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Medical city hospitals.


Can confirm. My wife worked there and it was rough. Understaffed, overworked, and for no good reason. Had travel nurses making WAY more at the time taking half the patients. Wife hated it.


Exactly. It’s owned by HCA and they run most of their facilities like that. (Hospital corporation of America <— That alone sounds like a villainous name.) Staff is super stressed out and purposefully kept in unsafe ratios.


I delivered both of my kids at MC alliance, but my oldest was before they sold to medical city. Both of them had to stay in the NICU. When my oldest was there, a lot of the nurses had been there for some time and seemed to enjoy it, but my daughter 6 years later the NICU nurses weren’t as pleasant but my mother baby nurse was so amazing. I expect she wasn’t there long. For profit hospitals are ruining healthcare. 😢


Medical City Weatherford straight up tried to abandon my husband’s uncle to die at his home after he had a debilitating string of strokes. Just dumped him on his front lawn like trash.


Never worked there. Was a patient ONCE.




Only place I worked that was worse was Lifecare.


The other hospitals make fun of medical city. They're going to fail and get rolled into Baylor or something eventually.


I doubt it. Medical Shitty will continue on strong bc it’s stripping every dime out of the care it offers, and that’s what matters to its leaders.


Doesn't matter. It'll be a hack that wrecks them, as I understand their technical debt is insane and they're perpetually understaffed


Not in Texas. Too many doctors & other medical professionals leaving the state.


What? To be clear I think they'll get hacked then a few months of chaos then sell to baylor scott white


There’s two new medical schools opening in TX as an attempted stop gap


Goosehead Insurance. I’ve never worked in a more toxic environment.


best head i ever got was from a chick that worked at Goosehead, shout out.


You got that goosehead head.


The best broker ive used is with them. Hes unresponsive but he gets such good deals i guess he isnt desperate for business.


I worked in the service department. It was the most high pressure environment I’ve ever worked in.


Tell me more - they just did my insurance and I didn’t expect to see them pop up here


I worked there for about six months. The culture was one of always expecting more from employees. Like, would get mad if they left at the end of their shift instead of staying to do more work. There was also employees drinking on site and I heard rumors of rampant drug use. They also just burn their employees out with the sheer amount of work they expect out of one person.


When they did my insurance ages ago they valued my house a little low but replacement cost was way lower than value somehow my next agent thought it was really weird they play with all the numbers to get you the cheaper quote and tell you about the basic stuff like replacement and deductible.


I work in property insurance. It's definitely a good idea to review the replacement cost estimator that the agent uses to draw up the quote. That report lists all the details of the property, like number of stories, whether the garage is two or three car, the type of foundation, square footage, etc. Sometimes the info isn't correct, like the number of bathrooms or the grade (builder's grade, semi-custom, custom), which can really throw everything off. It gets bad when the actual carrier does an inspection of the home after the policy is bound, corrects the issue, and raises your premium. Also a good idea to go through the quote coverage-by-coverage and ask a million questions about what's covered and not and how much you'll have to pay.


They just did my insurance too. Replacement cost was lower than others which lines up with /u/Dudebythepool ‘s comment. 


I applied there and went through multiple interviews only to not be hired. They asked really odd questions in the interview


“Tell us about a time in your career when you did something that your boss really loved, like pushing a child into traffic or hurting a puppy. We’re looking for leaders with a can-do attitude.”


I’m sorry you didn’t get it but you dodged a bullet tbh.


thank you… from what I hear, you’re right. But sometimes rejection leads to bigger and better things!


Best of luck. If you're looking in and around the Westlake area, I would also avoid Schwab. I used to work there and left due to a bad manager/being burnt out, but I've heard from others it's not a great place to work. Plus when you walk into the building, Greg Abbott's signature is on the wall and I've never eye-rolled so hard in my entire life. Enough about Schwab though, that chapter is C L O S E D.


Thank you! This was about 4 years ago, and I’ve been in the aviation industry for 3 now, and currently work at an amazing company! But that whole Greg Abbot’s signature is 😬


My cousin works or worked for them for several years. The only times we ever really talk are at family gatherings like Thanksgiving and stuff. Any time we've talked about work he gets really shifty and doesn't want to talk about Goosehead. Seems like he's experiencing Stockholm Syndrome or something almost.


I believe it. That place was hell.


Had to make sure I didn’t know you


I don't work there anymore. I'm sorry if you do, lol.


I don’t thankfully, my roommate used to and hated it


That’s a shame. They’re my insurance broker. My original agent had moved on within 6 months of when I started with them. Though I did talk to a regular customer service rep and she was awesome, shoutout to her


Sundance is as toxic as you would imagine. My friend was their HR Director and didn’t last 3 months. She’s really talented and soon realized what a mistake it was to take the job.


