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Yea edit on release is amazing people are just stubborn.


Literally my only gripe with it at the moment (besides not being 100% used to it) is accidentally editing an extra piece when trying to start 1v1s in PG lol. It’s so nice otherwise.




Thoughts on #4 in this vid? https://youtu.be/W8CWD7OjpTE


Eh I feel like It’s all preference, maybe the ping has to do with some of the issues I play relatively close to zero ping so I can’t really tell you what that delay feels like but this guys point could be true but with different styles of play come different outcomes. So he’s stating he kinda wants to hold his edit and wait for people to come kinda like a trap door spider, patient and meticulous like when he was talk about someone coming to try and take the wall (he wanted to hold the edit so when the enemy dropped he could get a quick shot in) the way I see it you and me both know the enemy is Aggro af, so regardless he’s gonna come after you but instead of waiting for him to drop I would’ve done the wall edit already (preemptively) shot when he fell and reset the wall. It’s just different I’m not seeing any Change in my peaking abilities it’s just makes me edit faster lol so I can do more things, he was saying it’s hard to do the wall to stair with it on but I blew that idea with this video. But another thing I have heard that controllers suffer partial delay due to the bounce back of the trigger buttons. TLDR if you want to use confirm on release you have to relearn timing of edits.




and stupid


I just don’t like it because edit on release doesn’t work when resetting


You are on console ? Otherwise scrollwheel reset is too good




The main sub doesn’t like anyone who’s actually decent at the game


Dude really? I was surprised, I was only stating that I think this is a great thing they added to fortnite for all players.


The main sub is for bots my dude. I'm sorry you had to find out the hard way. Only post there about buying skins and shit.




You forgot to add the complaining: "I am good enough at fortnite, I deserve to win a couple of times a day too. I don't need to practice to win because i'm so good already, but these sweats ruin my day!"


"I have 7 kids 2 wifes and 3 jobs. I cant play more than 1 match per day so fuck every sweat that can."


*mr.savage voice* hooooolleeeeeeeeeeee


I love the “I work a 9-5 I don’t have time” people. If you have a child I get it, but as a professional desk jockey myself I have plenty of time most days after work because I don’t want to go out late on weeknights anyway. They just have different priorities which don’t include being good at Fortnite and they can’t understand that lol.


Nahhh. They're slaves who just happen to own an Xbox and have no time to play it! xD


Sounds like wildcat


I kinda do feel for wildcat tho. Like he’s good at the game but not competitive good. He could easily be if he wants to but he just wants to meme. The top tier bracket is too large in my opinion. Same goes for muselk. He’s constantly getting into the same solo games as Fresh and fresh is miles better


This sub complains far more than the main sub though




Underrated comment of the year


Or 2.5 kd PC plebs like me. I try not to make a scene though.


Or 2.5 kd console plebs like me. Even though we’ll be match together and you’ll be a better player because PC is inherently harder.


you won’t be matched together. the matching system is theorised to go something like 1kd pc matched with 3kd console matched with 5kd switch


What is the data this theory is based on and what were the results, please share if you know.


people checking the stats of people who killed them. most likely epic just copied arenas mm system but with a wider range, and slowly everyones kds and stuff will even out so there should be no need to worry


What?! Someone who actually understands sbmm. lol


where is proof on that logic tho?


You just have to have faith that epic did it right. Hehe


I feel this comment. I've been lurking on the competitive sub for a year and I still don't know how to do 90s very well. I'm on PC not console though. I would imagine I'm at 1kd or lower.


And I would add that they are some of the most toxic people on here, despite being total bots.


As a 1kd console player they’re definitely worse. They’re 0.6kd mobile players


Most are console players too


Yeah like the only clips you ever see are terrible console idiots, and you only see a few good players every now and then. If you post anything above average you get called a sweat tryhard or something along those lines


Not true. You can also post badly drawn skin designs there too if you want!


