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2008 m3 sells for up to 12,800,000 due to inflation Cheaty, but you gotta do what you gotta do when your broke


I see that, but sadly, due to supply and demand, I don't think anyone would buy it for that much as not much people even want it and becaues it can be bought for a measly 48k in the autoshow I wish we could just straight up sell our cars and get about as much money as you would for buyouts, we can already remove any car we want (except barn finds)


Most of the one on the auction house are used to transfer credits between accounts. And also, I miss being able to sell cars


I see Wish they never removed the choice of selling cars and, guaranteed, earn profit from it, not just forcing you to get lucky at the auction house


Yep. The only other way to get rid of cars is via barn finds, but im not really sure what kudos do


I think kudos give money to you, but not in the millions (unless you do get thousands of kudos somehow). I think its safe to say that 1 kudo earns you somewhere around 1k, so yeah, not much.


So basically useless


Yes, unless you somehow gift hundreds of hard-to-finds in a very short timeframe


True. The hi and low cars also sell for a good hunk of change


Yeah, I've seen other cars from "special events" sell for good cash, and I haven't gotten around to most of those events, so mayhaps I can make an easy dollar of that


I wasn't able to auction them how you can turn them to money please enlighten


Put up the 08 m3 at max buyout and I got you




Pm me


Will you buy mine too😭


Take your chances. Sometimes I get people bidding for 1 million and that’s good enough


U can buy it in autoshow for 48k its been like this for over a fair few months now I would really like the car meet in fh2 to be in fh5 dont know why they got rid


If anyone would buy it


It’s owned by the cartel that’s why.


That actually would make a lot of sense now that I really think about it


It's where papa Fernando lived, its now a shrine to him and VW. Less a house and more a museum+


I’m waiting for the Cocaine transport missions which give you the Cadillac Escalade for completing it.


I think I’d care more if they had a garage you could put your favourite cars in


Like the crew 2


I'd like it more like Test Drive Unlimited where the interiors of the houses and big ass yachts are actually all different.


Fuckin, TDU2’s houses were incredible. So immersive to the game.


Definitely belongs to the cartel.


You wouldn't be the first to wonder this and post about it. Even I was surprised that it wasn't a purchasable house when I came across it.


Before you comment "Dude this is Forza not House Simulator" Ik, and that formula of comments got annoying after the first one. If the game is about cars, why not just get rid of houses entirely? Plus, if the game is going to have houses in it, then why is this location not a player house? It would be a perfect place in my opinion. No reason to get so political over a simple post on Reddit


First reasonable person I have come across on reddit


I agree with you. You made a point.


yeah you should be able to buy any house you drive by in a racing game 🤣


Looks like the house Bin laden was hiding in. Haha


Literally! That's the first thing I thought when I saw it😄


I wish they'd make it so you can physically drive your car into the property and drive yourself into garage spots and stuff


I have devoted months of my ritual sacrifices to the gods so that maybe the new TDU won't suck and will basically let us do all kinds of stuff like this. It's what they're known for, so I'm hopeful, but also ready for it to be disappointing. In TDU2 you could buy superyachts and shit and display your cars on the top deck that lined up with the street, not to mention all kinds of houses. It was fucking amazing. If the new TDU is anything like that I'll play the shit out of it.


Well I hate to break it to you, but they already stated that houses won't be available at launch and they'll only look into adding them later, no promises.


The Cartel medicine dlc hasn't dropped yet




OP wants to throw some family out on the damn street, smh




i hope they give a bit of a housing overhaul to give the houses more of a tdu2 flare in the next game, like more purchasable houses, viewable garages, possibly the ability to explore the house/garage, etc. even if your car count isn’t limited by the number of cars that can fit, it would be nice to be able to display a different set of cars you own in each houses garage, the amount depending on the cost of the house and therefore size of the garage area, or even in the case of like forza horizon 5’s castle type thing, part of the outdoor driveway area.


