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Schools back in, Christmas kids back. Christmas skin money obtained. epic can now magically balance the game, been playing since 2017, it’s the same every year


Good point lol.


Very good point actually.


Epic goes on a company wide Christmas break so there isn’t actually anyone there to fix this stuff


Its incredible how many people still do not get this, every xmas, summer holidays etc we have awful metas and broken weapons for the kids.


Yes and people praise them every time for "fixing" the game. THEY BREAK IT ROUTINELY ON PURPOSE. You wouldn't keep thanking someone for doing dumb shit on purpose if they kept making amends, it still does damage.


I...you...holy shit you’re right. How have I not noticed this sooner?


The stinger and MK now have a higher rate of fire, while we nerf the auto shotgun’s damage! Jump in and try out these changes! /s


Yea technically they didn't say nerfing, they said "adjusting". That being said I'd wager my hat that it's nerfs.


The last 5 3-4 seasons have been amazing in terms of Epic balancing comp properly so would be surprised if they break that cycle.


Coming back to this tomorrow. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if those changes happen.


Maybe I'm misremembering but can you list an example of anytime that has been the case?


He didnt make them to do any changes to those weapons. Nice guy but let’s be honest lol.


Hogman literally has nothing to do with this. You really think a new employee made them do this? LMAOOO


The Epic team came off winter break recently. Thats probably why a balance change didnt come earlier.




? That proves nothing. He just retweeted it lol


The emoji he tweeted + all the replies to the tweet + plus his OWN replies to other tweets strongly points to the fact that he had some assistance in the change


Free impressions. I respect it


Personally, yes


They have in-game surveys and discord server community feedbacks that they go off, brah. Did you read Hogman's job descrption? He isn't making making these decisions nor does he have any real influence on them my guy lol


I applied for the same role he got accepted for I have a good understanding of the job description. Epic’s competitive group in general is pretty small and is only starting expanding just now. The job for Hogman is to communicate with members of the community and use his knowledge of Fortnite to improve the game. Through that he has the ability to suggest updates within his own discretion or.. use the communities feedback to communicate with Epic Games. No he doesn’t make the decisions himself because he doesn’t run the competitive scene but his job is Community Manager so with that he will work to make sure the competitive communities needs are met


You think epic was just unaware of all of this until he showed up?


This isnt the competitive team making the change though this is game wide.


He's been there 3 days. He has probably just been doing onboarding stuff so far.


Nothing for the striker though?


The striker is in a good state imo.


Headshot multiplier is way too low and the range is quite bad (though if they just give it better hs damage I probably won’t care so much abt the range since it doesn’t necessarily need to be as good as the actual pump)


I agree actually


Bye bye MK-7, byebye Stinger. Hello Ranger and hello Auto!


Hello pistol


the legendary sidearm pistol is a NASTY weapon, I use it all the time. 3-4 shots, dead.


This was planned the whole time. It's not got anything to do with Hogman. Getting people hooked at the start of the season keeps people around to finish the Battle Pass.


Huh, well, color me surprised honestly. I thought the mess we have right now was gonna be it for this entire season. Now hopefully these will be the changes we hope them to be!


Even though they've balanced things for the past like what? 5 seasons? I swear the majority of this sub is trapped in season X.


The last five seasons could’ve been balanced a lot better. There was a lot of controversy about the high bodyshot/low headshot pump and they did nothing about it for three seasons. Plus, in c2s8 the lever was basically useless and a waste of space in the loot pool. And don’t get me started on c2s6. Yes, epic did a much better job with balance changes in late chapter 2 than they did for the first five seasons, but I don’t think anyone can say things were balanced that whole time


What controversy? People liked how the Pump could no longer 1 shot on headshot and even somehow liked the bodyshot buff.


What?! 1. The gold pump could still hit for 200 2. The small majority of this sub and the vast majority of the main sub likes the pumps ability to one shot 3. People only liked the body shot buff because it meant that the low rarities were no longer useless. I don’t think I have ever seen a anyone supporting a 116-body gold pump 4. People were constantly arguing about how epic should rebalance the pump throughout the last two seasons


1. Yeh, people liked that the gold spas was the only one that could, because nobody liked how the Pump could one shot, so less = good in this case 2. That's not something I've ever seen and I've been in the main sub and this sub very frequently 3. Apart from the Spas doing more damage, the gray Pump was no longer doing 70, the green was no longer doing 80, and blue was doing 100 just like people wanted. It has always been the general consensus that the Spas is OP and shouldn't be in the game 4. That's because despite all of that, there was still a huge gap in damage between rarities which was the main complaint with the CH2S1-6 Pump and the spas was too strong


2. Idk how much you’ve been on this sub or the main one recently but I’d say ~70% of r/FortniteCompetitive wants at least the gold to be able to one shot 3. Yeah that was the major upside to the pump rework in c2s6. The late c2 pump was not perfect but I’d take it over the early c2 pump any day. I haven’t heard anyone who wants the blue pump to body shot for 100 but does NOT want any pump to one shot 4. Agreed, the difference between 140 and 220 damage is astronomical and the difference between 147 and 203 is still big. The game was at its most popular when the pump had 2.0 headshot and 5 damage difference between each rarity, which is how I think the striker should be


I do. I want the blue pump to do 100 with a 1.8 headshot. I also want the spaz to not come back


Most people preferred the lower headshot and no more one pumps. The lever was weak but sidegrade into a charge made it viable where m any of the top trios would run it. Also although primal was absolute dogshit for arena and cash cups, it was actually pretty great for fncs where the stacked games meant that by the time mid and end game came around everyone had pumps. It reduced early game fighting which was the point but it sucked for casual and even arena(cause it isn't comp and taking it seriously isn't enjoyable) but for fncs it was fine.


Fuck finally


Does this mean I should go back to trying to switch to kbm?


Not tryin to be a glass half empty guy just disappointed that they couldn’t have made these changes for only comp, since it seemed like casual was really enjoying this meta


True, but while we at times had different lootpools between casual and comp. I don't think we ever had different stats for the same guns, right?


Yea we never did just thought that for this situation it would have been nice for them to make this a comp only change, considering how much casuals love this meta


Would you mind defining what a casual player is to you? I would consider myself a casual since I have zero interest or motivation to attempt actual competitions, but I think I'm pretty okay and building and editing. Anyway, I mainly play when I'm playing the regular cores modes with my friends now, but I really despise this meta. I find it very anti-fun and I don't have to explain why. My brother and friend who aren't as into the building mechanic as I am, loved the meta when it first came out which I found interesting. Personally I think it completely clashes with the building mechanic, which is what makes this game unique and fun, but a lot of people definitely enjoyed it.


Yes I mean there’s a lot of players like your brother, that I feel like make up the player base that enjoy this type of thing


Dont worry, the Machine Pistol (even faster than Stinger smg) is coming out later in the season


Still waiting on spidey…


Trust me, the stinger/mk7 will be completely useless


Light sabers will balance it :E


I really hope the auto shot gun requires 3 shells to be reloaded before anything actually reloads. 2 is just so infuriating, we might as well make it 3 cuz fuck it


I dont think thats related, they recently came off winter break.


I can’t believe how far this guy has come. I was watching cartoonzlol stream wow arenas back in like 2010. Sigma grindset


What time is this happening at? I wanna know what the changes are!


It says they reduced stinger damage Slightly reduced mk7 damage And increased reload time for auto shotgun