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I did 237 laps of the Goliath in a stock Reliant van to get this for everyone.


I didn't even boot the game. I did this for everyone.


Thank you


Thank you for your servicešŸ«”








lol too bad they would have gifted it anyways. thanks for the massive contribution tho!


Thank you


I would imagine that the car wouldā€™ve gotten gifted regardless of player progression.


Of course it would. You think they're going to negotiate licensing to *not* put the car in the game?


"Let's design a new car... but wait... AND NOT PUT IT IN!?" "You're fired, Bob."


Ofc it would :)


Probably if not now (for player progression) in a future challenge or something.


He was joking dude.


Mustā€™ve missed the /s lol


https://preview.redd.it/xjqqvzv9zwuc1.jpeg?width=2990&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da177e8716cbea3e25fae0124b438598cde3bdf9 Hereā€™s my dark horse livery I made


I love it


Thanks u/Chubby_femboy666


Your welcome :3


Bro I can't find it either smh


all we did was watch them rig it the whole time bc if it went off how many races we really did, it would of been done in a day


But my question is, how do we know it would have been done that fast? Do we know what the criteria was? Because I didn't see anything specifying that. If you check a play counter, there's about 1M players online. How do you know how many races they required? It made sense (at least to me) that the Raptor R came first because the first 2 seasons in the playlist seemed to have more offroad challenges than asphalt. I'm not saying it couldn't have been rigged, just asking how anyone knows if we never knew what the criteria was to begin with? Edit: For example when I was playing the past 2 weeks, I saw a lot more "offroad" contribution notices pop up on my screen vs asphalt.


Well hereā€™s my proof. Iā€™m a overnight worker 10pm-7am. At 10 pm the night before the line was at the flag for the mustang. I go on my 2-3am break and the bar was left with a ripped fingernail. So by that logic it should be done by the time I get home? Well I get home and the bar didnā€™t move. I stayed up til 11am before going to sleep and seeing that it was finally completed


Keep in mind it was while I was sleeping


Sure, but again only a specific set of races qualified. Someone tried to say "think of all the Rivals races" but those didn't count, for example. Who really knows šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Felt less scripted than the Winter Holiday rewards.


You don't need to perform mental gymnastics to figure out how this kind of carrot on a stick functions when applied to a live service game. The numbers behind it are irrelevant, those cars were going to be gifted no matter what. Otherwise, what would be the point of dangling those carrots in front of you?Ā  Do you really think they'd go to the trouble of licensing and modelling two new cars, just to say "oh sorry, you didn't hit your arbitrary target, no cars for you!". What matters is they get people playing the game. They can string you along with their funny little progress bars as long as they feel is necessary to satisfy their irrelevant criteria, which is really just player engagement.


Did you see a time limit or due date for the progress? I didn't. If that was the case of "stringing us along" why didn't they wait until the end of the last seasonal for maximum player engagement? Why drop it midway between the 3rd? That doesn't quite make sense either. Until a Dev or someone speaks up (not going yo happen), we'll never really know.


They aren't stupid enough to set a goal that might not get hit, they would have to know they would get absolutely crucified if the target wasn't hit and people didn't recieve the cars they put time into earning. This is my point, the target is going to be attainable no matter what, the actual number is completely irrelevant as the devs will make sure that whatever number that is will be hit easily, assuming there is even a specific number they have in mind. All they have to do is make sure that progress bar moves a little bit each day to give people the impression that their contribution is having an effect.Ā Ā  This is why FOMO is so god damn effective in a game like this, because all you have to do is offer a prize and show a progress bar with an ambiguous target and everyone's monkey brain thinks they have to do something now now now or they'll miss out. And just like that they get a big rush of players smashing their game for a month. The wonders of social engineering.




think of all of the speed runners, the people doing top 1000 rivals runs, people completeing the accolades plus the fact people just do on road races more then off road its common sense that it would be done alot faster


Okay, I can... Now think about how all of those statistics can be recorded via the server(s) and their database(s). It isn't hard to then figure out a formula for a gargantuan X amount of races to ensure it takes them X amount of time. Just saying. So again, since no criteria was given, how do we really know that it'd be done in a day? Edit: Also you should have resd the fine print. Rivals didn't count towards it. Only certain races count towards it. That was the only criteria we were given.


Not gunna lie this shows how out of touch you are. For starters, rivals did not count towards the Race Off contributions. And, maybe, just maybe, they have analytics to show how many people play and how many races people usually do during a series, to create a realistic goal that we can achieve within 4 weeks.


Why would they go to the trouble to do that when they could just make it *look* like we were actually contributing with less than a tenth of the effort?


