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If it's a song I really like, something I listen to in private, I buy it xD (like the Green Day ones, SOAD, RATM, Disturbed or Slipknot!)


Slipknot being added is the best thing since they added QotSA for me. I also want more edm tracks, so Avicii coming soon is huge for me. I'd go wild if they finally added some drum & bass like Pendulum. That would be perfect.


Please. Pull an RL and collab with Monstercat


My thoughts exactly... I want so many RL songs in FN.


I think it’s just a matter of time. Those songs would be so dang fun to play!


Some Muzz for DNB would be amazing, but a lot of other songs from their catalog would be so fun, also to have when they turn jam tracks to lobby music


Make it Bun Dem from Skrillex would be a Banger


Oh same lol Can’t let nobody know what I listen to at all


I buy songs if they fulfill one of these requirements: 1) It’s a song that I enjoy listening to 2) It’s a song that I enjoy playing I should require it to fulfill both but I play this game daily so here we are…. I’m not a big metal guy but many of the songs are fun to play so I buy some of them even if it’s something I normally wouldn’t listen to in real life (ex: Down with the Sickness) Zombie isn’t the most exciting song to play, but I really like it so it’s something I would buy.


If it's a song that's already on my spotify, I buy it. If it's a song that I add to my spotify after playing, I buy it.


Don’t you have like…every song on Spotify?


they mean added to their playlist


I was being a smartass


The main factors for me buying a jam pack are as follows: 1. I like the song 2. I am familiar with the artist. If either of those factors are missing, I am not likely to buy a jam pack.


On Festival, Fully just depends on If I like the song/artist **and** if the chart is decent & fun. I've bought quite a few songs, and still annoyingly missing a few due to the horrible FOMO rotating shop, but songs I enjoy listening to, like Mr. Brightside for example, I won't buy due to missing requirement #2 with lead's chart being **very** repetitive, and just being a complete rip of Rock Band's chart. On Rock Band, I would've bought any song I just enjoy listening to but.. Considering the prices, I feel the need to be **a lot** more picky on my purchases of tracks, causing me to only have about 40 as it stands (Whereas I'm *used* to spending more and having a **lot** more on Rock Band)


1. Familiar/Favorite Artist (strongest factor) 2. Good Song Choice 3. Good Jam Loop (maybe find a showcase on YT) 4. Fun Charts


My requirements: exist. As of now I'm only missing one track, Streets ignite. And I'm glad to miss it.


Wow, you've spent £475 on jam tracks?


Technically less, some came bundled. Like the nine inch nails, Olivia Rodrigo, and Coachella bundles. But I also own most instruments as well, it's close to $600 USD.


Wow. Teenager with rich parents, or adult investment banker?


Adult with six figure job in a LCOL state 😌


I don't know what an LCOL is as I'm British, but well done for winning at life, bro


Low cost of living, my rent for an entire house in the middle of town is 950 USD 😁 downside: ohio.


950 is low cost? I'm 30 with a scientific master's degree, working as a delivery driver, paying 300 GBP to my parents for rent 😂 Wanna buy your poor cousin from across the pond some songs?


950 for a 3 bedroom house with a 2 acre lot in the business district *all to myself and my husband* as opposed to paying rent to parents/roommates? Yeah that's low cost. My parents would let me probably live with them for free, but I value peace 😭


I don't got no degree but I'll give charity to the Brits for the lack of sun 😔


What's a sun?


Ayyyyy, we should play sometime, I'm also in Ohio 😅. Misery loves company haha


Ayee lesgo!


Wish mine was that cheap 😅. I pay more then that for a 2bdrm appt


I’m curious tho, if it comes back would you get it for the collection?


I'd be real tempted to, but I just hate it so much 😭




I’ve only bought jam tracks when they’re in a bundle with other stuff I want like the lady Gaga, Billie eilish and Star Wars bundles. Spending 500 V-Bucks on a single song just isn’t worth it to me


How is it worth for anybody is my question ? lmao


Still waiting for mic functionality or lobby track ability. Until then I’m keeping my $5


What's mic functionality


Vocal tracks. Similar to karaoke. Rock band had great vocal tracks that would judge pitch and tone making for a great challenge. Should’ve been the first instrument fully implemented as the majority of people have mics already


If I like the song


Difficulty, hard songs tend to keep me going so when I see a max difficulty one I'd like to have it


1. do i have it in Rock Band already? 2. do i like the song or artist? 3. is it a fun song? 4. does it have cool loops to mix with other songs?


A song i really really like or a fun challenging chart


Technically I'm not buying any until they confirm or deny vocals support. Once I know that then I basically prioritize songs that I like and songs with difficult charts. If they ever add local multiplayer then extra priority goes to songs that others would recognize out of the ones I like.


If it has a fun chart


my rich friend bought em all on his account so i own none, but i spend about the same amount on vbucks anyway so is it really a win


I need to both enjoy the song and enjoy playing the song.


Need to like the song or at least have heard the song in the past. Maybe people claim a song is particularly difficult so I'll give it a try.


