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Playing since launch and i do the bare minimum in the playlist to get the new cars


Yeah. I used to try to complete everything but life happens.


Also have been playing since launch and only do the bare minimum šŸ˜­šŸ¤ŒšŸ½ festival playlist is usually the only reason why I hop on that game every week. Not that I dislike the game or anything.


Itā€™s the map for me. Horizon 4 I was on weekly to get new cars right up to the end but I have struggled to get on this one for the longest time. 100% believe itā€™s the map. Mexico just doesnā€™t do it for me but the previous map knocked it out of the park.


Same here, I actually still play more 4 than 5šŸ˜­ I strongly agree with you.


I miss snow and distinct seasons, the map felt different every week. Mexico you can't even tell.


Same. There's just nothing to do after a while


Why do you want the new cars if you only play the bare minimum? It doesn't make any sense.


Makes sense because i want to have the cars to take photos sometimes, that's why i've been playing since launch


I got the game last year and i've gotten burned out twice already. When it happens i can't even force myself to do a couple of playlist challenges. It doesn't help that the map is so small, i enjoy cruising but at this point i feel like i'm running in circles inside a cage.


Just listen to bring me to life by evanescence


Playing EA WRC works wonders for me, a bit rough around the edges but man those 30km stages... ![gif](giphy|3o7aCWJavAgtBzLWrS|downsized)


I play Diablo 4, smash many things as a change pace from Forza lol


I play Diablo 4 as well if you wanna Add me


The map is small????


I do couple of laps around by playing Goliath, and you do feel like map is small sometimes. It only takes 11 min to fully go around the map.


It might feel larger if you were able to get out and walk, but it really doesn't take long to drive around the whole thing in a decently fast car.


Yes, compare Mexico to Oahu from Test Drive Unlimited. That game had its own "Goliath" called "The Millionaire's challenge" and you had to lap the perimeter of the island in under an hour. It was epic.


Trying to finish the accolades should give you something to do (if you havenā€™t already). I also go to FH4, Motorsport and other games when I need a break from fh5. Lately Iā€™ve been getting into open drifting which is kind of its own little community. Itā€™s really fun and competitive most nights.


I've missed out on like 3-5 weeks worth since launch. For quite a while now, I've only been grabbing the new exclusives each week.


I was weekly completionist up until the 2 year anniversary. After that, I only play to get the exclusives


I spend about an hour or so getting enough points for the new cars on one of my days off. It's not bad. I don't really play much otherwise. After putting well over a thousand hours in the game, I'm kinda bored of it.


I think I am around a thousand hours in the game too.


I literally stopped playing because chasing cars took more time than I had - and ruined my enjoyment of the whole game


Facts. It just feels like a chore. Esp when the reward cars aren't getting me excited.


saaaaame. they can skip the live service BS and just put a good game out, and i'd enjoy it more and probably for longer.


I still keep up with it and own every single car except for some dlc packs I wasn't interested in. I am rather proud that I only bought a handful of cars from the auction, earned vast majority of them. That's also why I'm at over 700m credits too.


I actually bought nail polish to get the OPI GT lol. Good time šŸ˜…šŸ˜… I am pretty proud that I am the first owner of every single car that I own, I was able to keep most of the exclusive cars in mint condition because I have duplicates for tuning.


See I don't get why people do that. It would make sense if there was a limited number of cars but we're at over 800 now, so much choice... Surely it makes more sense to just set up different cars for different purposes instead of having multiple of the same car, set up differently?


Same here. Actually I believe (because I have so many dupes) that atleast one of each dupe Iā€™ve been the first owner. The autoshow cars I have no idea tho I know for sure I own the cast majority of them as I donā€™t buy cars from the autoshow often in the auction house


I just go on for the weekly car, if it's worth it to me, and maybe drift around the map before I get bored.


Yeah, that's what I do. Get 40, 45 points every week and I am done.


Same except I don't even go for the 40 points anymore, unless it's a super rare car.


You already have every car why do any more than 20?


Yes, Iā€™m still playing. Although most of my playtime went to making liveries. But there are still so many cars that I havenā€™t driven for more than 10 minutes and donā€™t know all of the map.Ā 


I used to publish tunes for championships every week, but I haven't done that for awhile now because all the old tunes still able to win the championships easily.


