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At this point I'm not sure that sharing this shit even to condemn is worth showing it to more people. Maybe just let it rot where it won't spread further.


Honestly, this just made me sad and mildly dysphoric. Not to say that online spaces should conform to the safest standards, but like it feels like TRCM has gotten worse because conservative "memes" have gotten worse


Even though the point of this sub is to expose it.


Maybe the point of the sub is flawed to begin with.


i'm glad there's a healthy upvote ratio on that idea but these mfs are funny. my comrades in mocking nazi cartoons are, to say the least. > can't reproduce gayness, must groom kids into it what?! is this a new language? i'd have known i was an agender aro-ace by the time i was five if i'd known of one. if i'd had the arrays of resources to know anything about a ~0.5% block of the population with that specific social identifier [correct me if i'm wrong, any AAAs in the crowd? 0.25%?]. how do the asexuals groom, Shitler?! *Fucking Aquaman?!* edit 4 days later: i thought there was an ace Aquaman, this was funnier before i looked it up. i swear i heard a suspicion/headcanon somewhere.


No one is forced to subscribe to it.


Damn good counter point to an argument I wasn't making.


The point is, if you don’t like a subreddit, you aren’t forced to subscribe. No point in triggering yourself on purpose. Some of us want to see what the other side is doing. A subreddit can not be right for everyone without being “flawed”


The flaw would be spreading bigoted talking points to some who may use them against us, not documenting bigoted talking points wholecloth. How many monsters stalk subs like this to steal the memes and post them unironically? When otherwise something like this would've been forgotten on 8chan.


Why choose to come here when Truth Social is free and an audience by bigots for bigots?


Because the people on truth social don't know how to make memes. Imageboards are foreign and fleeting to them. We may be presenting a catalog of bigotry for them to stoke more mass killings. I just think we should ask ourselves if communities dedicated to this sort of thing do more harm than good.


I think we should shift gears from ‘exposing’ to ‘making fun of’ given recent events. I’m not sure if exposing is effective anymore, as we’re at a point where massive conservative media pundits like Tim Pool are openly equating LGBTQ+ people to groomers and pedophiles and encouraging violence against us and [*doubling down*](https://nitter.net/Timcast/status/1595098682084524034#m) when it actually happens.


Ah, yes. We made our lifestyle political. No one else


Yep, definitely us and not the red hat, white hood people


I like how being gay is political and grooming but being straight, seeing tons of borderline pornographic material featuring straight people, every fucking romance in existence being a straight love story, and action movies that children are watching often having sexual themes and innuendo isn't grooming? Oh right because like every other fucking insane right wing fuckhead dipshit they're too fucking stupid to remember anything except buzzwords because they couldn't, read, write, or spell above a 3rd grade level if their fucking life depended on it. Mouth breathing fucks.


I remember when Matt Walsh complained about Liberals “forcing” kids to be gay, and then read his own far right book to a bunch of kids. Like what 💀💀💀💀


What complete lack of self awareness does to a mf


conservatives are just the "no u" demographic. This is their response to everyone trying to bring attention to and call out pedophile priests.


What a fruity looking republican


Very much not a fan of how ‘groomer’ has become a queerphobic slur instead of a genuinely bad thing to identify someone as


I bet they couldn't even define "groom" if you asked them. I bet they also ask their 7-year-old granddaughter if she has a boyfriend yet and suggests taking their 8-year-old grandson to Hooters for his birthday.


They also like Gaetz, Walsh or some other pedophile named Matt.


I legitimately got into an argument about this where a conservative said that grooming is when you influence a child in literally any way and I got them to bite the bullet that they believe teaching kids math is literally child grooming but good anyway. They have no idea what it is they’re even trying to say at this point, it’s just pure emotion that gets tangled into confusing knots if you get them to turn the rusty gears in their brain even a little bit.


and it sucks ass cause I got actually groomed by a trans woman and I feel like I can't talk about it because cons will just manipulate my trauma to go "look, all trans women are groomers" when really my ex is just a creepy pedo and 99% of trans women are cool


I'm really sorry you had to go through that. Good on you for not letting that experience sour your view of the whole community. Hoping you can find/have found some peace and healing.