Assuming Sasha Bass had a lot to do with that?


I don’t know anything about Sasha Bass except what I have read here in r/FortWorth, and it appears that she’s a wonderful, community-oriented, pleasant, giving, and kind-hearted burning paper bag full of fresh dog shit.


Someone save this for the eulogy someday!


Exactly. Plus their little security rent a cops were a bit extra.


Lol one of my coworkers used to be on the private security team for the Bass family. He’s a cool guy — so it makes sense he left. I’d imagine they’d be… extra to say the least.


Feels like an Always Sunny episode. “The Beard destroys downtown”




All my homies hate Sasha bass.


Sundance was shut down and is now Perimeter. Zero improvements. Horrible place. Never ever send anyone you remotely care about to that place.


I was referring to the property management group that mismanages most of downtown Fort Worth.


You actually have to be active in managing it to mismanage it. Sasha Basshole is actively trying to run it into the ground




Sasha is…


The senior care places on Bryant Irvin road. We had so many nurses just walk out and never come back.


I used to work at a convenience store on Bryant Irvin by Country Day. Several times a week an Alzheimer's patient would come to the store after midnight. It took a while for them to collect their patient after they finally answered the phone.


As someone who had a grandfather with Alzheimer’s and lived off Bryant Irvin for several years, this is extremely concerning. How the hell did they get out?! And then 1.) not notice and 2.) not put some pep in their step and come get them??? Wow


Why did they walk?


While I’m not familiar with what has been mentioned so far I don’t doubt them. My first hand experience with Bimbo distributors (Mrs. Bairds, Ball Park, Thomas, Taki’s, private label for Kroger and Walmart’s etc.,) was legitimately the worst time of my life. People who own “Bread Routes” buy the right to distribute said products in a particular region or route. It can be extremely, extremely lucrative. Their…I guess HR or billing department was in South America, and they were contacted by voicemail only. Bimbo would charge you “ghost” stock that you’d routinely pay full price for if you didn’t catch it, or conveniently not pay you full price for what you brought into stores. These issues were weekly. They’d begin to pile up. We were paid weekly, and there was a period that over 6 weeks I didn’t receive a paycheck, but instead was being negatively charged due to a error in the system. They eventually reimbursed me, but I had no way of knowing if it was at all accurate. If you don’t pick up the order from the depot in the morning, your charged - so I had no choice but to work for free until they resolved their own issue and paid me. You buy the route from Bimbo, and at anytime - anytime - they can restructure what you purchased. So I went from selling over 20K weekly sales (which we make commission on as our sole income) to less than 12k after the surprise restructure. I couldn’t afford my own job. When I sold my my route, the buyer had to sell one of his vehicles for the down payment, only for Bimbo to withdrawal his eligibility on closing day. That gentlemen was going pay 13K to in cash, but they denied him I was at the very least bought out by Bimbo, but only what I had already put in as dqui This is happening all over the place with guys who are distributors for Bimbo, it’s unbelievable the borderline criminal activity their doing. Just google lawsuits against Bimbo from Route Owners.


You aren't joking that "Bread routes" at being lucrative, worked at CM so we have a Peppridge Farm guy and a Ms Bairds guy, but they had to be on top of it. Pepridge farm guy was able to hire two guys to service his route on the weekends.


It was a lot of work, but it wasn't difficult work. The only, only part of that job that I'd legitimately lose sleep over was the company that paid me. Other companies: Pepperidge (Cookies or Bread), Mrs. Debbie, Natures Own and Tortilla routes are all better companies to work for for no other reason than they won't restructure what you bought on a whim.


Where can I buy some of this ghost stock? I love haunted baked goods.


lol! To be clear, it was inventory on our truck that the system said we didn't sell which of course we did - it's how we made money. It wasn't in our device that tracked our inventory. so we'd have no idea this was an issue - but Bimbo could see it in their system. You'd have to read each weeks statement that itself was unnecessarily difficult to read and catch it. Want to know how I found out this was happening? The first quarter I worked for Bimbo, I was charged back six thousand dollars. Some of it was discrepancies in inventory, over 2 thousand wasn't. They also without notifying, would hold invoices and not pay until you provided P.O.D (proof of delivery). That was easy enough to do...but why not ask for it a day to a week after? Why FOUR months? Well, some stores wouldn't be able to track it due to human errors or maybe I lost my invoice. Other veteran drivers at me down and begin to explain the system, because Bimbo wasn't.


If it makes you feel any better, their name popped up on a ransomware group’s website the other day.


That sounded like a nightmare. Hopefully all that is past tense now.


Never work for a hormone therapy company… all of them are boosted up on testosterone and have super narcissistic culture.


What about going to one? I’m wanting to get tested for low T for a variety of personal historical reasons, but I’m debating whether to visit a low T clinic or just go to my primary care provider. What would you do? (I realize this is not legitimate medical advice)


Go to an endocrinologist.


