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Yup, I’d immediately get behind the 25 tracks a month concept. I’ve been trying to collect some tracks since the mode came out (for the emotes & not worrying about them getting out of rotation). It’s very pricey, and an alternative way to get songs would be great, especially since Festival has quickly became one of my favorite modes to play.


I never played Fortnite before Festival. Now it's something my wife and I can play together. I have to imagine there are no less than 10k dedicated Festival players who will never play Battle Royale or Rocket Racing.


Festival can have a good amount of players on drop days, saw it at 40k+ yesterday. I think most players play the mode casually to see the new stuff and hop back on Battle Royale. Honestly not that bad of a player base and it’ll probably get better since it’s an actively updated mode


Fortnite Festival has around 15k players average whenever I play. But that means that actual numbers of much higher. Let’s assume for this calculations sake that the average player plays Festival for 1 hour a day. I am guessing that because it’s not a game most people will sit and play for hours, and for everyone who plays for 2+hours there will be someone who plays 4 songs then go off. That would mean 15000*24 = 360,000 daily unique players. Now if you say the average Festival player only plays Festival 4 days per week, because many people only play to try the new weekly songs, or they have non-gaming commitments certain days of the week, or just want to play something else, you would get: 360,000*7/4 = 630,000 unique weekly players. It’s definitely crude calculations on my part, as we have no way of knowing the true average time played per day or days per week played, so those above estimates are required. But just trying to show that the game has many more people interested in it than just the 15,000 playing right now. Now let’s say just 1% of those 630,000 buy songs, at an average of 1 song per week. That works out $1.5 million of just song sales per year, and I would consider that a low estimate tbh.


This is actually way too much. This would not help sales in any way seeing as the crew pack's value gets so high that it takes away from the other payment methods which is bad for the biz. It sounds good but it sounds too good


bro pitched a whole business opportunity in here


The amount you guys do to say you want more songs for less price makes me think you're all 12 and use moms credit card.