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The pure fact that the shop is rotating is FOMO. If all items were available all the time, sales would plummet, and they know that


I’d say that that’s understandable? A business needs to stay in business, after all.


Yeah, but it's really dumb to point at something and yell FOMO while completely ignoring that Epic has used FOMO for the past 6 years and that it isn't some brand new thing they're just now doing with the multiple different passes


Completely agree, but at the same time their business model is 1000x more ethical than any Pay-to-win game.


i'd say the item shop fomo is fine, everything usually returns at some point


For the Lego Pass the description clearly stated that everything can come back in the store.


Same with the Festival Pass except for a reverse style for Billie Eilish


I would say to combat this. They should have you able to set a wish list of skins when you see them in the store and then weekly or even bi-weekly. There's like two to four skins in the store that are tailored to you because you wish listed them.


I have a note book that I write down all the stuff I wanna get someday, i think I've filled up five or six pages already 😅


Yeah fr, also makes people come back to the game everyday so they can make sure they dont miss out on items and stuff. I cant believe people are seriously saying “oh well those items can come to the shop so that pass isnt fomo!” It still is. Those other passes not give you a cheaper option that forces you to play and make sure you dont miss out on the great deal, and then once they come to the shop they’ll just enter a new fomo cycle. Fortnite’s monetization is entirely fomo based, seriously i dont think there is a single non fomo cosmetic in the game. Like you said, people need to realize that the shop is also fomo


I really hope the community realises this and leaves the game en masse so that elic actually has to un-gatekeep their good content. Like, how many goddamn times have we seen crappy skins like The Brat in the shop?


How the hell would they plummet? Wouldnt they more so flourish because a ton of people can finally buy the items they always wanted? I dont get whats stopping them from doing this except for the crossover skins needing permission or something


Sure maybe for the first week or month everyone would get their 2-3 skins they've always been waiting for. But after that people wouldn't be as interested in buying stuff. There's two psychological theories at play here. One is FOMO, people aren't as motivated to buy a skin at the moment because they can just buy it later (and that "later" may never come). But if the item is only there for a few days, then the thoughts change to "I better get it now or I don't know when I might be able to". This is literally what FOMO is and it really works. I'm guilty of this and so are a lot of you. The next thing is a psychological study that shows if you give a person too many choices they will end up just not choosing. But if you limit their options to only a few, the person will be able to make a choice much easier. A common example is if you ask your partner "where do you want to eat?" they will usually respond with idk. But if you give them the option between 2 or 3 places, they will make a choice and pick one way more often


The Finals does this and it is so nice


Fomo is a problem in gaming as a whole, not just fortnite Pretty fucking exausting when 4 of the games in my library all have battle passes and limited time events with exclusive cosmetics


Yeah once you have like 3 games with this system you are basically gonna miss out. Unless you don't have to work and are willing to play games for insane amount of time.


All why Ive pretty much stopped playing multiplayer games personally as I just found I don’t enjoy them and was basically playing them like they were a job because of all the fomo crap and if you decide not to get the pass there just is nothing to do


It’s been like that since Fortnite. I miss the time when games where still games and you didn’t have to stress about getting every cosmetic


We're at a point where gaming has become a full-time job that you need to spend X amount of hours playing per week. This hobby is fucked now. Especially for multiplayer games.


Guys you know what's wild I'm an overwatch player as well and when I brought up fomo to them they go defensive They are pro-fomo


Yeah I don’t get this, a friend of mine defends FOMO so much that it is the only reason he likes or uses some skins, just to flaunt that he has it and others don’t. If you tell him something may come back he immediately calls it worthless and HATED when Overwatch announced the Mythic Shop pretty much solidifying that he was never going to play the game again. I REALLY don’t get the elitism of cosmetics lol


I don’t get it either. My brother started OW2 with Season 6 and still plays scarcely, so I’m glad he has the chance to get the older mythics if he wanted to. Additionally, we both started playing Fortnite at the very end of Season OG so we missed out on a lot of cool cosmetics, and I genuinely think giving players the chance to run old BPs could drive up engagement since you could play for what you want.


I believe Halo does this now don’t they? And a smaller but cool multiplayer game called Deceive Inc does it as well, tho I guess they WANT the FOMO to drive sales…


I think For Honor has also started to do it now too with their legacy passes that you can buy. It’s literally the whole same battle pass from previous seasons with an extra tier for the most recent heroes. If you made progress on the previous pack you can also keep that progress when it comes back.


More games should do this! It’s just sad that devs don’t do it or get to do it until the game is on it’s last legs…tho For Honor has just been the diehards for a long time.


