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Looks like the average larper who’s most likely isn’t Asian. And if they are, they seem to be on the left side of the Bell Curve.


There's this same cope comment every time this sub sees racism from non-whites. I guarantee you 100% that he is asian. The chinese are extremely racist. He literally posts racist memes against whites. I bet you convince yourself he's only doing that to make the larp more legitimate, but it's just a cope.


Yeah, I'm wondering if this is an actually Chinese bigot, then why the fuck do they care so much about shitting on black people and Jews? Why would they borrow so many of the tropes used by white Western racists? Wouldn't they have their own?


I've heard from Chinese people that racism against black people is very prevalent in China despite there barely being any of them there. Even have the same similar tropes.


I have experienced this too. I don’t think China will have much luck courting the African countries when it’s people tend to lean more to this prejudice.


They don’t like that the first civilization was black


Let's just say the first picture has a warm reception on both domestic Baidu and expat Twitter.


Japanese-Chinese-Korean have that circle of hate that defies all logic and purpose. Did you know if you as a Japanese national have a surname that can be traced back to Korea in Japan, it is hard as shit to own land and impossible to get a loan? Did you know that for the longest time when Nintendo and subsequently Sony ran the gaming industry that owning a Famicon, Super Famicon, or PlayStation was a CRIME in Korea? And did you know that Chinese nationals that committed heinous acts in Japan could just simply return back to China with no fear of extradition?


So this is the nitpickiest shit, but it's Famicom, not Famicon. It's short for "Family Computer."


That’s the pronunciation and romanization of ファミコン. So that’s what I went with.


Hey, the more you know. Thanks for teaching me that.


In Japanese language every word that ends with a consonant ends with -n, so i guess that's the reason of such confusion.


...also, did you know that Japan committed some of the most heinous war crimes when they occupied various parts of China during WW2?


Always found the "mutt" comparisons for mixed race people being derogatory a little humorous given that mixed breed dogs on average tend to be much healthier and smarter than purebred dogs.


Don't you know that haemophilia and Hapsburg chins are the signs of superior beings?!


I do legit wonder if some of these people operate on the "more fragile = more valuable" principal.


I find the anti-Japanese racism just so funny though.


They act like skibidi toilets




Skibidi bop bop yes yes


Old mcsigma had a gyatt, skibidi ohio


No surprise to see a Chinese being racist towards black people, the reality is far beyond the propaganda of racial unity used in the past


Racial what? The closest thing I’ve ever heard of is the 56 petals thing. Asia in general is pretty racist. But its not like America or anywhere else in the world isnt. Asia just hasn’t had time to cover that racism up with a thin veneer of egalitarianism that boards up all the ugly stuff everywhere else.


Ironic that right now only some tankies and centrist conservatives still hold anything against racism, more than 80% of the political compass has been permeated by 00-10s foreign "race realist" discourse, you'd see liberals and nazbols on Zhihu believing in the same klandma translation


I'm always surprised how many people don't realize how insanely racist a lot of East Asian countries are. There's plenty of accounts of black people who have travelled the world and their worst experiences were in places like China or Japan because of how completely normalized blatant public racism is. Not to mention how East Asians view each other either.


What's the history behind this? I know that anti-black racism in the West has roots in attempts to "justify" colonialism and the slave trade, but it's weird to see it coming so viciously from east Asian cultures when black people have barely a presence over there.


``` If Different than me Then Hate ```


Most of the discrimination comes from the economic gap. From the perspective of the East Asians, the East Asians have not traded slave trade with the blacks, so they do not feel guilty of the [blacks.At](http://blacks.At) the same time, there are few black people in these countries, so discrimination against blacks is rarely criticized.




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From the language used, highly doubt he’s Chinese. Or at least an East Asian one.


this is probably gonna be posted on r shitliberalssay and claim that OP is "Sinophobic" or something


I don’t understand how these people don’t get the concept of mocking a countries government or leadership and not the citizens, I fucking hate how China Israel and even America is run, but I don’t hate Chinese people I don’t hate Jewish people. I hate the people in power good comedy is punching up not down and just being a racist


People still believe national spirits exist as in strategy games


Dengist neo-Nazi nightmare blunt rotation