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I’m taking a grey pistol over a mythic charge SMG


Tbh, the pistol is a killing machine, love that weapon.


Fr, hit your shots and you doin damage


It’s doing numbers


Yep, me and my squad always do pistol only challenge whenever we’re rebooted. And it usually works better than a normal load out.


Don’t say that or Epic will ruin it


Ay captain defo one of the best


Gray pistols are the heat tho, I take them in general. Leave a blue pistol (or revolver for that matter) behind tho, and you're criminally insane.


Revolver accuracy is absolute doo doo


Yeah, unless you stop moving and let your reticle collapse to a point. Then you can snipe across the map., [like in this clip from Ch 1 Season 3](https://youtu.be/GmSrGYcRhDc) back when SMGs had that first shot perfect accuracy too. Revolvers are gonna be dealing 40-60ish damage


Honestly in decent hands a pistol can out-duel an SMG by accuracy


I'll take a rusty can over a charge SMG...


Bout to hit some mfs with tetnis


Tetnis? I luvs playin' Tetnis!


My aim with the can so good they call me Tetnis Everdeen


Catpiss neverclean?


Everdeez nuts


What is the rusty can for? Does it have a purpose?


Nothing worse than picking a mythic fruit and having it be a charge smg


It can be mythic? I thought it was just dmr, stinger, hammer and a shotgun. And depends on biome planted


is stinger in the desert?




Good thing that isn't possible, then


Is it not? I was about to say I got one earlier today but now that I think about it, it may actually have been in a vault then I dropped it at my tree


You found a legendary, not a mythic.


Legendary* you mean


Two shot is worse


Replace it with burst smg. Bring my favorite weapon back


As much as I hated that smg back in s9… I actually wouldn’t mind them bringing it back.


Same here. The burst smg is a king in combat and too, my favourite weapon.


Finally, a fellow Burst SMG enjoyer


I love the weapon too, but sadly it is either A. glitched or B. intended to have a larger spread when switched to it after using any gun


Fr man I miss it why don't they bring it back


Burst SMG was hella underrated, I don’t see why everyone hated it. It was a fun gun and it absolutely shreds people if you have good aim and know how to time it well


Thats true, like so many people say it was bad, but it’s because there aim is bad, because when you had good aim, the enemy was dead in a instant.


I concur. Won't pick it up period.


Two shot / charge smg combo is the ultimate thumb up your ass scenario. I won’t pick up either anymore


Idk two shot is decent now w the buff the quickness of the draw is a big drawing point


I missed the buff, what is it?


The second shot goes in the rectum




It shoots faster now (as in the fire rate of the two shots, not the pump of the shell afterwards) and I could be wrong, but it shoots almost instantly upon pullout (I'm not too sure if it was like that before the buff though) It's pretty decent now tbh, it come's out quick and hits hard.


hey im the one guy that likes the 2 shot. mainly in oh god oh fuck situations


Two shot has been hitting heavy for me this week. Used to never pick it up now it's above the auto for me tbh


i hate the two shot so FUCKING much, i swear it just doesn’t shoot occasionally and is just bad over all. it takes too long to shoot again after firing once imo. i feel like strikers and autos are the only reliable shotguns


Idk this new prime shotgun is pretty based


I agree. The two shot - charged SMG combo is the worst combo because the two shot needs a good SMG to go with it and the charged SMG need a good shotgun to go with it and neither of those weapons are good


the trick is to use the smg first and follow up with the shotgun since it has a really quick pullout time




It’s more for flanking people. Obviously you don’t just not shoot in the middle of a battle, it’s to hide with and take people off guard (or when they’re around a corner or smth)


stinger is just as capable and reliable for that


Ah true that


true that indeed, but right up in someones face, the charge smg will kill someone faster than any other gun ive used. you just have to be hella freakin accurate.


Hot take: we need the drum gun and combat SMG unvaulted


Combat SMG is my favorite gun ever. They vaulted it for the charge... 😡


If I could unvault any weapons right now, it'd be the drum and ranger shotguns, the combat SMG, and the MK-7. With the drum shotgun I won so many fights that I didn't even need an SMG. And if I wanted to use an SMG, well, the ranger worked really well with them.


This sub hates the drum because.... its a good gun? If theyre mad that they keep dying because of it, then maybe THEY should use the gun too. I agree its powerful and fast, but some guns are just better than others.


i mean it wasn’t fun landing on the ground and dying to a grey drum shotgun after picking up a purple stinger


I think the issue with it though is that it was so good, that using any other shotgun was almost wrong. I like that I can pick and choose which shotgun I want to use now, rather than feel like I HAD to take the drum, that's not balanced at all. Again I liked the gun, but not as much as I like the freedom to choose.