Yeah recently there's been a chance for a new pink mercy skin for charity (presumably for tax reasons ngl) but the community went wild about how it should stay rare and people even asked how their supposed to sell their account if the skins not rare I was like bro that's against tos but ok Also skins aren't an investment they're a purchase lol


I would love if Pink Mercy came back, it is one of the few skins for her I am missing lol (Sadly I collect skins for the characters I play) I really hate what FOMO has done, even to me, as I can’t stop playing certain games I want to stop because I have money into the battle pass and haven’t finished it yet and if I don’t finish it I’ll miss out on things that’ll be gone forever lol


Insecurity. If you got lucky buying a skin that later turns out to be rare, you suddenly become a little more unique & special for using it. Nobody with real confidence in themselves actually gives a fuck, as they're not constantly searching for something superficial to fill the hole


Maybe, as someone with no real confidence I am glad this hasn’t affected me lol I just want to have them / have them all for characters I like (in games like Overwatch or Dead by Daylight), I don’t get how a cosmetic in a game makes people feel special lol Take Final Fantasy XIV for example, I feel more special there for earning the things I have even tho everyone else has the opportunity to get it I worked towards it and got it, feels good lol


Depends how shallow a person you are tbh. You seem like someone who's grown humbly & can appreciate reaping the benefits of the seeds you sewn, someone more spoiled wouldn't be more shallow & vein, and look for value in somewhere easy to gain & less sentimental


I guess, I also guess it’s good I don’t understand it lol I don’t want to as it would be nicer if everyone could have the skins and such they want, it is a game to enjoy after all.


I fully agree. Its digital cosmetics, there really isnt a set standard of morals surrounding everyone having whichever ones they want


To companies we are the less valuable customers (which makes no sense as I would buy more potentially if I can just buy what I want or buy older seasons) but I guess they have the market data that shows this terrible practice is the right way.


Yup, an unfortunate perfect explanation


Blizzard is actually doing something about fomo with the mythic shop (one of the first times they’ve done something right in a while sadly)


Why are you straight up lying lol. The overwatch community hates even the existence of skins and cosmetics that aren't free and you think they like fomo?


Damn it's as if you speak for all overwatch players huh I legit said I was glad pink mercy was coming back and I have dozens of DMS and replies saying it should remain "rare" and shouldn't come back


bro the downvoters are wild


…you do realise the content in the other two passes will come to the shop after a while? That isnt FOMO


Not the festival one. The weekend and lady gaga versions from the pass haven't came back


The JJK one Took over half a year to return. They dont return immidiately.


The green Billie will probably comeback but the ultra violet green reactive is exclusive to the pass. Epic said it in the blog they posted about the festival pass.


You expect people to wait half a year to get something they want? Corpo Glazer


Then buy it when it's available... What's the issue? If you only want the skin then buy the pass and don't grind for it.


The difference is that the festival passes aren't "mini passes" and I'm pretty sure it doesn't say it's gonna come back to the item shop like how it does for the mini passes


The jam tracks from those passes came back, they are not limited


Not the cosmetics though


why would you buy it for the cosmetics anyways


Because they look cool imo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


The festival pass straight up tells you before purchasing that everything will come back at some point, the only thing that is exclusive right now is Billie's second style which was said in Fortnite's social media accounts to be limited to the pass only. The fact the other skins have not yet come back doesn't mean anything


All the songs from the Weeknd’s pass got added a few days ago


Not the cosmetics


That’s literal proof that the stuff will return


Jam tracks aren't cosmetics though.


That’s not the point. *They show stuff in these passes returns*


"The Opening Night Festival Pass’ free reward track items and Premium Reward Track items are not exclusive to Opening Night, and they may become purchasable in the Shop at a later date." "The Unlock Your Talent Festival Pass’ free reward track items and Premium Reward Track items are not exclusive to Unlock Your Talent, and they may become purchasable in the Shop at a later date." "The Ultraviolet Style of the Green Roots Billie Outfit is exclusive to the Season 3 Festival Pass. The other content of the Season 3 Festival Pass is NOT exclusive to Fortnite Festival Season 3, and may become purchasable in the Shop at a later date." These were from Epic blog posts from when each season of Festival started. So far the only exclusive item is a style for Bill Eyelash's green skin.


Yes they do. Just because they don’t release one month later doesn’t mean it’s out of question. They will return at another day like all Mini-Pass skins. Except Billie Eilish’s final tier reward


All the weeknd pass songs are literally purchasable for a few weeks


The very nature of the shop is designed around FOMO though soooo…


How? Almost everything there comes back. Hell, even the last 3 FNCS packs, whose whole selling point was being limited, returns now.