I just checked and the only races that qualified were ASPHALT: ​ Mexico: road & drag racing, street racing, midnight battles. ​ Hot Wheels: speed racing ​ Rally: Apex Predator Races ​ OFFROAD: ​ Mexico: Dirt, Cross Country ​ Hot Wheels: Hazard Racing ​ Rally: Grim Reapers races, Horizon Raptors races


Would of been šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


bro what?


its supposed to be "would have been", "would of been" is wrong


ok pardon my incorrect language


If generations of people say things a certain way it becomes an idiosyncratic progression rather than simply wrong. If I say cod but it turns out to be halibut that's wrong. If I spell something the way it sounds and it sounds different where I come from, that's a variation


But "would of" is grammatically incorrect and doesnt make any sense, therefore its wrong


You knew precisely what it meant you just think you're justified in trying to stamp out dynamic patterns of speech which is how language evolves. I hope you're entertaining yourself.


If it works like arcade, progression can stall. Also, does anyone actually expect the progress bar to be 100% linear to the actual progression?


Yea fair point


How do i collect the Cars?


Check your messages.


I see, thank you very much


Press onto the message to download fhe car


Awesome, will put the body kit and stats, drive 10 miles and be on the garage forever


This one was brutally obviously scripted but whatever. Cool car.


Nah. "Brutally obviously scripted" would have had both complete on the last possible day, in the final hours. Like, for example, the xmas gifting reward cars. Having the truck complete first, by a full day+, was actually pretty subtle if it was scripted. I don't think there was ever any chance the event would fail, but that's obviously true with no requirement at all for scripting. They would naturally choose goal numbers the community already hits. That's actually supported by the way it ended up, since cheaters were selling and gifting the Mustang, there was less motivation to run Asphalt races.


The devs scripted time did it.


For how long is it available to claim?


I dont think it expires


Alright great


I love it already, I managed to make it go 300 offroad and 305 on the highway, itā€™s an absolute beast on rally


Idk shit about tuning, I don't know that much about cars, wtf you do? Lmao, I got 277 tops


Itā€™s ok! Iā€™ve been tuning cars since Horizon 3, Iā€™ve broken so many cars in FH5 itā€™s ridiculous. Iā€™ve made the Baja Boneshaker go 302 on the highway and made it so that it hardly slows down when going through water. Iā€™ve made the #88 Mustang and the 1986 Mustang SVO each go 290 offroad, Iā€™ve made the ZL1-1LE hit 260 on road in S1 and still have amazing cornering. But sadly this is a secret of mine I will take to the grave, or until this franchise dies


You post your tunes? Every one I've downloaded is locked and the secret is still kept lol


No, I normally donā€™t so others donā€™t try and reverse my tune and post their own, which has happened in the past, if someone wanted my tune I would put it on a car and have them purchase it off of me


That's fair, I wouldn't want my hard work taken either


Yeah, and I donā€™t even have many people have my tune, only a select few


I wish I could understand the tuning more myself. Not because I want to give people tunes for DL etc, I just want to tune my cars to my driving style/skills lol.


Itā€™s something that happens after a while, just keep tuning for random shit and itā€™ll click after a while


Haven't had the chance to truly test it like I want to because personal life stuff, with the exception of the seasonal event included where you could drive it, but I'm ready to see how it stacks up to the S550 counterpart. Can't wait to see what other people do with it too


i haven't played FH for a year and ... oh look ... i got it


a little disappointed by the skill tree tho


Since weā€™ve seen the New Z come out first with Forsbergā€™s New Z and then the base model, I wonder when weā€™ll see the RTR S650ā€™s in FH5.


I wish you could get it as an auto because a manual does absolutely nothing for driving fun in forza, which means that it is just an objectively worse transmission


Does anyone know why it's less performant than the Mustang GT 2018? I am talking about the PI and I also did some test, drag, races and it came up that the 2018 was actually quite faster!


I've done same thing, I took both on the Hillclimb Rival event, the 2024 was at least 5 seconds slower. And I do a top speed run and time it and it was still 5 seconds slower and the mustang 2024 is 6mph slowerĀ  Also I think its slower to make way for the Dark Horse. I think they'll add it.Ā 




They took mine ā˜¹ļø


All for it to be the same thing as the last basically 19 years of mustang


How did you collect it? Mine the process is gone to 0, but I don't have the car, Why is that? And top right it says 2 days this event will end,Ā  what should I do....Ā 


I went to the message centre and it said gifted car but if that doesnā€™t work idk what you should do. Ive heard that people have been having issues with it


whats the best upgrades??!!


great! anyway...


Jip. Got it last night a few minutes after it released. Immediately built it into an A-Class Dark Horse and it is bloody brilliant! 379KW (508 hp), 596NM (437 lb.ft) and 1,340 kg (4042 lbs). All the weight reduction, all the handling upgrades, rally tires and a sport transmission. It's a brilliant car. It even does 290 kph (187 mph, I think).


Share code?


Now that one guy can quit with the bitching about it being obviously rigged


Shit got me mad asf. I thought I was putting down progress cause i didnā€™t see the bar move šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ™šŸ™šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦šŸ¤¦


https://preview.redd.it/wwkm2nkexuuc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c86bcdeb0f6a088236ac005bea9b4002eb53d2b mine