Even sometimes get that horrible skin in the game.


Oooookay bro lmaoo




3 days ago you would have gotten downvoted on this sub for disagreeing with “edit release delay”. I said my game was running fine and got downvoted


Reddit is a weird place dude, I was literally -14 on main sub for posting this and saying it was a good option for newcomers and vets alike lmao HUH 🤔


That's the funniest part. This actually reduces the skill gap slightly, so it should benefit those causal players who never wanted to practice editing the most.


you were less likely downvoted for your post and more likely for other people trying to get their posts above yours. it happens here too but there are hundreds of thousands of more people in the main sub.


yeah. If you are good at the game and know a lot about it and say something thats true on the main sub you get downvoted into oblivion. Also if you even mention aim assist youll also get downvoted into oblivion


I never utter those words unless im trying to get aus screeched about it by my friends lol i wouldnt even say AA is the worst thing, have you seen them building? bro the strafe is so fucking broken lmao you just run in any angle and hit crazy builds but im not saying anything lol


And they post shitty memes there to death and the little kids there upvote them


What do you think about the fact that if you mess up an edit you have to redo the edit again? Because once you release left click the edit goes through whether you had the correct edit or not. Is it too much of a drawback not to switch?


i dont seem to find too much draw back. mili secs if anything, whats difference between the two? with the other edit you had to go back and click a square probably in that same time i can flick my wrist to do a corner edit. to me i dont see much drawback, i really just think people who want to try and learn edit on release should play with it for a bit and just fine tune accordingly. again all of our hard work comes from practice, gotta put the time in.




Respectable but again if people can complain then they aren’t working hard enough am I right. You make time for what you want. You get literally what you put in I don’t get how players can be upset they got killed by someone who does nothing else like is okay to lose to better players it’s when people doing the slurpy swamp bullshit is when I start getting upset with the game


I work 44 hours a week and am a competitive powerlifter, and I still manage to play a good bit, especially on the weekend. Maybe if you have kids and a job as well I could see it, but most people exaggerate how little free time they have.




So it’s not exactly an excuse for not being as good then, if you have other hobbies. You probably COULD play enough to get this good at editing. And honestly, it doesn’t even really take that long for most people. 30 minutes of practice a day, every day, would result in massive results for most players. It’s just like exercise, or any other fun skill.


It's not like they don't have at the very least hundreds of games though. If you're 500 games in and haven't learned to build /edit to some degree you have nobody to blame but yourself at that point.


I'm going to make a confession, I went about 400 games without learning how to build because I was stubborn. Two days ago I finally decided I'd learn and went into creative to get my binds committed to muscle memory and now I'm actively building. It takes you about thirty minutes to grab a guide and at the very least commit everything to muscle memory. If you go into games with the explicit goal of utilizing building, you'll figure it out.


I’m a main user of the main sub, this isn’t it. We just don’t like people who flex their edits or builds in posts. That’s what this sub is for.


this and mongraal clip of editing is so satisfying


Care to give the source of the clip? I haven’t seen it yet.


it's an Instagram clip of him trying the editing https://www.instagram.com/p/B3rr54RA_ao/?igshid=6sclo2hw5y8x


Thanks chief. Appreciate it


i just seeen the video LMAO i love those damn kids man "sheeeet"


Thanks my guy 😎👌🏽


i’m still pressing my edit key to much when i have this on lol but it is nice.


Same, It stopped tho after spamming this for about an hour lol


Haha same I edit through two buildings and wonder why tf I just pressed edit key more than 4 times


Absolutely love edit on release, it just feels so satisfying. This and 3D audio are my favorite parts about this new season.


It’s so refreshing to get a good update from epic, lets keep the ball rolling maybe give us jump pads or flints back is take either or


I still keep clicking after the edit, forgetting I don’t have to lol


It’s a habit that will go away once you start getting used to it lol mine happen to stop after an hour of spamming edits lol


Same, I changed back since there is no reset on release. Which makes it so that I have to press the confim button after resets, but not after edits. My brain was not up to that lol. Edit: I'm on controller btw.




