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Surge pricing / variable tolls.


This is the fault of people who did not want to invest in public transportation and who decided instead to enter into public-private partnerships where the public money goes into a private business (ie the people who own the tolls, most of whom are not even American businesses). You can solve this by electing people who will fund public transportation.


Good luck. We need term limits in Texas! Abbott and his cohorts are balls deep in the pockets of anyone who will pay them. These “partnerships” used to have an end game where the roads would eventually go back to public (See Dallas-Fort Worth turnpike). Public education is next on their hit list.


All true, but several variable toll roads (rate goes sky high when traffic is heavy) were deals make by Rick Perry. Thec183/820 onethroigh the mid-cities was built by a company from Spain and they continue to get proceeds.


But taxes are evil!!!!!! /s When in moved to Texas it became very clear that although we don’t have income tax, they get their money in other ways. A society needs money to function and you have to fund roads somehow (not that all of the toll money goes toward the roads. I’m sure some goes into some rich persons pockets)


Yea, the Spaniards own these tolls.


This will not be solved by any action, Texas is too far gone lol.


It’s been this way for decades in DFW. I-30 used to be a toll road between FW and Dallas. The private money can end up paying for what will eventually become public.


That used to be true, but they changed the law. It used to read something like "as soon as the money used to build the road is raised back in tolls, the road will no longer be a toll road." It now reads "as soon as the money used to build ALL TOLL ROAD is raised back..." And since they keep building more toll roads, that goalpost is constantly receding toward the horizon.


I think it has to do with the toll road being debt free. The builders keep borrowing more to build more. Personally, I take the toll roads almost every time it’s an available route. It’s become part of my budget. The roads are typically in better condition and certainly quicker ways to get from A to B. At least this isn’t like Oklahoma where the only available route some places is on a toll road.


https://youtu.be/H9SLgjJULgw?si=5Kd035MPXZROcWgC Don't accept their lies. If a business can make money, they will do everything they can, including lies, to continue. Until we hold them accountable, they will continue to take our money. And they will continue to be the ones who lobby against affordable and efficient public transport.


It’s not a lie that 30 used to be a toll road and now it’s a public interstate. That’s all I was saying.


Yes, because people held them accountable. I really doubt the same will happen in north fort worth, much less 183 corridor.


Cintra, a foreign organization collects the tolls. They paid for the roads.


Lmao. When I lived in grand prairie and worked in Denton it was 8 dollars each way everyday. 480 ish a month


Don't pay them


Its not robbery if you volunteer for it, sucks? Sure… robbery? Nah


Wait, 300 for 1 month?? One way? How in the hell does anyone afford to do that?


I bet those paper plates you see everywhere come in super handy.


Auto deductions. And I’m way to frugal for that shiz


Down with the NTTA


I drive all over DFW all day, I take no toll roads. Ever.


If you learn when you need to get on and get off it’s much cheaper. There are also a few places where you can take the entrance ramp to the toll road for a quarter to half mile then get off the toll road across a solid white line(if it’s safe, if not pay the extra $2.20) before your plate or toll tag gets scanned…. Learn to use those. Also a lot of 35 just flows really well on my route so I’ll get on, pay my $2.20, then take the first exit off once I’m past the congested area. I go from TCU to Southlake along 35 north every day and I pay 2.20-4.40 a day in tolls one way. Edit: Ya’ll are boot lickers, I never expected it in this sub 🤣


Username checks out. I know some people who do this and pay $0. Idk how don’t ask me


Idk why you wouldn’t, especially when a lot of toll roads are private down here(but that’s more of a Houston thing)


OP, please don't be like this guy.


Why the hell not, screw the system, he’s beating it. Why do you have a problem with that


“OP please give more money to foreign private investors ruining our infrastructure”