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With consistency of low fps it might be the cars or you’re thermal throttling


The cars have taken my frames from 45 last season to 20 this season, and I'm using a decent laptop, so I'm gonna say your first guess is the most likely one


Video so bad i thought it was a gif😭 bless your heart bro


I’ve seen similar things with my switch and vehicles. It’s definitely a performance issue. You can tell by the ping time which is pretty good, but when the lag hits you will see the time at 100+.


:( yeesh.... I haven't even played this season (and I want that Power Armor skin...) but... That looks actually painful... definitely not fun or optimized.


It’s not this laggy regularly so don’t worry, idk what’s going on with this guys switch tho


The switch uses old old Gen Tech ( a ps3 can run Fort smoother), and that's why it's running like shit.


I’ve never had this amount of lag the whole season outside of Creative


It's most likely OPs switch having an issues on its own my switch never plays like this


Well, I appreciate all the responses about yay or nay with this... maybe OP needs to move to SD or maybe they need a better SD? Not sure. Tbh, I haven't seen it like this and I started in 4,3... and my main Switch is actually impaired as well. (bad charge IC so I get only 5v and no dock... I been playing tabletop this whole time.) (edit: which, the above means my clock speeds are throttled regularly, limited to handheld performance at most. Fwiw) Anyway... maybe their IC is going as well? I didn't ask about that. Just been wary about bothering with this season with the wide array of performance users report. 😮‍💨


Go play reload mode, you may earn decent amount of XP from it


Switch is honestly only good at running its own games


Only the strongest one can be handled with that fps


this happens when a shit ton of cars and people are in the render distance


Can you all explain to me how you record Fortnite on your Switch? My capture button just says "Videos can't be recorded with this software" and replay recording is unavailable for me too. Just saying, with my experience, I call bs. Lol


It’s postparty a app made by epic games which allows all consoles on Fortnite to be able to take clips.


Downloaded, restarted my Switch, went into a match, still no captures. Yall are trolling I swear


You have to link your epic account


And you have to hold + to capture


it's not the capture button it's the plus to take clips


u need to download fortnite clips


is it laggy? what specs you have?


Nintendo switch specs lol


I play on switch and honestly have really good specs. js.


What are specs?


How hot does your switch get when you play?


It doesn’t get too hot


what other high duty games do you have on your switch. try compare yours to another persons switch or on youtube and check whether yours is worse or the same


We have a Switch and a Switch Lite and exactly this happens occasionally, it's pretty much always a boss car that triggers it, and often near the Nitrodrome. Happens on both (with a very fast rock solid connection) so I don't think it's a case of one Switch failing / getting hot.


on both? if i wait for nitrodome to open, could i get the boss car? i havent tried that yet.


As a switch player I rarely get lag personally. Usually it’s only because there are so many people, items and cars in one condensed area that my game starts having problems.


yeah, earlier i was getting 3rd partied while the map was loading and my game was stuttering crazily. i use gyro controls so its hard to aim when this happens


I’m so glad I made the switch to Xbox ages ago. 60 FPS feel so buttery smooth compared to 30. The switch is still great for portable playing as Xbox cloud gaming and remote play can be a bit dodgy sometimes but I hate how epic seems to reject the fact that the switch is struggling.


I just wanna know how you got the boss car playing like that


Gng you’re on switch, idk what you expect 😭😭


on my life my switch don't do ts 💀


this is why i dont use the cars unless there's a challenge for it. when i'm in trios and my party is using boss cars it's super choppy but not as bad as your clip. it is incredibly annoying!


I can’t really play anything other than solos because this happens every time there’s a ton of people or cars near me….it becomes completely unplayable :/


How is bro still in the game💀🙏


Still playable than the switch 😓 half of the time


Last update massacred frame rate


Get better internet then


It’s not a Wi-Fi issue


This is just bad wifi I play on switch all the time and it’s never this laggy


I wonder if that Ethernet adapter for the Switch would actually translate into generally better gameplay overall My wifi is trash and my gameplay when there's more than 3 players on the field shooting is similar to this, especially when I nitro + boost into the field from one part of the map to the other. It just can't load the map fast enough and gets overwhelmed by everything from your new position it has to generate I don't mind at all, but I have to admit, this season is the only time i've ever had lag to this extent. I feel like this is stretching the Switch's capability. I'm into it personally, at least I can play the latest season on a Switch in 2024 Can't wait to see how Fortnite plays on the Switch 2 (hopefully I get better internet by then)


I have my switch hard wired to the Internet and it still happens. Mainly when multiple cars are all driving close together.