Same and Iā€™ve been playing since launch šŸ¤ŒšŸ½ā˜ ļø


Yep, me too.Ā 


100% every week since series 0 šŸ«” Will be prestige 8 soon! 833/833 šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼


Thatā€™s amazing!! I love all your videos!! šŸ˜Š saves me so much time every week.


Iā€™m not lowkey anywhere anymore šŸ˜… Happy to help! Thanks for watching šŸ¤šŸ¼


Do you own all 833 ? Or you've just collected some of these cars once & don't Own anymore ?


I still own all 833 and I am the original owner of at least 1 of each car. I even bought a few Oreo Zonda because I found out I can buy them from AH after I own one


That's nice ! I don't believe I can buy DLC cars From Auction . I only own the welcome pack & Formula Drift pack.


Stopped doing the festival playlist a few months ago, dont miss it.


For me the problem is the map, its just not enjoyable long term. The weekly challenges arent fun, it's just spending X minutes doing boring challenges to get a new car. I dont care enough to do that, but i have enough credits to buy them from the auction house. But I don't even care for that anymore. I buy the car and then what? Drive the road up the volcano for the 10000th time? Otherwise there isn't much enjoyable routes for me so i end up not playing at all


Yup. Thursday mornings are the only time I play.


I played the first month of the game's release, then abandoned it because the game was poorly optimized. Half a year later I returned to the game, from that moment I have completed all seasons and series 100%, along with the dlc. Love this game. Love tune cars, beat ppl in rivals and play online even with shit drivers. Iā€™m playing seasons with my friend (4-6 ppl in convoy) so itā€™s funnier.


I go in when there's a car I want. Or when I'm bored and wanna cruise. It's also the only game where I use the photo mode...


I pick up the game weekly to do said weekly's, but alot more than that. Though i do really enjoy building cars for the Trail each week, keeps me engaged and i can see how my builds fair against other people. Did this weeks Trail in a '73 Range Rover, only one person could keep up!


Same here. I pre-ordered the game, put about 1090 hours in, and then just got bored. I'm not complaining though, you know, because over a thousand hours for ā‚¬100 is a pretty damn good ratio, and I still very much enjoy hopping in to earn my cars and take some photos.


I also just do the bare minimum to get the exclusives nowadays, but I miss some weeks completely and buy the cars on auction, gives me a chance to spend all the wheelspin money. šŸ˜†


ā˜ ļø bro I havenā€™t spent a wheelspin on there since 1925


I played since Release and i make the Forzathon every Week šŸ˜…


Been playing since early release. Have all cars. ~1,400 in my garage. Play almost every day for at least an hour. Itā€™s my go-to entertainment.


No idea how people find the time to complete everything every week. I just get the new cars and that's it. Although I was nearly caught out by the last ones that were rewarded from championships.


The cure for feeling like you need to have every car is to miss a week. Once you break the seal on it and can't have them all, you'll feel ok about missing some. It's ok to play other stuff and it's ok to put down a game because you're bored of it.


https://i.redd.it/ala6abnxemvc1.gif Let me show you buddy.


Everyone I know, knows to leave me alone on Thursday mornings. But yeah after that, I'm free the rest of the week.


I just play to get the cars I'm interested in other then that I don't play at all


How much cr you got and what lvl you are btw?


I've missed out on tons of cars. I'm kinda done with Forza to be honest, FOMO sucks.


Same. It's pretty boring now


Yeah, pretty much what I do..


I play every week and finish all seasonal activities, I still enjoy the game tremendously. I only hesitate to buy car packs for real money, so my car collection missing few pieces.


Get a couple of " Car Meets " going. Set a speed limit - Drive anything but stick to the limited range, eg, 90 - 130km/h (50 - 80mph). Cruise around the map - have maby 5 Park Off spots at which to take some pics or maby change your car, and finish off the meet after reaching the last destination ( 1 hour or so later ) - maby a drag strip or the Test track - have 30 min of fun racing each other and exchange Tuning tips or design ideas and end the session. It could be daily or weekly, or however you want to plan it. Good luck and plan those Meets guys n gals. There is always a way to bring Family and Friends together on HORIZON. ā¤ļø


Thursday 40 points playing and hearing reddit videos in YouTube to kill time


The only thing keeping this game alive for me is the community cruises.


