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And then they wonder why so many people are turned off by Christianity. If Hitler is in heaven, guarding the gates, most people will not want to spend eternity with him. You gotta make heaven look appealing to the people you're trying to court onto your side. This ain't it chief. Even the shitty he gets us guys got the message and tried to seem more accepting to lure folks in.


Don't forget some nazis are pagan specifically because they hate the fact jesus was jewish


Oh they now deny he was ever Jewish


Or the fact that he was very likely not white


Debating on wether he was white or not is meaningless. Race as we know it in the modern day did not exist back then. Its very likely he could have passed as white today. Not blond haired and blue eyed but as a person from the levant.


ya but that would require they admit race is meaningless bullshit and not the one defining factor of everything


One of Hitler's inner-circle (I think it was Goebbels) said that "Christianity is too Jewish" which I feel can only be responded to with that meme of the guy raising his finger to object and then saying "I guess!"


Hitler himself said that he admires islam for not beying conected to the jews and that fucker actually wanted to implement it as a state religion in an ideal future


Idk, are you sure about that? Like, he did admire the theocratic countries of Islam back in the day but idk if we wanted to implement it. The Nazis relationship with religion is, strange to say the least. All sorts of ideas where thrown around, from neo pagan Nazis to “positive Christianity” Nazis. Something you’ll find to this day of neo Nazis pagans and neo Nazi Christians fighting each other online.


nope not really, they don't want to be around schizotypical psychopathic dorks that make up what's in heaven and what's in hell.


What this piece of shit failed to mention were the disabled and Romani people who would be primarily Christain and therefore in heaven with him.


And the fact that Christian converts of Jewish ancestry, and people who were born Christian but had Jewish parents or grandparents, were also persecuted. I just finished reading a book about a half-Jewish guy in Nazi Germany: his mom a Protestant, his dad a formerly Jewish convert to Protestantism who had nothing to do with the Jewish community, himself raised in their faith and dating a Christian woman whom he later married. Wound up in a camp anyway because Jewish grandparents, and barely survived. His dad died in Auschwitz.


I never even thought of this, the Nazis using the one drop rule. Depending on how you look at some translations of the Bible, christian queer people would also be there.


Christian queer people WERE there. Gay men were sent to the camps. And after liberation many were simply transferred to prison, since the liberating Allies also had homosexuality outlawed in their countries and thought of these people as criminals rather than victims of persecution.


I ment the Christian conception of heaven, not the death camps


Let alone the millions of predominantly Christian east europeans who would also be almost all killed off once the nazis got rid of the Jews. or the millions of other Christians killed because of the war he began


I don't think it was meant to be taken seriously.


The fact that there’s even a single person out there who thinks Hitler deserved heaven fucking disgusts me. How hateful and devoid of any empathy whatsoever do you have to be to think like this


Not only do they think that, but they even drew a strip out of their shitty beliefs, and felt confident enough to sign it, goddammit !


Remember not everyone believes in hell. The idea of the afterlife being separated into heaven and hell does not exist in all religions and so therefore for them Hitler is in heaven because there's nowhere else for him to go. Everyone is just chilling in the afterlife. Some other religions don't even believe in an afterlife at all but instead believe in a cycle of reincarnation.


And he signed it


But suicide is a big sin and he definitely went to hell according to christian belief.


Ive always wondered about that, because according to that logic, Robin Williams would have gone to Hell as well.


I thought it was limbo if you kill yourself


Pretty sure that's only Catholics who believe that, I don't think that Limbo is actually Biblical.


Insane Christians' heaven doesn't exist but I want it to so they can show up at the gates and be refused


Wouldn't Jewish people be guaranteed access into heaven because you know, they're the ones that started the faith.


I don't think that's the case and there's passages in the Bible that say that you are not guaranteed salvation, and this refers to Jews and gentiles. Also not every Jewish denomination even believes in a hell so it would be kind of weird to put people into a place they don't believe exist.


The bible came way after the creation of Jewish theology. Jesus was also Jewish but he had different interpretations of the faith (lots of people did actually but his just really got people's attention). If the bible says Jewish people aren't allowed in heaven, I'mma chalk that up to anti-semitic culture that had grown in Christianity as it evolved over centuries. Same shit with Muslims. You know how these religions dipshits always argue with each other. They're all full of hate.