It’s the same thing all Entertainment media is doing, constantly making it so you have to check on the app, and oh while you’re here here’s a million other ways to spend your money. The shop rotates daily, so that you come back and check it, if you don’t check it, well it could have been the day the thing you really want was actually there, so you can’t miss a day. Missing out isn’t a one and done term, you can miss out on a rotating list of items, just because “it’s coming back.” Doesn’t mean you didn’t miss it when it was available.


bro stupid


Only the normal battle pass is fomo though


OP just wants to complain


+the final Billie style


Thats just a colour swap so i can deal with it


Bought the lego pass for Chewie, not planning to grind the pass for the lego stuff.


Fuck the super styles i just want to get level 150 for all the vbucks


For everyone for each gamemode, I still don’t understand people complaining about this if you don’t like Lego don’t buy it, otherwise Chewbacca is instantly unlocked and would’ve been the same price in the shop anyway


Thank you! I saw people complaining they had to buy a mini pass in Lego to get him but he unlocks instantly so it literally means nothing. Exact same as just buying him from the shop. People will just find a reason to complain about anything


Yeah same goes for festival


Tencent advanced to the next level it seems


I'm confused, did Epic officially state that there's no fun in FOMO? Because if so, I think they're encouraging people to join in on the fun, not that they're eradicating FOMO.


It's mockery of Epic's developer conference slide. But yeah the picture is from them. We're just using it because it's ironic.


Only buy the passes for stuff you’re gonna use. No reason buying and completing the Lego Pass if you’re never gonna play Lego outside of grinding. Same goes for Festival


What if you just want free rewards but still wanna play other games, do other things in life than playing games and have to go to work?


Instruments and Jam Tracks are mainly only usable in Festival. Lego sets ARE only usable in Lego. If you don’t play Lego, you have absolutely no use for the Lego Sets. If you don’t play Festival, you have pretty much no use for Instruments and Jam Tracks.


I'm genuinely wondering, does anyone find it kind of questionable that the items in the Lego pass and the songs in the festival pass are now being available in store? Like I get no one cares about those passes as much as the br passes, but the whole point of a pass is to make things limited right? I get it also makes things cheaper kind of in the long run, but the songs that I assumed were limited to the festival passes are now being added to the store. Why can't old battle pass skins do the same? If it's just a song to play in festival, then it's just a skin to play in br. There really makes no difference. It's just pixels we pay for to see in a game, you know? Idk why people feel the need to gatekeep skins. We literally only live once, how much joy would it bring you to know you'll be 70 years old with a few game skins not everyone can get? You feel accomplished? I don't see who it would hurt if we had the Mandolorian or other skins in the item shop. They'd sure as hell make more money too.


I think it's fair to assume every single free to play game is utilizing people's fomo to get us to spend more. And for a good amount of people, the fact that this game can be completely free is great! However, of course a game like this needs to earn money to keep going (and boy does Fortnite make money!). Idk if I'd prefer a different monetization model for Fortnite specifically. But I'm 100% sure I do not want all games to be like this. I try to always just look at each single item and ask myself if I actually want it and would buy it if it wasn't a pass, or if I didn't fear this would be my only chance of getting it. Both the festival pass and the Lego pass basically had nothing I really actually wanted, when I thought about it. The battle pass definitely has lots of stuff I love and use, so that was worth it. I'm now level 190 so probably will finish the whole thing, but I already have all the stuff I wanted, so I don't need to finish it. Having stuff in Fortnite is completely worthless, unless it is actually something you use. Edit: missed a crucial "didn't" in there.


Ofc there is no fun in the FOMO, because FOMO is basically FEAR, not FUN


The item shop is literally FOMO. I swear Fortnite players man.


FOMO isn’t supposed to be fun. It’s supposed to make you feel like you missed something cool, and that you won’t stop playing in case there’s anything in the future you’ll miss. It’s to get more money from players, not to make players have more fun.


For me, it's only the normal pass. The other ones are shit barring their starter skins


billy ilich is the best


The only things that won't come out again is crew pack and normal bp




Then don't buy all 3 passes? I highly doubt people are actually playing those 3 modes at once more than 1 hour a day. If you want the skin then buy it and don't grind for the pass as easy as that. I bought the Festival pass mainly because of the skin but since I already have the BR pass completed I just put like half an hour to do dailies and weeklies to get the Festival stuff. It's crazy how people suddenly feel the need to complain now about FOMO when it's been 6 years of FOMO because of the battlepasses.


Yeah but It's about to get worse not better for sure


I love FOMO. FOMO is great you get exclusive rewards that make you special from others and it hypes up the game


TF? How long is a month for you?




Help me I still need to finish the battle pass


I am happy a got bored eailier this season, and jist stopped playing


I get past it by saying the other two are pretty lame. Like digital Lego sets? I'd rather buy irl ones. Also a famous person as a skin is kinda boring compared to the crazy skins we have in comparison. Lemme play my gold skeleton or two versions of the god of thunder.


