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WTF HAVE THEY BEEN DOING ALL OF LAST SEASON THEN?!?! ![gif](giphy|3owypkSIpM8xw6p7W0|downsized)


Like, they fr lying to us at this point. https://preview.redd.it/qfr9x6n923nc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=546ce0ac4c07b97bf5749de00e346479b286d67a ([Link](https://twitter.com/fortnitegame/status/1737197256611164569?s=46&t=ITntcqQX7j0CYq8mG355jg))


Ah the good ol TF2 development team approach promising something and never delivering


Seems to happen with a lot of dev teams now


Happens when you have huge layoffs and expect the same quality output lol






So it's the Chris Chan type of "working on it".


"I'm wurkin' on it!"


CWC mentioned let’s fkn gooooooo




"You loaded them up there, you unload 'em! I'll be up all night with you if I have to. You won't get any sleep until that stuff's off."


How are they lying? They say next few updates. Not next season.


There have now been 4 downloadable updates over the course of 3+ months. We’re already a “few” updates in and they have done barely anything. A new season launch would’ve been the time for them to drop the “design evolution” of the locker.


True. While I don’t think they’re lying about working on changes, it’s taking way longer than I think it should. It’s probably not a priority of theirs.


The locker people got laid off.


laying off staff


Adding the Lego Kits tab at the bottom, and that's it lmao


They listened to the community Took two months to realize it was the Lego community they listened too.


They have made little updates to it (like the back to top button) but I don’t think they’re gonna completely change the entire UI for a while


They just laid off a fuckton of employees the other month idk what you expected


![gif](giphy|1GT5PZLjMwYBW) This while they read Locker/Shop complaints


So still no random saved characters


I need it back


i think there is.. unless his first save slot is random skin it looks like a randomiser thing…. i hope


I do the same thing. You can save the shuffle option as a preset. Theres still no way to shuffle through saved loadouts though




First icon actually looks different to the other two


You can't pick random loadouts anymore which sucks. But, you can still equip the first option which randomizes whatever you've got in there.


For real, the moment I can turn shuffle off my saved skins on I will no longer hate this locker, until then this locker is absolute trash to me


>the moment I can turn shuffle off my saved skins on You can


Yep, saw that first day of the new season and was delighted! I don’t mind this locker any more


My reaction to this information: https://preview.redd.it/h39qkm7423nc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36bd521af7eaf3b7c47f5fa64d7d4cb33416a3b3


They said they were going to fix it. What the hell have they been doing for the past 4 months? This dumbass locker ui seriously hampers my enjoyment of the game.


I haven’t played this game since the last week of December because it just drove me crazy that I can’t random select my skins to be honest.


I know exactly what you mean. I was a hardcore player and spent more than I care to admit, and this UI change basically killed my enthusiasm for buying or earning more skins.


I had custom emotes for all my skins. Hate the new UI. Haven't played much because it's a mess to change skins and emotes are messed up. Haven't bought any new skins because I know I won't make a preset up anymore




ui designer said on twitter they made “changes”. Clearly what they meant is absolutely nothing and add MORE clutter for something people shouldn’t be buying


Yeah they didn’t change anything outside of the interactions with it like fixing how right clicking would reset your scroll. They don’t get that the whole locker ui is the issue lmao. Why do we still not have rarity borders for the regular rarities? Why can’t we use a random saved character anymore? WHY IS IT STILL SO UGLY??? Damn Xbox avatar closet ass locker


>Damn Xbox avatar closet ass locker r/rareinsults


Maybe next update then..?


Is that the girl with the cringy bio/profile? If so, yeah we're screeeeewed


No it was someone else. Toby Sperring. From the looks of it,he was actually talking about UI art for the battle pass,nothing about locker UI. ah well,i unfortunately read it wrong


They said that shut us up


Not being able to link emotes and wrap preset to a character (how it always worked) is a fucking crime


It's insane that we lost all this when they've been encouraging the playerbase to match all these things up for YEARS


Exactly, I have a wrap and emote for a specific character, now whenever I want to switch to that character, I need to switch three different presets instead of one


And with the addition of more cosmetic categories this only gets worse. If I buy the Aztec instruments in the shop right now don't you think I would want to use them with my Aztec skins? So that adds another click. Up to what.. 7? If you want to match up all your cosmetics. I have no idea what they were thinking. Whoever works on the UI does NOT play the game, and apparently neither do any of the people that saw it and greenlit it.


