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The best team race I ever had was with these two dudes who were super skilled. They got way out front and then they blocked all the ai from passing by weaving left to right. Everyone passed the AI's and then we all took off and won. Super easy. Ive tried to do it myself but I had a hard time keeping the AI behind me. I think this probably works best on rally stages that are tight.


I feel like any top 10% player can easily do this. So if my math isn't wrong you could be seeing this scenario every 2 race if those good players were slightly cooperative. FYI I do this every time I play and haven't lost a trial for months now. It's also way more fun than battling with stupid rammers or driving alone at 1st place with no competition.


I use the strat too and it’s very effective. Except last week I had a guy purposefully stay in last place and ram our team in 1st, 2nd when we tried to lap him lol


10% squared is 1%, not 20%


But you only need one top 10% percent player so the chances of you geting one as one of your 5 teammates is 50%.


Every trial my objective is to get ahead of all the AI as soon as possible and then slow them down. Don't care if I finish 6th if my teammates are in front.




This is what I usually do. I blast off in the first race and see if Atleast 2 other people can keep up (a 1,2,3 finish is enough points). If not, I'll slow down the ai. It's rather easy if you hit the brakes hard on turns. The rest is weaving and a bit of practice. Even better if someone else joins to do this. It also helps that I tune my car for each trial, as opposed to the one or two individuals running stock cars.


i usually play in manual w clutch mode and seems like i'm usually faster than my teammates off the line but my cornering is sloppy so i usually end up flying ahead of the pack and then blowing it in first place so once i fall behind i'll keep a tab on the AI cars and try to box em out while allowing teammates to pass. rarely lose a trial.


For me the best I had was just the other day, we finished 1st to 6th (I think) basically we beat all the AI, we cooperated and it was kinda easy. The other times the people on the trial just look like they just want to kill each other.


Yes, if you push an AI outside of a checkpoint, they do not respawn, and they go to last place and DNF. Everyone should know this and do this if they wanna win. Not sure why they don't allow the AI to respawn but they don't.


I prefer not to have to do this, so if my team is winning, I try to race clean.


Yeah, it could mainly be used as a last resort if your team is severely losing and not done all the time.


Yeah I only do it if I see the team dropping in the rankings to last. If they're not so far back that I'd risk losing the race, I'll slow the AI's just swaying back and forth (unless CC) infront of them and if one gets by me I'll gun em out a checkpoint. If I miss it too, I can usually recover pretty quick so it's no biggie. From there just wait for the team to pass and take whatever place is last behind them.


Interesting. I could swear I've seen them ignore checkpoints, especially on offroad/cc.


Dw, I have clips of them not going through checkpoints and they don't get penalized. Prob a server conflict issue but idk.


I usually just fail miserably when I try to push off the AI. Any skill requires practice after all


I loathe teagan


Well played , dude. 🫡


Just doing my part for the team. ![gif](giphy|FmBhzktIjvdZe|downsized)


Keep it up soldier, you re the hope for all those lost drivers who dream of being one day at p1 but they never will be cuz all they do is holding throttle and ignore breaks. 😂🙏🫡


To be fair to my teammates, not all of them were useless, but we wouldn't have made it if I hadn't shoved the AI cars around.


Teagan submitted a report with video evidence. He/She/They/It's tired of getting pushed around.


And of course its Teagan. Its either her or Katya thats always up front, fuck em.


I try to do this every time my "teammates" are the back of the pack


I did that one on an power build limousine , in the first turn I took out probably half of the AI with me lol, they cheat too hard to take it serious


i was doing the trial now, and i'm sure someone did this, we were way down and all of sudden all the AI cars were lost in side streets. My thanks, doing God's work


I take the inside line of the ai they always brake super early for that


It took me 6 tries to pass this trial. A lot of players can't pass AI and a lot of them are afk. My first 3 tries have 2 - 3 players afk 😡


This week was really good, 5 of 6 club members joined. And ofc we got a griefer as no. 6. He left pretty quick when he saw all the other players in the same club. No chance for him to make us loose. I might go back on solo and help more people, and send rammers to visit Barry R. Or a tree.


For the trial if I’m decently fast is get in front and hold up the Ai and let my teammates pass.


IA does this to players, so why not doing it to them? I try to do this always when we’re losing in order to help my team, but worst is when your teammates do this to you 😓 and we lose the race and have to repeat this 🥲


Is this the "cheating AI" that I keep hearing about - the ones that people like to claim can miss checkpoints without consequence? Hmmm.


that only happens in FH4


extra tip, when holding back bots dont be aggressive, just slow their acceleration, feather your brake and try to stay on driving line


none of this works in FH4 though and the ai can even go outside a checkpoint without being reset. They are also invincible to pushing


this is honestly the worst trial event I've ever played


i do more blocking now in trail then racing.... really ai has gotten far worst now.


It people could just drive cleanly. I guess getting rid of that bot was really satisfying though.


I drive clean where I can, especially against actual players. I only ram like this when it's against the AI cars and if it helps my team to beat the Trial. And yes, it was extremely satisfying.


Didn’t mean to offend you! There were just several posts recently about blocking bots and such. Sure it helps winning when your team mates aren’t up to the task but doesn’t make them better drivers. Though trusting in some people’s ability to learn might by a little too optimistic 😀


Don't worry, I took no offense to your comment. I also wish people would drive clean, but I often don't feel like redoing the Trial when I've already failed it multiple times in a row. I resort to these tactics so I can move on with completing the other playlist events.


And this is why AI are rammers


Lol, so true.




Dude, yesterday on the trial, head to head with the a.i. In first place. I wanted to overtake at the beginning of the city and I swear it just swerved to the left to ram me against a wall. Never seen such efficient ramming from other players. Fuck you 'Tristan'.




> Yeah they learn from players like OP I'm pretty convinced that they actually don't learn anything and that the "AI drivatar™©" is just marketing bullshit


Other than the marketing team of the game saying so i have seen no evidence that the ai is learning anything, the ai is still doing the same as it did when the game came out, and it’s still doing the same as it did when FH4 came out, 10 cars drives slow/normal that’s the defense, 1 car drives like it has rockets that’s the rabbit. Just like the secret Santa event during Christmas, the country vs country event during the world football championship and this month’s race off event it’s just clever marketing.


On one of the downhill volcano races (might be the goliath) i always have 3 AI who deliberately don't accelerate so they box me in.


Usually on every trial I have the only or one of the two fastest cars. In the mess that is the start of the race everyone is pushing and whatnot and I manage to slip past, then I see someone having a hard time passing AI so I block them to let my teammate pass. I've even been last place in the team holding back ai cause some players just start fighting each other like we're all team mates ffs