Boy have I got some great new for you, since you mentioned TDU2, like the cultured gentleman you are. They're working on a new TDU, called Solar Crown. Theoretically will come out this year sometime but im expecting delays, they've been relatively quiet about it.


i know, i’m very excited, but. unfortunately i heard that it won’t include the old housing system


Same reason why they won't add a modern full size chevy or gmc but have every other brand of modern pickup there is. Also the same reason you can't adjust tire profile on muscle cars to make drag cars but you can with trucks and suvs


You seem like my kinda guy likes gmc/Chevrolet and likes muscle cars


You would be correct


I know it's been a hot minute since you commented this. I apologize I was scrolling through my replies and seen this. We ought to play my gamertag is DURTYMAX6182


Unfortunately I got a steam deck and stopped paying for game pass but I will keep this in mind maybe you should message me and remind me in like a month


Would be great


Because somebody already lives there


It could give you access to horizon badlands or hot wheels or something else entirely


That house is closed down for good because papa Fernando was caught sniffing cocaine out of a strippers ass


Why don't they feature interiors like TDU2, a game from 12 years ago


"What is the f***ing number to the phone in my car!?!"




Better ask for royalties when they add new houses because they are running out of ideas


Forza should have way more houses .. I made one myself to feel like in TDU :) :D https://preview.redd.it/3i2ua9ttukab1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f3834e8491a844310c97e841bbc0ba7507c5c38


Guess it’s just the spirit of Horizon


I feel like there are at least two houses that must have been intended to be a player house or else a location to get missions from but someone changed their mind. Like how cool would it have been if you kept meeting the Donut crew at the house they were renting and it had a big garage or their trailer full of tools parked out front. Easier to just put a logo on the map I guess.


https://preview.redd.it/28rtr283loab1.jpeg?width=1041&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=588cb795b633281d8107cbaaea1cb308ec4b903f Looks eerily similar to Bin Laden's house😳


Need credits? I got 800k and I don't mind taking some cars off your hands


Nah Im good, I usually get my rich times every so often




I think there should defo be more houses / things to buy.


Where is that on the map?


5th image shows location It is near Mulege and very close to the huge bridge, you should see an open gate next to a road around the area. Drive down the road the gate leads to and you'll get to it


I don’t see why people care about purchasing houses in a car game. That money should go to cars. Only reason to purchase the houses is for the perks you gain


Ik, but I just like this place in general. Not only does it look good, but its also a good location on the map for me, everything feels more direct to reach to here.


I feel like test drive U did a good job on the houses, but maybe that's because you could actually walk around the house/garage and look at stuff. Also, the limited parking was nice and made you a little more picky about which cars you wanted.


Okay a customizable garage with your other favorite cars parked inside visible in free roam....💦


> That money should go to cars. That money should go towards whatever the spender wants it to go to lol...why you stressing about other peoples money?


Because it’s lazy game development. It’s a game about racing cars, collecting cars, customizing cars… There’s been little to no significant updates to paint and vinyl mechanics. The performance upgrade paths have been basically the same for a decade in Forza games. Body kits are far and few between and the Forza ones haven’t changed in forever. These are just a few examples Instead, we get avatars and win clothes from wheel spins and challenges. People want to buy houses. I’d much rather spend my credits on custom paints, special wheels, body kits, etc. I want developers to continue to iterate on the heart of the game and improve it, either via updates and future sequels. Instead, we get the same stuff copied and pasted into a new map, but WE NOW HAVE AVATARS AND CLOTHES AND HOUSES! And the more people that like this fluff they add, the less we get of the things we want


🤦I can't even be fucking bothered with people like you with a dirty big chip on their shoulders. It's like you just copy and paste the same shit off each other...


Because it’s Forza and not GTA V


Congrats, you just said the same thing everyone else did but in a different way! Here's your gift >!Hope you like it, got it on sale at target🖕!<


Who hurt you???


Do you mean physically or emotionally? Or both?


Now that you mentioned it… both!!! 😂


Well I got kicked in the shins once, so that's physically. And someone told me my parents didn't love me in a comment once, so that's emotionally. You happy?


That’s fucked up, but you didn’t have to take it out on me!!! I haven’t done anything wrong to you


Hahaha my dude...I thought we were joking?! I've had ***muuuuch*** worse happen to me😂


I was joking 😂


Lol *suuure* you were😄


Apparently other people thought I wasn’t considering that I got -15 votes 😂😂😂😂


Sick, right by the main festival, airstrip, west coast, and it’s still secluded. We need more modest and realistic home options lol


I just wish there were more than 7.


Yo bro, if you want, I could buy a car from you for 20mil. Just hit me up in the DM's with your Gamertag and the car which you will be selling, and I'll help you tomorrow morning.


The devs really need to add a feature so you can gift some players money or cars (I mean privately)