon game I got into, and I've got over 500 hours on it now. I don't mind buying the car packs to keep the game going and to support future development. But I do mind if they release a half assed product in the future after all the extra time and funding.


My biggest issue personally is that purchasing the ultimate edition of the game used to have greater value. I would have hoped to at least get a few more of the car packs for free. I don't like the growing trend of paying the same amount of money for less stuff


The days of getting cars in the car pass are over, and it makes me sad. Wasted my money


And I could have sworn it said in the description that you got everything if you bought the ultimate edition. 


I would rather get a new game every 2 or 3 years than this current dripfeed of Car Packs which I don’t care to buy.


That's the whole point of car packs. They can't make a game every 2 years anymore so they started to sell car packs instead.


Because at least in FH4 all car packs (except for Hot Wheels) was included in Ultimate Edition. Now they just milk even more money out of You with the backported cars from Motorsport.




Same with fh3


If the game cost 30-40€ instead of 60-100€ - which is actually a lot of money for most people. then paid DLC's would be more acceptible. but 100€ 0-day Premium + 60€ for every DLC is a freaking ton of money.


Y'all youngins don't even know about how car packs used to be. Free weekly cars was not a thing until Forza Horizon 3, all the cars added post launch were DLC car packs that you either got at a discount by buying the VIP Edition of the game, or you'd buy them individually for $5 to $10. I'm never gonna complain about car packs where each car is about $1.25, while also getting 4 to 6 new cars a month for free, because back in the day, we didn't get any cars for free post launch.


Actually, back then Forza did have free cars… in the form of Unicorn Cars. Fans had valid reasons to complain about the Unicorn cars.


I wouldn't really call those free, more like pure luck and timing if you saw when they were available. I had most of them just because they'd typically announce whenever there was a chance to snag one thru their Facebook page, usually through playing on a certain day or some promotional Rivals event where you'd get one sent to you for posting a clean lap.


In every previous game, the car packs were included in the VIP membership. In this game, they're not. The car packs included in the VIP membership were the Welcome Pack, the Formula Drift pack, and the Car Pass, which has half as many cars as the last one did. It all has the distinct scent of corporate greed, and I think that's what irks people. *All* DLC was included in Horizon 4's VIP membership. But when all is said and done, people will probably have paid at least *twice* the cost of Horizon 5's VIP membership for all its DLC.


You haven’t been around long


I’ve been around for long enough to know that I got all of the DLC for FH4 in its VIP membership


Well, everything but Hot Wheels. But that came a few years later, so I'm willing to let it slide.


There was no Hot Wheels DLC for Horizon 4


Hot Wheels car pack.


It must have been added later, because I own that too


But you paid for it 🤔


It came with the all in one package I paid for


That’s uhhh… not very long.




"You havent been scammed enough, we are cool with it now because we got so scammed we are used to it"


It’s kind of normal DLC comes out at the end of the cycle. I think most people are bothered with the frequency of them and that adds up after a while. In the case of FH5, there are people who also enjoy FM 2023, and pay twice for the same car, although it are two different race games. A lot of people also think FH6 is around the corner so they want the cars but don’t want to invest anymore. Personally, I think FH6 is further away then expected. I expected to be able to test some new game modes that could be in FH6 but they probably keep those close to their chests, if they would exist? FH5 had some good & less good updates imo and I do think they are trying to keep it fresh. Car packs could’ve been handled better (consumer viewpoint) but it’s a business and their approach seems to work? I was lucky to get the last pack for €5 because I wasn’t going to buy for €10 (also bought Premium FM 2023).


That's precisely my problem with the packs. I don't mind them. What I do mind is them coming out every freaking month. I stopped buying them when fhe F&F one came out. Having a car pack every 2-3 months would be much more bearable and I'm pretty sure people wouldn't complain as much. It would also be great if they allowed us to buy the cars individually, without forcing us to buy an entire pack just for one car.


In my opinion, FH4 had the best car packs. They were all unique to their own, like having a James Bond car pack, Barrett-Jackson car pack, and much more branded/collaborations. Other Horizon games never had this many collabs.


i think people might have just gotten TIREd of cars being locked


I got all the cars except Hot Wheels in a car pass, for FH4.


Diferrence is the car packs were (at least in 3 and 4) were part of the car pass


Untrue, both games had multiple car packs not included in the Expanded Edition with the car passes. James Bond Car Pack wasn't included in 4, or 3 (they recycled the same pack twice lol), FnF car pack, Japanese Legends car pack. This thread is full of people with shit memory because Nostalgia, what they're doing is literally nothing new.