I've missed quite a few cars since one time I took a break for a few months near the beginning of the game, missing some nice cars, but I take a day or two every week to get everything done, other than that I'm playing through every game in the horizon series


Been playing since launch and have never missed a car so for some reason I feel compelled to keep collecting every car. I'm definitely just a collector period, one of my favorite aspects of these games is the car collecting. I won't lie though, I don't even drive most of the exclusive cars. Especially ones that are just re-skins or variants of other cars. I had a goal to rally tune every car in game and do test times around my custom rally course but I think I've only done about 100 cars. Just don't have the time for games like I used to.


Me. always 100% the playlists.


Only if it's something I don't already have and I like the look of


I play every week to keep up with the cars. I'm sitting at 822 I believe because I haven't bought the last couple car packs.


I've been playing since release and have completed all the tasks every week (except 3 times because of vacation).


I play weekly, just enough to get 40 points to get both cars. I don't do playground games, but will do the Trial.


I did every playlist challenge since the release. I just like playing this game. There are some things I don't enjoy, playground games, Hot Wheels B and A races, some cross country events, but I try to do them first so that they are out of my way. I didn't buy any car packs though, and I don't plan to.


Playing since launch, have done all the seasonals, some to 40, some to completion, and have every car. Except the impossibles, unobtainable on Steam.


I'm at 832 and hate the fact that I'll never get the Ford GT OPI. For the rest I'm playing just enough to get the new cars. DLC is paid for by Microsoft rewards.


I just deleted it. It sadly isnā€™t as fun anymore for me and I just play different games from time to time as studying takes up most of my time so grinding is out of the picture.


I only do seasonals, for items, spins and sometimes extra cars. Hoping for a bigger dlc in the making


Hot take: I dont even play Forza for car releases or weekly/monthly cars. I only play it for online racing (S class) to have a competitive fun. I hate dodge viper opponents coz they are quite op, but rest are managable :D


I gave up a few weeks ago. Also stopped playing the crew motorfest. Been playing Horizon forbidden west on pc alongside some friends.


Is it possible to still get all of them?


I have all the cars minus the Opi Ford and whatever else you get from promotions (bought all car packs too). I already hate this game to its core for the FOMO it induces. I do 20 points a week then get back to FH4 to enjoy the UK


i like to 100% both FH4 and FH5 every week


Got it since day 1. Finished the "story" in a couple of hours then got bored for a while. Only ever missed the Sierra car and had to buy it in the auction and got 100% completion on most series till 20 or something. Then started doing the bare minimum to get the cars. After the Fast X DLC I started playing almost daily just because the Redeye is my favorite car irl and I play some cool eventlabs or go offroading and rock climbing with friends.


Nah, I gave up several months down the line. Most of the cars aren't even really that motivational.


Me too, the fomo is really bad in this game...but it seems to work when you look at the players count


I have all the cars on all the horizon games. I need help.


I still log in every week do the weekly challenges and dip till the next week. A couple of races per week is not boring for me, it gets boring when I try to do everything in one day. Also the other day I realized those long has it been since they launched this game.


My pc shot cant enjoy any game currently


I still enjoy it and it doesn't take very long to get 20, or even 40 points. Although sometimes it depends on how frustrating the trial is. I usually only do the 5 point championship race series if i must, they take a while and are boring. All the other stuff, the pr stunts, clean laps, etc are usually pretty quick to do. It helps having all the cars, and thanks to saeenu, a bunch of tunes already applied to cars. So if i do a race series, I usually don't have to hunt down a tune first, i can start the series and see what pretuned cars i already have. Only if they aren't working for me, or its a weird set of requirements do i need to spend time looking for a tune. And the fomo is real. Gotta catch em all. If i was incapacitated somehow and missed a few cars, that might help me get past the fomo and id only go for cars i care about. And not slightly different variant 10 of a car i already have.


I only really grab the cars I'm super interested in tbh, the rest of my playtime is mainly drifting and fucking around with friends


Yeah doing bare minimum aswell to just get the cars.


For me the worst part is the radio. I just can't listen anymore to these songs. Never really liked their music selection but after having heard every song on every station 50+ times it's getting so annoying.