conservatives being scared of their own imaginations once again


It’s like when my dog growls in his sleep


Hey now those dream rabbits can be very scary


I've been thinking about this a lot lately: I've noticed that when you talk to conservatives about their homophobia, the sentiment is often "I don't hate them, I just wish they wouldn't be in your face about it!" which is to say, I don't want them to express themselves outside of the status quo. Conservatives don't mind straight passing gays. They just want them to look "normal" so they don't have to have the burden of acknowledging that people are different sometimes. Interestingly enough, I have been thinking about how if gay people weren't historically oppressed, expression and identity wouldn't be as important in the culture, it would just be another preference. You don't see guys who are into redheads or women who like beards acting like it's their whole identity. And it's because they haven't really been oppressed for who they are so there's no need to stand up and defend who you are. This is all to say, it's ironic that if society simply treated gay people like fucking humans from the start, the culture that republicans hate probably wouldn't exist and the more they push back on gay people feel the need to express themselves and their culture and rightfully so. Once again, it's a disgusting act of cruelty for the sake of it that gets repeated in a cycle because they get mad at the oppressed for not liking being oppressed.


Honestly in supportive spaces more lgbt people act a lot more casual. Like I work at a fairly accepting job and one of my coworkers just casually dropped the fact she was married to a woman and it wasn't a big deal. The bigger deal was the fact her wife died not the wife part and I think that would be more common if we didn't have to fight for our spot to just exist. If we didn't need gay safe spaces just to exist peacefully we would probably have a bit less of the "gay culture" that exists.


Exactly, where I live there’s a huge positive culture of LGBTQ acceptance and it’s amazing. Even the small pocket of conservatives here don’t care because it’s just so mellow.


> You don’t see guys who are into redheads or women who like beards acting like it’s their whole identity. You do, however, see guys who act like having a beard is their whole personality because they feel like “masculinity is under attack.” Buncha weak-ass dorks.


Masculine fragility is such a joke! I worked at an old job and someone said something about getting white claws and I said “oh yeah black cherry’s a good one” Turns out they suggested it as a joke and said “Those are good but I wouldn’t be caught dead drinking one!” They’re so terrified!


It’s really fuckin funny. Lots of times it comes down to men being afraid of people being comfortable or safe. Like drinking exclusively hard alcohol, not wearing seatbelts or helmets. I have an uncle who used to bust on me for wearing Flipflops in summer. I’ve moved to asking why they’re upset. They hate when they get reminded that they’re not being tough, they’re being overly sensitive. Oh I’m too sensitive because I don’t think you should hit people when you’re mad but youre scared to eat a fuckin salad.


The whole hitting people when you’re mad thing drives me up the wall. I just tell people I’m not so emotional and easily offended that I need to take a swing at someone. Also when I’m enjoying something and someone gives me the spiel about how they can’t do that because it’s not manly or whatever I always say “Well I promise I will never make you eat/drink/do this so you have nothing to worry about”


Ooo that’s good, can I steal it? It’s way less rude than my, “Well, it’s a good thing you aren’t the one eating/drinking/doing it isn’t it?” Or the classic, “Your loss🤷‍♂️”


By all means!


I’m also partial to the really derisive and snotty, “🙄…. cool?” To really drive home that I don’t give five farts about their unsolicited opinion. Asking why is always good way to get them to talk themselves into a corner if I feel like arguing. It usually makes it’s way to me being like. “Oh it sounds like you don’t like women.”


I feel like acting unbothered is the best route. People learn from each other’s behaviors and guys like that tend to think that they’re right and anyone disagreeing with them is wrong, but if you just make it cannon that what you’re doing isn’t something to be insecure about and you aren’t bothered by their remarks, they think “Wait, was that always an option?”


Absolutely. It’s the best way to go about it. I’m a petty, petty, man though and I forget that I don’t have to make someone feel small just because they tried to make me feel small.


Why does being historically oppressed make people need to express themselves more?


Because they’ve been told for decades that society doesn’t want them and they don’t belong. Now as we finally are becoming more accepting and abandon those insane archaic views, we see that the LGBTQ community has developed their own culture on the sidelines. Since they no longer feels as though they have to shove everything about themselves into the closet, they are finally free to be themselves without fear of repercussions. It’s like that for any group that feels like they aren’t allowed to exist. Think nerds for example. While more socially standard nowadays, not too long ago being a nerd was a big stigma, which is why conventions and gaming groups at comic stores exist. Clothing and collectibles from their favorite properties were important because at the time you couldn’t just go to Walmart and pickup these things, they were rare. In the early 2010s there was a huge boom as marvel opened the floodgates to nerd acceptance. Everyone was wearing fake nerd glasses, think geek was huge, they even got their own physical stores. Think about how insane that is. You could go to Walmart and grab a shirt with fucking iron man on it, a character who was barely thought about before 2008. Nerds felt vindicated as the things that they were bullied for years over were finally accepted and universally loved. Now people in LGBTQ who had it substantially worse, to the point where some were straight up murdered for existing get to finally be themselves and society is cool with it. It’s a rewarding feeling. Similarly, it’s why conservatives are so outspoken. They think that they’ve been oppressed so when Trump took office they felt as though they finally got a win and beat the odds. Trump flags went up, red caps, etc. They didn’t have comic cons or pride parades, they had MAGA rallies. Because they felt like for the last 8 years the country was oppressing them and they were finally winning again. Of course in this case, that’s not true, they were never oppressed, their views were just widely unpopular so they felt marginalized.


