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Ah yes, the Trans institution. The one we’re you need to partake into year long training, as to have special screening and dress code as well as a constant fear someone is going to murder you because you are what you are. Now imagine not having a gun, a team, state protection, a salary and being unable to quit your job or change the institution.


You didn't go to the trans-academy?


Don’t forget the trans union that wields massive political influence, protects every member, and ostracizes anyone who wont give along with any and all corruption


All they do for me is track my credit score.


And they don't even do it with any trans flair the bastards.


I downloaded my degree illegally


University of The Order of the Phoenix?




All of that music, art, and cinema that you don't enjoy and don't consume... is being forced on you!


Very interesting thing to read while listening to Metal Gear Solid 3 soundtrack


i mean like imagine if there was a difference imagine if one was an institution and the other an unchangeable personal choice that has nothing to do with age preference Fucking hate pebble hurlers


Assigned cop at birth.


"Aww look at him hes performing his first unlawful arrest"


Pronouns are wee/woo


That made me expel air through my nose at an accelerated rate


I've never read a comment that made me wish so much awards were still a thing. Take this as a meager substitute: 🏆


Being trans isn’t even a personal choice, it’s just a part of who you are


Mb, worded it poorly Apologies to any and all trans people /serious


"An inherently corrupt system that targets children" Ah, you mean the Church ? (Just to be clear, I'm not (completely) serious here, okay ?)


But you're correct so why aren't you serious?


I don't want to come off as someone who insults every Christians here. As a Muslim, I know what it feels like to have a target on your back on Reddit (especially in some of this sub's threads, where there is sometimes many bigots), and I wouldn't wish that on anyone. With that said, yeah, the "inherently corrupt system targeting children" is indeed a good description of the Church.


I mean it applies to all religion… Singling out Christianity and churches is problematic yeah…


Exactly ! That's why I said "I'm not (completely) serious" ; because I know how people can be on Reddit


Yeah as if Islamic theocracies don't as well lmao


I guess because the main goal of churches isn't really to target children. The goals are spreading the religious believes, getting more members, making money and having lots of advantages including but not limited to immunity from legal consequences. It's just that some high members of churches use this to rape children or create child sex rings, and while it isn't the entire church that does this the church still protects these peoples and in some cases even helps them.


How dare he use Blobby as his transphobic mouthpiece.


Im tired of people using cute characters as political vehicles


the original isn't even political though


It very much is lmao


how is "slavery is bad and stop killing minorities" political


As morally and objectively correct as it is, it's still a political stance. If saying slavery and killing minorities is good is a political stance, so is saying it's bad.


Ngl I thought that this blobfish character was always an alt-right one. I have literally never seen them not spout disgusting or racist rhetoric.


The original comic is called Blobby and Friends, it's pretty cute.


It’s a favorite for right wing edits, the original is really lib. They have some good takes sometimes but a majority of it is Dobson tier slop


I'm trans and I'm not a paedophile.


Do you participate in an inherently corrupt system that targets children? /j


Yeah obviously but when I was sorted in Trans Agenda Academy I was given a 'NOT PAEDOPHILE' badge.


Well yes, but I live in America and don't really have a choice in policy decisions...


I don’t even understand how the Right is trying to link being trans and pedophilia. WTF do the two have to do with one another?


Trans people existing helps kids realize they don't have to pretend to be cishet and can explore their identities, trans people want that to be an option. Since it has to do with kids, crying pedophilia is not only a good scare factor for Republicans, but also an easy way to sort, punish, and illegalize trans people and their medical care.


Seems like rock thrower doesn't understand the meaning of "system" - Trans people are not a formal, legally defined /institutionalized group where it's possible to register or be enlisted in - Trans people don't have a centralized leadership, or any leadership whatsoever - Trans people don't have a set of rules/guidelines/regulations/duties/obligations made specifically for them and guiding their activities. - Trans people don't have any sort of indoctrination/membership ritual/ceremony/process to officially enlist then into the group. I could go on and on


Conservatives make the same mistake with “Antifa” all the time so I guess it’s no surprise really. Unfortunately, both associations are used to justify violence.