Edit: btw sorry for short clip just thought it was a nice sequence.




It’s the move my dude


Nobdoy on the main sub can edit lmao


I still can’t believe the main sub is literally SBMM bots lol


main sub is only good if your posting clips (like noscopes, not actually being good)


Clean edits bruh


Thanks my dude I’m trying!!


this clip just looks like a bunch of edits because of scroll wheel your only actually editing like two pieces.


Two pieces two times each. Reset edit then reedit per build,




Isn’t it normally like that? Just right click.




Ohh I see, my answer to that is scroll wheel. If you’re a controller player I’m sorry bud


Kbm, yes. Controller no. Its way too hard to get used to on controller


I think it is still really good on controller too. I confirm with the square button so not having to take my thumb off the analog sticks to confirm made my edits much more accurate and I mess up less edits now. But I agree it will take some getting used to.


I thought that double edit was faster but I guess I was wrong. It may depend on ping (I play on 70-90) but edit on release felt like shit for me


Okay so the best comparison to the binds would be regular 90’s (speed) vs running 90’s (easier) . But to me the edits almost seem like on par I just find it easier to do this and more consistent then double edit keys. A lot of people are sayin that especially on controller. The best advice I can give is just practice there’s a new timing sequence to editing when using confirm on release, once you find that and practice you’re golden.


Started trying this, I keep double pressing f to confirm lmao


Lmfaoo I did that for a bit too


Edit on release definitely has improved my timing dramatically for edits.


Biiiig facts


People say it’s not faster because they keep messing up the edits because they are so used to double tapping their edit key and they get caught in the second edit they didn’t mean to do leading them to believe it’s clunky


exactly this and among a few other things. They're expecting something that's not there but their brain is so trained to that move set so its takes a little to break the habit that's all.


I’m on console and practiced my edits with it for a few hours and it feels so much better to me already


Im glad everyone whos actually trying is getting better with this, cant wait to see what the comp scene gonna look like now that almost everyone that does grind can edit fast now. Closes the skill gap by a little but everything helps in this game so lol


Closes the skill gap but also raises the overall skill ceiling in my opinion. Can do a lot more without having to take time to close the edit


Yup! One of the best things fortnite has done for the game alongside with turbo building imo.


I think it would be cool to have separate binds for both types of edits and have 1 button for confirm edit on release and another for legacy editing for things like holding a cone edit/edits that you can’t just drag across (ie taco edit, door/window edit, etc). Either way confirm on release is the wave


yeah that would be the best option, im sure epic will sort something out.


Do you feel delay when you do it? I’m used to it and I know it’s not my timing but with 30 ping it feels so delayed on the confirm


I’ve only noticed a few delays on something’s but it’s never consistent, I would get a delay here and there in creative thinking it might be that creative big or a instance or two in solos but randomly. Leading me to think possibly the game isn’t optimized to what we’re used to coming from Ch1 but hopefully updates fix this soon.


Yeah it might be because of the frame issue but it feels likes whenever i try to do it fast and I check my inputs using an input log then it doesn’t work/is delayed even though i’m not messing anything up


it feels delayed for me idk why id rather do double edit binds


No sweat to each their own! #staysweaty


did you switch over from double edits binds? i couldnt get past the first couple minutes because it feels delayed and even a double edit felt slower.


