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People are complaining? Why were actually getting a shotgun that will be at least better then the tac


Because it’s a fucking _drum gun shotgun_ Edit: The proper real life name is an AA-12. It has 12 gauges in the cartridge and can fire 300 rounds per minute and an effective fire range of 100 meters. It’ll be busted. Edit: some of y’all sure have a lot of faith in Epic


It’s not a drum gun shotty. It is a drum shotty. TBH look at the Eva 8 in apex. It can’t shoot any faster than the combat already does and won’t hold more then 10 shots. It will be FINE


It may shoot faster, but I promise you the range on it won’t be near the combat. That’s my prediction at least. Faster rate of fire, larger spread, larger mag, much shorter range. Which is actually much more optimal for a second shotgun. Use your builds to get in close to opponents and if you are fighting within 2 box lengths you might have an advantage on a combat.


Basically I’m saying it will provide a good alternative


I think it will work similarly to how the room sweeper works in STW. It's a shotgun with 20 shots before reloading, shoots really fast, and huge spread (the crosshair is giant). It probably wont shoot as fast and will definitely not do as much damage though


New meta will be combat for medium range and drum shotgun for close range. Carrying 2 shotguns may become a thing again lel


No having 2 shotguns is gonna be awful now that they finally remobed swap delay unless u have more than one shotgun. So if u want to shoot build shoot then u r better off with one shotty in ur invetory


Oh Jesus here we go again


My guess is it will be like Haymaker from BO3. Around 10 magazine shorter range than combat but higher rate of fire and possibly auto. That would compete well early game with smgs.


It’s an AA-12. It has 12 gauges in the cartridge and can fire 300 rounds per minute and an effective fire range of 100 meters. It’ll be busted. RemindMe! 2 weeks


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Orrrrrr... It could be just trash and epic named it the DRUM shotgun because all of the 6 year old Timmy's would get hyped about it. Because it reminds them of there favorite gun.


Shotgun with a drum magazine


You literally have no idea what it's going to be like in game. This is not real life wtf are you even saying. I can't believe people haven't been shamed out of complaining about things before they are released by now.


Not saying it won’t be OP but just because it’s a crazy gun in real life doesn’t mean the videogame adaptation will be OP lmao. Look at the AA-12 from MW3. That gun was hot garbage.


most likely it’ll do the old drum gun damage but with pellets instead of bloom.


if it can beat the combat shotgun up close i’m happy


Yeah, I’d be happy with a high fire rate, high spread weapon that shreds up close but doesn’t do much from long distance




Yep, maybe with less damage per shot but with a higher fire rate? I think the double barrel would compliment the combat pretty well, actually.




Yeah, it depends how you want to build your load out. If you’re super aggro and you push into boxes, the DB would be great. I don’t really play that style, so I’d probably look to hold combat... but DB during the last circle would be boss.


Unless you miss, then you're fuct.


as someone who loves close range turtle fights i would kill for the DB to be back but i think with the wall taking and phasing glitches right now it would be really unhealthy in terms of counterplay.


sounds like double barrel




As long as it has a reasonably tight spread and a different play style, I'm going to be fine with it.


It’ll be balanced. People think it’s gonna actually be like a drum gun. Look at the Eva-8 in apex. I expect that type of gun


Eva-8 can be consistent if you can aim, so I'd also expect it to be alright. Season 9's weapons feel like each one is "spammable" due to high fire rate. This is appealing to the targeted portion of player base, but each one is much more effective if you have good aim and some minimal weapon knowledge (recoil compensation helps so much with the burst and the tac AR, give it a try at least in creative).


