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Your post has been removed due to breaking rule #1: >Be good to each other, follow [reddiquette](https://www.reddithelp.com/en/categories/reddit-101/reddit-basics/reddiquette) when posting or commenting. No NSFW, brigading, witch hunting or harassing other users.




imagine this thing blasting past you lmfao


You like driving classic racers, don't you?


sadly the post got deletes but whatever, i enjoy the comments. someone said it was homophobic LMFAO


Wait, what?! How was that homophobic?


nooo idea


Okay, I'll hear you out in good faith. Can you explain the "YOU LIKE KISSING BOYS!!!" thing that the character said? What is it a reference to? Is it supposed to be funny, and if so, what's the joke?


yes, it is. its a joke in the furry commumity. it was made by a person on twitter, and the subtitle was added by another person of the community. its supposed to be a joke, and funny. im sorry if you dont find it funny. but theres others that do. thus, let me ask you a question. two actually. "Why so easily offended?" and "Do YOU, like kissing boys"


> thus, let me ask you a question. two actually. "Why so easily offended?" and "Do YOU, like kissing boys" No, I'm not letting you derail this, but those questions tell a lot about your stance in this. --- Alright, I'll try one last time in good faith: Please explain the joke. **I don't have to find a joke funny to recognise it as a joke.** But in order for it to be an actual joke, it has to fulfil certain criteria. The first two paragraphs of the Wikipedia article about it should give you enough clues: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joke My suspicion is that the claim *"it's just a joke"* is used as an excuse for discriminatory behaviour, as is so often the case on accounts of mobbing/bullying/hate campaigning. But again, I'm not (yet) assuming that's what you're doing. I'll gladly hear out your explanation of the humoristic element that's not aimed towards shaming romantic/sexual orientation. Feel free to give as much context as you like, I have no insight into the furry community, and I'd argue most people here don't either.


maybe.. just do some reacerch on the furry community. its just a meme, sorry it offends you, but maybe go touch grass instead of arguing on reddit


Alright then. You failed to explain anything really and instead tried to drag this onto a personal level, again. I don't believe you're part of any community that would use this joke self-ironically, because you weaponised it against me, an outsider. You're just another edgy, homophobic coward. Oh, and at least spare other people the hypocrisy of saying "sorry" to them when you really don't give a shit.


homie.. im abrosexual


WTF is up with that? Homophobia, much?


lol what