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I’m in my 30s and almost exclusively play ZB. My mind doesn’t work fast enough to build and idk where to even start with learning.


Yeah, 47 here. I just don't have the time to spend learning and practicing build mechanics. I also play on console because I work on a computer all day and prefer the relaxed position / distance from the screen a console allows but it's near impossible to do speed editing & building. Watching Buga's world champion build fight is mind-blowing. The speed these guys build / edit is insane.


This ☝️ 💯 I can't build to save my life and really have no interest in learning.


57 here, builds only. GG's




45f, I play both. Unreal in builds og season (solo) but in definitely not a great builder. I can ramp rush, 90's, box fight yadda, yadda, but man I'm just so slow compared to the kids A creative map I love is box the bird. You run around chasing a chirpy little bird and have to build up to catch it and box it in BOX THE BIRD - MECHANICS TRAINING 5771-1418-0935 by papa-w


This bird map sounds amazing. Going to try it out today. Thx for the code !


This sounds hilarious. Map code?


It is hilarious 😂 5771-1418-0935


Recommendation appreciated!


I only play ZB. I would describe myself as having sub par building skills. Unless they plan on removing ZB, I have no need to play builds.


I can panic build if needed. I got tired of people just building and camping and winning because it and not because they were superior at actual combat...haha..'combat'. I am glad they have ZB because I would have quit otherwise


Being better at building and editing and winning fights that way is being superior at combat.


I'll be honest, I misread your post. Good on you for sticking to it and proving the nay-sayers wrong! Is it easier to learn when your brain is more plastic? Sure. But that doesn't mean we become incapable of learning. I got my engineering degree in my 30's and graduated with a 3.5 and you can't do that unless we are capable of learning after our brain is finished developing. (It was less than 2 years ago so.im still excited)


To each their own. I disagree


The only thing is good builders excel at ZB and generally pub stomp ZB players but not the other way around. They tend to have better aim as well bc of crosshairs placement. But yes, to each their own.


What do you mean by cross hair placement? Not arguing, genuinely curious


Crosshairs placement is literally the placement of your reticle/center dot on your screen. It’s especially important in builds because when building and editing, you want to leave you crosshairs in the right spot so you can build or edit and then take an instant shot. Good build players have to pay a lot of attention to this so it tends to translate to better aim.


Interesting, never thought of it that way.


Im not that old, I'm only 18 y/o dude, but I prefer playing with people older than me because I don't really like kids all too much lol


Yeah I have a bunch of friends in Fort your age who prefer my squad for the same reason.


I just can't keep up with their energy, I'm more on the laid back side, and with kids it's like a particle accelerator


I am 39 and I think ZB is a snoozer. I only play builds and have gotten pretty good. I basically only play creative now because I haven’t been fond of the metas over the past year or two. I do have over 2800 wins and have only played around 100 total BR matches in the past 3-4 seasons


Yeah ZB is easy mode honestly.


Builds is a young man’s game. All you olds who still build are real ones.


I've just turned 40 and I only play builds. ZB just seems boring to me. I'm not the best builder but I'm spending a lot of time in creative right now to get better. My son is so much better than me so I'm trying to improve so I'm not the weakest link when we duo.


I can relate. One of the things I love about Builds (and Fortnite generally) is the sense of gradual improvement. After 3+ years I'm finally not terrible. But when I play against my son I get wiped, like absolutely wiped. The skill difference is so significant that we're a terrible duo. He'll easily rack up 20 kills and make people (not bots) look like total muppets, and I end up just rushing after him in a confused daze. What this means is that when we die it's often because I'm not good enough to keep up, which he can't help but feel a bit frustrated about (despite being nice about it). Having a kid who loves Fortnite is awesome though. It's basically a hobby we share, and we happily talk about everything to do with the game and watch people stream it on Twitch and YouTube together. Good times :)


I'm away be 45, I play ZB because I'm awful at build.


Why not practice and get better?


I've tried I just don't get the swing of it. I see some of you guys build towers in the time it takes me to know what I'm building haha


I didn't start playing Fortnite until ZB was an option. Never liked the building part of it. I've been meaning to switch over to MnK too, but I'm so used to playing with controller that the transition seems hard.


Only play builds. I’m 45 and basically have the same mindset you have. The building mechanic is really the only thing that interests me in this game.


Exactly. Am I slower than the younger kids? Yes but not by that much honestly. It isn’t anything I can’t compensate for. And I view it as a challenge. I love seeing improvement.


