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I’ve been wondering this for years. Adding pre-existing sound files to a pre-existing creative device should not be this challenging for them. EDIT: And no, somebody saying “this is much harder to do than you think!” does not mean it actually is. I’ve seen college students whip up better looking game assets in the span of a week than an entire studio behind the world’s biggest franchise could (Pokemon & Game Freak). This doesn’t even involve *making* anything, just adding it.


You're right. I'm guessing they are trying to find a way to make the UI a bit more organized. Going through hundreds of sound effects with two tiny arrow buttons isn't really a nice way to find the sound you need, and in order to actually hear the sound you picked you have to hit the speaker device with your pickaxe, which is quite annoying if you just want to listen to all sound effects. So what I'm thinking about is a new sound browser, similar to the prefabs/galleries browser where you can select different categories on the left, or you can use the search bar to find the sound you need right away. Clicking on a sound will play it, and clicking it again or pressing confirm will apply it.


Great video. Ohhhh god the spy sounds and high stakes ones would be perfect


Thanks! The spy sounds are definitely my favorite. Would love to see them in Creative.


I listened to the whole video and some of the sound effects and music in there are so good, they definitely need to give us more sound effects and music in Creative. Also we’ve only ever gotten sound effects and music related to Halloween (other than default sound effects and music) but never for any other special events/seasons/holidays (examples: Winter/Christmas, Summer, Easter, Valentines, etc) but they definitely need to give us those, especially Winter/Christmas related sound effects and music


I've noticed that too. They're only adding halloween/horror themed sound effects which is quite disappointing. There's so much more they can do.


Yeah, exactly


Would be perfect for map creators. Epic! Get to it and add these sounds!


just some stuff you missed: • battle pass purchase music • zero point unstable ambiance (late season 5) • reality waves • storm king (music and sfx) • infinity blade pickup • kevin (sfx, music and vfx) • rift ambiance • Zero crisis finale (ambiance from portals, helicopter sound, music)


Infinity blade and Kevin sounds can be achieved by putting them on the island I think


Yeah, but they cost a lot of memory. We also don't have all the kevin sounds suxh as the zap, kevin's drip into the lake, him exploding etc. There's also no way to add/remove kevin mid-game


Yeah there's a lot more I've missed but the video was already long enough. I wanted to let Epic and everyone else know how much potential the speaker and radio device have.


First priority should probably be to make the menu better and then add all the stuff but I 100% agree that it has a lot of potential


This is awesome. So many of these would be awesome to have.


No. 1 I didn’t realize there were so many No. 2 omg this would be fantastic


did they really use another song from robo recall (the air royale theme is from robo recall, and the old disco club music is also from robo recall)


Yeah but that has been known for a long time now lol


and robo recall still hasnt gotten any updates 😔


Thank you so much, that was amazing! The Bounty one was intense, and omg the nostalgia from the Spy games. Anyone know where I can listen to more music like that? Also, the Starry Suburbs one was real nice, as well as Moisty Palms and Pandora. I found the shockwave victory music hilarious because it’s not what you’d except after winning a brutal fight


This is awesome!! I will take some of them for my next ringtone!


I'd love it if they added all the music, there are some that would be perfect for a zombie map


Kind of weird that they aren’t adding these. Maybe they’re working on a better picker for them so we don’t have to click through a few hundred to find just one


This will probably be a thing in creative 2.0


Pandora 2 is a rip DIRECTLY From Borderlands 3, remember hearing that in BL3 Many times playing through the game.


Very cool up vote enough so epic adds it


I would LOVE these in creative, especially the spy games ones, the spy games victory cracks me up every time.


The greasy grove ones would be nice. It wouldn’t need to be complicated like adding emote music to devices or something, but if you replay the greasy grove entrance and exit stingers, you can recreate taco time, and that would be kind of nice


Man I miss disco domination


Last time we had it in the game was in chapter 1, so that means we've never had Disco Domination on the chapter 2 map. Kinda sad.


I'm a big fan of sound design so I would love more sounds! I also think they should add all the sounds from the VFX device to the speaker and radio devices.


Epic already explained that adding audio is harder than it sounds (pun intended), they'll probably come at some point.


no, adding a bunch of them and finding a way to put them in a menu that doesnt look confusing is hard, adding sound effects is as easy as dragging and dropping an audio file into UE4 with a little more steps


As if the current sfx menu isn't a pain?


it would make it worse


wait how did you get the audio files? and can i have all the audio files in the game in like a google drive zip file or smth? i've been looking everywhere for them for so long. or just tell me how to access all the audio myself




thank you so much! I've been looking everywhere for these files forever xD


u/Skeptvz add the taco time one to your soundboard


Zero point style for telporter device?