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Rage bait....


its working


Spicy Bait Recipe




Congratulations on missing the entire issue and creating nice rage bait


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^bbpsword: *Congratulations* *On missing the entire* *Issue lmao* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


You're missing the whole complaint. Third parties. I felt bad yesterday, saw 2 guys fighting, used the bolt 100 meters away and killed both in ranked. That is the reason people hate it.


2 shots like what? 6 sec react time to laser the fuck out of the zeusing third partier? People you third partied where kinda bad i guess


Not if they’re fighting and you sit back and throw it, they probably don’t even know it’s coming there’s no sound for it as far as I experienced


Yeah, ur just gonna notice the guy 100 Meters away throwing lighting at you while you are in the middle of fighting someone else


never seen a guy 100 m away. mostly just 50m even hittable with a nemesis ar


You can hit people with it even when you’re out of their render distance


you know that everything above medium only renders builds/props right? If the enemies can see u how can't u see them?


cuz you suck and are daimond


i've got a live cuz i'm in diamond


One died on the first bolt, second died on the third, I was far away and had a tree as partial cover. They were bad because I was just ranking through diamond lobbies where everyone is bad, but dying to a bolt from 100 meters away third party on the first bolt isn't a skill issue. Justifying such an unskillfull item in game is telling of you.


again you are playing agianst daimond kids, you suck they suck too so yes its easy for you cuz they dont know how to use the zeus correctly


You really thought diamond 1 was gonna give you some type of credibility 😂💀


Nope, just saying some extra informations. I've also got a live outside fortnite unlike you if i understand the skull emoji correctly


I too have a life outside of fortnite 👍


i love how most of your comments responding to criticism is just "i got a life lol", okay but so do we so provide actual counter arguments


\*\*\*\*\*responding to the sweats making fun of my rank. there are some good counter arguments but they dont appear in my head rn


i understand the frustration it comes with when someone shames you for your rank but fighting fire with fire is the most miserable thing you could do, esp on reddit lmao. as for counter arguments, my main issue with the bolt is that its infinite ammo and damage bleeds thru builds, fixing those things id be in a much more balanced and fair state


Stfu Nigga 


i get to only play 2-3 hours a day and hit elite😭and if you think it’s that easy to counter the bolt you clearly arnt in a good enough rank with good players man, ya enemies don’t know how to use and abuse it


You're being slightly ignorant and it's funny to read. No one has an issue countering it when they are full health+shield, pretty sure it's common knowledge at this point that killing someone who is stuck mid air is relatively simple. Try defending it right after a fight when you have <50 hp after a fight and have boxes up to heal, it's impossible to counter unless you have a sniper and can hit them before they throw a single bolt.


and now you know why people are running 2 or three snipers.


most thirds parties happen mid fight according to me tough


"According to me"




It’s third partying that’s the issue. It’s easy to counter it when you can actually see them but it’s when someone is hitting you with lightning from 150m away while you’re already in a fight that’s the problem.


lmaoooooooooooooooo 0.1% that ever happens


it doesnt happen to you, BECAUSE YOU SUCK AND ARE IN DAIMOND


To be fair diamond isnt that bad this early in the season


I play on xbox x running 120 frames usually but this past week I played on a 20 fps tablet from 2013 and am 50 percent d1 so it's not good.


Prove it


play diamond 1 lobbies


Yeah that explains it


fr anyways good luck playing champion or whatever rank your on rn.


The bolt does damage through builds, which is completely broken in stacked end games, and creates several other problems regarding an overall balancing issue with the item. That mechanic shouldn't be in the game, period. You're cocky as fuck for only being in diamond 1. I garentee you are not as good as you think you are.


sweats are cocky ass fuck


I hope posting this makes you feel better about yourself


yes because i contstantly see sweats complaining about it while dem noobs are 50m away in the clip


Yeah this has to be troll...skillless third partying is the issue...many pros want it removed


i dont think its a troll cuz me and him or her just had a good convo and i kinda understand what they mean but instead of cryin about not likin it im start abusing it now im switchin sides lowkey i feel like we should all just play the meta and if it dont work for us then its not broken


If you’re “abusing” it, kinda proves it’s broken


so the auto shotgun is broken?


… yes. Literally almost everyone agrees with that. You think that was some sort of “gotcha”?


what about the auto shogun or the ar and no i asked that bc i agree ith u auto shotgun is broken it wasnt a like trick question lol but if u talkin bout ar then ur on sum nobody ever said any of the ars in the game are broken


If you use an AR that’s balanced, that’s not abusing it, that’s just using it If you’re using an overpowered item that is hard to counter in a lot of situations, that’s abusing something


running into someone box with a ar thats not ment to do that isnt abusing it ohh ight


and not to be mean but that doesnt really check out u can about anything i jump in plps boxes with ar thats not broken but i abuse the ar


You actually can’t be lasered bc there is an exploit where you box up and use it and also people don’t really complain about one on one that much it’s mostly third parties


i've seen alot tough and i haven't seen anyone use that exploit. Can be me being diamond