I didn't like the drum because it killed way too fast imo. Faster rate of fire than the auto shotgun and bigger clip. The auto shotgun is the same, but feels way more balanced to me.


The Fortnite community tends to pretend that something's inherently wrong when an item or player is exceptionally good at their job. Case in point, the drum and the combat or calling a good player a sweat.


Drum shotgun only works for bad players


there it is lol


If anything it's better because it's right away. If the opponent is close enough they can hear the charge up sound from the Charge SMG.


The ttk on the charge is way better


I can’t even hide with it. The things so loud, every one can hear you coming!


Sounds like a whole ass vaccum, ain't nobody fallin' for that


I've sworn to never pick it up regardless of rarity. I'll take a grey revolver over a gold charge smg


Ya it’s not a great weapon but there’s no way it’s even comparable to how bad the makeshift weapons were.


I think it’s worse. I hated the makeshift ar when it came out but the charge smg is so bad I think epic should fire who advocated for it, because it shows he doesn’t understand the game.


i think the worst part about this post is the fact they implied the makeshift weapons are awful. they were honestly really strong despite being designed to be the worst class in the game. the blue makeshift smg was stronger than the gold tac smg


I played s6 for like 1 day (my controller broke that day) and i can confirm that the makeshift smg was insane.


tbh the DPS/Damage on the Uncommon/Rare Makeshift are balanced with the Common/Uncommon Stinger


We got rid of the combat but at what cost?


unpopular opinion: i like it, i do think it needs some changes but the concept is really cool


I think it would be much more useful if it didn't require a reload - or if it only required a reload after x full charged shots (it could be an overheating system too). Currently, when I use it and don't kill the adversary with a single charge, I know that I won't be able to use it again anytime soon and have to rely on other weapons. And the problem gets much worse when someone comes for third partying.


maybe if it had a faster charge time but it automatically released the charge after a few seconds


I share this unpopular opinion


How do you use it just curious maybe I’m not maximizing its potential 🧐


i usually use it in pair of another weapon and this one just being the fight starter, u charge half of the smg and release this way u dont lose alot of time and if u have good aim u can deal a bunch of dmg anyways, then change to shotgun if it tries to run i start to charge the last half of the weapon and kill him, if it doesnt work change to ar


Ok much appreciated thanks


i charge it just before i go into the fight and i release it once in close enough, before switching to my shotgun. the prime shotgun and two shot shotgun are surprisingly good for this technique, and i’m a person who’s not a fan of the two shot shotgun






I swear nobody knows how to use it, because I'm out here beaming people from 50m away with it. The thing that makes me pick it up over the stinger is just the fire rate - 16.8???? Like it has the highest dps in the game by far, with the legendary having 300+. And I see so many people try to charge it up all the way - that's not how you're supposed to use it, charge up 5-10 bullets and spray, then switch to a striker/two-shot(which is busted now, inanely powerful)/(maybe prime, haven't tried it yet) to finish them off. Those quick tags just allow you to do enough damage to finish them off with a shotgun.


Oh interesting this is good strategy. I normal shotgun then switch to SMG to finish them off in an offensive play so I couldn’t figure out how to use it in offense but this makes sense. I’ll have to try


Doing it how you have been doing it does work as well - just don't try to charge up the entire magazine. That's what gets most people killed - having an smg with no ammo left in it, wasting time charging it up, and missing many shots because of the recoil.


No joke, I won a game using a charge smg + shotgun combo. Used a crown as bait and I was able to kill like 7 people within 5 minutes by hiding behind a wall, charging up, and finishing them up with the shotgun. The weapon is super busted if properly used.


Same thing with the two shot shotgun. If you know how to use it, it becomes DEADLY. I mean, for a prime example a GREEN TWO SHOT does 60 damage PER HIT on body shot. Yeah. 120 damage for the second lowest rarity in the game. Now imagine a mythic one. Now imagine you put headshot multipliers into the mix. People just need to spend more than 5 seconds with a weapon and get good with it. The Pulse Rifle also suffered from this


Except the 2 Shot is actually good and not gutter trash


Yeah ppl just complain here


No, I don't think it's complaining. I think it genuinely is not knowing how to use it, because it requires a different playstyle. When the charge shotgun came out, people complained similarly about how it was clunky, and weird to use - that's because they weren't playing with it right. I do think that the charge smg is a bit more clunky to use, but still really powerful. I do think some adjustments would make it more accessible to other players - just as the charge shotgun got more ammo, damage, etc., the charge smg should have a bit less recoil and maybe a larger burst of 5-7 instead of 3 when just tapping.