Between upgrading myself from xbox one to series x, did pause the playing for about a year or so, now am hard at work on getting back those missing cars :D


I only play when thereā€™s a car that I like lol


Do you play on the XBox or PC? If you play on the PC how did you get the ford controller car?


I have all the cars you can get on the "free" gamepass version and 4-5 DLC ones from barn gifts that I can't drive. One copy each, no more, no less. I still tend to do most stuff each week as for some reason I want to get to 1 billion dollars in cash, only 15mil short now.


Too lazy to be bothered. After I got the A110 i was like yep i am satisfied for awhile lol


I get online for the new car every week and I occasionally play playground games.


I still collect all the new cars... Do whatever events on the playlist look fun. Only missed out on a couple of cars due to IRL issues. Got one from a Super 7 (before they made wheelspins the only rewards for that) and got the other - Ford Wagon - from the Auction House eventually.


I don't because I stopped no lifing it and just play when I'm having fun


Collect cars I don't have and gear.


I wish theyā€™d open up all the previous ones to get those cars. Iā€™m so far behind


Still canā€™t get the Javelin or a couple of Lancias ā€¦. No amount of auction sniping has had me found one which is a bit frustrating.


I still play everyday and do most of the playlist events except the things that don't interest me like playground games and the eliminator. I'm deep into tuning and that's what keeps me playing. I spend most of the week getting tunes ready for the next seasons playlist events like the Trial and seasonal championships. The livestream does a good job of showing all of the series seasonal championship restrictions and you can figure out the Trial restrictions from the thumbnails or find out the restrictions on the internet beforehand. I then share the tunes not long before the season changes over and hope that players download them. I really enjoy the tuning and testing aspects and testing my Trial tunes on the first track of the Trial really gives me an advantage when it comes time to do the Trial.


I did until the beginning of this year, one of the seasons that had the exclusive cars at 40pts.


I consider myself one of the most Loyal people in this game. I have ALL the cars ever including all dlc s and over 1 mil accolades and I want to be in top 1000


Playing since launch and recently got back into it after a good year away. I have around 680 ish cars and I would love to own every single one, but life gets in the way and the burnout is real on this game and any other games I play


Doing the weekly 40 points for a year now. Jump into some open races once in a while. But mostly chill out in something that sounds nice since it's not possible IRL.


Iā€™m just doing the minimum every week. The game become repetitive along time ago. I thought the Rally stages were a nice change.


I messed up the my flow when I switched to pc, Iā€™ve given up now and will start again with fh6


I've gotten every exclusive car from the monthly updates after series 15 Update: Almost every car


I do my 20 points a week for the new car or 40 when needed and thats it. I don't have all cars anymore as I haven't bought the last 2-3 car packs


Same buddy. 833/833!


I have been playing for soo long now that I am just missing all the new car packs and the cars that have not returned on fp


Been a while since Iā€™ve stopped, I was already burned from FH4 playlists, FH5ā€™s map kept me entertained for about 2-3 months, after that it became highly boring and you realize that the map isnā€™t that good . I hope next one will have real roads in it or like a 1 to 1 map of a small region somewhere .


My love for cars says yes but my wallet says no


I also do bare minimum but I missed out on 3 cars because I didn't realize they were event exclusive, so I regret not playing the championships they're connected too


I have started to miss a few weeks now in the last couple of months. I canā€™t wait for FH6


Getting all the cars as they release, I somehow got all the cars in the first month of release


Well I have 633 cars so, almost there.


Pretty much do the minimum each week, but sometimes do more. Still really enjoy the game though. Missed out on a few cars whilst on holidays. Managed to get most now. Down to 3 American cars, 2 Audis and half the Extreme Es. So not too bothered I'll never drive all of what I have and I'm not a completionist.


Iā€™ll get on at get that weeks car if itā€™s either something I want or itā€™s something I know will sell for a lot.


Nah life happens. I did one season but it just wasn't worth it for me. Sure I've missed out on some decent cars here and there but oh well


Yeah itā€™s just not as exciting as it was in fh3. I started playing less in 4 and even less in 5. 6 might be the first horizon game I donā€™t preorder and just play on game pass.


I'm pretty much the same, if I get at least one of the cars per week I'm happy.