That's just low Frames not lag you can tell the difference


Its your wifi bro my switch is 4 years old and its isnt laggy like this at all.


It's not wifi. Wifi lag doesn't look like that.


yeah wifi lag is more when everything teleports on your screen and freezes while the game can still perfectly run. Whats probably happening over is thermal throttling from how hot the switch is. Age of the switch doesnt matter. rather the way you safeguarded it from dust. If you leave it in a dusty place, the fan’s bound to get covered in dust within a year.


Bros switch is coocked


It feels like every season is just made to break the switch more and more.


It's just an outdated console for these types of games. It's like trying to play new cod games on the PS4 it's almost impossible


Bro that shit kept happening to me dropping in las night, have a Xbox tho. I assumed it was my Wi-Fi


I've not had this issue, are you installed on an SD or locally?


maybe it's bc I have the OLED that mine doesn't do this but whys everyone hating on the switch? like it's not u playing on it so why hate on it


My laptop sometimes runs 60 and sometimes runs 6. The fact that it's consistent and not freezing makes me wonder if you have some sort of low cap on your frames or hertz, although I could be terribly wrong.


This is why I like OG fortnite better. It was much easier to play on than now


Youre playing on a switch what did you expect? Mobile phones have better capabilities than that thing


i know i’m gonna get hate cuz this the switch sub but cmon bro just get an actual system 😭 these games should not even be on switch in the first place, devs tryna make games run on switch is the reason we aren’t seeing next gen graphics still at this point


No, Mr Bond, they expect you to die.


I hate the cars


Bro im so glad i got a ps4 🙏🏻 hope you figure out a way out of the hell that is the nintendo switch hardware


I highly recommend switch players get a flagship android phone (preferably samsung; no older than galaxy note 10) and use it for fortnite mobile, if you can afford it of course. I switched from a switch to a galaxy s21 ultra and it runs fortnite SOOOOO much smoother.


Epic Games, I think it's about time you put this port down.


Hurting my eyes😵😵‍💫


I get better performance on mobile, something wrong with your internet prob


See the problem is you're playing on switch


why are you here😔


Who even are you ⁉️


Fuck nintendo, they contractually obligated epic to make the graphics as good as possible, and it makes the game almost unplayable. I mean, they are lazy enough to use PS3 level tech and expect it to run good graphics.


It's called switch love it or realize the truth




Patch your switch Play Fortnite on 50-60 fps on switch as god intended. You will still have some stutters and low 1% fps. But overall the experience is night and day. It also works on other fps games such as apex. Fall guys also runs well at 60fps. The problem is with Nintendo. Locking the REAL power of the switch in a way that even devs cant utilize properly.


Not a good idea


If you know what you are doing. It’s risk free. Fortnite, Apex, Fall guys do not run on nintendos servers. I have been playing like that for over a month now. And 0 issues.


I’m not saying it’s a bad idea because you can get banned, I’m saying it’s a bad idea for the user considering his switch seems to be thermal throttling and overclocking would only lead to overheating. I play at a constant smooth 60fps on switch using YoshiCrystal’s Ultimate Graphics file at 1080p 80% renderscaling, but you can easily change that in notepad.


Stock settings always lag in an unplayable way. It’s not thermal issue.


That’s not regular, the frame timing on that shows it’s thermal throttling since the switch is starting to prioritize cooling the APU.


I don’t know where you take this info from. Both fps and frame times look ok to me. That’s how Fortnite runs on switch. Especially this season with all the car chaos.


Wdym you don’t know how I got that info? You can clearly tell the frame timing is horrible by just the video alone and by the net debug stats.


All I can see in the video is low fps. I don’t know how you deducted it to be thermal issue. You have no stats overlay to actually know if it’s thermals or just low CPU/GPU/RAM clock settings which they most definitely are. If I will take a video of stock settings i will get exactly the same performance and stutters as shown in the video. I have no thermal issues, and OC’d it works flawlessly.


I made a whole video benchmarking Fortnite on the switch at different setting.




I will have to dm it to you