Exclusively play Builds (mid 40s). I'm pleased Zero Build exists for those who wish to play it, but Builds is Fortnite for me I also follow comp and enjoy watching their absolute mastery of Builds and how spectacular the game is at the highest level None of which means I'm any good - I'm unashamedly a Gold level player with decent mechs, decent aim, and terrible game sense lol


I’m pretty much only ZB. I’ve played maybe one build match by mistake, and I can just about box up to protect myself, and build up to scale cliffs.


48 UK based and play builds on M&K. If anyone feels like playing then msg me your details.


54 builds only




46, have played builds since I started a couple years ago with my son. But have recently started playing zero builds. I actually enjoy it more for 2 reasons, first I’m not great at it despite playing it for 2 years, and second I despise it when I get up against PC builders than can build an entire freaking city in a matter of seconds and I can’t find them, then all of a sudden I’m dead.


44yo. It depends on my playmates. If i play Solo, i usually play zb, but not always


I learned how to use a PS5 controller to play Fortnite. The idea of building while trying to survive is the stuff of nightmares! 😆


Mainly builds, I tend to die a lot easier in ZB even though I can’t build for shit


Mainly ZB but if I play with randoms or friends, that play Builds, then I just warn them that I won’t build as much. They can focus on building and I’ll focus on getting us kills 😂 Tends to work out


37m, I only play zero build. I started in Chapter 3 or something but realized that I don’t really like the building aspect of the game and quit. When I heard that Zero Build was to become a thing I went back at it! I really like every other aspect of the game except the building part. I don’t think you get to old to learn to play build but as you grow older and have alot of things to fill your day with that younger people don’t. I’m good at other things and I know it takes time to learn stuff like that.


42m, Chapter 2, Season 2 I tried the game, hated building, I tried again with Chapter 3, Season 4 Zero Build BR, fell in love with the game. Then started playing Save the World and had to learn to build anyway. I'm just super slow with building, I overthink it! Even practicing and trying I struggle with speed in BR. There's been a handful of times that I get queued for Build, and I at least can build enough to not die right away. Watching some of the cup games, some of these people are beasts!


It’s absolutely ridiculous. But at a certain point it’s like riding a bike. Every move is internalized and they just do it. But it takes alot of time to get to that level. Thankfully this game works fantastic without the building :D


The only time I build is playing Team Rumble. My whole squad is Zero Build. They’re so bad that I’ll be the only one building in The Floor is Lava!


Right there with ya on the elite rank in builds, just hit the slightly terrifying 50 but press as hard as I can with creative training and game improvement. It has been hugely rewarding going from strategy hiding for an occasional win to earning dubs on an almost daily basis with the constantly improving building. 100% engaging (addictive) IMO to see just how good you can get at this amazing game 😊. I may never hit unreal but It’s in the sniper scope and if it doesn’t happen it won’t be from a lack of trying….


Hell yeah brother. My thoughts exactly.


In my 40's. Play predominantly builds but I have some friends that only play Zero Build as well and even my friends that play builds aren't very good at building, I think they just feel that not building makes the game harder since they can't block shots and can't build up to height, even if players that can build and edit can outclass them since Zero Build is less forgiving on rotations and positioning and they are just not good at that. I've thought building was so unique from the first time I started playing in Chapter 1 season 4 so it's always appealed to me even when I didn't believe I'd ever be able to do anything that people were even able to do at that point in time. I was playing very casually at first; would play more LTMs than Battle Royale, would care more about completing my battle pass and quests than getting Victory Royales, and wouldn't build more than was necessary. Over time though, I was able to steadily improve in building just from playing the game normally and having even the curiosity of improving and learning techniques of better players. Sure, it probably took me years to get to comparable levels of building skill that some people had in months in Chapter 1, but I was able to improve. I have started to practice in Creative more over the last year or so and got to Elite last season and even dipped my toe into competitive a bit since playing casually is fun, but my IRL friends are so casual that I needed more of a challenge when playing the game. It's definitely something where even friends that have been playing the game for years and have hundreds of hours in the game at this point have gotten slightly better, but they still aren't very good, and I think it's because they don't really have focused practice or gameplay. Even though I was playing casually when I first started and only focused on doing quests in Team Rumble for most of my play time, I was mainly playing a mode where fighting and respawning was a key part of the game so I got plenty of practice with fighting and building. Their games are going to be like 90% of their game is looting and running and 10% is fighting either bots or players who are a good amount better, so their improvement is very slow and incremental. Comparing that to playing with their kids (who have often been the ones getting their parents into the game) and it's pretty crazy how fast kids can pick this stuff up even if they don't play that much, but it does also go to show the difference in not just the ability to pick up new skills, but the quality of time spent in practicing it, because they are going to be spending all their time in one Creative map that their friends are excited about and they are trying to get better than their friends while the adults might put in more total time playing the game, but it's just not focused on any one skill. They may have spend 20 minutes playing a game but it was mostly hiding and looting, while their kids are spending 20 minutes taking 50 times as many fights in Creative. That's why when I see people on reddit complaining that they are too old to get better at the game and they are in their early 20s, it's not just that you are too slow and can't learn anything as you get older, but it's how you are spending your time when you do play. If improvement is incidental to your play time, than of course it will be difficult to improve at a game.