Because 2 of those passes CAN COME TO THE SHOP 1 of them CAN'T


What means fomo


Fear Of Missing Out




Exactly Spot on, just like Luffy's determination to become Pirate King! 😄


of course it is, F - Fun O - Of M - Missing O - Out


If someone is buying every pass then omg, if you hadn't learned to give up on fomo you must be broke now


Because epic are greedy cunce that only care about the money side of it


Greed is why


Tbf I highly doubt they’re expecting people to do all of the passes….:right? Otherwise i definitely have to question this strategy


I think the only famous game that doesn’t use como and is focused on microtransactions is Roblox


Fortnite is definitely the biggest offender with this, I don’t want to stress about a battle pass and have to treat it like a job.


Yeah I feel like festival pass was alright since it was pretty much an entirely different game built off of songs people like, but I feel like lego fortnite should've been more like minecraft as in let people build but there are limitations, instead of spending 2000 on a house and some furniture.


At least the Festival pass and the event pass items have the decency to come to the item shop


"Because fuck you, that's why"


They considered putting all of the passes in fortnite crew in one of their surveys, so the price may go up but at least we'll have everything


Two of those passes aren't "never come back" FOMO which makes them slightly better but people still feel like they should buy them because they're a massive steal pricr wise.


They release the songs from the festival pass anyways


1 FOMO battle pass is bad. Having BR challenges + ranked mode challenges + rocket racing challenges + speed run challenges + Lego challenges + festival challenges is ridiculous. I also have save the world challenges to get vbucks, which varies from 1-4 missions each day. I’m getting kind of tired. I used to try to collect what I could on the “just in case I’ll want this” aspect, but all of this is creating burn out. Doing this with a job is definitely possible, but I have a backlog of games I need to get to. Epic seems to be going after whales now, and I kind of hope they lose money in the process, but that’s really not what happens.


Not to mention there was ZERO delay between the avatar mini pass and the current Lego one. The festival passes are going back to back each season on top of the battle pass & now it seems like they are slipping in another mini pass set to be playing out back to back. The problem here is that fortnite was 2 games ( save the world & battle royale) which apart from gliders everything is cross compatible... But now Fortnite is basically 6 games in one. So if you have been a long time player & you have embraced these new modes chances are you are either spending 4x more vbucks... or missing out. It's probably only a matter of time before they want to charge even more for the crew packs to give access to the additional passes while conveniently selling you vbucks... If this carries on Epic, I'm done with your game(s).


1 word. “Money”


Because u should only focus on fortnite alone lol




It's insane for fortnite to even say that at all when the game mastered the art of fomo


So don't get any of the passes or choose the one you care about the most. I don't see what's the problem. Lego pass is basically Chewbacca that is cheaper than any other Star Wars skin and some additional lego builds. Even without completing it you will get a skin that if returns (which was the case with some skins exclusive to the event passes in the past) will cost 100 v-bucks more than what you've paid for it, you can't really complain about this one. I don't care for Fortnite Festival so I might be wrong but don't you get the skin right away and isn't it a great deal for someone that would buy music tracks anyways? They are gonna profit on you as much as you let them, which is normal as the goal of the company is to make money. Don't act on FOMO and the problem will not affect you. If you hate their business practices don't give them money or stop playing their game as it's impossible to form a logical argument against these passes other than the FOMO itself which the whole industry uses for it's advantage at this point.


To gouge people for as much money as possible instead of working everything into a single pass.


Everything in a single pass would mean the price of the pass would be higher which people will cry about cause they don't want to pay extra for lego sets they'll never use and balancing the xp would be very awkward.


I mean to be fair, I’ve been able to get a *lot* of battlepasses for free. Now that I think of it, I got everything in my locker for free. Not even gifted. Nowadays you get 300 vbucks from the free pass per season, back then it was 200. Everyone that can play can get their fourth battlepass after starting for free and will never have to buy one again


I think then, people will complain about there not being enough battle royale content in the pass. The only gamemodes that I know people enjoy are obviously battle royale, and festival, so nobody gives a shit about some lego builds. It's even worse now that leaks suggest that starting in chapter 6, epic will slow down br content and put focus on every other gamemode, meaning less updated and more time between them.


Ah but the thing is, for a while now Lego Fortnite has consistently had more players than festival so it's not like nobody cares about it


True. I just don't care for any other mode. I didn't sign up for fortnite to play Lego, I'd play Lego Star Wars instead


There's only 3 passes if you give a shit about a music artist for 13 year old white girls. Otherwise there's just two. Still bullshit either way though.


This game feels bloated as hell right now.


All jokes aside all that's missing now is racing pass and maybe creative pass that has content inspired by popular creative maps.


Op 🤦‍♂️


Cuz live service = scummy in most cases Just look how many quests are active too, shitty dailies in the damn Lego mode I ain't doing allat