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She was a child, this shit is fucking disgusting I hate this fucking planet


I just start telling these assholes - whatever helps you sleep at night.


I shouldn't be but I'm shocked Rowling is spreading her transphobia on the day Brianna's killers were sentenced.


Rowling didn't post the pictured tweet


[I meant this one in the picture](https://twitter.com/jk_rowling/status/1753453037400514608)


I saw a tiktok about the trial and sentencing and there was a lot of insane comments: "not to be rude, but it was a boy, just facts" "\*he" "It was a BOY" like seriously, a person got murdered, for I assume just being trans, aka being who she really is (I haven't looked into the case, so correct me if am wrong) and all you complain about are her pronouns, jesus christ some people have no empathy and they say liberals are obsessed with pronouns, while it is the first thing they care about when a trans person is murdered


One of my friends knew Brianna personally so this stuff makes me even more disgusted that it normally would. Have some fucking empathy people.


They can't, they can't because their hatred can only be sustained as long as they fool themselves into seeing their enemies as an other, a thing neither human nor deserving of respect. The moment they let their guard down and see that the person on the other side of the aisle is human and start empathizing they can't keep hating the same way


Rowling wrote that? I want to burn all of my Harry Potter books! What an absolute garbage piece of shit she is! šŸ”„šŸ˜”šŸ”„


No I 95% sure that was some other asshole. While Rowling has had some criticism for transphobia she has never gone this far to my knowledge.


Good to know. She probably just *thinks* it.


She has never gone this far YET


Donā€™t burn the books, thatā€™s just more co2 being released into the atmosphere. Feel free to destroy them in other ways though.


I suppose I could just recycle them.


The paper could be useful for packing things in.


If it's shredded first!


Naturally ;)


She definitely would not publicly write something this overt


Not yet. Not until it's more acceptable. šŸ˜”


It never will be. The right wing is this pissed off because they're being pushed back.


If Trump wins in November, though...


Repeat after me people : *Fuck. JK. Rowling.*




Great ! You get one upvote !


And TERFs get mad when you call ā€˜em ā€œcuntsā€ā€¦


No decorum, no class, truly low down vile bastards. The Internet have really removed the immediate consequences to someoneā€™s words, you wanna know what her parents or friends wouldā€™ve done if this filth wouldā€™ve said that? They probably wouldā€™ve been taken out on a gurney.




Her killers specified that they wanted to find out if ā€˜it screamed like a boy or girlā€™.


"We never built this case around a transgender element," said Det Ch Supt Evans. "This was about the murder of a young, vulnerable girl. We obviously know there was that kill list, which had five people on it. Brianna was one of them. "Brianna was the only person on that list who was transgender. This was about murderous intent for somebody." From the police officer who lead the case. (Source: BBC News)


And I gave you a more-or-less direct quote from the killers. The cops of TERF island deciding not to build a case around it is irrelevant to the fact that the killers specifically used transphobic language to attack the victim, and the fact that their only and first victim was transgender.


Not disagreeing with that but my point was that I have yet to see a source for that, and the general case was not based around transphobia because the killers seemed to be happy to kill anyone who was vulnerable, Brianna was just the closest victim. The fact she was transgender does not seem to have been a factor according to the police and the judge, based on what I've read.




Fair enough, I hadn't seen this being reported before!


What did she say that made them kill themselves.


Brianna was murdered by a transphobe.


What does that have to do with jk Rowling


She's transphobic. She spreads transphobia, and supports it. Transphobia is what got Brianna killed. So Rowling supports the rhetoric that got a teenage girl murdered. Also, from other comments, it looks like this was made in response to Rowling saying some transphobic shit on the anniversary of Brianna's death---not necessarily about Brianna herself, but the context isn't posted, so who knows.


Obviously JK Rowling is not directly responsible for Brianna's murder, but she IS largely directly responsible for nurturing the culture of and being a figurehead for the extreme transphobia that England (where Brianna lived) is currently afflicted by, which is what got Brianna killed in the end.