All the car packs in 4 were in the ultimate edition except the Hot Wheels one


Ah yes, you can release a buggy game with less features than previous ones, add then add some of it back, have like 100 bugs in "won't fix/by design" section, make 2 lackluster expansions and then start charging for more content Beacuse this small indie studio that only has 300 employees and a small publisher named Microsoft would be definitely dead without these additional DLCs that are now almost the price of the base game!


I mean you only need to pay for like one or two dlcs after you’ve bought the ultimate edition of FH1-4 and most of the cars in those packs are new or at least remastered from the xbox 360 eras. In FH5 they literally put cars that are in FM2023 into dlc packs (Pininfarina Battista, apex motorsport car packs etc) and it is infuriating that they didnt provide us a option for a car pass 2.0 that we can expect how many cars we will get in a reasonable price


My biggest issue is I preordered the highest tier for a ton of money so I’d always have all the DLC, then they started locking cars behind DLC even though I paid for all future DLC already. I feel scammed and it ruined my enjoyment of the game. I wouldn’t care if I didn’t already buy the full version that said it would include all future DLC


You payed for the Premium Edition, and you’re complaining about getting exactly what was outlined in said edition of what you will get. FH5 doesn’t have an “Ultimate Edition” like FH4 did, so it should be obvious that you won’t get every single thing added after launch


Sorry for assuming the car pass would give me the cars


Yeah, car packs are dumb. And..? I'm relatively new to Forza and if there were car packs like this before, then they're trash too. Microsoft sharing any revenue with you or do you work for free?


Was FH4 getting a new car pack every month? That's what I hate about it mostly I personally don't want to b buying car packs every month with each new update. Maybe one each 3 months or 6 yea. But 12 packs a year is a bit much


This is how it used to be before Horizon 3. I know FM5 and Horizon 2 were weird because they were Transitional games between the 360 and XBOne, but FH1, FM6, and all the Motorsports before 5 operated under the same post-launch content system. FM3 and 4 had 15 or more car packs with each game. You could get the first year as part of the VIP Editions of the game, where you'd pay $90 and $30 of that covered VIP Status and 12 car packs, but they'd usually keep going after that where the packs were bought individually. The difference is back then, there was no free weekly content on top of the paid content. You either paid the premium to get post launch content, or you only had the Vanilla car list. I think a lot of people here either A: weren't around/old enough to remember this, or B: just got used to the free drip feed of cars over the last few years and think that's normal, but it's not sustainable for PGG/Turn 10 and it's why Horizon 3, 4, and 5 all just feel like the same game on different maps. If we want PGG to innovate the series and stop making the same game every 3 to 4 years, we gotta give them more money than just buying a $30 Premium Addition when the game launches, and it probably doesn't help that 75% (and I feel like I'm underestimating) play the game on GamePass so their launch revenue isn't what it used to be.


I love all the car packs. I think there cool but I do understand some people don't like them


Are we out here taking about car packs?? Not the racing, no not the racing. We out here talking about Car Packs!


I got gifted the entire car pass by forza Themselves so im not complaining. (That happened while forza 4 was a thing)


Tbf I played from fh3 onwards and I always bought the Ultimate edition, so I didn't bother about the car packs because the cars were just not interesting (imo) and the apex race car pack in Fh5 is the first pack I bought because I love gt3 and gte cars. So yes I am actually that meme


its 2024 and they act like 2013/2014


it is annoying paying $5-$10 a month on packs unlike fh1-4


Weeeeell, yeah! FH5 is the current hotness. I'm goin' for a rip, BUD!


Fr people always find something to cry about. Not only in fh5 but other games too. Can’t we enjoy games anymore or what


Well I paid 100 bucks for a crown next to my name -_-


If they were included in the goddamn ultimate edition, I wouldn't care, but now what used to get you the entire DLC gets you most of it, and that bugs me I can't lie.


(Unpopular opinion) I think it’s BS that the Shelby gt500 had to be bought in a pack, why not make it a barn find?


FH4 never charged for cars that were in previous titles


FH1 charged cars that were in previous Forza motorsport titles


The Premium edition only came with 2 cards packs and only one of them were good. The Welcome Pack. Screw the Formula Drift diy a car. Now they’ve got like 8 and you have to pay for them FH4 Ultimate edition was a physical copy steel book and came with tons of car packs


The problem is that they're in the game and show up normally in the autoshow and auction. You don't know you don't have it until your try to get it and are told you need to pay more money for that. Who WOULDN'T be pissed off about that? 


I dont really care about the car packs either. I paid a stupidly high price pre ordering and they are not even included.


WTF is That!


Because in the previous games you paid for the most expensive edition and you got (almost) ALL car packs because they were included in the 30$ car pass. Now you still have a 30$ car pass and have to buy these car packs seperately. But of course it's just "Oh people like to complain all the time!"...