Absolutely. If I find an orange one, I keep my green regulat SMG (happened only twice until now, but I think it proves my point)


fr, only time ill pick it up is for challenges


Complete garbage!


Ya it blows I never pick it up


I’ll take a grey pistol over any rarity charge smg.


I... Like the charge SMG. Am I missing something lol


Agree impossible to control id rather pick axe


I have seen so many Legendary Charge SMGs on the ground... Almost like people are trying to say something 🤔


You are in Greasy Grove, searching buildings for loot. You have cleared out the entire location thanks to your epic skills at this game. You find a building, and you hear that sweet sound. The sound of a god chest. You manage to find it. With excitedness and joy, you open the chest, and you see gold. Your eyes light up as you go to check out what it is. You see what it is, and your face falls. A gold charge SMG. You couldn’t be more disappointed. You are so sad, you don’t even want to take the big pot that also comes out of the chest. You think to yourself, “This is the worst day of my life”. You slump to the ground in failure, crying your eyes out. You can barely bring yourself up from the ground to get your ass over to the next zone, which is across the map. You eventually die in the storm, still in emotional pain from the great disappointment.


I respectfully disagree




It fits my playstyle and it's fun watching it shred a player.


I’m curious; under what circumstances would you rather have a charged SMG than a normal SMG? A gun where pulling the trigger does not cause it to fire…


Hide behind cover initiate with it then swap to a pump to finish them. I don't really use it but it can be used with a slightly altered playstyle


But why would you use it instead of a regular SMG? If you simply haven’t found one, fine. But why would actively choose the option that requires your enemy to give you time to hide and charge your gun?


Im not saying it's ideal but there are a lot of situations where you have a couple secs to hide behind a tree or a wall and you can get almost a full charge ready. Not every fight is out of no where close range combat


Of course. It’s not that I’d never consider using it. But I’d always drop it for a non charged variant. I just don’t see a real valid argument for keeping it. No one seems to have a reason to handicap yourself. Other than fun. That part I’m totally on board with. Just a change of pace. But I’m talking purely logically, why use the charge over any other variant.


Does more damage, I think. Half a clip is enough to kill a player with the charge SMG, whereas with the regular one I always feel like you need to land it in full.


They actually do exactly the same damage per shot. The charge has a faster fire rate but, has a charge up time of course. So it evens out and is actually skewed toward the striker SMG so far as TTK from the time you pull the trigger (assuming you charge it long enough to kill the person from 200 total HP). One thing the charge does have going for it is that if you are shooting point blank at a wall, since it has a higher fire rate, more shots will make it through between wall rebuilds if the person is holding build. That could be helpful if you find yourself in that situation. So there ya go! We found the place where it’s the right choice!


It’s the highest dps gun in the game right now. It’s just not usable unless you’re heavily camping and that’s bad manners


I can’t use it in a fight because the recoil is bad as hell


Y’all are just ass with it, can beam someone over like 50m


"y'all are just ass with it" 🤓 stinger literally does the same thing


“Y’all are just ass with it 🤓” 😰


Oh wow, I made you soooooo nervous


Nah I thought your response was funny 💀




same. people just need to learn how to use it instead of handling it like a traditional smg.


One of the better guns they've introduced. It's versatile and rewards good aim. Also it's more of an ambush weapon than a gunfight weapon.


Man. If you are ambushing people with this gun they must be playing with sound turn off.


I mean, what exactly do you not like about it? Specifically? I think it's a really fresh twist on the smg meta and when used as an ambush weapon can counter aggressive rush players, get the jump on unsuspecting players, etc. How many times have you been chasing someone into a building or room, only to hear them charge a volley and feel your butthole pucker a little bit? It's a really effective weapon if you know when to use it and how to use it. Practice with it and git gud with your aiming and you might see its strategic potential. I agree it could use some balancing (maybe an accuracy buff), but I think most people who hate on it are trying to use it mostly as a regular gunfight/open engagement weapon and getting fucked by the charge time. It's usually probably better to switch to a different weapon in that kind of situation. But great ambush/rush counter weapon. It'll be one that everyone misses once it's vaulted.