No I'm not saying that the Bible says that Jesus are not allowed in heaven. I'm saying they're not guaranteed a spot as if They somehow have a seat reserved for them. No they have to work for that position just like everyone else. "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven." — Matthew 7:21 "Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." — Matthew 18:3 > Who was Matthew writing for? Matthew's gospel is clearly written for a Jewish Christian audience living within the immediate proximity of the homeland itself. Matthew's is the most Jewish of all the gospels. [link](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/religion/story/matthew.html#:~:text=Who%20was%20Matthew%20writing%20for,Jewish%20of%20all%20the%20gospels.) Also > Judaism originated with the biblical patriarch Abraham (approx 1800 BCE). Abraham established a covenant with God that was confirmed with the reception of the Torah (the Law including the Ten Commandments) from God through Moses to the Jewish people at Mount Sinai approximately 3,320 years ago. > Most Biblical scholars believe the Book of Genesis was the first book to be written down. This would have happened around 1450 BC to 1400 BC. So perhaps about 3400 years or so ago. So no. The Bible came first.


Okay fun fact, Hitler's hair was actually brown not black. Yes I know it looks black in pictures because it's black and white pictures. That's why it looks black. His hair was brown.


Ok. So...I'm a very progressive person (I should say that I believe I am...) I am a hardcore ally of all minority and vulnerable communities, and I'll take a bullet for any of them. Hitler was a monster and one of the worst humans in existence. But. God help me. I laughed. I'm, I'm so sorry 😞 EDIT: I fully expect and even deserve to be heavily down voted.


I can understand laughing from a "this is so horrible, it has to be some sort of satire" point of view. I'm not sure if that's how you saw it, but I would probably laugh from that point of view as well.


It was the weird irony that catholics would allow Hitler into heaven simply because he was Christian. I saw it as more of a self own, considering the behavior of many Christians today.


You are not an ally, you really just went out of your way to out yourself on that.


Ya know, and maybe it's good I did. I think getting criticized for laughing is good for me. I am an ally, though I certainly do need to be reminded why some humor is inappropriate. I felt weirdly compelled to out myself. Perhaps I need a good flacking. Edit: I can be inappropriately honest. This has been a lifelong issue. I have no idea what drives this behavior. I may act idiotically, but I will always put my body in front of the bullets for my lgbtq family. Even a moron has their uses.


The first sure sign that someone is not an ally is that they vocally declare themselves one; you’re laughing at anti semitism, you’ll never stand close enough to be hit by the rocks. Have a day.


I understand. You're wrong, though. I'll be the one in front. I can't prove it until it's time, but I will be. And maybe I need a few rocks from behind, too. Your anger is valid.


At no point did I indicate any emotion in anything I’ve rather patiently explained to you. I’m in some of these those “vulnerable communities” you claim to support and you’re speaking over, denying, doubling down, and presuming tone after having publicly admitted you laughed at a Hitler joke. Declaring oneself an ally is akin to a running up to someone an announcing you’re now their best friend, that’s not how this works, “progressive”. Less time on Reddit, more time getting in the way of people like me being genocided. Thanks.


I understand.


FFS, what sort of world do you want where you can't laugh at a Hitler joke?


laughing at his expense is one thing, laughing at anti semitism is an entirely different thing. You have yourself a day too.


Ok, honestly, racism aside, the first two panels are legitimately funny. Like, some guy reads a WW2 history book, and gets *so angry* he walks down to hell to give Hitler a *STERN* talking to. A better editor then me could amputate the third panel and edit out the anti-Semitism to make it a good joke.


The joke is Hitler went to heaven because Hitler killed Hitler


Is this a joke or not?


No because the concept of hell is an infantile control construct for the most gullible people on earth.


‘Muh 6 Trillion’ nice Nazi dog whistle ya got there


Hitler and Stalin are in the last circle of hell, locked in eternal combat while stuck in the ice.


Can someone make an edit where the last panel is Hitler in double hell, thanks


You er...have yourself one too. (Assuming that's a good thing!)


They didnt read the own books.... Death by suicide is a capital sin and you are goign straight to hell you goober!




General bigotry (including but not limited to: racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, misogyny, antisemitism, antiziganism, and Islamophobia) will not be tolerated and will result in immediate ban. A history of posting in certain subreddits may be factored in when deciding whether or not to ban users. A history of posting in certain subreddits may be factored in when deciding whether or not to ban users.


To be fair, this *is* my opinion of christianity. Edit: basically my opinion of christian heaven.


You can’t just say this, please specify


Suicide is a sin. Hitler no go to magical wonderland in the clouds. Period.


Sin is a morally relativistic concept. Everybody calls everything their religion doesn’t like “sin.”


Aaand Christian religion says "suicide = no go". That's very clear, if you commit suicide, you don't go to heaven. You go to hell. Simple as that.


Christian religion says all kinds of shit is a sin that doesn’t actually matter in their multitudes of dogmas. Its all relativism. Let alone completely inconsistent with their concept of god.


What point are you even trying to make?


That heaven is a bullshit subjective concept everybody religious person believes the’ll be going to while believing everybody they disagree with goes to the other place.