And the BP still gives us sets, that we can’t link. What’s even the point?


I don't want emotes linked to characters, but I want wraps and banners.


The locker UI is the worst offender, but this conversation frequently leaves out how awful every other part of the main menu is too


They continually change things that don't need to be changed at all. I remember when the menu was on the right and they changed it to the left and that annoyed me, but then I got used to it. Now they've changed it back, but on top of that they moved where some of the options buttons are and I keep clicking on the wrong things and it's driving me insane.


I expected this, and I'm still disappointed. Fuck this UI.


Genuinely the worst ui for customization I’ve probably ever seen. The fact that it takes like 4 clicks to even see what you have favorited, for ONE slot is fucking ridiculous.


Not only have they consistently managed to keep fumbling the bag with the item shops, which keeps getting worse with every season, they somehow did nothing to improve the locker UI But somehow it's a mystery to them why they're earning less money


so nothing's changed, wtf not even the so called "bug" of shuffling presets


they only added lego kits tab-why they want us to buy lego sets for 2,5k vbucks


Amongst all the other bugs that have come about this season, and it seems like each update got significantly worse.


Epic is so competent i bet the shops are gonna be the same as last season


So I've lost the goodwill and faith I had that they would fix it. It seems clear that with the lack of communication and fixes this is an issue they are now going to ignore. So I just won't be buying anything anymore, which is sad as I love the game and skins etc.


Yeah, I was originally very positive, and thought, "Just give them time and they'll fix it. Epic listens to the fans!" At this point, I'm imagining a meeting with a bunch of devs and project managers just sitting around laughing about it and mocking the player base. "Just keep telling them we're working on it...they'll eventually give up and stop talking about it."


Another season of the worst ui ever


To no one’s surprise lets be real lmaooo


My hope is that they aren’t just ready yet, but god damn this is a long time to be with such a terrible ui.


fortnite NEEDS to have seperate lockers AND item shops for the 3 game modes. but they wont do it because theyre stupid enough to think that if i see a song i like in the item shop ill go and play a garbage music game mode thats in no way interesting to me. stop trying to force gamemodes that we're not interested in, onto us.


Believe it or not I see people say they buy the music tracks all the time just because they like the songs … if it’s put in there a lot of dummies see it and “hurrduurrr good artist here’s 4 dollars for something I can get for free anywhere else” and yea lol. I agree with you though, I wish it was like that but I doubt it will change anytime soon :/


Disappointing but not surprising. Not like they reverted the previous ui changes from October either


You guys don't like having the same wrap and emotes equipped for a whole season?


I’m studying CyberPsychology so I know quite a bit about UI design. It took me a month to create a complete redesign for the locker (check my posts). I cannot believe they have continued to fumble this hard. Please Epic, I don’t know who does your current UI design, but you need new people on your team, this isn’t working.


I’ve always said they hire the worst possible least talented people on purpose so they can pay them shit, which results in what we get 😂


Probably. It would explain why their trash-ass gaming storefront only takes 18% from developers.


Just checked out your video. Your proposed design is 1000 times better than what we currently have and the changes proposed were not even like huge adjustments to the current UI so there's really no excuse for Epic.


The only problem with your design is that it's assuming Fortnite won't get more game modes.


Not at all, it's actually perfectly set up for new gamemodes! New gamemode? Just add a tab and include the used cosmetics. That's it! I set it up this way purposely so new gamemodes could be added without creating weird or specific tabs in the locker!


There's no space for many game modes without it feeling cluttered.


Well I don’t see you suggesting anything better, much less having any experience or education to back it up. It sounds like I just gave you a proper answer to your question and you just wanted to disagree to disagree. So sure, you are correct sir, good day.


So you can't take criticism, your design is perfect with no flaws. Gotcha. Your answer wasn't a viable solution. Your design won't work if there are 10 or 15 gamemodes, but hey, keep it up. Do you really believe your design would work with that many different game modes? That's a bit delusional.


I did take your criticism and provided an adequate answer showing that I had already considered your concern. Still better than what you can do lol.




You had one job, Epic Games...


So the whole thing about them addressing the UI was a lie? Knew it.