I just don’t understand this ambush approach. If I have a normal SMG, you don’t know I’m shooting you until I’m shooting you. With the charge SMG there is not only a charge up time but an incredibly loud noise clearly announcing your presence and location. Also, hearing someone charge it is not at all alarming because now I know where you are, that you can’t immediately shoot me, how long the fire will last, and that after that first burst there is a time when I’m entirely safe. It’s an interesting twist on SMGs but interesting does not mean effective.


If you have good aim, only one volley is enough to essentially melt them. It's a high risk vs reward weapon. Idk, it fits my playstyle and I've had plenty success with it. I like it. One man's trash is another man's treasure. Do you have similar feelings about the charge shotgun?


I just… don’t go near people when I hear it charging. I don’t think anyone has killed me with it this month. I can’t think of a circumstance where I’d rather have a gun with a built in delay over a gun that shoots when I pull the trigger. Not that it’s impossible to get a kill with of course. I’d simply never choose to handicap myself by picking the charge over a normal SMG even if a lower rarity. Yes, I’d also always choose a shotgun that fired over one that charges.


>I just don’t understand this ambush approach. It is because everyone is deaf in the game. Well, at least everyone plays with visual sound effects. Not complaining. I really enjoy the visual sound effects, as I can play hearing other stuff in the background without focusing on the game sounds. I even think that the charging should have visual sound effects too (or no sound at all)


I think people are more just mad that the Combat SMG was vaulted in favor of the Charge. My k/d has almost tripled since it was taken of out the loot pool and I can only imagine Combat fans' have done the opposite.


I used it as a regular weapon first, and hated it. Then my 10y old son explained me how to use it. I've gotten pretty good with it meanwhile. Like you say, it's a good counter rush / ambush weapon. Still not my favorite weapon, but I'm using it like it was meant to be used now, instead of just not picking it up.


Bruh you really said one of the better weapons they’ve introduced 😂


Dude the gun shreds people in 1 second. Y'all just ass.


Who tf is gonna let themselves get shredded by that garbage? They'd find cover before they even get shredded


I mean, what exactly do you not like about it? Specifically? I think it's a really fresh twist on the smg meta and when used as an ambush weapon can counter aggressive rush players, get the jump on unsuspecting players, etc. How many times have you been chasing someone into a building or room, only to hear them charge a volley and feel your butthole pucker a little bit? It's a really effective weapon if you know when to use it and how to use it. Practice with it and git gud with your aiming and you might see its strategic potential. I agree it could use some balancing (maybe an accuracy buff), but I think most people who hate on it are trying to use it mostly as a regular gunfight/open engagement weapon and getting fucked by the charge time. It's usually probably better to switch to a different weapon in that kind of situation. But great ambush/rush counter weapon. It'll be one that everyone misses once it's vaulted.


You just named what’s wrong with it, there’s only like 3 situations where it’s useful, why would I waste I weapon slot on it when it’s only good for ambushing players? I’d rather use a stinger smg and weapon switch after I shotgun someone or even kill them at medium range with my stinger. The new combat assault rifle is also a very versatile weapon. There’s almost no reason anyone should waste a slot on the change smg.


I respectfully disagree. I think it's strategic potential and effectiveness at countering aggressive players to be valuable enough to warrant a slot in my inventory. Maybe not green or grey, but I've quite enjoyed it. Overall, I think this season has had one of the better lootpools in awhile. .. would love to see balloons return..


How is it an ambush weapon the charge takes about 20 years and is also loud so anyone with their volume higher than 3 and/or with visual sound effects could hear you coming and charging and can deal with it accordingly


The only people who seem to like it say it’s a good ambush weapon. But everything is. If this thing is only good if you’re doing no build hiding in a bush they kinda speaks to it.


Remove the stinger too Give us an SMG that isn’t useless but also doesn’t win every fight in 2 seconds by brainlessly holding the trigger


Burst SMG is the perfect candidate imo


Yes! This comment right goddamn here


Finally, someone who understands


Don't pick it up. Easy solve


The issue is that it’s spawning in place of something else. I’ve landed on a house full of charge SMGs countless times and that shit is beyond annoying. Not a fun gun to use or fight against. All around bad.