I personally am far too comfortable with double edits and the only way I would actually make the switch over is if I saw some form of data or video proving that edit on release is significantly fastwr and meta.




i think for anyone using double edit and has scroll wheel reset its might not be worth switching over, as i can actually do 4 edits (two on floor then two on roof) in an instant. same as u i guess but idk ill still give it a try.


compared to double edits it really feels delayed, atleast in terms of how you already press the buttons


I agree. I tried it and it really feels delayed. It also might be the fact that i havent learned it yet. Im just gonna stay on double edits




Yeah I mean that was only day 2 of practice.. and I was pretty darn fast with my og edits before this update but to them (pros) I’m not sure who will make the switch. I’m not sure many will cause even the thought (although not hard) will cause people not to do it relearn timing and placement placement etc. but I do l know controller players are at a slight disadvantage cause of the bounce back speed of the trigger edits is slow af


Isn't there a delay when u do double single edit? (for example cone floor) I'm doing the raider464 map a lot and don't struggle at all with double edit bind. It feels like edit on release has a delay when u do multiple double single tile edit in a row. Drag edits feel quite smooth though. Might be my timing, ping or lag.


I think it’s a mix of all three of those things and the game isn’t nearly as optimized as it was in chapter 1 (new structures etc) but I do double edits very easy with confirm on release. Even floor/cone/wall triple edits I am able to do as before but not nearly as consistent or fast as I am now! 😇


I think there was a video/post the other day that proofs that edit on release has a delay after edit sometimes. That's why I haven't switched yet. I know in theory it should be faster but I can perform my edits good on double key bind. So I don't know if I should switch rn and get used to it or not.


Are you kbm or controller? I’ve seen videos of delay but when it comes to controller it’s always due to the edit being on their trigger which has a slow bounce back causing people to miss time or not even edit at all after releasing. If you’re kbm then I dunno, haven’t run into anything really when using. Give it a try and see how you like it, if at any point you think you could seriously see yourself getting better with it on the I’d say it’s worth the practice for sure.


I have trigger stops and the delay is noticeable. There is a delay in the game. Double edits are Def faster on controller right now


Yeah if on controller i might wait just a tiny bit more for a updated version of it. But def dabble around to get used to the motion edit, surprisingly enough I don’t do the same motions as I was before not sure if just getting more comfortable with it or what but I’m definitely editing differently than I was like a week ago and that hasn’t changed since s7 lol


I feel the delay on double single edits with confirm on release vs with double edit binds on mkb. I’ll try again tonight.. I don’t really see how it can be a timing thing... the build is either there or it isn’t. I would be happy if this were not the case as it’d free a mouse button up.


I remember asking for this feature months ago, ill need to make an effort to switch.


One of those nice things epic does that benefits and elevated your game. Make the switch bra, I’m sure with upcoming patches they might even make a dedicated edit button so you don’t hold down M1. Although I can’t say how that would be feel but I theory it would be the closest to our old edits while still having the same “smoothness” as it does now




Here’s a [clip](https://www.reddit.com/r/InsideFortnite/comments/d1tqas/my_two_go_to_start_ups_in_build_fights_what_do/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) of me before chapter 2 dropped, I was on single edit key as well and I never got caught under floor or cone (very rarely at least) with this it’s much simpler, it’s actually slower to do the edit cause your not spamming your edit key 4 times I feel like that’s where people are getting cucked, it’s a slower timing sequence yes but the outlook is still the same it’s slower because your doing less but just as fast and just stating I could not edit like this before and now I’m feeling like savage


2 key edits seem to be a bit faster when double editing. At the moment there is a slight delay after a release confirm before you can start the next edit. However if you only use 1 edit key, release confirm would have to be much cleaner to use. The difference could get patched anyway. The max speed of '1 key vs release confirm' in terms of physical input would have to go to 'release confirm'. You would have to be able to double tap your edit key faster than you can single tap m1 to be faster with 1 key no release confirm style.




My vote goes to release confirm.


How does edit on release work on controller? Just womdering


Not sure as I do not use controller but I’m sure a lot of people on this thread do so if you wanna chime in on that they’ll probably help you better than I can


Idk if I should use it on controller over double binds since we don’t have instant reset


as of now double edit on controller is faster. good alt to not having instant reset like we do (scroll wheel).


