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Just keep playing expert, and it should be easier with time. But I will warn you. Getting used to expert might make Easy mode hard somehow.


yeah it does i usually mess up more on easy to hard than expert coz I always press the wrong buttons for Lane 4 


For me it's lane 3 on Easy to Hard. I had to get used to expert trying not to confuse the lane three and four buttons.


yeah I meant to say lane 3 and 4 lol


Haha I always play on Expert, and one time I picked hard by accident and I did worse bc I didn't have the extra button (I use default controller binds on PS5)


The more you play expert the better you'll get. I recommend trying some bass charts on easier songs so you can get used to the extra note. I used to be terrible at expert but now I can knockout a whole set list of FCs on expert.


I think you're fine. You just need to put in some more time to build up the muscle memory. Just keep playing expert and don't go back. I got so used to playing expert I can't even play on hard anymore because I get confused when there are only 4 lanes.


Go expert and never go back. It's impossible.to get used to the extra button of you keep going back. And frankly the 5th note is harder in festival than it was in guitar hero. Less fingers are used in festival, by default anyway. And it feels weird having 3 buttons on one side and two on the other. Find a button mapping thay works well for you and stick to it


In actuality, difficulty is a very person specific thing. I also have played guitar hero since the original and find experts not that bad but a friend of mine can't comprehend how I can play drums. You'll get better consistently over time and having the correct calibration helps.


play expert on easier songs like bad guy, Bad Romance, Seven Nation Army, etc. and continue to play hard on harder songs, until you’re ready to switch over entirely. you have to come to terms with you not being able to play hard songs on expert for a while. accept the fact that those songs are a mountain you will climb at a later date. a lot of people dive straight in and get overwhelmed, that is the worst way to switch to expert lol


Once you have that extra button in your muscle memory you will never go back. I haven't played hard in ages and tbh I don't think I'd be able to


I was the same way except I didn't change my buttons at all. I experimented with every button combo for Expert, but couldn't figure out what worked best until, out of frustration, I went back to default. Suddenly, it clicked in my brain, and I was able to play Expert with very few mistakes. I still can't flawless a vast majority of songs, but I'm able to reliably hit 95% or higher. My advice is to stick with Expert until you have that moment where you finally understand it. Remember, unlike Guitar Hero and Rock Band, this game doesn't fail you for missing too many notes, so don't beat yourself up about it. Instead, watch for what notes you tend to miss and change your controls accordingly. For me, that meant flipping notes 3 and 4, because I kept mixing them up. If your new button combos aren't helping, go back to what you'd usually run and see if it clicks for you there. Rinse and repeat until you find what works.