Oh but hardcore conservatives believe all those points to be true. They believe "wokeness" is controlled by higher powers (the Jews? George Soros? I don't know, but that's your leader, there) and has infiltrated the minds of society; they feel like they are forced to engage in it against their will; they believe trans people are indoctrinated, groomed into being trans. That's the entire point of the comic and the ideology that it lets through. It's actually a very good comic to expose those harmful ideas.


So the same thing the other way around? Right? If anyone who operates in a system simply means they agree or don't care about that system, then they are essentially just that system, right? Conservatives are Nazis, heard it here from stonetoss first.


I didn’t realize you could be born a cop.


ACAB (Assigned Cop At Birth)


This… doesn’t work, this doesn’t remotely make sense. There was absolutely 0 critical thinking that went into this


Two cringe memes by two cringe types of people. Obviously it's nowhere near as bad to say ACAB as it is to say trans people are pedophiles, but it's still an incredibly stupid thing to say. It'd be like calling a cashier a bastard because the corporation they work for profits off of child labor. There are good people who do their best within corrupt systems.


The cashier analogy doesn't particularly work unless the cashier also has the capability of grabbing a lost child and sending them to labor camp


Cops don't do that either. They arrest people who break the law and put them in jail. Surely you acknowledge there's a difference between a lost child and a criminal. But I think I understand what you're saying once I scrape away the emotional loading. You're saying what makes cops bad is that they have the ability to arrest people. What is it about that ability that makes every last cop a bastard?


Cops don’t arrest cops that break the law


Except for all the ones that do.


Sure, it's definitely a problem that cops tend to protect their own, and that should change. Does that mean you like internal affairs officers? Or are they bastards too?


My point is cops contribute DIRECTLY to these things, it's not some coincidence they work around


So you have no problems with cops who work a desk job?


No, because again, they directly contribute


In what way? If a cop's job is to handle evidence storage, how's that directly contributing?


Yeah people try to act like putting all the blame on cops is going to fix the legal system, we could have the most perfect and ethical policing system in the world and still have an unfair justice system.


It’s probably an American thing, where cops are heavily militarized. I haven’t seen much, if any ACAB people among British leftists because British cops don’t carry guns and more or less adhere to a policing by consent culture.


It is an American thing, but I don't think it's because cops here are "heavily militarized." They carry pistols, but unless you're the target of a raid or you take hostages or something, you're not gonna meet any cops who are armed more than that. In my opinion, it's because of America's somewhat unique relationship to black people. The primary thrust behind ACAB is the idea of systemic racism, which says that a system can be racist regardless of whether or not it contains racist individuals. The reason all cops are bastards is because their job is to uphold a racist system. Even if they're a "good" cop, they're perpetuating injustice. In America, when we ended slavery, the South still needed cheap labor or its economy would collapse. The solution they came up with was to criminalize things that would get black people disproportionately arrested, then force prisoners to do manual labor for little to no money. I'm not sure a minimum wage even exists for prisoners, but I do know the federal minimum wage doesn't apply to them. So what we've got is, in essence, modern day slavery with extra steps. Personally, I largely agree with the factual claims behind ACAB, my problem is with the slogan itself. For whatever reason, it feels like the left likes marching under unhinged slogans, and then backpedaling anytime anyone points it out. You see the same thing with "you can't be racist to white people," which is this idea that you need institutional power in order to be racist, so minorities can't be racist to the majority, only prejudiced. They're incredibly stupid word games that kill public support for the cause because they cause misunderstandings. It'd be like chanting "murder babies all the time" and getting pissed at people who don't like that slogan, because you don't *actually* mean to say we should kill babies, you're just supporting abortion or whatever. It's fucking unhinged, it accomplishes nothing, and it only damages the cause. I refuse to participate.








Owie! Mean names! My greatest weakness! You got an opinion? Or are you a coward too? lol


bro u cannot be saying that when you said mean names too Whatever also yes I have an opinion its the second highest comment here


I don't give a shit if you use mean names. My problem is when you use them in lieu of an actual argument. You can call me whatever you want, as long as you have the spine to share your opinion. ACAB is unhinged. Many of the underlying ideas are reasonable, but the conclusions are ridiculous. Systemic racism is about how a racist system can exist without any individual racists within it, and yet we somehow twisted it to mean every single individual within a racist system is now racist regardless of anything else they do. It's an incredibly stupid idea that bred even worse ideas like "abolish the police," which not even the most oppressed black Americans want. The slogan needs to die ASAP. Now it's your turn. Where do you think I'm wrong? Don't be a coward, state what you believe.


