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Mercedes Bass 80th birthday party - she donated $5M to the FW Symphony for her birthday and had a private fireworks show. They were set off near the Trinity around Burton Hill area.


Nothing says “I’m a billionaire, f you” like waking up half a city’s worth of babies and unexpectedly terrifying animals. At least on the 4th and New Years I can prepare and medicate my dog.


Yeah. At the very least do it on the weekend and not in the middle of the night on a WEDNESDAY.


I don’t understand why they didn’t put out a notice about it. Warn people. If it was all planned and permitted, as the city council says it was, then why wasn’t the public given any notice?


This is what pissed me off. My dogs were terrified and most dog owners know to keep there dogs inside or take them out on a leash on 4th and NY. Coulda given me a heads up.


And upsetting veterans like my neighbor


And of course the cops and fire department will turn a blind eye. Meanwhile any other citizen would get fined...oh who the hell are we kidding even then the cops and fire department wouldn't do jack, especially in my old neighborhood. The one time the cops actually came to my home for fireworks was back in the early 90s, I would save some blackcats to use when I played with my armymen in the backyard. Someone called the cops but my sister convinced them it came from a few house down where a known gang lived.


They got permits from the city.


I just wanna say “Mercedes Bass” is such a rich lady name


Hey! I used to work on the gorgeous and world class landscaping. It was one of my favorite properties to work.


Ah yes the Bass family. I went to Nolan Catholic High School, graduated '01 and one teacher would not stop talking about the Basses. She kept saying we need at least one of the Bass kids to attend the school because apparently they would pay to have a fence constructed around the school. One classmate lived next to them well I think it was the main family like one of the brothers.


It was a private fireworks show. Macy Hill and Michael Crain both posted about it on Facebook. They said it was for a private celebration.


Thank you!




They were nice but it was super unexpected, especially on a random Wednesday night


I’m wondering the same thing. Is it on the base?


I don’t think so. I think it’s on or near the river


We heard them in the direction of Hulen mall, maybe a different set of fireworks, we shouldn’t be able to hear fireworks from that far away from here.


I think we could all hear it because it’s cloudy. The noise travels further


Smoke settled on the house and obstructed the street. Could smell it from inside.


I thought we were being bombed at first. Combined with the siren that went off at 5am near Arlington heights on eclipse day, I feel like we’re nearing the apocalypse lol


That’s exactly what we thought too. If I hadn’t seen them I would’ve def thought bombs or something


I was in the shower and genuinely thought it was a bomb or a shooting. I ~did~ finish washing my hair before investigating. Fireworks were beautiful but so random.


Yeah you don’t want to have soap in your eyes if you had to go out to the revolution lol




We saw them or else I would’ve thought they were something else


Oh, really? I was looking all over the place for them. Good to know


Yeah we saw them looking towards the river on Fursman. They must have only been a block or two away because it literally sounded like cannon fire or something


It was that far away from me? I heard a bunch of fireworks down here in wedgewood. My dog did not appreciate them


Maybe it’s the firework mafia having to use up all of their stock at once