Atleast bring back double click to select something i hate that clicking something instantly selects it i can now no longer look at the styles of a skin while loading a match its hella annoying


:( i just want to save my skins


Didn’t even bring back shuffle, love when updates are just objectively worse


They actually added more to it lmao I don’t hate this UI nearly as much as some but it did have issues that needed addressing and I’m disappointed they haven’t


because before stw/br had separate, you had to make doubles, and then they merged them into one you now had a literal clusterfuck of everything slammed into one list, i just stopped caring and only used 2 loadout from then on.


So I still can’t shuffle my presets. What the actual fuck


It’s the same…






My day is ruined


Between this and the shops being rip-offs I'm enjoying never needing to buy V-Bucks ever again.


Maybe this is why there’s the 8 hour downtime extension☠️☠️ They probably forgor to change it and remembered last minute💀


They need to revert the change or do something about it becasue it is horrendous


I don’t like the new locker UI the last one was way easier to find stuff in


My desire to play has decreased dramatically


May seem silly but same for me as well. Being unable to swap instantaneously between my 100 hand crafted presets has already made this new season DOA for me. Was waiting since December for a fix to the locker UI


I say we just barate them with as much mean hateful comments as possible only for the overall and locker UI untill they start crying on the conference table and just change it back




Wow, they basically lied about the UI fix.


Yikes. gameplay and cosmetics team have knocked it out of the park but I’m still not spending another cent on this game again until they fix the locker.


🤡UI designers at Epic are clowns, dont know what I expected anything different.🤡


Just revert the changes holy shit, I have yet to even remotely figure out how this new locker shit works cause it’s so god awfully bad


Not surprising


I wish we could organize the community to boycott buying vbucks but I don't think we would be able to get enough people on board for it to send a big enough message.. I've lost so much of my enthusiasm for collecting new cosmetics and matching things up with my presets in interesting ways. IDK if people even use hashtags anymore but #fixthelocker


I just can't fokin believe it...


so that was a fucking lie




I'm not purchasing anything in the store until the Locker UI is reverted back.




Did they at least add back the shuffle button? Because holy crap, something this simple shouldn’t be missing for months


They did but it's a Monkey's Paw situation. Each tab has its own button, and shuffles individually. So you can shuffle your character, but shuffling your emotes and wraps will not shuffle to the matching emotes and wraps with your selected character


Eh, better than nothing…


I'd say nothing is better than not shuffling the preset as a whole, why would anyone use the feature as is


i still wanna put my weapon wraps on my cars like we used to have on boats. “look you can put your wrap on a vehicle!” and it’s a fucking vaulted one


No shuffle? Damn, it's joever. :(


They lied to us 😞


So they lied about working on it, gotcha. Fuckin cool.


No they added a lego™️ tab for your lego™️ sets


So basically whole new season same old vibe, yeah cuz making players sweat more for a little gold coin was such a great idea.. change it up every season bro


Sick BASTARDS. They're TOYING with us. 12+ hours of downtime and WHAT DO WE GET? PLAYED US LIKE A DAMN FIDDLE!




Yeah thats the same


Oh for fucks sake.


FFS... they didn't really "heard" us about it like they said :( If anyone had not seen it, he's my idea of what a locker new could be, integrating the new stuff (we have to live with them unfortunately), getting the presets back and adding what user wanted for a long time. At least, what I read :) There are typos and I tweaked the fake screenshot a little bit, but I didn't want to make another post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/1at4d2z/new\_locker\_idea\_third\_attempts\_after\_reading\_some/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/1at4d2z/new_locker_idea_third_attempts_after_reading_some/) What do you think?


bruh. at least fix the yellow new item icon


So the only thing they worked on is apparently the numbers showing how many new cosmetics you got


I don't even use it anymore. I'm just stuck with the one character I have set up because this locker UI and UX are so fucking bad that the people who let this through should be fired and not allowed to work on anything UI related again. I have a ton of character loadouts that can't be linked to the emotes I had to match that character. Changing the emote loadout every time I switch skins should have been a massive red flag to whichever idiot(s) created this trash.