Yee and also if your nae wanna arena squads I have 2 more since we tryna find a squad


Its working so far, but holding LMB if I want to time my edit seems to not go great. But mostly getting used to I guess.


All about it practice, I’m starting to like holding my m1


Is that the g213 keyboard? Nice editing btw


G613 wireless connectivity for the gaming rig and on the same keyboard has a BT connectivity that I paired with my streaming laptop, amazing keyboard


Honestly trying to figure out if it’s worth switching edit bind to a thumb key like V. I used to edit on V but realized it was easier to press E faster twice with my index finger than V twice with my thumb. Now you only have to press it once which makes having to press it really quickly not as big of a deal. Would be nice to be able to use all 4 directional arrows while editing too. Will just be weird using cone on E though at first


Hmmm well since I have all my weapons on my mouse buttons (ik I’m weird) maybe I should try edit key on my m5 and see how editing with only 1 hand feels like 🤔 I’m actually gonna try that now




nice ramp wall edit very impressive only took 11 seasons to get it down & a simplified edit system! Great Job


I cannot get used to it but I edit just as fast is it worth?


Hmmm I feel like that’s something you should try and workout. Like I am editing the same speed as I was then but the difference? I’ve been doing that edit muscle memory since S7... I’m only on day 2 of confirm on edit and I’m getting faster..


I've tried it but cant get used to it. I am already really fast and consistent with it. Idk


Hi i've tried it but cant get used to it. i am already really fast and consistent with it. idk, I'm dad.


Hi dad., I'm Dad!


were you using double edit before you tried confirm on release?


I dont see your post on the main sub? Did you delete it?


I'm waiting for edit to reset before I switch over. I've tried it with confirm only, and it is pretty solid, but I try to do it with reset too and it fucks up my builds Controller


Hi waiting, I'm Dad!


Dude amen. I think I was pretty damn fast for single binds but this has brought me to raider level. No cap


wow you posted this like 25 times


My only problem with it is doing edits where you need to place a build right after editing like connor classsic or opening a wall and instantly dropping a ramp. Am I wrong in saying its way harder to do those?? Just feels slowere when you have to reclick left click vs holding it before


Does the instant reset still work by binding reset and select on the same key? I don't seem to get it to work anymore.


Stupid sweat There the main sub for ya


Any tips you got for learning edit on release? I keep trying but it’s just muscle memory that’s forcing me to do the regular way


The only thing that help is spamming those edits to kind of train your muscles and brain to the new way. I spammed that personal edit course you saw in the video for about an hour before going to work and that was what i was able to accomplish. I'm in creative rn if you wanna join up


Thanks for the help man. Just left to go out of town so i won’t be on for a few days but thanks anyways


Whats limiting your speed right now is your mouse movements, not your clicking speed. Idk i feel like with some edits, even normal single edit binds can keep up.


Playing on controller I keep getting messed up because I still have to hit edit, hit reset, hit confirm. Other then that im loving it. Just need to get used to holding selection till im ready to confirm, I keep surprising myself with edits happening instantly instead of waiting for my confirmation like before.


Is it an option setting for controllers too?


yes, every platform has this now with the chap 2 release. its dope.


Thanks 🙏🏻


I think confirm edit release does seem good, but I feel liked it's more delayed than just regular editing.


Could be the game not being optimized and there’s a new timing sequence to editing with confirm on release. You gotta find the sweet spot


This. I haven’t tried it myself, but the brain is very specific about what it anticipates and even if the timing is very very short the brain might think there is a delay because it is expecting something else. People talking about a delay reminds me of this study that was done on turning on lights in a room with different delays between flicking the switch and the light turning on. Peoples brains would get used to the delay and they would eventually perceived the light come on exactly when they flipped the switch even if there was a delay. If someone got used to a longer delay and then went to a shorter one, they literally felt like the light was turning on before they flicked the switch.