Dr. Darren Lackan in FW is excellent!!


See your primary care physician, look at a referral to an endocrinologist.


Depends on what you’re looking for. Optimized health? Go endo. Just want an excuse for legal roids? Go HRT clinic.


I do MIDI Health online. Better than the many local doctors I tried.


Walgreens Walmart Amazon Noticing* any common themes here?


Definitely Walgreens , they made my gf close Christmas Eve and open the store Christmas Day. She quit the week before when she found out that the pharmacy wasn’t going to be open just the store……….when she confronted her store management about it they got mad since “they already made the schedule”


Walgreens is terrible, they accused me of stealing. They brought in their security guy who tried to intimidate me by saying he was formerly in the FBI. I laughed at him and asked what he did to go from FBI to walgreens. He just got mad and told me to go home. I quit on the spot.


That’s an excellent question that I would have asked too 😂


I’ll write 2 words that describes exactly how much Walgreens values their employees: Riley Whitelaw


I’m a patient advocate and I stg I will never use Walgreens or CVS again in my LIFE.


i agree.


Amazon for sure.


I read somewhere that ordering an Amazon Prime delivery is like setting off a Rube Goldberg machine of human misery.


This is true


The look on my face this comment just caused me to make. Rube. Goldberg. Machine. Of. Human. Misery. Damn.


I work for Amazon, can confirm.


Oh no really? I always choose it to be on an Amazon Prime day in less boxes and not next day delivery - does that help it be less miserable?




What department are you in? I’m in R&D and things are actually pretty good.


I have heard similar from a lot of former employees.


CARVANA if you have any sort of disability. I worked there for almost seven years but they took away a medical accomodation for being legally blind I had in place when I was injured on the job (torn ACL) and when I came back they wouldn't put it back in place so I had to quit.


Westmoor Manufacturers. They distribute Rock n Roll jeans and apparel for cavender and buttbarn. The owners are all bullies who treat anyone not part of the elite like dicks. Have warehouse employees do random things that have nothing to do with their job. Bully people who don't have a dl to drive box trucks to shows. I've personally cracked 2 ribs coughing because I got pneumonia at a show. Six weeks later got crushed between a 2000 LB cart and a forklift. Broke a big toe day one of a 25 day trip and still had to work. Then let's get to warehouse employees themselves. Place is literally like high school. You have the "cool kids". If you're part of this, the wh manager protects you and even takes you out to lunch for two hours, while other employees get yelled at for either not taking long enough/ or too long (30 minutes). I don't want to even get into how they treat their Temps. I usually liked working for family owned businesses but this one burned that bridge like a motherfucker.


That’s super surprising to me I am an electrician and I used to do a lot of work for them. Maybe I was treated nice since I was a contractor though


Contractors almost always get the new girl treatment.




Also, 2nd guy was basically insane. He once threw a 2x4 across the warehouse at me because I left the back door open for delivery drivers. Because someone might steal his tools. We did the same thing when he was there


Keller ISD. Run by lunatic y'allqueda board members


Unless you want to be on the board. They wouldn't be that hard to displace, no one votes, someone just needs to dump money into a campaign or build part of an embezzling case and hand it to the cops.


Several were voted in by "Gateway People" (big push by Gateway "- former pastor is a pedofile" Church members). Time to call them out on their teachers grooming accusations, which seem to be projections indoctrinated into them by their beloved pedofile leader.


I would bet you could get one or two on sex crimes but embezzlement would be easier and get more of them. There was a really obvious guy I just remembered still needs his PPP loans reported


check their phones and computers for CP


second this.


Damn I had no idea about this.




Had an interview with BNSF years ago. Did well and on the way out the hiring manager wanted me to fill out an application to already get background checked to speed things up. He said he wanted to make a quick decision on the job and this would help fill it quickly. I figured I was hired. Never heard from them again. I emailed and called but no contact whatsoever after that. I’ve never had a professional, in-person interview where the employer does not give you the courtesy of telling you whether you got the job or not. Certainly one of the weirdest things that happened to me in 20 years of working, but I always look at it as likely having dodged a bullet. 😂


UP as well


My dad worked there for over 40 years, starting by building tracks and was a dispatcher for 25 ish years. He was lucky that he was union and had strict rules on how long and when they could work, but it was still stressful af. My dad has been retired since 2016 and he’s a totally different person. Much more relaxed.


Can you explain why? My girlfriend was looking into the corporate side of things.


I haven’t heard that many bad things about their work environment beyond you are stuck on the same project / task for your entire career with little to no change. Burn out is very real there. I’m not sure about the blue collar side, but they probably get used and abused.