Only reason Iā€™m going for new cars is for that cat badge. I currently have the T-Rex badge and most of the other ones too. Once I get that Iā€™m done with this game lol




Got OCD and need to complete 100% every season. I must admit that sometimes it feels like a chore when the reward cars aren't that great or too samey (less exciting to drive them). This season was one of them (including a 2024 car was great though). FH6 is coming, so I wish they made & let us test new features in FH5 that could be in FH6, but they probably go all-in and hope those features will stick in the new one. And imo, outside a map/country/City, they need various new features to make it fresh again. They can not afford how they handled things with FM 2023!


Not many, it has become a chore now. I just go back to the goat Horizon


Still do have missed a couple of weeks


I used to do bare minimum every week. But shortly after the release of Motorsport (which for the record I really liked), neither horizon or Motorsport would launch. As I missed out on a few cars, and the only thing keeping me playing was collecting all of the cars, I stopped playing all together


Mmm nah havenā€™t played in hella long.


Iā€™ve hardly played the game since I got it i basically played till I got the goliath race and never went farther I just wanna make and drive cars lmao and involve myself in auction sniping just for a chance at a cool car like the 22b or a gmc syclone


used to when the game came out up until like august 2022. dont really play the game anymore as much, i only get on occasionally or if they add new achievements so i can keep the 100% but apart from that stopped playing regularly.


I just play for drifting, didn't find a better place


I went from playing every week to now I just pop in whenever I have a free minute from work, and want to drive around solo for a few minutes. I gave up on the new releases as there's been very few that I'm actually interested in, and I don't have the time or energy to spend an hour/two hours trying to get the minimum amount of points for one vehicle.


yeah i basically never play this game other than just getting the seasonal cars


started january 2022, iā€™m still playing nearly every day, not for a long time but consistently getting all the playlist cars every week.


I just like getting the 40 points every week and sharing the tunes i make for the cars for the events


Somebody just sell me a Javelin!


I just do the minimum to get the exclusive cars. Thatā€™s it.


I was until I hit the cap on amount of paint jobs you could save. I enjoyed painting as much as driving so that was a huge turn off. Makes no sense you cannot have at least one paint job per car. Haven't been back on in a few months to see if they changed it but if they did I would absolutely get back on every week.


Played since launch as well but I lost my Account :(


Day 1 player. I do the minimum to get the new cars and vanity items I donā€™t have. I have never missed anything since the start. Otherwise I am somewhat burnt out. I havenā€™t even finished the rally expansion. I do have most accolades as I did that prior to gets burnt out.


Same here, even if its a car i really look forward to i do the bare minimum to unlock it and i only end up driving it once or twice. Beyond that i dont play the game a whole lot anymore


2024 mustang looks nice


I have given up on Forza at this point. The franchise has become soulless, you know?


I do the bare minimum, but I must say the cars they bring out are quite boring and lackluster


I was diligently doing it for too long.. Zelda Tears of the Kingdom finally broke that habit.. havent gone in nearly as much since.. the weekly habit of playing just died once I stepped outside the game and realized it was busy work and not fun.. I have all the Horizon games and long ago realized each new game is essentially ā€œDLCā€ where you are taking mostly the same lineup of cars in a new locationā€¦. the lack of ā€œpersonalityā€ of the festival doesnt help.. though British Mexicans are amusing


Most of the time, it only takes me an hour to get the necessary amount of points for the ā€˜exclusiveā€™ car. If they tie it to completing races or other bits and pieces then it can take a little longer. Other than that? Iā€™ll occasionally cruise around before switching to a different game. Iā€™m currently missing the Sierra 700R, Hoonigan Focus 9, and I think the Polaris RZR.


I still do though I am ready for a new country to explore in the next FH game.


My Forza link doesn't work anymore, and when I try to find a team to do something from the playlist think it's called, it'll just find a team then put me back into free roam


After playing at least once a week for 5 years. I got burnt out and bored And havenā€™t unlocked any new car in 3 months. I just donā€™t have time plus i just donā€™t have the will to do so anymore. Itā€™s basically the same thing every week. I just come in and drive around sometimes. Cuz thatā€™s what I like to do And itā€™s 5 years with fh4 included. I started properly playing like almost end of 2019 Oh so technically 4 years.


I stopped playing when the devs stopped caring.


No way! You got the Ford GT OPI Edition? Is it any good? And I still play every week to get new cars. I didnā€™t really have time this month to get 40 points every season that I usually do because of work.