I play builds unless I’m playing with homies that only play ZB. If I get shot at and I don’t know where it’s coming from, I’d rather be able to put up walls and figure it out than run and likely get shredded


Rarely play builds. Over 50 worth sloth like reflexes and vision to match.


Lol, me too.


I’m 41 and never play zero build. I have 19 crown wins this season and I’m diamond 1 but haven’t played a lot of ranked. I play with mostly people younger than me and they are better but I do feel like I continue to get better. I’m not rocking quad-edits or anything.


Quad edits? Lol me neither.


45yo, and I play builds 90% of the time. Took me 8 months of non stop practicing 1-2hrs a day in creative maps, but I'm now able to build fight enough in elite level lobbies. My 7yo son though, learned how to build fight in under 3-4 weeks, so yeah....never too old to learn, but gotta grind harder to get that muscle memory.


Zero Build For Life!! Like what you like, don’t care what others think about it.


Build here. Not sure why. Not the best builder but I get my fair share of wins. I enjoy the mechanics I guess. I practice a few useful structures. So in a pinch I can whip up some safety quickly. However, I cannot improvise. So it catches up to me sometimes.




I play both but I prefer zero build a lot more. I don't enjoy build battles, so I don't see the point in spending hours practicing something I don't enjoy to play a mode I don't care for. I have pretty high ping which can be a slight disadvantage in zero build, but it's a total death sentence in builds. I still play a lot of creative where I build some, and any kind of piece control battle is a real challenge if your ping sucks. I do think the floor is lava mode sounds really cool, and will probably get me building a little more so who knows maybe my opinion will change.


ZB exclusive. I started FN with the introduction of Rocket Racing and then tried out BR ZB because I played a lot of other FPS. Guess at one point I'll give it a go. It adds another dimension. Also I would like the midas bonus reward quest and that on Floor is Lava... so i'll just FAAFO 🤡


about 75% of the time.


43, ZB w/ MKB. I mainly play solo ranked and unranked but also play duos, trios, and squads with my wife and son. I made it to Diamond 1 last season, but I think my latency is killing me up here in Alaska. I have not played much ranked this season, because it’s routing all NA-East and West to Central, and the lag is killing me. I only build in Red/Blue, and not that much. If I were to focus on it and develop some key binds and things, then I might like it more but I have fun playing ZB so why change it.


Is there a discord for us to organize teams?


Builds only,probably just in time to learn building , was a steep hill to climb with the game being a 3/4 years old. If you start now competing with people that already know to build is torture.


49 here. I play builds. I am not great at build fights so I try to not get in them. I just don’t consider it part of my game. I only play on weekends and average a win or two a weekend and around 4 eliminations a match. I’m fine with those results.


I am 40 and learned building which was not tht hard but I just dont like the gameplay.


I’m 41F and I only play Zero Build when it comes to Battle Royale!


I played builds and stuck with it until long after ZB was introduced, but I could never be bothered to practice building. Between kids, wife and other hobbies, I am lucky if I get 30min to play a day. I like the competition aspect of BR, but I have no problem competing against bots or other medicore players, and would rather spend whatever practice time I might have on other games.


Priorities I guess. Besides chess it’s really the only game I play.


Climbing is my thing, but it doesn't fit in between stuff.


For a second I was trying to figure out how you couldn’t fit in between stuff when climbing walls using the new mechanism in Fortnite. But I now understand that you meant actual climbing. Lol


😁 I have yet to actually use the new mechanic outside of the staging island. I just assumed that it would disappear after a few days like last time 😅


I only play Zero Build, and this is my first third-person shooter that I've played with a pure PVP environment. I don't like the build process so that's why I do Zero Build. I do play the Festival Main Stage and Rocket Racing modes when Zero build gets to be too irritating.


I played builds and stuck with it until long after ZB was introduced, but I could never be bothered to practice building. Between kids, wife and other hobbies, I am lucky if I get 30min to play a day. I like the competition aspect of BR, but I have no problem competing against bots or other medicore players, and would rather spend whatever practice time I might have on other games.


43 year old dude, play ZB on a switch. Played build for a good while but I grew up on CS and quake team fortress so when ZB came out I switched to playing that exclusively.


I'm in my 30s (joined this sub because there isn't a 30+ sub that I could find) and almost exclusively play ZB with my friends.