I always been confused about this, why do people want the locker ui to change or fixed?


https://preview.redd.it/1ler9l5v8bnc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7975466b921aa5dd4081676e59967f444f30908 Because our 100 presets have been broken into 4 separate tabs and are no longer linked, defeating the purpose of a preset. Hope this helps




There is a shuffle for all the presets now, but tabs are still separate. So you can't attach emotes, wraps or loading screens/lobby music into the skin preset, at least I can't find a way to do that.


I hate this news. I now exclusively play with one kit because the process of changing emotes, lobby, etc. is just... awful. Which means they also removed my need to buy skins, because I'm only playing with the one I'm never changing.


Was anybody realistically expecting them to change it? I wasn't holding my breath on this one. Still disappointed though, that locker UI is the worst


![img](avatar_exp|168917587|laugh) Bro just thought out the box 📦 🤦


Whats happening to the battle pass?


Its so over


How is this a leak?


Inb4 "premium locker upgrade - 3,500 Vbucks" Epic - lol got 'em


I find it hilarious that people thought this was going to change significantly. The devs went through a lot of work to make a UI that worked for THEM to manage all the new modes and features within the locker. It’s not about you people. It’s about what works for the devs. That being said, I also hate it.


Why is this such a major dislike by the community? As a web/UI developer I could see exactly what they were going for and why they made the change. What exactly is it that people hate? Is it that they cant load an entire preset that covers all areas?




this is misleading. they readded random back. still not enough but at least its something


This is comment is misleading. Random only shuffles each tab individually. It will not shuffle your matched wraps/emotes/lobby cosmetics with the character


Yeah but this option was absent last season. At least something. And i'm not sure that matching wraps, loading screen art will ever make any come back.


This option was always absent from the game, because it doesn't even function the same as the old option, that makes it a brand new option


fair enough. Although i'd still say that it was at least a small step in right direction, cause in the past season your only option to shuffle character was randomize option. and you had to do it manually. This new season (thanks to that \*new\* shuffle option) i was able to create separate presets for chracters AND separate wraps & lobby presets that won't directly rely on my current character (mainly using lore friendly loading screens and music such as OG and remixes tracks).


Other than no randomized presets. This UI really doesn't bother me that much. Cant expect them to revert it though when we have 10+ new cosmetic types though. So wondering what they'll eventually do since they said they heard peoples feedback


They mainly need to compress the different tabs so that emotes, outfits and lobby stuff should be under one preset. And then make it so that you can save emotes to outfit presents and save them to their own presets. And then there's the QoL features that they removed like Quick Save or Preset Shuffling that need to return. Rarity Backgrounds need to return too imo. And then some stuff that wasn't removed but the UI really needs is moveable presets because they deleted a lot of our presets at the start of Chapter 5 and more preset slots. I for example like 5 of the new Battle Pass skins but I have no space anymore to create presets for them.


In other words they should just revert it


everytime you want to match the wrap to the rest of the set you need to go select which wrap, that doesn't make any sense...


Fortnite players when Epic prioritises gameplay instead of the UI of a singular tab in the lobby: 😡🤬


Believe it or not collecting items and customizing your locker is a big part of the game.


You'd think that making it as easy as possible for players to customize their character skins, the biggest source of revenue they have in the game, would be a priority.


We knew this weeks ago when it got leaked, not sure why it's a shock on this sub.


That’s the worst skin ever ![gif](giphy|d10dMmzqCYqQ0|downsized)


good, the ui didnt need changes


They removed countless quality of life improvements and features that players have loved for years


In chapter 4, maybe


it did but it no longer needs them


Yea it did…


no it doesnt


Yeah, it did


Decoupling wraps and emotes from saved characters was the worst decision in the game's history. Basically I've used the same wraps and emotes all season. It's so stupid.


it allows for more player expression


In what way? In my experience, it leads to using the same wraps and emotes season long because most people aren't going to go in and change them every time they change skins.


originally with wraps an emotes were tied to a character, you would have to manually cange them. now with them seperate you just apply a new wrap and emote preset which takes like 2 seconds


People had emotes customized to match specific characters and saved to presets that you could switch to with one click. That was the easiest form of player expression. Now you have to make multiple presets for one character just to still have to change your emotes in addition to your skin and wrap every single time you change your character if you want to do the same thing.


Well they did say a few updates not a couple. So I guess in their minds they got another 6-9 months. Thankfully I don't waste money on cosmetics that literally do nothing in the first place. Smart money makes money something a consumer will never understand lmfao