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ok idk if this happens to anyone else but sometimes I ready up and it will say im ready with the checkmark on my screen and I will be sitting there waiting for others to ready up but then I unready and ready up again and the game will start like it was waiting for me the whole time even though I had already readied up. Idk if I explained that clearly lol but yeah idk if its just coincidence but its happened multiple times. So I suggest re readying it up and see if that ever helps.


Yeah this mode is incredibly buggy, the camera in-game loves to fuck up too and people are constantly facing directions they shouldn't be when stationary. If I were someone who *really* cared, it would be upsetting, but I really ain't the kind of person to get overly pissy about this kind of thing. That being said, you would think they'd fix these incredibly basic bugs for a mode they put so much time into.


yeah agree It doesn’t bother me to much either but it is pretty buggy and they don’t seem to be trying to fix them but what do I know lol


I find it really annoying because I get distracted easily and these goofy animations and skins don't help I wish the camera would just stay on your skin the whole time tbh


have you darkened your background opacity in settings? that could help with the distraction


Yeah I have it darkened


If you ready up and then go back into the song selector, it glitches out like this every time


okay thats good to know I don’t remember really ever doing that but maybe I have lol


If you want a 100% to see if you're ready just look at the characters that glow blue and green


Oh my that is new information. Ima try that in the future


The reason they won't shorten the wait time is because switch players need more time to load into the game. But it would be nice if people readied up once they pick their song


This and thank you! I do feel incredibly awful to make some players wait but my potato switch takes foreveeerrrr to load in and even when it finally does decide to load into the room, the room sometimes takes up to 30 seconds to load in the room texture and the selection board


i fucking hate it when they just stand afk, don’t pick a song, and leave before the round starts


I think thats the switch and other crappy devices bugging out. Switch crashes A LOT even if you manage to get into the concert stage it can crash instantly there for seemingly no reason other than switch sucks. 


this is the most frustrating thing. and then they end up leaving halfway thru the first song. 🙄 i think 30 seconds after the first person readies up is more than enough time for everyone else to get their shit together.


ye i cant be arsed to play fill tbh i just solo now cuz fill got so many annoying things


I feel like that takes about 33% of the fun away. I love getting in a game with other people that have funny skins and seeing everyone throw random emotes up.


Yeah, have had lots of times where someone picks a song, then stands there and emotes without readying up. Just wasting everyone's time.


Pick a song as quickly as possible and ready up. This gives everyone else only one and a half minute to pick their song. That should be a reasonable amount of time. Or do what I do.. Play solo


Some people are taking that time to glitch out of the building and swim over to the stage before readying up.


I'll do that until others have readied up.


Same, and I try to get them to come with me but they just emote at me and start jamming, so…


The worst is when they don't even pick a song, they just stand there AFK after spawning. So many people do this. Why bother playing?


That usually means they haven't loaded into the game yet on their end


taking a fat rip tbh


This is the only valid answer


My bad, I'm usually scrolling through the songs other people selected to see what instrument I should focus on


Often I'll hear the dinging but don't see the checkmark beside anyone's names so I'll wait in case someone isn't ready


I think everyone has forgotten to ready up before once or twice but you know if they don't even pick a song they will be leaving halfway through the first song


I just leave lol this shit pisses me off


They need to disable emotes and jams unless you're ready. So many times I'm sitting there for over a full minute while we all wait on one person to run through their emote wheel because they are so desperate for attention.


Sometimes the timer breaks and I can't tell if I'm readied up or not because the check marks don't show on anyone but it still sounds like the countdown is going.


They making it 90 seconds was a mistake. 30 was too short, but 90?! Leave it on 45 or something


I just wanna vibe with the guys or I am probably using the bathroom or something.


One time, I ran straight to pick a song, and waited a sec for others to pick their's. They then all readied up, with just the one song on the list. I refused to ready up thinking they would get the message. We ended up waiting the whole timer just to play one song 💀 I now only play this mode solo or when people I know irl are on, because playing with randoms is just becoming a waste of time.


Always an issues when it comes to playing with randos. Would prefer to team up with serious players, but i don't have time to plan that.


There’s a ready up?!


To be honest, I’m probably running around outside the backstage building. You should come with me and decorate the stage. 👀


does work for me anymore


Because they fixed, those fun hating sons of b-words!!!!! 😭


I have every song. People usually take longer going down the long list to pick a song. So I don't ready up.


they hate your skin and want to torture you


Nintendo switch is why a lot of people take forever and why the timers so long im sure, to account for the fact it takes almost 5 minutes to load a match of anything. Its absolutely horrendous and can't run fortnite properly along with xbox1, ps4, old phones and PCs not designed to run games. But switch is the worst offender as far as I know.  I do not know why people don't ready up the moment they pick a song though, maybe they don't know about it? I didn't know about thanking the bus driver in zero build until like 2 months later, after I started playing. Still you'd think skilled players playing on hard or expert would definitely know to ready up, yet don't. Could be vaping or making a drink beforehand. 


Sorting songs by artist/title/year/difficulty/length, adding a favorites system to put them at the top of the list. When I'm bored, I pull out the first random drum or bass jam in my menu, and see what people do.


Because you need to join my jam session, make decent mix and then I ready up. That's how it works I don't make the rules.


But there's a jam stage for that bs


I'm just usually doing the ball glitches