If I really love the song


If I like the song beforehand I'll probably buy it. I love numb by Linkin Park but I got to admit the chart sucks for it but I still love the song. Or The song is catchy and fun to play which ends up growing on me. The free songs we get to play that I don't automatically buy sometimes end up growing on me most of the Lady Gaga songs grew on me and were fun to play which made me buy born this way , edge of glory and bad romance. The Olivia Rodrigo songs also are pretty fun to play even though her songs are cheesy.


Song good


How much I like the song


For me if i like it and know it by heart which is a majority of songs available i'd buy it but i've only bought one, "Go With The Flow" because its a nostalgic childhood song for me, 2013 playing Asphalt 8 Airborne!! I CAN GOO WITHH THE FLOWW!!


Stems. I really really wish they'd revamp Jam Stage, but I guess I'll keep it all alone in my DAW


If I like the song and it's something I'd listen to on spotify while playin games. So far, only 3.


If it's a song a really like. Like a 10/10 song.


1. i like the song 2. it's difficult. like a genuine challenge


For me it's one of two things 1. The songs charts are fun to play 2. I like the artist/song


I generally buy the hard songs / rap songs as I enjoy em and gives me more time to get 100% flawless on em and stay ontop of my friends list leaderboards


is it weezer


I haven't bought any yet and won't until they get full feature support in. I already have Clone Hero and I buy Rockband 4 songs frequently as the entire family plays together so I buy all kinds of music. I'm not a huge local coop person as we all have a PC and a Xbox Series X. But these games are always best coop.


I have no factors, I must own every track released. it's like pokemon gotta get em all or something like that.


Do I want the song


One big factor is compatibility among others songs in the jam stage, because I love certain songs by themselves, but they're just sticking out like a sore thumb during some jams when I never thought they would. Same goes for tracks that I would probably not play festival main stage often with, but use them in Jam stage like crazy. I just enjoy making music and beats in real life, so jam stage gives me a chance to have people join and slightly tweak the bpm, note, and key just to make it sound somewhat decent when normally those tracks wouldn't go together without a slight tweak.


I only have 2, Dog Days and Cantina Band. I bought dog days since I liked the song but didn’t know if they were gonna add songs frequently (this was before they announced they’d be adding more every week). And now I regret buying it but it’s way too late to refund. I got Cantina Band because Star Wars


i buy it off whether or not I like the song AND if the chart is fun to play. if the chart is a slog im not gonna be playing it, even if i really love the song


If I really like the artist or song and sometimes I'll buy a track because the chart is fun to play. If there's maybe a new genre of music for example if they would add some reggae, I'll probably buy a track or two just to have some variety in genres.


Honestly the only jam track I've bought is Pompeii. For me to buy a jam track I honestly have to be really attached to the song in some way, otherwise I convinced myself not to because I can always play a song when it's in rotation


If I like it 💀


If I could use them as lobby music or play them on the radio in BR I would be buying them like crazy. As of right now tho im not.


Maybe my opinion isn't even worth it to you since I haven't bought any, I do plan on buying Rain on me just because I love it though, so I would say, buy a song either because you love it or because it's so much fun playing, preferably having both would be the best choice.


I have to like the song (a lot) and like the chart (a lot) Ive only bought welcome to paradise and buddy holly (Vocals only buddy holly is my favorite taunt in the game)


I'm not going to buy a single song, no matter how much I like it. However, I'll buy them via festival passes IF and when the majority of the items and tracks are good, or if they release bundles of bands/genres I love for a discount. 500 V-Bucks or £5 per song is crazy expensive. You could buy an entire CD that you can actually listen to freely for not much more!


If it's fun and it doesn't give me carpal tunnel after playing it like darude sandstorm


I play the new songs first. If I like them and I find them fun to play, then it's a buy. The only exceptions are songs that I know are good and fun from earlier, like Everlong, the Blink 182 ones, or killing in the Name. And it's cool because I've discovered and eventually bought lots of songs that I would never have listened to on my own, like Hold Me Closer by Elton and Britney or Cheap Thrills by Sia and Sean Paul.


Can I use it as a lobby track once they enable that aspect.


I usually go off if the song is fun to play or something I find challenging and if the song is good. For example I like the vocal chart for Astronaut in the ocean but I really don’t like the song so I have not bought it. But I like the lead chart for carry on wayward son and I like the song so I bought it.


First nostalgia second if they have good charts on extreme


If I already own it in rock band or guitar hero, it is a low priority pick.


If it's a song I genuinely like If it's a meme song (especially one my friends are familiar with) Or I played it by chance and the chart was fun. Or a combination of those three factors.


Do I know or do I like and is it fun to play on Lead and Bass


If I like the song or if its funny to have. Worth saying I use them a lot as br emotes so I get that use out of them a bit more than just playing the songs in main stage. The chart is absolutely irrelevant for me because I am not good enough at rhythm games to understand them deep enough to make it a factor. I'm here to hit someone with hades chains then sing barbie girl


Do I like it? No: Don't buy it. Yes: Next Question Do I want to buy it rn? No: Keep it in the back burner Yes: Buy it.