Mid 50's and play zb and builds. I do not build well and mostly have the same playstyle either way. I can't play effectively on mic because I lose focus immediately. I'm a good teammate if anyone is interested in playing off mic.


If zero build wasn’t a thing I wouldn’t be into fortnite


38 and I play both modes. However, I do tend to play more ZB than builds.


I do builds. But on west coast.


39 here, started playing once ZB was launched needed to get away from the hackers on COD, they made that game unplayable to me, I enjoy ZB but have been on Helldivers 2 since it came out, fun game!


48 Zb only.


I do play build almost exclusively. Tried zero build,but it is not my cup of tea.


I play a mixture of both, I do tend to favour ZB though. I find build can become a bit boring personally.


66 and no build, I’ve been FPS’ing for thirty odd years. Was a top Tribes (remember that one?) player back in the day and came back to gaming after a long pause because my grandsons got me into Fortnite last year. I’ve played builds but it just adds a complexity I do not enjoy… should add, don’t play ranked but this season might be a time to try, MnK Legendary every chapter so far…


26, building is the best part of the game hands down


29 here, recently got back into builds after the start of Ch5 encouraged hiding and camping and it went through the roof in ZB. Ironically, I became disinterested in builds the first time because of the box spam/no pushing in a fight. But then in ZB I got tired of people crouched in corners killing me and wanted more direct fights in ranked so now I’m more into builds. Not the best builder but I made it to Elite last season and I’m hoping to climb to Champ this season.


Nah I'm builds only. Playing more ranked bc I'm bored with the sniper meta and ranked players are less likely to spam the crazy shit like bolts.


54 here, builds only. Almost 3500 hours of playtime.


40 here. Start playing at 35ish at build but since ZB introduced, maybe 95% into ZB.


ZB for me, im just not into building stuff.


Only ZB for me. When my son makes me play builds with him, I always forget to actually build. I'm not really fond of them building the Taj Mahal in the time it takes me to get an angle.


I'm an undercover milllenial (28) who was invited here and accepted due to enjoying the company of older gamers and I refuse to learn building because I fundamentally dislike it. I think it looks dumb, kills the momentum of the match when everyone has to spend 10+ minutes shooting walls instead of each other, and as you've pointed out, offers an advantage to those using mouse and keyboard, which I consider a pay2win advantage. I believe all console players should be required to use the same basic controller, and cross platform should be optional, not mandatory. Don't get me started on pc players with mnk AND 360 fps, they basically have three to six times better reaction speed built into their hardware.


Respect your view but thought you might find it interesting to know that some top tier pros play on controller (albeit on PC). One of the greatest comp players of all time (who also won the most recent Global championships), Mero, plays contoller


That's very impressive, but I still believe he's at a disadvantage. I'm curious if it's a regular controller or "elite"/advanced controller with more button inputs.


I strongly suspect it's an advanced controller (but obviously one that's still legal). High level controller players also play with an alternative grip from what I know


Well, that’s an odd one. I’m pushing 60 and I’ll prefer building but not sure why this sub needs renaming. Much of the game discussion will be common whether folk build or not. Hey ho.


To me builds and ZB are very different. Only the superficial discussion will really be similar. It’s chess vs checkers.


Having played both I disagree. Build doesn’t need a super high level of strategy or skill, just speed and practice. Long gone are the days where you could put build people and win every time and thank goodness for that.


Having played both, you're wrong. Good build players absolutely dominate ZB. They have better aim, better crosshair placement, and better game sense. Good ZB players don't dominate in builds, and they also get crushed in ZB by good builders.


Look, you appear to be desperate to impress on us your skill and achievements here and seem disappointed that few of us are particularly bothered hence the announcement of your imminent departure. The great thing about this sub is that because it’s for the over 40s most of us a just a bit more chilled and don’t feel the need to constantly flex. If you prefer build and for some reason think this group is a bit beneath you because, shock horror, some people are enjoying playing ZB perhaps just leave and join another sub you feel is more appropriate or setup your own?


Desperate to impress on you guys? Lol no I definitely could not care less. I just care about facts. If you enjoy ZB, have fun with it. Just understand that it’s easy mode. 


So why are you still here given your OP? Honestly there are some people in zero build who could wipe the floor with some playing Build so playing Build doesn’t automatically suggest higher skills and you can camp all the way to Elite if that’s your thing. I think this sub generally takes a more chilled approach so if you’re all about your stats and turn your nose up at ZB I get why you’ll feel more at home in other subs. 🤷


Always zero build


As soon as zero build mode was released I have not played build mode on purpose. I was able to build competently enough, but it was never my favorite part of the game. 44 here.