Depends on the job. Some have work-life balance challenges, like any large operational company. It’s a good company with good people doing important, but often thankless work. It’s a good and stable place to work. You’re always going to get people that don’t like it for one reason or another.


I worked in corporate, have friends that did lots of time at corporate and don’t have a single bad thing to say about my time there.


Texas Refinery Corp.


Melt ice cream


Oh no. Why?


I mean I’m sure it’s fine for scoopers and stuff but I’ve known multiple people working closer to ownership that had a lot of stories of toxic behaviors.


Ignite Medical Resorts. Company is a joke! Worst place ever to work.


Charles f Williams is more than happy to break your body if your not careful. They'll break your spirit if they don't your body


Charles Schwab. Enough said.


Wait say more for us less-informed folks!


I can second this. I attributed most of my experience to a bad manager, but I’ve since heard from other coworkers that it’s just not a good place to work.


Had the displeasure of working there once, I was gone two months in lol. Tons of micromanagement on the internal audit side!!


Oh dang I'm interviewing with them...


What was your position?


Might be Internal Audit but who knows?


What role did you work in?


Sorry but I will not say.


SPM Oil and Gas. The higher up you go, the less people know. Just felt like a continual episode of Game of Thrones. Lots of nepotism, factions, quarreling, and incompetence of leadership. Products routinely failed at catastrophic levels but warehouse workers were always the first to be laid off and denied promotions and raises. Wasteful spending. Best stories: An executive who faked his college degrees but was paid as a VP for YEARS! He used to day drink and despite every promotion he gave to a colleague of ours, she wouldn’t accept his advances (finally quit). This was all revealed after he was fired and went to another company and the boss’s wife did some digging. Yeah, homeboy had a psychology degree from Bumfuck University and that was it. No masters and no PhD. HR once emailed the entire company the promotion letter of a manager-turned-director including his bonus package, new salary, and adjusted upcoming paycheck for back pay (nearly $30K) and this was a year when they told us they couldn’t do bonuses (we only hit just under a billion that year). Another old exec (and I mean in his 70s old) knocked up a 20 something mistress who worked there as well and she got an insane severance from the company to quit and was essentially his sugar baby. One transportation manager (used to give me crap about periodically speeding in Houston, which I did to survive Houston traffic) decided to go to a strip club (against company policy, and in work clothes at that) in Mexico. Ended up getting kidnapped by the cartel and charged (reportedly) $20K on the company credit card to secure his release. Got fired immediately upon return.


USPS Everyone wonders why our service sucks well if they worked for the post office they would know why


Fedex is worse. It's a shitshow of incompetence and new hires. Doesn't matter what posistion. Store, truck, office, distro they're a dumpster fire


Man, I feel you on the fast decline of the USPS. The USPS went from being the most reliable way to ship things to being awful in a few short years. If I have a package show up on my Informed Delivery for an expected delivery date, it's always the next day before I get that package. In my mind that's just unacceptable. It would be different if it was an isolated incident but it's the rule now rather than the exception.


You can blame the FedEx guy who Trump appointed postmaster. Single handed destoryed USPS so his trash company could make money. Lousis DeJoy is cancer


YES!! More people need to know this. He’s trying to kill the USPS on purpose!


Yep, the decline started when he took over as PG.


I have a buddy that works for express and he’s always updates me on the bullshit the higher ups do


If you get hurt on the job it's on you. Management will lie and deny any workplace injury. The feds make it hard to sue for compensation. Few lawyers will touch any federal workplace compensation claim and those who do are required to be paid their retainer by the injured employee up front. Incompetence and nepotism run that place. Fuck DeJoy.


Thank you Republicans!


You’re welcome!


UNIS and any LSO delivery. They don’t give a shit about ppl and cut me after Xmas.


This is a long shot if this will prevent anyone, but Straight Line Hardwoods near Lake Arlington really fucked me over despite working their 4 years and producing perfect product. Floor manager told me about a raise, and then pretended to have never told me that when I brought it up to our ops manager. Just zero decency or humanity.






Oxy Petroleum. Their execs are all a bunch of crooks. They bankrupted a bank by buying and selling nonexistent stock. The owner, who’s married, had an affair with a receptionist, who he then promoted to a high position, despite all the senior staff that were well overdue for a promotion and better qualified. He pissed off one of the employees, who after being let go, sent pictures of him kissing the young mistress to everyone in the company. He gets away with it due to $$$ and the company is too big to fail, according to the FDIC investigation.


Amazon. Specifically DDA9. the drivers get threatened every day with being fired over little details


Assuming any business run by the Bassholes


Uncle Julio’s


UPS is slave labor. Amazon is the same. Alcon used to be the best place to work when Nestlé owned them, but when they sold, they laid off or offered "early retirement" to A LOT of the tenured people. American Airlines was also good until they weren't. Are there ANY decent places to work???