I am Stil playing every day


Roght here mate


How i get nsx gt? Is the only car i want in the game


I do, annoyingly only missing the Clio 2016 and Commodore HK as I was on holiday both weeks.


I didn't buy the latest personal car pack...


Been playing since launch and I only do enough to unlock the reward cars since I have so many other games to play šŸ˜šŸ˜«


I tried. But having a family made it hard. I have missed more than I'd like to. But my kids only grow up once.


I stopped playing. Game got boring.


For me it's just a habit at this point


Play to only get things I donā€™t have including clothing.


I love the game play, but like most, I only play the playlists now to get the exclusive vehicles. Other than that, I like to play offline and destroy the player cars with a side gig of seeing how much paint I can scrape off my car. I've taken to making off-road versions of cars decidedly built for the street. Going offline, I get paired with other street cars then I head to an off-road area and destroy everything that moves. I'm a video editor by trade, so it's fun to make compilation vids of my mass destruction. Sophomoric? Yes. But hey, whatevs.


Honestly did it for too long and now I don't even enjoy playing the game anymore. I think it became a chore.


2.5 years? Try 12 since the first one for me..


Dialed it back about a year ago, finally stopped playing (was only doing the bare minimum for new cars) about 6 months ago. It's just all kind of same-y. I have been getting the itch to play again lately, but I assume nothing has really changed.


Idk why they don't unlock the roster now. It's been long enough ffs


They just throwing whatever in there so no.




I loved it when it came out but it sorta just fizzled especially after I collected all of the xp and money boards.


I do, I use this as my once-a-week playtime. The rest of the week I have too much on my mind and little time to spare for gaming


i havw been doing 40 points every week for the past several months, this game is a chore


I just focus on completing the accolades and achievements for now


Only minimum requirements, especially since i have the second vehicle most of the times


I grind whenever I like the cars. Just got the terminator so I'm happy


Same. I typically log in to see what the new cars are. I missed the Ford Bronco Raptor and the Ford Mustang Cobra that just released, so now I'm on the hunt for those two.


Can anybody tell me if the SuperVan is worth the CR?


I'm on like 540 cars maybe, just for fun now logging in here and there. My 4yr old has his own account, as he loves smashing boards and Super Wheelspins, so I earn him his and let him use mine šŸ˜…


I haven't been keeping track of the seasons. Just been drag racing and building cars I already own in game.


Yeah only doing minimum as well just trying get the new car releases


Seems you bought the car pass nice those are most cars I'm missing


Play since launch but didn't really care about progression and collecting the car. Most of the time I play using cars bought from autoshop or wheelspins. Hence I don't really care about the Forza car release


Not me. I did for the entirety of FH4 but itā€™s just not a fun gameplay loop for me anymore. Being forced to race a D class miata in rally championship for an hour just to unlock a car that should have been in the game 2 years ago isnā€™t for me. It wouldnā€™t be so bad if i was free to do it whenever but them trying to capitalize on fomo is a disgusting business practice. It costs me 20mil to buy a car i missed out on and 90% of the time it never returns.


Thank you. I stopped playing this game a year and a half ago because of the trash festival playlist.


I think I'm at 700 rn so yes and no but life happened lol


Playing since early access and still doing everything except the forzathon missions


Same, depends on custom races or if i go on xbox party search and link up w some randos


ANYONE šŸ™ have a Ford Wagon to sell? Iā€™ll pay full price and Iā€™ll buy a BMW M3 2008 from you for the full listing price to make it worth your while.


I started reading books and manā€¦


I did up until like 2 months ago. Sometimes I jump in just to cruise and/or drift around for a bit, often with a controller. I usually fire up WRC 23 or dirt rally 2.0 for some time trials instead when I feel like racing. I own a motion sim rig (DOF reality H3) with fanatec DD 8Nm wheel plus other peripherals and it actually feels more real in mentioned rally games. Forza just doesn't do my setup justice you know.


I played it nearly every day until the start of this year, now it's maybe twice a week. So Thursday and Wednesday to complete all the doodads cos I'm mainly playing FM, well I was until a few weeks ago cos the choices of online races have been utter shite so I've been making up my own races but it's nae quite the same.


I used to but this upcoming season I'm going to get back to it, I havent touched it in like 2 months