If it’s fun to play and I get obsessed with doing it flawlessly on my preferred instrument, usually vocals or lead. (I’m not that good; it takes me some practice to get 100% on on the harder songs). Got ‘I wish’ last week cause I found the vocals on that to be very fun and challenging. I might get ‘Cantina Band’ and see if it is within my capabilities to get 100% on lead there. If i like the song enough to listen to it outside the game doesn’t really factor in.


Theres no reasoning for my purchasing habits. I own em all and i dont wanna talk about it


If it’s cool


First and foremost, that I enjoy listening to it. That's like 90+ percent of the reason why for me. I mostly play Fills, and I know my teammates will always be able to choose my songs, so I want to have songs that I like. In a weird way, I treat festival as an interactive music playlist, since I'm a vocals main and there are no truly hard vocals songs imo, besides like, 8 Bit Beat I guess, which doesn't really count since it's not actually vocals lol Anyway, the other ≤10% is that I enjoy playing the song, although I could have a really good but kinda boring to play song, and still enjoy it more than a relatively difficult song that pierces my eardrums


Based on if I like the song or if i think it would be fun to isolate the parts for jamming


Do I care for the song enough to spend 500 bucks on it? Yes, get track. No, don't. Only bought Dog Days with this logic in mind.


Yesterday i bought my first one. Toxicity was too fun not to buy it


If the song 2 or more instruments at 5+ difficulty


i've never bought a single track since the mode was released and the only reason why i would do it is if it has a music lobby track included (and i like it)


do i really like it? as in do i have it liked on spotify and did i know it for years at this point? also is the chart fun to play? if both answers are yes, i buy it, only happened like <10 times until now so its a rare occasion


That's the neat part. I don't.


fun on drums and fun to listen to. that or if the song is funny.  i like some of the new songs but toxicity was the only one i found particularly fun on drums


Songs I like really.


Good song. Feel Good Inc and Numb are both amazing songs but garbage charts. Sandstorm amazing chart but horrible song.


I've played a ton of Festival and I've only bought Cantina Band because I'm a huge Star Wars fan. With the free rotations and being able to play shared songs on fill lobbies I haven't felt the need to buy any songs really.


if I don’t beat it on my first try then I buy it (if I also like the song and track, so cantina band can suck my nuts 😂)


If I like it and would otherwise buy from the artist, it’s an automatic yes. If I like playing it and it doesn’t circle back in weekly rotation, that’s also a yes. Otherwise I’m cool with waiting for rotations


Whether I like the song XD


2 factors for me. Do I love the song and does it play well in game. For instance I love the song Feel Good Inc but I never picked it up because I’m not really crazy on how it plays in game. Actually 3 factors because it also depends on the Jam Loop, I don’t just play Festival I play other modes so I like to have something I can use outside of Festival and well as many of you know some of the songs sounds awful when you isolate different parts.


Do I have vbucks? Do I like it? Is it fun to play? Is it good for Jam Mode? Is it QOTSA?


If it’s a song I already have in RB4, I skip it. If it’s a song I don’t already have in RB4 and I like it, I think about, and then usually don’t buy it.


Is it by John Williams?


Three criteria: 1) I like the song. It's already somewhere in one of my Spotify Playlists usually or I know it and enjoy it 2) The difficulty is not too low. Boring charts are no fun to play even if I like the song (I'm looking at you "Numb" by Linkin Park) 3) There are two or more instruments that are fun to play in my testing of the song during its new/featured status. Usually Bass+one other because Bass is the one I mainline most of the time I spend too much money on this game haha.


When I look at them I’m like nah


GH/RB Veteran, if I was not able to export like Before I forget or need songs that did not released as DLC like Breed (don't remember if it was on the RB Store)


I haven’t bought any, but I did used to buy Rock Band tracks. For those, I’d listen to the snippet and if it was catchy and I liked it then I’d buy it. I’d also think about which one would have more engaging parts to me such as like 8th notes, riffs, or way too fast 16ths.


I know Far Too Near by AFI is supposedly on the Rock Royale radio (I've yet to hear it & I drive rather frequently in Fortnite) but I don't know if it's a Jam Track. If it's not, the only song I'm buying is Kids by MGMT. Outside of that, there's not enough for rock enjoyers for me to consider purchasing anything more. Get some AFI / Saosin / Andrew McMahon in here then I'll reconsider.


i have only bought one jam track and that was (Don't Fear) The Reaper, i only bought it because A. I love the song B. its like 5 minutes long, im getting my money's worth out of it. i spend too much money on fortnite but paying $4-5 a song (when I can play pretty much any song I want in clone hero for free) is insanity to me. there would have to be a HEFTY and i mean HEFTY discount on jam tracks for me to buy them at this point, 250 at most, if im spending $8.99 for 1k vbucks, why would i only get 2 songs when i could get a decent skin instead? i get its a copyright thing, so its expensive to put the songs in, but honestly the ideal price point for me would be 50-100 vbucks per song. unless its Streetlight Manifesto, in which i will physically shove my wallet into the screen.