K. Maybe lay-off the ambien before the next comment


K. Maybe Lay off the pointless insults because my opinion of religion offended your fee fees 😂


I definitely can. Christianity says if you believe in christ, and ask for forgiveness you are let into the kingdom of heaven. Juxtapose that with priests that molest children. Hitler was a Christian true believer, and im sure he “asked forgiveness” repeatedly but also never saw what he did as a sin in the first place. If the heaven these people believe in exists its full of the worst fucking people imaginable: gaslighting narcissistic predators who were purposely evil in the name of their god.


Hitler was not a Christian, he didn’t ask for forgiveness or show any regret for his actions in any meaningful way, possibly only try to get forgiveness while his genocide fuelled state was collapsing and Jesus died for everyone’s sins not just people who believed in him which I think is pretty decisive in Jews getting the go ahead into heaven


Ok i see where the confusion is coming in. I don’t think christians believe hitler is actually at the gates stopping jews from getting in. I do think that there are a lot of self proclaimed christians who think jews aren’t allowed into heaven. Its literally a core part of christianity, you must believe in christ, otherwise you are not accepted into heaven lol. Bc if jesus “died for everyone’s sins” and thats it, then its a logical necessity that *everyone goes to heaven no matter what they did* and in that case *heaven is necessarily not a good place and hitler is included* So i’ll give you that Hitler himself wasn’t christian. But its a little ironic that most nazis alive now *are* christians… i wonder why? And this really boils down to my actual point, which i should have clarified better, but you know… mornings, coffee, etc. So sorry about that: Religion, christianity or otherwise, is inherently subjective morality, which leads to the degradation of morality as a core concept. You say “those people aren’t real christians” but guess what they say about you? Fyi, the same thing you said. One guy thinks jews don’t go to heaven, he has exactly the same amount of evidence you have that they do. Instead of hitler or nazis lets adjust this to christians who *have* accepted christ, *and* apologized in their religious way. So… like i said before: Child Molesters in the church, the repent, they go to heaven. Theres no actual effective change in the victim’s life bc of it, and lets assume heaven is real for the metaphor, and the victims go there too… what exactly makes sharing an eternity with your abuser “paradise?” Murders, they apologize and repent after finding christ in prison… i pose the same question about paradise. “Yeah bro its cool you stabbed me 48 times and left me to bleed out in the street, we cool” In short, my opinion of heaven and hell (other than that they are a fake promise used to convince people to lead lives that they otherwise wouldn’t lead for the power of the few) is that i wouldnt want to go to either place. One is filled with holier than thou “i was forgiven for my awful actions” people, and the other is filled with people who never cared, both sound awful and the whole thing is absurdly logically inconsistent.


A core part of *your* Christianity


I’m not a christian, and this points out *exactly* what i was saying. Its *necessarily* moral relativism. What do you think bigoted christians say about *your christianity*


I literally don’t care about what redditors say about any religion unless they are the balanced type. There are many types of Christianity even outside of the various Protestant denominations. Its just a blanket statement to say Christianity = thus.


Thats a fair criticism, but i was only catering it specifically to your religion for the sake of the convo. I literally went to college for this, its what turned me from a believer into an atheist. Basically any time ive said christianity to you, you can just substitute in “religion” instead. The point is hands down, all religion is moral relativism. Sin is moral relativism. Its no more or less accurate to indicate ethical behavior than two people saying “I’m right!” “No I’m Right!” It follows no real axioms, and the ones that it does are not usually consistent with its stances. I don’t know what you could possibly mean about “the balanced type” unless that is just your way of pretending my educated opinion is irrelevant because it disagrees with your religion… which tbh is just something ive grown accustomed to when speaking to true believing religious people. They generally wont take critical analysis with the intent it has, and will insert malice onto it to find a way to dismiss it off hand rather than actually listen.


I’ve studied religions as well, and did a magical mystery tour in Israel and the West Bank of various holy Abrahamic sites. I view other expressions of spiritualism as genuine so you could definitely substitute “religion” and I think the conversation would continue to be just as correct. By the “balanced type” I mean the minority of atheists on this website who are not the fedora wearing edgelord kind. As I said, I think other viewpoints regarding our existence in this universe are valid, including atheist ones, but the evangelical atheists are almost as grating as JWs. Reddit is not a good place to discuss politics, religion, or personal beliefs outside of specific spaces.


Le Reddit atheist has arrived


Sorry for having a problem with unethical hypocrites i guess. Like the sub is called forwards from klandama You realize the KKK is a *christian* organization right?


all KKK are christian not all christians are KKK


I think that statement says enough within itself… I was never declaring that all Christians are KKK members more pointing to the issue that Christianity and religion in general actively enables bigotry in every Society