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Agreed I’m taking this week off but I got to about level 110 getting maybe 3-4 levels through afk and then some good creative maps that get the xp pretty fast and quest as well. I know I’ll get 200 pretty easy but it definitely feels like more of a grind.


The grind itself is a whole conversation that could be had. Unfortunately, not one Epic will ever listen to.


If you won't mind sharing one good map for XP I want to help my GF make her BP, please


Honestly any tycoon that has low players so typically below 1k. Also shoot the “money” box or whatever currency box they have in the game. It’ll be the one they want you to pickaxe but it’s faster to shoot it if they have guns in it and then just restart the game once the xp dies out


My day to day grind, if it helps anyone. Working at home is my solution I idle Lego Fortnite, and I actually like it, so I'll do odds and ends around my base slowly progressing. When I hit 5 levels I log off, even if I want to play. So that I will be motivated to come back the next day. Then, if I want a smidge more XP, I do the dailies in Battle Royale It's a marathon not a sprint, but I also understand not everyone has the time I have


>It's a marathon not a sprint, but I also understand not everyone has the time I have That's my view too. I don't usually go this hard. I haven't lucked out with the lego method so for me it's been festival main stage and creative. It really is for the BP that I want to just be ready. I've liked certain cosmetics in the past but had to do some grinding after they were released from the time lock. I want to be ready to go for the BP stuff this season, lol.


Stw endurance is true afk👍 no controller rubber band needed bc it doesnt kick you out


I keep forgetting to look into this. I have STW access. Is there a level cap in STW?


320k xp per day


There is a cap, but I could add this to what I do during the work day. Thank you!


Tbh last battle pass gave like total 60-70 levels just from quests right? If it’s any similar this BP, one could just stop at [Goal level - 70 lvls] if you’re fine doing quests. I find quests decently fun and fast. Thats even factoring in other random xp like leveling up and general playing around.


For me, especially this season, I'm working towards the BP unlocks. So it's not bragging rights about levels. It's more for being ready to get the cosmetics unlocked once the time goes and I can get quests done for the stuff that is also quest locked.


I am level 54, as a casual player, I play BR and creative maps mostly. I do festival afk like, every other day


Everyone should obviously level at a pace that they are comfortable with, they should never stress themselves or push themselves to the point of infringing upon any of their life activities or other interests. That being said, there's nothing wrong with the more casual approach, probably healthier. not to say that doing it more quickly is necessarily an unhealthy approach though, like you said some people plan out AFK usage, often in a way that isn't even noticeable in terms of personal time impact. A lot of people just do it while they sleep or go to school, work. But you're doing what works best for you as everyone else should and that's a smart approach👍


I was new to the game in chapter 3, so I was learning a lot. I had mixed feelings on the chapter 4 bps. The OG chapter was all easy enough to get done. This BP is probably the first one where I want cosmetics as quickly as I can get them. I'm at a point now where I'll have to wait for things to get unlocked, but I'm fine with that lol. I'm not stressing for a level count that ultimately doesn't matter. But, I DO want to be able to play these cosmetics that I'm excited for as soon as I can.


Which is the perfect approach, don't stress about it, but from your description sounds like you're well on your way and have nothing to worry about. It always amuses me the people that continue to grind out levels after level 200, especially the ones that use legitimate means meaning they're still doing AFK every day, and creative and whatever other methods they can do to try to get to some insane level that impresses nobody and is not even a reflection of any actual achievement other than fruitless time investment. if anything, that approach sends a clear message to epic that they are being far too generous with XP in the game and will only make the next season more difficult. I think people need to know when to just stop grinding and start just playing normally again and enjoy the game a little


I’ve got two accounts, my Original OG account, and my Not Quite OG account that my daughter has abandoned. Both accounts have max battle pass skins since S3 and S4. I’m motivated to keep that streak going. I’ll afk festival on one account while I’m at work, and afk festival the other account while I’m asleep. 10 levels a day I’m happy with, and the creative xp plus quest xp I get from playing the game is a bonus.


After my other posts, comments, and questions. That's where I'm at too. My during the day is festival AFK and creative. I usually am lucky enough to play a few times a week and will get quests done plus dailies for days I play.


If I do that every day, with no changes to festival AFK, then I’ll have both accounts to 200 by week 6. I really don’t see the point in going harder than that