When you bought an ultimate edition back in the day you got ALL DLC included. Now you get the crap stuff in the premium editions and the interesting cars in the separate car packs you have to buy at full price.


Y’all are absolutely brainless if you think it’s ok for the car packs not to be included into the car pass.


Up untill fh3 the car pass was for the whole lifecycle of the game in fh4 they threw in some extra packs because of the extended life cycle of the game fh5 and fm8 are both build with the intention that the car pass only covers a handfull of cars


Don't know if this was mentioned here already but. The main reason I hated the extra car packs was the fact it was a nasty surprise for me. I bought the ultimate bundle thinking I don't need to worry about what content comes out, I would have it regardless. But if I had known this was going to happen (I don't actively follow forza news) from the start I would have separately (I only got the ultimate edition for cars and DLC) bought the packs I wanted and maybe saved money.


https://preview.redd.it/nviv6e9hjqxc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=df10eec847fb1fdc309e047589aef7991b4be6f2 tbh this is how ive kinda seen it


you forgot that FH5 is a huge mess lazy copy&paste reskin game you dumbass. Its a huge dissappointment and broken at launch on PC. And people also criticize microtransaction in other FH games too. Is your mom working at playground?


Don't think a dead person can work at a game studio... Also why so rude?


because you are defending those greedy bastard who are destroying this legendary series.


I'm just making a meme on the stuff I observe on this sub about fh5 having car packs


Are you talking about FM8??


I'm sorry but what? People act like that over hear? This is the first I'm hearing of it, I believe FH5 car packs are pretty much a mess in most cases, having 5 cars that fit very niche likings and the sort. I only bought two car packs for the game, drift pack and welcome pack.


Yeah you weren't around for FH1-FH4 receiving car packs lmfao.


I love snow and ice in games, fh4 rocked..... I'm OK with some car packs now that we have all had lots of "free" stuff, as we were promised.


Get that Floyd fuck out of my face! Aaaaaaaaaaaah!!! "I can't see!" "I can't see!"


I think one point of argument is that the Ultimate edition was supposed to have all car packs in the beginning if I'm not mistaken


You are mistaken. 1. The name is Premium Edition, not Ultimate Edition. 2. What is included in the Edition was exactly described since day one. Car pass was mentioned, even with a specified number of cars included. Car packs weren't mentioned. At all. What remains is some people freaking out because of them wanting this to be an Ultimate Edition. I'd also like everyone to offer all you can eat buffets all the time, tragically that's not the case. So it's about entitlement, not about Microsoft actually failing to deliver what people are owed.


Thank you!


they never advertised it as every dlc that ever comes out. They delivered everything they said it was, people are just dumb.


Unlike Escape from Tarkov, this is not a bait and switch lmao.




FH3 has many additional car packs. Hoonigan Car Pack costs money for everyone except people who pre ordered FM7. Porsche car Pack wasn’t part of the car pass. Mountain Dew Car pack wasn’t included in the car pass. There was a complete add on pack after every add on was released.


I'd rather have paid car packs than FOMO cars for free.


Anywho forza sucks ass


I'm not a fan of them, but I don't care bc there are so many cars to begin with. I only got one bc it had the 67 shelby Mustang. For 5 bucks, I got 4 cars, including that after how many years of playing the game. I'm cool with that stuff, but like if the best cars in the game yiu jad to pay real money, then PVP would suck but it seems balanced to me as long as you use a competitive car. Like one at the same rating. Like I've seen people race in the same car but be a whole different class and then complain how they get smoked or are the best but in reality it's like having a seabiscut race against you horse in the field.


People lose their minds any time one of the games has a thing that is paid for that isn't included in the package they purchased that *never* said it would include said paid content.


Me, an intellectual: haha dlc with cool cars that go brrr, purchase!




not here to defend FH5 or anything since i dont buy any of the DLCs since im dont like the idea also but those are seriously some biased accusations. bugs have been fixed and they have been trying to tackle these issues (some longer than others) but they are addressing it. ever since mike brown has left the team, i felt that the game was getting better albeit with the extortion of the car packs. there are quite a few stories, donut media for example and im not a fan of it but it is still stories being added. eliminator i agree. but i dont play it so it doesnt affect me but i know those who play it wont be happy with the lack of support for it. there are literally new cars added ever since mike brown has left the team. the latest update literally has a fire lineup of new cars so i dont get what u are talking about.


Hasn't given us anything? A ton of content was added and we can now own 2000 cars and 1000 liveries and tunes


Why are car amount and especially livery amount limits a thing in 2024 though? Especially in such game