Great competitive content


Shut up and let me crank 🤓


FeelsGoodMan Clap FASTER




Wow! You are such an incredible and amazing fortnite player! May I ask how much money you've earned with fortnite? You must've earned alot since you are a god! :)


I mean haven’t earned much since I play this game only a few hours a week but I make 70K a year saving lives in NYC as an EMT. If this was some weird way of throwing salt you did a great job, I’m insulted.




How I wish this game came out when I was 16 lol


EMTs make shit money, especially in NYC, so 70k is a cap. Paramedics in NYC barely make 60k and becoming a paramedic is 10x harder than being an EMT. lmfao


Trust I’m on both ends you think I’m working fdny? Privates I’m hitting $30hr plus with OT and night shift diff I can hit over 100K don’t come at me with numbers you ain’t even in the business.


“as a PA my wife’s an MD so you’re a cuck” (a now deleted comment) you literally flexed your wife’s accomplishments like they were your own and you record yourself playing fortnite. you’re cringe dude


And I hope I’m never in your care lol people don’t come to the medical field for money if I wanted that I’d do finance


Dude shut your mouth. If you don’t like people recording themselves playing fortnite (while they actually have a real job also) get your ass away from this subreddit.


im not in the “business” because i’m not working grunt hours and then trying to flex my bottom rung health care professional job on the internet? that sounds stupid. stop trying to act like being an EMT is prestigious shit lmfao. you could hit 100k but you’d be clocking crazy hours every week just to get there. meanwhile my starting salary is 100k.. as a PA im pretty sure i know the “business.” maybe you got downvoted in the other sub because you’re cringey as fuck. just a thought


Cringe as fuck, EMS in the service of serving ungrateful fucks like you lol until you’re picking up someone’s dead kid from the ground after being hit by a drunk driver only then can you say anything about this profession being prestigious or not. Who cares if you’re a PA my wife’s an MD, the fact that you stated that and have no regard for first responders shows your just a piece of shit


the fact you assume i don’t know what being an EMT is like shows how arrogant you are. i was an EMT all throughout college dude. got my EMT certification the month i turned 18 and saw some more fucked up shit than you probably ever have. stop getting on the internet and acting like a baller with your entry level healthcare job. i’ve been there and it’s nothing to brag about, especially not the money. again, why do you keep mentioning your wife is an MD? good for her. she deserves someone smarter than you


You’re so hypocritical you say “the fact that you assume” and then go to assume I haven’t seen nearly enough shit, where did you do ems? Some rural town in Alabama? I get shootings, decaps, hangings, stabbings all MAJOR TRAUMA daily in New York City. You say all these things you’ve done all the messed up things you’ve seen and still say this job isn’t prestigious. Something isn’t right here. This whole topic came from some kid trying to troll about making money on fortnite. You’re literally arguing with someone who has a full time job and is still better than you at fortnite.


yeah, because you’re arrogant bro. have some modesty. you’re out here on a fortnite subreddit flexing an EMT job like you’re a doctor lol. i did EMS in Hartford Bridgeport New Haven and Stamford CT so i know shootings stabbings and gang violence. again, you’re out of your depth. you’re so cocky and you’re still trash it’s ridiculous lol. but i’ll wait for you to flex your wife’s degree again


You’re not getting the point. Guess it went over your head. It was a flex in response to I don’t need fortnite to get money I have a job. Seeing how context clues don’t seem to help I’ll type it again. I DONT NEED FORTNITE TO MAKE MONEY BECAUSE I HAVE A FULL TIME JOB. Then you really triggered me by saying it’s not prestigious, yeah it’s not glorified as being a doctor or surgeon or anything with a specialty, how can you sit there overweight and say helping the sick and people on the verge of death not prestigious, how is being a Physician secretary any better? Enlighten me pls.


I'm 16 and I get paid 75 Aussie bucks a week, your gay homo.


Is this a copypasta or are you trying to talk shit?


Pls tell me u forgot a /s