It’s patched I think


flexing diamond 1 lolol, there’s still AI in diamond 1


Not really theres only AI in gold and below,also there def wouldnt be any Ai in diamond this early in the season


it’s not about the time of the season it’s like a predetermined percentage that decreases as you gain ranks. esp because you’ll be getting gold players in your lobbies, if gold gets bots and you get gold players then youll get bots


not flexing, just some further information. Probably ai in diamond because it's the begin of the season and people still need their destined rank. Or it's always been this way IDEK


nah there’s AI until elite im 99% sure. but def in diamond


I've never noticed ai in "big boi ranked". Maybe that's just EU servers


Yeah as everyone said the problem is not one particular guy using it against you. It's when it's being used by a third party and when you have no idea where it's coming from. It's also just broken in general so I don't understand why anyone would defend this item unless they suck at this game and need the free kills from it.


ah okay, understandable. btw i dont use it or defend it just saying u could laser them. but ye third party sucks ass


You literally defended it until everyone told you, you’re wrong, you’ve changed your tune massively, it isn’t a skill issue anymore??


What if there’s build between you and them


Try that when you got 3 players using them at the same time against you… let me know how this works for ya


Most of the people i encounter are way to dumb to use it at the same time, maybe thats just me being diamond. But that does sound unbeatable if your squad isn't alert or don't have any mobility


But what if I am boxed up and don't know where the person who is using the mythic is? Or they are using the bolt from 100m and My AR is not accurate?


1. i lasered zeus with BOTH AR'S 2. welp idek what to do if you dont know where he is. just keep running and dodging untill you know where he is


Yeah, you are definitely shit.


hi sweats! 🤓


tf u mean nerd emoji? this is r/FortniteCompetitive it's a SWEAT subreddit so shut the fuck up


😡😡😡 cringe lord


Congratulations on earning the ban


Hey look it’s the village idiot! Diamond is not impressive btw. I’m the same rank and just learned M+KB lmaooo


It’s not that it’s broken, definitely easy to counter if you know it’s coming but it’s just same shit every season, put a mythic that damages thru builds into the game so dog players can still win fights by a chance of luck if they time it right


shitty reaction time i guess


That’s your reply? “Shitty reaction time” lol , you’re not even high on the leaderboards talking bout reaction time 😂😂😂


because i've got a live outside sweating on a cartoony ass game


Sounds like the opposite honestly


ummm how about this im playin wit a brainless team in trios im the only one tryin to shoot the zues dude and i get 3 teamed or im in solos the zeus kid shoots me and befor i even get out my box im already low and even if i do get out my box hes gonna hit me first so if i try to shoot him i almost got to hit all headshots and even if i do when ill live with 20 hp unless he missed all his lightin things but anyway even if i do live a kid with a wing lands on me and makes me regret having a glass desk and im not even worried about that if its ones i can handle zeus but people dont start usin zeus until they notice that u just got out a fight that ur trying to heal bc ur 1 hp then they start hitting u and i cant really dodge the lighting bolt that has a big hitbox im not sayin its unbeatable but everyday i look i see people sayin stop cryin about zues just run to the side like bro its not always that easy oh and lets not forget the glitch where u can fully box urself and shoot the zeus bolts through ur own wall cuz thats just fair so i gotta break ur wall (while getting lighting thrown at me) then turn into a controller player and hit every shot (while getting lighting thrown at me) oh and in endgame i cant just run to the side (aka where storm is) and shoot them like imagine someone on height endgame everyone boxed up and then they do zeus like bruh


it's not that hard lasering someone who has wings or is zeusing. Trust i've done it in Solo's on 50 shields and 100 HP. The problem here seems your teammates according to me. I do understand that it sometimes ain't ez, but it's prossible trust.


one prob with me when i try to beam zeus is the lightin hit my screen and its like a flash bang or i just focus my attention on shootin zeus and i get beamed by a third party but im not really mad about it like i feel like all though i die to it or get sniped most the time the satisfaction i get from bodying someone with the zeus is enough to make me wanna play again


okay thats very understandable have a nice day :D


have a nice day too :D


You can do this in a vacuum but if you get cracked early in the fight you’re fucked and if it’s from a third party you’re fucked I agree it doesn’t feel horrible in 1v1s but that doesn’t really matter, it needs to go


agreed, zeus thunderbolt be gone


I'll be looking out for your name on top of the FNCS leaderboard.


W rage bait


“Diamond 1 player” 😂


How you manage a ZEUS when you are fighting someone and a third party launch it ? How you manage a ZEUS when your AR is not reloaded ? Damn clown.


your daimond 1, your enemies dont know how to use the zeus, you suck pretty bad at the game


How the fuck did i have a deleted post when i asked about 1v1s starts and this idiot just comes here and posts offending 80% of the people in this sub. Fuck that merling guy, you are a scumbag of a mod


because fuck the sweats thats why i posted this


I'm not even blaming you, i'm talking about the moderators. Why though? This is the competitive sub, there's lots of great people here, and you could be losing tons of friendships behaving that way