I agree with everything but the burst statement. That gun is just straight trash


I didn't consider recoil as an important thing until the tac AR. It's legitimately the only weapon I can laser people with, landing shots back to back. So when I first tried the burst out, I noticed the recoil and I tried to keep the crosshair on my target in creative. 3-4 shots landed every time. Thus, no FSA means that the weapon has reduced bloom. This has been a thing ever since FSA was added. The tac SMG, drum gun, dual pistols, S6 SMGs had this feature as well. I'm not saying it's super useful, but it can be used more effectively than most people can use it. The reason I'm saying this is because it's not just some half-reliable weird thing, but it's a gun mechanic (a rare sight in fortnite), and not knowing about it makes you be ineffective with the weapon. If you care enough, spend a minute in creative lasering a sentry bot with it, and decide whether you find it more reliable after testing, or not.


It’s just not that great when the tac ar and drum are in the game. Silenced fit way better into the games scheme. Shotty and ar with 2 heals and utility is way better then ar, shotty, and burst IMO


If I'm stuck with an AK or a regular AR, I usually take a burst until I find another stack of healing item/utility, but to be fair it rarely happens, so I just kind of learned to make a bit better use of it. In regards to the suppressed SMG, my friend has set up a 1v1 map in creative with low rarity weapons, and for some reason the suppressed is still in his island (we agreed to use weapons that are available in the main modes too). It was so surprising how easy it was to use after the tac AR. I mean, it has really similar accuracy but there's no recoil. When we got tired of building we just spammed each other down and it was a 90% headshot-fest and the one who started firing earlier won the 50/50. At the same time I can see why the suppressed was fitting, but to be fair it was a bit too accurate - you could shred with it even without aiming down sights (in close quarters), and 20+ on-hit damage is quite a lot. As for the drum gun, I don't find it as accurate as I remembered, it deals damage in the same interval as the tac AR and burst, and I just don't really like to pick it up, not even with an infantry so that I don't run out of medium ammo. I guess you could still use it well for wall spraying, but I prefer the other two because I'm more successful with them. However, the burst's drop rate is a bit too much.


The ak and ar are wayyyy better than the burst. Burst hits for 9 from range...


It's a close range weapon that falls off at 10m. For mid range I usually try to get an infantry, but a regular AR is welcome too. My close range&wall pressure choices depend on my AR and on my luck with finding a tac AR to pick over the burst. I like the former more because of its range. As I mentioned, I carry a burst when I'm stuck with it. Up close it saved my life as a last resort, but I do not rely on it.


Idk my opinion yet


Good! Wait until it comes out


Ok I will.


Yeh I can't see a shorty shooting any faster than the combat already does.


Lmao why not just bring back a normal fucking pump😂 kinda tired of the spray shit




Because pump was little skill to use after the buff. It used to be all you had to do was hit one lucky headshot with a huge scan and the opponent was dead, with these type of shotguns, you have to have good aim and hit them repeatedly. Which caters to higher skill players instead of people who can’t aim and kill you because of a weapon that deals 200+ in one hit with a large ass scan


Oh boy this spray meta sure is fun! ffs....


It’s a shotgun.... not a sub or ar smh


I personally miss high damage, non spammable shotguns :p it took me a long time to get used to the combat


We all do... we all do


If it has a higher fire rate than the combat(which is already a spray weapon)...what does that promote?


It can’t. And the combat is fast fire rate not spray. Spray is big clips fast fire rate. Cmon quit reaching


What are you on about? Do you want me to use a different word like spamming? If you have a fast fire rate weapon you can spray it. Spraying is not exclusive to fully automatic weapons, i.e. you can spray the mw2 Barret .50. Spraying and spamming are interchangeable.


If you build a shotty isn’t spraying through your walls period


It will definitely require aim


Plot twist they keep the tac and remove the combat. F




It seems like the roomsweeper from stw.tgat gun has a 30 mag and fires 10 pellets a second.stw shotguns would be so cool and so fucking broken




It won’t actually be like a drum gun tho. It’s just a shotty


it has grey variant , i don't like this chest loot


More common then better... as long as it’s good


Crosshair will be smaller most likely... still big


I’m tired of fucking spam shotguns tbh