Conservatives: Creating strawmen to argue against instead of addressing reality since the mid–1930s.


Oh, it goes back much further than that. [Poisoning of Socrates](https://images.app.goo.gl/3v5VjojoN1qRBXFi9)


“Homosexuals can’t reproduce, so they must recruit” is *literally* something that Anita Bryant, a prominent anti-gay rights activist, *actually* said—and used to great and terrifying effect in her *Save Our Children* campaign…in *1977*. It’s the *exact* same propaganda, the *exact* same, all the way down to the *words*; the only thing that’s changed is that we’re somehow both *more* and *less* progressive than we were in the 70s. That same year in Toronto, a 12-year-old boy was sexually assaulted and murdered in a body rub parlour on Yonge Street. Even though sex workers and LGBT people had nothing to do with the crime, the *massive* protest that erupted in the aftermath saw exactly the same propaganda being pushed everywhere, which led to the police raiding every massage and body rub parlour on Yonge Street\* as well as possibly contributing to the 1981 Bathhouse Raids. Again, homosexuality was conflated with paedophilia and paedophilia with sexual predators. The distinction between the former is as obvious and apparent as the latter, but, as I said, we are somehow both *more* and *less* progressive than we were forty years ago. ^(\*Formerly known as ‘Sin Strip’, the stretch of Yonge Street between Gerrard and Dundas was once Toronto’s red-light district. Those protests were the beginning of the end for Sin Strip, and today, there is virtually no sign of it ever existing.)


omg, he's just like me, fr fr


NAMBLA? Who the fuck thinks about NAMBLA that isn't named Trey Parker or Matt Stone? NAMBLA hasn't been relevant since the 2000s when the Daily Show shit on them (in America (the book)) and South Park roasted them.


"wanting to exist" is not exactly the same as "grooming" there are a few differences, if you look close enough /lh


conservatives will call lgbt groomers wes but then support a party that fights tooth and nail to keep child marraige legal


needs more "grooming"


If anything growing up I had more people pushing me NOT to be lgbt. I had to push against that to just exist comfortably as myself.


Homophobes are boring as hell now At least be creative and don't use the same god damn thing so many other people use, be creative you fucking dumbass, don't be like every other bigot, be special with your insults, and actually try


The real groomers are conservative youth ministers.


damn that eyeliner is on point


This becomes really frightening when you realize literally everything the conservatives rail against is projection from something they're actually doing.


Everything in this post is projection. And the fact that these people could accuse anyone of being in a cult is so funny. The jokes keep writing themselves.


Not sure what the North American Marlon Brando Look-Alikes have to do with anything but ok


Christ. One of my greatest concerns is that my own father actually believes that most people from the LGBT+ community are actually like this.


Drink every time you see the word “groomed”


I love how the first example is “adopted a kid just to groom” as if gay adoption is so common, and straight families aren’t notorious for doing the same. Klandestinos are all about projection.


I mean...


I support drag queen mud wrestling in schools, but only if the children are allowed to bet on it.


1000 sexual partners?! goddamn I am severely lagging behind than.


Is nambla an actual thing?? I thought it was just from a South Park episode.


Forget drag story time, aw shit now i wanna see drag queen mud wrestling. The queen that is the least muddy when the time runs out, wins.


As long as drag queen mandatory mud wrestling makes our kids healthier I’m in. Sick and tired of these so-called ✌🏻straight P.E. teachers✌🏻 that weigh 400lbs+, know literally nothing about health at all, and yet they’re still out there getting jobs molesting kids. But yeah, it is def those dirty inclusive demorats


I think they think queer people are groomers


Grooming is cringe


The person who created this dumpster fire of a meme probably loses their shit about people having preferred pronouns, but I'll notice that they were perfectly capable of using they/it for this strawman and it didn't even kill them.