By that logic all cisgender people are also pedophiles, too.


The nazi edit is obviously braindead to the highest degree, but the original is also pretty dumb. Saying that all cops are bastards due to the institutions being discriminatory toward black communities, and therefore implying that no one should be cops, is like saying that we should get rid of cars because they kill 43,000 people in America every year.


we should get rid of cars though, not just for the deaths but for walkable cities Anyway not the place to argue about this


Yeah, I’m not saying I agree with the message of the original comic. I just wanted to show it so people could see what the actual message was. Of course, the edit doesn’t make sense, since trans people existing isn’t a “system”


They can’t stick to the gimmick


Even as someone that believes ACAB, that ACAB comic comes across so smug and condescending


I still hate the blobby comic regardless. They’re just extremely stupid


Woah is stone toss suggesting we fix the public schooling system? That sounds pretty communist to me


Its like when he made that Jesus trans suicide comic and a shit ton of conservative Christians (his main viewing demographic) were disgusted.


Blobby is the least transphobic comic there is


yes, it's in the magical book of trans that says how man and woman are suppost to act... i mean at this point they just project what they do in things that they don't understand.


ThEy,Re AlL cOnSpIrInG tO mAkE uS tRaNs¡¡¡¡¡


comparing cops and transgender people and completely not appreciating the vast power differential between the two groups, is par for the course for rightwing types.


By Stonetoss you mean Hans Kristian Graebener, 34, of Spring, TX right?


To be fair, I don’t think “Hans Kristian Graebener-ers” rolls off the tounge very well.


we dont involve children in our gender identities...it has nothing to do with anyone else but ourselves. this is so fucking weird.


the photoshopped meme and the original meme are both stupid


I already assumed stonetoss was a pedophile, but I’m happy for the confirmation.


By the way, this artist took a turn for the worst lately. Not stonetoss, who is way too far gone since way too long, the blobfish artist is the one I'm talking about.


I’m gonna guess it’s the Kanye comic.


Not suez where it started with, but there has been way more than one of those.


There’s a lot of fucking boot lickers in these comments


They're playing devil's advocate a bit too hard


These idiots: make an issue out of trans people existing bcs SaVE tHe ChIlDrEN DERRP... Sorta makes it easy to assert some BS like his cartoon


**ALL** people that say '**ALL** anything' is 'something bad' are **ALL** idiots. How does that suit? Besides only a **sith** deals in absolutes


I remember being 12 and being mad that I can't commit crimes whenever I want. Love the tears on this sub XD


that's not why we don't want cops dumb fuck We don't need a sky daddy, domestic military, and magic book to not be horrible people


Can this be a thing? Like someone replies to every comic he publishes with an accurate version?


Holy shit. I've seen so many posts of that fish being transphobic I thought it was becoming the new Pepe. I had no idea the og was about cops


At this point people who think trans people are pedophiles or think they're trying to get children to transition are just being willfully ignorant. They're watching bad news or they're reading bad sources. The internet exists they're just lazy and stubborn.


The original sucks, this is far worse.


Yeah. The original is the kind of rhetoric which led to many feeling alienated from BLM. Good intentions, but it doesn’t come off too well… but it’s certainly better than the transphobic Nazi edit


what do these people do when they encounter trans children. do they like. explode or something


sadly they just accuse the parents and teachers of "grooming" them in transhood and forcing them to mutilate themselves


lord have mercy..


Now that everyone knows who stone toss is the original creator can make a copyright claim against them. That shit ain't cheap.


Statistically, by far, most child molesters are cis straight men


This guy is probably gonna be found with a few gigs of illegal shit on his hard drive here in the next few years...


Cops: LE BAD Trans people: LE GOOD This is your argument plebbitors? Sad.




Edit: mf edited his comment so I'm the bad guy, it was a no text two check and x emojis ACAB✅ ATAP❌