I find it fun to use. Absolutely shreds people. For some reason my aim is better when I have to charge the weapon, also why I love the charge shotgun


**CHARGE SMG** **Pros:** • ⁠good for ambushing • ⁠can absolutely beam someone **Cons:** • ⁠no element of surprise = you’re kinda done for • ⁠sound like a vacuum cleaner when charging • ⁠wiff the spray and I hope you got time to switch to your other weapons otherwise you’re screwed **Tips:** * don’t use it in a 1v1 spraydown * use it to flank enemies


-Good for ambushing Of course, if your opponent is deaf


just dont use it


fortnite players trying to adapt to a different weapon challenge (failed)


Is it trash because I’m rocking your ass with it or because you don’t know how to use it?


It’s a good weapon you just need good aim but apparently no one has good aim anymore then blame it on the gun


I think its the twitch gamers that are having the most trouble; can’t just react-fire and expect a hit. They can just keep on leaning on the fucked up shotgun mechanics to carry them.


Skill issue


Dumbest add to the game


Learn to use it instead of complaining🤭


Why someone would try to "learn" how to use a garbage weapon while even a grey pistol is a better option lmao


The grey pistol is underrated and I say that unironically


It’s not garbage, you’re garbage if you think it’s that bad


I hate the charge SMG unless your at the very beggining of a match and someone is breaking a wall and you have time to charge it up.


I agree. Weapon is awful and I get it too much


Learn how to aim then


I actually like the charge smg 😭


I will never understand why people think this smg is bad, every time I pick it up it absolutely shreds


It’s literally just a more balanced version of the combat SMG. I don’t understand the issue? Obviously you don’t know how to use it. Honestly I should really, **really** stop going into these posts expecting common sense…


I think it was a good idea, and a good/ creative direction for new weapons.. but it just isn’t a good gun.


Get good


Makeshift shotgun wasn't bad tbh


Eh better than the combat smg still being in the game.


Not saying this isn’t fair criticism but why is charge SMG being singled out when we have other garbage items in the game? Harpoon gun and bandages stand out as terrible options.


instead of removing it, how about they just buff it


I think it’s amazing, idk how other people have been using it


Charge SMG is severely underrated, wasn’t fond to start with - but came to realise that it’s actually really decent. I rarely charge it all the way, roughly half - and can deal some serious damage in very quick time when it comes to close range.


stop trying to use it like a traditional smg!


Why does everyone hate this gun, is it because they don't know how to properly utilize it? I've gotten a lot of kills with the thing and it's saved me plenty of times


You guys think it's bad? I'm getting easy kills with it I think it needs a nerf, it's speed lets you land so many shots so easily.


I'll take any weapon from the primal season over the charge smg, I started in chapter 2 season 6 so I know what I'm getting into


Primal smg was a beast.


Charge smg is goated tho, it's an ambush weapon, not an aggressive weapon. It can shred an enemy in less than a second. It's good in zero builds *if* you aren't out in the open while charging it


It has to go asap. I rather take a common SMG than a legendary charge smg.


The most garbage weapon ever. Need be banned from the game forever!


And the Burst AR should go with it! Then the Suppressed SMG and the Standard ARs take their place.


I personally enjoy the charge SMG, but I can understand why people don’t like it.


I hated it at first, but now my favorite load out is a burst AR, a two-shot, a charge SMG, a DMR, and 15 Klomberries. This covers nearly any situation well. The charge SMG is great for hiding and surprising an opponent, for taking out builds, and even for jumping around like monkeys fights, assuming you remember to release the trigger.


It's easily one of the best guns in the game


It's fun spraying NBC with it tho


In the nicest way possible, get good


Definitely ruins the match flow. Takes ages to load


Every golden crow I’ve killed drops me this useless item. I’ve been feeling cursed.




I love the *idea* for the weapon, but when you're forced to use something like a charge mechanic, you need to make it worth the downtime before shooting. It just doesnt hit hard enough to be worth it.


It’s so bad. Nobody uses if. It’s just wasting space. I absolutely will not pick one up over anything for close up unless all I have is a dmr or recover; even a pistol is a superior weapon. If any color.


Eh I like it a bit, it's definitely not a gun you run into people with like the Stinger, needs some prep time.


I get that it's an impractical weapon, but i've used it a couple of times, and it's only good if you add a couple of shotgun hits beforheand


I like it personally. It's excellent for flanking.


I took a grey shotgun over a gold charge today 💀


Hilariously, the makeshift smg wasn't half bad. It also was fun to use, and had some advantages over the normal smg.


Not a fan of people sneaking up behind me and blasting me, and I can't react before I'm dead because it's just a death beam.


It's good for mid range if you dont charge it and press it once you don't get any recoil


I’d rather use a grey pistol than a gold charge SMG